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六年级英语2013-2014学年期中学情调研学校班级姓名学号(同学们,到了我们大显身手的时候啦!让我们认真审题、细心答题并做到书写工整哟!本卷满分100分)听力部分(30分)(你可要听仔细了!)一听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(读两遍)(10分)( )1A. away B. always C. play D. stay ( )2A.date B. day C.danger D.duty ( )3A.21st B.12th C.22nd D.11th( )4A. fourth B. fourteenth C. fortieth D.four( )5A. little B. litter C. lift D.rest( )6A. glass B. grass C. class D. dress( )7A. present B. parents C. please D.presents ( )8A .costume B cake C candle D cousin ( )9A.6月6日 B.9月10日 C.4月21日 D.10月1日( )10. A. Lets go and see. B. Let me see. C. Lets wait and see. D. Lets go and have a look二. 听录音,选择正确的答案。(读两遍)(5分)( )1.A. You are right. B. Yes,please. C. All right. ( )2.A. There are 28. B. There are 29. C. There are 31. ( )3. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there was. C. Yes, there were. ( )4.A. Yes,please. B.Yes,I do. C.Yes,Id love to. ( )5.A.Theres a watch. B.Its a watch. C.Theyre watches.三. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(读两遍) (6分)( )1. A.At home. B.In a toy shop. C.In a fruit shop.( )2. A. Danger! B. No littering! C. No climbing!( )3. A. Helens B.Tom s C.Nancys四.听录音,给下列各图标上序号。 (读两遍)(6分) ( ) () . () ( ) ( ) ( ) 五. 听录音,完成对话。(读两遍) (3分)1. Mr Smith is _a walk in the park. 2. Liu Taos birthday is on the _of May . 3. I would like a camera_a birthday present.笔试部分(认真审题,仔细答题是成功的法宝!)一、按要求改写单词。 (8分)1. box(复数) _ 2. we (宾格) _ 3.swim(现在分词) _ 4. pair(同音词) _ 5.five(序数词) _ 6. are(过去式) _ 7. quiet (副词) _ 8. different(反义词) _ 二、词组互译 。(10分) 1. 禁止吸烟 _ 2问一个问题 _ 3. 四岁 _ 4一副眼镜_ 5. 三月二日 _ 6观看一场赛跑_7. 谈论 _ 8. 寻找 _9. make noise _ 10. a ten-yuan note_11. blow out the candles_ 12. take off his coat _三、 选择填空。(10分)( )1.The man _a stick(手杖)is my grandpa. A.in B.with C.of D.for( )2. _ your sister at home two days ago?A. Was B. Were C. Are D Is ( )3.The pencils are on the ground.Please_for me .A.pick up them B.pick it up C. pick them up D.pick up it ( )4.We must stay _the bus.A.at B.away C. away from D. off( )5.Monday is the _ day of a week.A.first B. one C.two D.second( )6. Liu Tao has a new storybook. He is very _ .A. exciting B. excited C. laughing D excite( )7.Whatdoesthatsignmean?_A.Itmeansyoumustkeepfromthegrass.B.Itmeansyoumustkeepoffthegrass.C.It meansyoushouldntkeepoffthegrass.D.It meansyoucan walk on thegrass.( )8.Whensyourbirthday,LiuTao?Mybirthdays_.A.at January B.inthe January C.onJanuary D.in January( ) 9.Its time_bed,Su Hai. A.to B.for C.of D./( )10.The boy knows _ about football. A.a lot of B.a lot C.lots of D.a lots of 四、交际语匹配。(5分)( )1.What day is it today? C. It is on the first of June.( )2.Today is my birthday. B. Yes, Id like to. ( )3. Would you like go to my party ? E This is Tim speaking.( )4.When is Childrens Day? D. Happy birthday to you!( )5. Hello,may I speak to Tim? E. It is Tuesday. 五、用括号内的词的适当形式填空 (7分) 1. A: Where _(be) you just now? B: I was in _(she)office.2. We shouldnt _(smoke) in the hospital.3. _(not ) touch the glass.Its too hot.4. How many _ (diary) would you like?5. He always likes_ (go) to the library at the weekends.6. Their school_(have) a sports day every year.六、按照要求完成下列句子。(6分)1.The signs mean different things.(改为一般疑问句) _ the signs _ different things?2. was, a, nearby,no,there,one,ago,moment(.)(连词成句) _3.Please give them for Mr Black.(圈出错误部分的序号并在下面的横线上改正) A B C _4.Shed like some balloons for the party.(对划线部分提问) _ _ she like for the party?5.There are some apples on the plate.(改单数句) There _ _ apple on the plate.6. Father often makes kites for my cousin.(用now替换改写) Father _ _ kites for my cousin.七、 将下列句子排列成完整的对话。