
上传人:wux****ua 文档编号:9813560 上传时间:2020-04-08 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:34.52KB
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Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player. Section A,1b Conversation 1 A: Tina, what are you going to be when you grow up?B: Hmmm. I think Im going to be a computer programmer.A: Wow! Sounds difficult. How are you going to do that?B: Im going to study computer science.Conversation 2 A: Larry, what are you going to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be a professional basketball player.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to practice basketball every day. Conversation 3 A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be an engineer.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to study math really hard.Conversation 4 A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be an actor.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to take acting lessons.2a,2b Girl: What are you going to be when you grow up, Cheng Han?Cheng Han: Im going to be an actor.Girl: Are you going to move to Hollywood?Cheng Han: No, Im going to move to New York.Girl: And how are you going to become an actor?Cheng Han: Well, Im going to take acting lessons.Girl: When are you going to start?Cheng Han: Im going to finish high school and college first.Section B, 2a, 2b Luck: Did you make a New Years resolution this year, Kim?Kim: Yes, Luck, I did.Luck: What are you going to do?Kim: Im going to make soccer team.Luck: How are you going to do that?Kim: Im going to practice really hard, and Im going to go to a summer camp.Im going to play soccer every day there.Manuel: How about you, luck? Did you make a resolution?Luck: Oh, sure. Im going to learn to play an instrument.Kim: Cool. How are you going to do that?Luck: Im going to take piano lessons.Kim: How about you, Manuel?Manuel: My New Years resolution is to get good grades. Kim: How are you going to do that?Manuel: Im going to study hard and do my homework ever day.Luck: That sounds good!


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