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PEP4 Unit 6 At A Farm Lesson 1 Go to the farm 教案设计二十九团孔雀中学 郑荣PEP4 Unit 6 At A Farm Lesson 1 Go to the farm 教案设计一、教学目标:1语言知识目标:(1)Words复习有关animals的单词。 学习新单词:hen sheep cow horse goat lamb以及复数的表达方式。(2) 熟练掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用。 What are they? They are goats.2能力目标(1)熟练运用How many?了解各种动物的数量。(2)能听懂并发出与农场相关的简单指令,并做出相应的动作,如:Milk a cow.3 情感、文化目标:(1)在教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。(2)激发学生爱护动物的情怀。二、教学重、难点:1.重点:掌握6个农场动物的单词,并能运用新句型进行问答。2.难点:“horse”与“lamb”的发音,以及sheep的单复数同形。三、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up1.Greetings.How are you today? Whats the weather like today?Lead-in:T: What a lovely day! Ill take you to an interesting place. Guess, what place is it? Lets enjoy a flash.2. Enjoy a flash “Old McDonald had a farm”(引出farm)Teach: farmT: Yeah, its a farm. Do you like animals? Today Well go to the Old McDonalds farm. What animals can you see at the farm?(媒体播放开车去农场的景象。给学生一种身临其境的感觉。出示一张农场的图片,让学生说出自己认识的动物来复习以前学过的动物。 让学生在平等尊重的氛围中,以积极、愉悦的心态融入到教师设计的教学流程中。)3. Make a dialogue:A: Whats this?B: Its a.A: How many.s can you see?B: .(教师通过设计师生对话环节给学生提供一个充分表现自我的机会, 为学生营造学习英语的良好氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,从而自然引入对本节课新知的学习。)Step 2 Presentation 1. New words(1)Lead-in:T: Just now we saw some animals. Old McDonald has some other animals. Do you want to know them? Lets look together.(通过媒体资源给学生呈现出“Lets learn”的教学资源,让学生观看教学内容,T:What animals can you see? Now listen.学生观看课件2遍,教师点击有关新单词部分,学生可跟读新单词,.以便让学生充分感知新的知识。) (2)教师出示“一头牛”的媒体图片,同时出示单词卡片:cow,可让会的学生教读大家。一个一个的传递图片说出单词。然后出示“一群牛”的媒体图片,问学生: What are they ?引导学生回答:They are cows.(3)教师出示“一只鸡”的媒体图片,同时出示单词卡片:hen,可让会的学生教读大家。然后出示“一群鸡”的媒体图片,问学生: What are they ?引导学生回答:T hey are hens. T: we are hungry, we can get eggs from the hens. But the hens are hungry, what will you do?然后通过身体动作表现“Feed the hens ”教学短语。T: Yes, you can feed the hens. (4)教师出示“一匹马”的媒体图片,问:Whats this?教读horse,强调or的发音,Lets ride a horse.对比学习。最后出示一群马的图片,仿照上面教读horses。(5)教师出示“一只山羊”的媒体图片,同时出示单词卡片:goat,可让会的学生教读大家。然后出示“一群山羊”的媒体图片,问学生: What are they ?引导学生回答:They are goats.最后给出山羊图片和绵羊图片让学生区分。(6)ee, /i:/ feed (渗透音标教学)教师出示“一只绵羊”的媒体图片,同时出示单词卡片: sheep ,T: Whats this?教学生拼读,注意 ee 在 sheep 中的发音。通过身体动作表现“ Shear a sheep ”教学短语。然后出示“一群绵羊”的媒体图片,问学生: What are they ?引导学生回答:T hey are sheep.教师并特别提醒学生注意 sheep 的复数形式。(7)教师出示“一只羊羔”的媒体图片,同时出示单词卡片:lamb,教师通过大小声示范让学生注意发音,然后学生自读,出示“一群羊羔”的媒体图片,问学生: What are they ?引导学生回答:They are lambs. 2. Play a game: What is it? (在轻松的环境中巩固新词)3. Lets do(在轻松的环境中巩固新词和短语P70)4. Make friends with animalsA: Look at these animals.B: Great!A: What are they?B: They are.Step 3 ExtensionLead-in:T: Oh, lets listen to the animals voice. Sheep-baa,baa Cow-moo,moo Pig-oinc,oinc1. Dialogue: Lets talk(拓展donkey和Are they.及肯定和否定回答)2. An article(拓展carrot等词及There be句型,为下面的课时做好准备)Step 4 Dialogue1)A: What are they? Are they?B: Yes, they are.A: How manycan you see? B: 2)A: What are they? Are they?B: No, they arent. They areStep 5 summaryStep 6 homework1、Read P70。读70页所学内容。2、Design your own farm and talk about it in groups.设计自己的农场,在小组里介绍一下。四、板书设计Unit 6 At A FarmLesson 1 Go to the farmWhat are they?They are单词图片

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