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七年级英语阅读理解习题 The day was like any other day in his life Tom walked past the shop on the street comer He stopped to look at the front row of shoes and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there Looking down he felt sorry for himself He really wanted to have them for his birthday He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could But he also knew very well she had little money He decided not to go home at once as he looked worried and his mother would notice 注意 it So he went to the park and sat on the grass Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair 轮椅 He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet He looked at his own feet It s much better to be without shoes than without feet he thought There was no reason 理由 for him to feel so sorry and sad He sent away and smiled thinking he was happier 1 Tom passed the shop A on foot B by bus C by bike D in a car 2 Why did Tom stop in front of the shop Because he wanted A to buy the shoes B to look at the shoes he liked C to look at the shoes in the shop window D to look at the shoes on the front row 3 The pair of shoes he liked was A too expensive B quite cheap C not there D not sold yet 4 Tom went into the park because he A was thinking how to tell his mother about it B wanted to see the boy C didn t want to make his mother worried D he felt sad 5 From the story we can know that Tom A liked new shoes very much B loved his mother best C didn t want to go to school D didn t want to stay at home People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats sheep cows or other animals in their homes One of my close friends Bob has a very large police dog named Jack Every Sunday afternoon Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby Jack likes these walks very much One Sunday afternoon I paid a visit to my friend I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park We forgot that Jack became worried about it He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me But I still paid no attention 注意 to him I went on talking with my friend At last Jack could not wait any longer He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later He sat down in front of me again But this time he held my hat in his mouth Suddenly I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend 1 How many people are there in this story A One B Two C Three D Four 2 Jack A is a close friend of mine B enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon C has many close friends D enjoys talks in the room 3 Jack was worried because A he wanted to eat something B it was Sunday afternoon again C he was not feeling well D he wanted his master 主人 to take him for a walk 4 Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that A I should leave the house at once B he liked my hat very much C he was hungry and he tried to eat it D he wanted to have a rest 5 Which of the following is true A When Jack and I were talking my friend didn t pay any attention to us B When I was talking to my friend Jack didn t pay any attention to us C When my friend and I were talking we didn t pay any attention to Jack D When my friend was talking to Jack I paid attention to them Peter was a small boy He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills The people there were all poor One night it was very dry and windy When everybody was asleep Peter suddenly heard some noise It came out from the kitchen 厨房 He got up and walked to the kitchen He found that the wood beside the stove 火炉 was burning There was no water tap 水 龙头 in the house so he could not put out 扑灭 the fire He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up They all left their houses quickly At last the fire was put out by the firemen Many houses were burnt But nobody was burnt in the fire 1 Peter lived with his A sisters B brothers C uncles D parents 2 One night he found that beside the stove was burning A the table B the wood C the door D the window 3 so he could not put out the fire A Everybody was asleep B He couldn t shout loudly C The kitchen was very big D there was no water tap in the house 4 Peter knocked on the doors of many houses A to wake the people up B to get some water C to find his classmates D to visit them 5 hurt in the fire A People in other houses were B Peter s parents were C Nobody was D Peter was You re just in time Joe We re going to play cowboys 牛仔 and Indians and you can be the Indians One of my cousins 堂兄弟 said How many Indians I asked Oh about a thousand He answered and before I could say no I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys behind The shouts of After them Let s catch the killers and other such TV play language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpa s car We ve got him boys Let s go and catch him But no one wanted to come to get me All of my cousins except one were always very friendly with It was quiet outside And I went out of the car to have a look Just then I heard a shout Bring the rope 绳子 and we can burn him Only Indians burn people Cowboys I stopped just in time I had almost said Cowboys hang 绞死 people I was tied to a tree and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my dear mother called We re leaving now Untie me I shouted We re going Why did Bobby want matches 火柴 Mum asked when we were in the car He was asking Dad whether he had any oh he was just going t matches MATCHES Are you sure he wanted matches Mother was quite sure and I didn t say any more 1 How many children played the Indians A One thousand B One hundred C One group D One 2 Why did Joe s cousin say that Joe was just in time Because A there were not enough children four the game B the game was just going to start C none of his cousins wanted to be the Indians D they were waiting for Joe 3 Joe didn t say Cowbays hang people Because A he was tied to a tree B that would make things worse C he was caught by the cowboys D that would make the cowboys angry 4 Which of the following is TRUE A One of Joe s cousins was looking for matches B Dad didn t want to give the children any matches C Bobby wanted to get some matches from his father D Mum didn t think children should play with matches 5 The name of the story should he A Joe and his cousins B Who knows what danger is waiting there C Cowboys and Indians is a favourite children s game D How cowboys and Indians fought in the past A very new young officer was at a station He was on his way to visit his mother in another town and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of this train so that she could meet him at the station in her car He look in all his pockets but round that he did not have the right money for the telephone so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him At last an old soldier came by and the young officer stopped him and said Have you got change 零钱 for ten pence 便士 Wait a moment the old soldier answered He began to put his hand in his pock et I ll see whether I can help you Don t you know how to speak to an officer the young man said angrily Now let s start again Have you got change for ten pence No sir the old soldier answered quickly 1 The young officer and his mother lived A in the same town B in different places C in another town D in the other town 2 The