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Unit1 Lifestyle语境记忆小文章1Everyone has his own lifestyle in modern society .Some like living a peaceful and relaxing life, while others prefer a busy and stressful one. Here are two examples for you. My cousin, Mark, belongs to the first kind. Every morning when he opens his eyes, the first thing for him to do is to switch on the TV. He also likes to switch over frequently . He never gets bored of any programmes and doesnt switch it off until his wife asks him to have breakfast. His wife always complains about him for this. Sometimes she even cant stand his behaviour , but Mark doesnt mind.He hopes that watching TV takes up all his spare time and wants to be a couch potato, because he doesnt like the life full of pressure .My friend, Helen, who graduated from a famous university , is now an accountant in a big company in the center of London.Every morning, when her alarm clock goes off,she jumps out of her bed.With a little breakfast, she hurried to catch the 7:15 crowded tube,otherwise shell be late for work, because she doesnt live nearby London. Helens whole day is always filled with urgent matters. For her, every minute matters and she even has no time to deal with her personal emails.Helens job is full of challenge and stress. Sometimes, to finish a report, she has to bring the documents back home to work until midnight. Besides, she is studying how to design advertisements by distance learning. I once told her to reduce her work and join in more social activities,but she refused .As a result,she suffered from sickness and has to turn to the doctor for help. The health expert tells her the only thing to solve her healthy problem is to stop working and have a good rest.Which lifestyle do you prefer? I suppose everyone has his own choice.在现代社会里每个人都有自己的生活方式。有的喜欢平静、轻松的生活,而有的更喜欢过忙碌的、充满压力的生活。这里有两个例子。我的堂弟,马克,属于第一类。每天早上他睁开眼的第一件事就是打开电视。他还喜欢频繁地转换频道。而且他对任何节目都不会感到厌烦。直到他的妻子喊他吃早饭他才肯关上电视。他的妻子因此经常抱怨他。有时候她甚至忍受不了他的这种行为,但马克不在乎。他希望电视占据自己所有的空闲时间,他想成为一个终日懒散在家的人,因为他不喜欢充满压力的生活。我的朋友海伦,毕业于一所名校,现在在伦敦中心的一家大公司当会计。每天早上闹铃一响,她就立刻从床上跳起来。吃一点早饭,她就急匆匆地去赶7:15的拥挤的地铁,否则的话她就会迟到,因为她没住在伦敦附近。海伦一整天都是紧急的事情。对她来说,每分钟都很要紧。她甚至没有时间处理个人的电子邮件。海伦的工作充满挑战和压力。有时候为了完成一份报告,她不得不把文件带回家一直工作到午夜。而且,她还通过远程学习学习如何设计广告。我曾经告诉她要减少一下工作,多参加一些社交活动,但她拒绝了。结果,她患上了病不得不向医生求助。健康专家告诉她解决她的健康问题的唯一办法是停止工作,好好休息。 你更喜欢哪种生活方式?我猜想每个人都有自己的选择。Unit2 Heroes 语境记忆小文章2Tom, an American famous badminton bdmintn athlete li:t, has won several world champions tmpjnz and two Olympic ulimpik champions. Many teenagers admire dmai him very much and regard him as a superman or superhero sju:p.hiru. Although born in a poor area in California klif:nj, which was full of drugs drgz and violence vailns then. Tom doesnt become a young man who commits kmits crimes kraimz and doesnt get involved invlvd with any cases. Instead, he has become a generous denrs and confident knfidnt man with high quality kwliti. He is keen on the charity triti and founded non-profit nuprfit organization :gnaizein to help the disabled diseibld and homeless humls. The following is his story. Toms parents didnt get on well with each other and the relationship between them was very awful :ful, so when he was only five, they divorced div:st. Tom stayed with his father. Because of the racism reisizm then, Tom didnt get equal i:kwl right to get education.Fortunately fitnitli, at 10, he was found by a coach and began to play badminton. In the first few years, the sport was far too difficult for him and his results were bad. He even wanted to give it up. It was his fathers love and support that pulled him though. At his first important event ivent, he showed unusual nju:ul ability biliti. He competed kmpi:tid with famous