(4分)1. a. Id like a birds cage. b. Whens your birthday? c. What would you like ? d. Its on the third of August. e. Sure. f. Would you like a bird,too? b _ _ _ f _2. a. Is it in your school bag? b. It was on the desk just now. c. I cant find my crayon. Where is it? d. Not at all. e. Yes, it is. Thank you very much. f. But it isnt there now. _ b _ a _ _八、阅读理解。(15分)(1)根据短文内容进行选择,将正确答案的序号填入题前括号内。(5分) He likes doing this!Today is Sunday. I dont go to work. So I go to the shops with my sister Betty. We have lunch at a small pub(小酒馆). I put my bag behind the chair. We have some rice and meat(肉). Then we drink some tea. We finish eating (吃完). But I cant find my bag now. It isnt there. At this time(这时), the owner (老板) comes and asks, “Do you have a good lunch?” “Yes, thank you. But I cant find my bag.” I say. The owner goes out(出去). Then he comes back with my bag. He gives it to me and says, “ Im sorry. My dog takes it to my room, he likes doing this. ” ( ) 1. How many people are there in the story(故事)? A. Four. B. Three C. Two ( )2. I dont go to work because(因为) _. A. it is cold B. there is no work to do C. it is Sunday ( ) 3. What do they have for lunch? A. Some rice and meat. B. Some bread and eggs. C. Only some tea. ( ) 4. Where does the owner find the bag? A. Behind the chair. B. Under the table. C. In the owners room ( ) 5. Who takes the bag away(拿走)? A. The owner. B. The owners dog. C. Betty.(2)根据短文内容判断正误。(T或F)(10分)Mum: Get up, Jim! Youll be late for party.Jim: I cant find my new T-shirt, Mum. It was on my bed just now.Mum: Look! Its under the bed. Jim: Thanks! Oh, no! Where are my black trousers?Mum: They were on the sofa a moment ago. Let me see.Oh, they are on the bed. Jim: Now where are my white shoes? They were on the chair a moment ago.Mum: Theyre under your bed, Jim. Can you see them?Jim: Yes. Oh, no!Mum: Whats the matter?Jim: Its a quarter to nine. Im late for party!( )1. Jims newT-shirt was on the bed.( )2. Its .nine fifteen now.( )3. Jims trousers are on the chair.( )4. Jims shoes are white.( )5. Jim is a careful boy.九、按实际情况回答问题.(5分) 1.What date is it today? _2.Is your birthday getting near? _ 3. Oh,you look beautiful today. _ 4.Are there any pubic signs in your school? _ 5.Can you speak loudly in the reading room? _(恭喜你已做完所有的题目,请再认真检查一下吧!)听力稿一听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(读两遍)(10分)1.away 2. danger 3. 12th 4. fourteenth 5. litter 6. dress7. please 8. costume 9.the tenth of September 10. Lets wait and see.二. 听录音,选择正确的答案。(读两遍)(5分)1.Come and sit next to me.2.How many days are there in July?3. Were there any trees here last year?4.Would you like a CD Walkman?5.Whats on the table?三. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(读两遍) (6分)1.Can I have a toy panda,Mum? OK.Which one do you like,this one or that one?The big one.How much is it?Fifty yuan.Q:Where are they?2.Look at the sign near the tree. What does it mean? It means you cant climb the tree.Q:What sign they are talking about?3.Nancy, Toms birthday is coming. Yes.What would he like as a present,Helen? He likes writing.We can buy him a notebook.Q:Whose birthday is coming?四.听录音,给下列各图标上序号。 (读两遍)(6分)1. Ben is talking to his family about his birthday patry.2. Where are my earphones?They are on your bed.3. Can I use my mobile phone here?Sorry,you cant.4. It is the fourth of April today.5. Look,the boy is playing with a yo-yo.6. June the sixth is my birthday.I want a bookmark.五. 听录音,完成对话。(读两遍) (3分)1. Mr Smith is taking a walk in the park. 2. Liu Taos birthday is on the ninth of May . 3. I would like a camera as a birthday present

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