young officer Wanted to telephone his mother to tell her A that he was going to visit her B where his train would leave for C what time his train would arrive at the station D that he was then at the station 3 He looked around for help because he A had no money to make the phone call B did not know where to make the phone call C needed some change for the phone call D wanted to get change from the old soldier 4 The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier A was polite to him B was not polite to him C didn t know how to speak to him D didn t like to help him at all 5 Which of the following is not true A Both the young officer and the old soldier were angry B The young officer wanted his mother to meet him at the station C He wanted the old soldier to speak to him in a polite way D He didn t know the soldier before A Tom was not old but he did not have much hair His wife 妻子 Grace had thick beautiful black hair They had one daughter Her name was Jane and she was four and a half years old There was a photo of her father in the living room and a few days ago Jane looked at it for a long time and then said to her mother Mummy why had Dad got very little hair Grace laughed and said He s got very little hair because he thinks a lot Jane He s a clever man Jane looked at her mother s thick black hair for a few seconds 秒钟 and then she asked Mum why have you got a lot of hair 根据短文 判断正 T 误 F 1 There were three people in Tom s family 2 Tom had some hair 3 Grace had more hair than Tom 4 There was a photo of Jane s mother in the living room 5 Jane wanted to know why her mother had black hair too B One day Mark Twain told a story about his first money Schoolboys in those days didn t respect 尊敬 their teachers They didn t take care of school things either The school had a rule If a student damaged 损坏 his desk the teacher would beat him in front of the whole school or the student had to pay five dollars Mark Twain once found his desk was damaged in some way he had to tell his father about the school s rule His father thought it would be too bad if the teacher beat his son in public 当众 so he agreed to give him five dollars But before giving him the money the father gave his son a good beating The next day Mark Twain decided he would take another beating at school so he could keep the five dollars In this way he got his first money 6 In those days if somebody damaged his desk he would A leave school B pay money C be beaten by his father D earn five dollars 7 When Mark Twain was he earned his first money A ten years old B at school C beaten for the first time D working 8 Mark Twain was beaten 打 twice because he A damaged two desks B damaged his desk twice C wanted to keep the money D didn t respect his teacher 9 Mark Twain s father gave him five dollars He wanted his son to A keep the money B hand the money to the teacher 因为用心 所以更好 6 C disgrace 给 带来耻辱 his family D take a beating 10 Which of the following is NOT true A Mark Twain was a famous writer B Mark Twain was a bad student in school C The school was right to beat Mark Twain D We should earn money as Mark Twain did C A bag is useful and the word bag is useful too It gives us some interesting phrases 短语 One is to let the cat out of the bag It is the same as to tell the secret There is an old interesting story about it Long ago when people sold things in big cloth 布 bags a woman asked a man for a pig The man held up his cloth bag There seemed to be a little pig in it The woman asked to see it When the man opened the cloth bag a big black cat ran out Not a pig The man s secret was out and everyone knew it Now when someone lets out 泄漏 a secret he let s the cat out of the bag And that is the story where the interesting phrase came from 根据短文选择正确答案 11 The phrase to let the cat out of the bag came from A a woman and a pig B a man and a cat C a pig and and a cat D an interesting story 12 The woman wanted to buy A a cloth bag B a little pig C a black cat D a bag and a pig 13 The man knew there was in his cloth bag A a bag B a pig C a cat D nothing 14 At the end of the second passage everyone knew it it means A there was a pig in the man s bag B the woman bought a cat 因为用心 所以更好 7 C the cloth bag D the man s cat 15 John let the cat out of the bag means he A makes everyone know a secret B puts the cats away from the bag C buys a cat in the bag D sells the cat in the bag D In some foreign countries some people don t like the number 13 They don t think 13 is a lucky number For example they don t like to live on the thirteenth floor My friend Jack has got the same idea He doesn t like the number 13 either One day he asked some friends to dinner When all of his friends arrived he asked them to sit around the dinner table He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food Suddenly he cried out Oh there are thirteen people here Everybody s face turned white except Mr Brown He said slowly with a smile on his face Don t worry my dear friends We have fourteen people here My wife Mrs Brown will have a baby in a few weeks She s in the family way now All of them became happy again Congratulations they said to Mrs and Mr Brown They enjoyed the nice food and had a good time that evening 根据短文 完成下面句子 16 Some foreigners think the number 13 is 17 Mr and Mrs Brown were 18 Everybody s face turned white when 19 The sentence She s in the family way now means 20 All of them became happy again because E HOUSE FOR SALE Comfortable 舒适的 family home with a large garden on the north side of town Three bedrooms a living room a kitchen a bathroom Pay 280 000 for it The Browns are looking for a new house Mr Brown wants to live on the north side of the town near his work Mrs Brown wants a house with four bedrooms Their children don t care the house is like but the garden is big enough 因为 用心 所以更好 8 DRIVER WANTED for busy restaurant Some evening and weekend work All meals free Call 3320178 Jack wants to drive He thinks it s very interesting The work is hard but he doesn t mind He has to work in the evenings and weekends but he can get some weekdays off It s not very well paid but he never minds JOIN OUR FOOTBALL TEAM Boys and girls wanted to play for a local 本地的 football team Aged 9 13 Meet in Green Park on Friday at 3 pm Tom There is a new football team starting in the village Mum I m old enough to play it School is over at half past three so I d have a lot of time Mum Well I m sure you could do your homework in the evenings But look Tom You don t read the paper carefully You can t possibly play for this team 21 What do you think of the house 22 Does Mr Brown want to buy the house Why 23 Why didn t the Browns buy the house in the ad 24 Why does Jack want to get the job in the restaurant 25 Why can t Tom play for the new football team 参考答案 1 ABDCB 2 BBDAC 3 DBDAC 4 DCBAB 5 BCCBA 1 5TFTFF 6 10BBCDD 11 15DBCBA 16 unlucky 17 J ack s friends 18 they heard the number 19 she is going to have a baby 20 the number of the people was 14 not 13 21 It s very comfortable big expensive 22 Yes he does Because he wants to live near his work 23 Because Mrs Brown wants to buy a house with four bedrooms 24 Because he wants to drive Because the work is very interesting 25 Because he doesn t read the paper carefully 因为用心 所以更好 9

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