athletes and turned out to be the fifth place,It was amazing meizi! With time going by. he became more skilful skilful and came to a brilliant briljnt stage steid. He has owned millions miljnz of fans. When he waves weivz to them at the court,his fans reacted riktid excitedly iksaitidli. They are absolutely bslu:tli crazy kreizi about him. In a recent ri:snt interview intvju:, Tom told the reporter that he dreamed of becoming an astronaut strn:t when he was a child,soaring s:ri in the sky and exploring the universe ju:niv:s on a manned spaceship. In Toms opinion pinjn, its useless ju:sls complaining ahout your family and background and everyone has the chance to succeed as long as he works hard. 汤姆是美国一位著名的羽毛球运动员,他已经赢得丁好几个世界冠军和两个奥运会冠军。许多青少年非常钦佩他,把他视为超人或超级英雄。 虽然出生在加利佛尼亚的一个充满了毒品和暴力的贫穷地区,汤姆却没有犯罪,也没有参与任何一起案件。相反地,他已经成了一个品质高尚、慷慨自信的人。他热心于慈善事业,成立了一个非盈利组织以帮助那些残疾人和无家可归的人。下面是他的故事。汤姆的父母彼此相处的不好,关系非常糟糕。他在五岁时,他们就离婚了。汤姆与他的父亲住在一起。因为当时的种族主义,他没有得到平等受教育的权利。幸运的是,他在十岁时被一名教练发现,开始打羽毛球。在最初的几年里,这项运动对他来说是太难了。他的成绩并不好。他甚至想放弃。正是他父亲的爱和支持帮助他度过了难关。在他的第一次重要赛事上,他显示了不同寻常的能力。他与著名的运动员比赛,竟然得了第五名。真是令人惊异!随着时间的流逝,他变得更熟练了,达到了一个辉煌的时期。他已拥有了数百万的粉丝。每当汤姆在赛场上向粉丝们挥手时,他们就激动地回应他。他们完全地为他疯狂。在最近的一次采访中,汤姆告诉记者他小时梦想着当一名宇航员,坐着载人宇宙飞船翱翔在蓝天上,去搜索宇宙。在汤姆看来,抱怨自己的家庭和背景是无用的。只要努力每个人都有机会成功。Unit3 Celebration语境记忆小文章3There are large numbers of festivals, holidays and celebrations selibreinz in the world, including inklu:di the Spring Festival,Christmas,Halloween hlui:n and the Dragon Boat Festival and so on.Now Id like to introduce something about some of them.As is known, Christmas is the most important festival in the West and a special occasion kein for family to get together.Even if someone lives far, they manage to get back home on time. For teenagers ti:n.eidz, its an opportunity ptju:niti to get presents as well. Younger children often seriously sirisli write letters to Father Christmas, hoping to get gifts theyve looking forward to. With Christmas drawing near, Christmas cards arrive, and trees decorateddekreitid with lights and stockings. the decorations and the balloonsblu:nz in the rooms are put up. People attend tend the town carol krl service s:vis. The whole nation are in a merry atmosphere tmsfi. At lunch on Christmas Day. The traditional trdinl food, a big turkey with vegetables is serverd s:vd. It s delicious and even if children cant swallow swlu anything, they still carry on eating.In China, before the wedding wedi ceremony serimni. The bride braid and bridegroom braidgrum should apply plai for a marriage mrid certificate stifikit.If you get an invitation invitein to the wedding ceremony, you ought to express your congratulations and contribute kntribju:t some money. As for amount maunt, it depends on the relationship between you and them. That is, money is linked likt to the relationship. According to the tradition trdin, the bride often wears red clothes. Nowadays naudeiz,some wear white dresses.Guests arent allowed to drink too much alcohol lkhl, in case they destroy distri the wedding or cause a mess.On the Dragon Boat festival, a special food-sticky stiki zongzi-is served after boiled bild. People in the south often take part in the dragon boat races to celebrate it.世界上有许多节日、假日和庆祝活动,包括春节,圣诞节,万圣节前夕和端午节等。现在我向大家介绍它们中的一些。众所周知,圣诞节是西方最重要的节日,也是家人团聚的一个特殊时刻。 即使有人住得很远,他们也要设法按时赶回家。对青少年来说,这也是获得礼物的机会。更小的孩子会很认真地给圣诞老人写信,希望得到他们一直盼望着的礼物。随着圣诞节的临近,圣诞卡片到了,装饰着灯和袜子的圣诞树立了起来,房间里的装饰物和气球也都被挂起来了。人们参加市里的圣诞节圣歌仪式。整个国家都沉浸在一片欢乐的气氛中。圣诞节的午餐,传统的食物一只塞满蔬菜的大火鸡被端了上来。它美味可口,即使孩子们吞不下东西了,他们还是继续吃。在中国,在举行结婚典礼前,新娘和新郎要申请结婚证书。如果你收到婚礼邀请,你应该向他们表示祝贺并贡献点钱。至于数量,取决于你跟他们的关系。也就是说,钱和关系是有联系的。根据传统,新娘通常穿红色的衣服,而现在也有一些穿白色婚纱的。客人不允许喝太多的酒,以免破坏了婚礼或造成混乱。在端午节,一种特殊的食物粘粘的粽子煮熟后也被端上来吃。人们还参加龙舟比赛来庆祝。

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