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鲁教版2020届英语中考二模试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共15题;共15分)1. (1分) Daniel is _ honest boy. Yes. He never tells lies. He is also my _ best friend.A . an; theB . an; /C . a; theD . a; /2. (1分)My mother teaches English in _ university. She is one of the twenty-five _ in this major. A . a; women teachersB . an; women teachersC . a; woman teachersD . an; woman teachers3. (1分)My dog Frank is _ lazy but I still like it very much. A . a pair ofB . a lot ofC . too manyD . a little4. (1分)Tim is going to give his father a surprise _ Fathers Day. A . inB . atC . onD . by5. (1分)Once a mistake is made, we should correct it. The more quickly, .A . the betterB . the bestC . the worseD . be worst6. (1分)Your shirt is too dirty. and wash it, please. OK. I will.A . Put it onB . Take it offC . Try it onD . Take off it7. (1分)I know _ and _ sister. A . him, youB . your, hisC . you, yourD . his, you8. (1分)Sorry, Im late, Mr. Wang. Jack, _ late for school again.A . isntB . arentC . dont beD . not be9. (1分)You have to when you plan to eat a watermelon.A . cut it upB . turn it upC . cover it upD . make it up10. (1分)Look at the boys on the playground.Oh, they_ basketball. They a basketball match next Sunday.A . are playing; are going to haveB . play; haveC . play; had11. (1分)Its reported that Dengue fever _ around Shantou in the past two months. How terrible! I think we should do something to prevent the _ of the disease.A . spread; spreadingB . spreaded; spreadC . has spread; spreadD . is spreading; spreading12. (1分)It is a good habit of _ to read books before going to bed. A . IB . meC . myD . mine13. (1分)Do you know that girl?Yes,_ she is!A . How beautifulB . How a beautifulC . What beautiful14. (1分)Dear friends, do you still remember _ three years ago? To realize our dream!A . why you came hereB . why did you come hereC . how you came hereD . how did you came here15. (1分)_?Shes in her school.A . How is MaryB . Where is MaryC . Whats in Marys school二、 完形填空(本大题有10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空One day a lion met a spider, who was just busy making a web. The lion 1for a while and said, How clever you are! How did you learn to do that? The spider answered proudly, I learned it from my mother.The lion watched a longer while. Then he asked the spider, But why dont you catch your food in the way that I do?I am just a 2animal, the spider replied. I cannot run fast or fly. 3with my web I can catch flying insects, and I dont even have to run after them.The lion then asked, Could you make a 4for me? Then I would not have to run after animals either.Sorry, the spider said. My web can only catch flying insects. But you cannot love 5them.The lion was angry with the spider. She did not have to work 6for food. And she would not help him get his 7. So he hit the web and broke it. But the spider jumped 8the lions back and bit him.Now you will 9me, said the spider as she jumped into the grass. Think carefully 10you do something bad to other animals. Some of us may be small, but we are very smart.The lion tried to scratch his back, but he could not reach where the spider bit. It itched(发痒)for several days. He remembered the smart spider for a long time.(1)A . rested B . walked C . watched D . listened (2)A . small B . beautiful C . friendly D . silly (3)A . And B . Or C . But D . Then (4)A . coat B . web C . home D . wish (5)A . making B . finding C . selling D . eating (6)A . hard B . quickly C . late D . carefully (7)A . fun B . water C . food D . job (8)A . in B . onto C . under D . with (9)A . stop B . hear C . hate D . remember (10)A . after B . as C . till D . before 三、 阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)Do you dream of being a reporter? Are you a good English writer who loves the news? Were looking for 100 students from around the world. They will join the BBC Kid Reporter team for the 20152016 school year.In the past, BBC Kid Reporters have:Interviewed leaders and other people. Written news stories for BBC For Kids. Talked about their work on television.Next year our team will continue to report local news stories for BBC For Kids magazine and bbcforkids.com.How to EnterVisitwww.bbcforkids.comand fill in the entry form (报名表). Be sure to read the rules and share them with your parents, who must sign (签名) your form. Entries must be done by June 19, 2015. You must be OVER 13 years of age. Good luck!(1)100 students from around _will join the BBC Kid Reporter team.A . the world B . the nationC . the UKD . the USA(2)100 students from around _will join the BBC Kid Reporter team.A . the world B . the nationC . the UKD . the USA(3)In the past, BBC Kid Reporters have _.A . made a lot of moviesB . read letters to British kidsC . given speeches in the USAD . interviewed leaders and other people(4)In the past, BBC Kid Reporters have _.A . made a lot of moviesB . read letters to British kidsC . given speeches in the USAD . interviewed leaders and other people(5)Next year the team will go on to report local news stories for _.A . Chinese newspapersB . American televisionsC . British middle schoolsD . BBC For Kids magazine and bbcforkids.com(6)Next year the team will go on to report local news stories for _.A . Chinese newspapersB . American televisionsC . British middle schoolsD . BBC For Kids magazine and bbcforkids.com(7)What will you do first of all to enter the BBC Kid Reporter team?A . Visit the website and fill in the entry form.B . Read the rules and share them with your parents.C . Ask your parents to sign your entry form.D . Do your entry on June 19, 2015.(8)What will you do first of all to enter the BBC Kid Reporter team?A . Visit the website and fill in the entry form.B . Read the rules and share them with your parents.C . Ask your parents to sign your entry form.D . Do your entry on June 19, 2015.(9)How old must you be to join the BBC Kid Reporter team?A . 12 years old.B . 10 years old or so.C . More than 13 years old.D . Less than 13 years old.(10)How old must you be to join the BBC Kid Reporter team?A . 12 years old.B . 10 years old or so.C . More than 13 years old.D . Less than 13 years old.18. (10分)阅读短文,选择正确的选项。 ComputerThere are all kinds of machines. They are used in many different ways. One kind of machines is called computer. A computer can do many things. A computer can do maths problems. People can do maths problems,too. But they cant do it as fast as a computer. Computers remember things. Computers remember everything people tell them. People can not remember as many things as computers. Computers help to tell what the weather will be like. Computers help to fly rockets and spaceships.There are a lot of ways computers are used. They are used in thousands of ways. But they are not alwaysused in the same way. Some computers do just a few things. Some computers can do a lot of things. There are huge (巨大的) computers. There are small computers, too. There may be computers in your school. Do you know what they do?(1)Computer is a kind of _. A . menB . machinesC . mapsD . books(2)A computer can do _ things. A . manyB . a fewC . fewD . much(3)Who can remember more things? A . People.B . Monkeys.C . Computers.D . Books.(4)Computers are used _ thousands of ways. A . inB . byC . atD . with(5)Computers help to tell _ the weather will be like. A . whatB . howC . whyD . which19. (10分)根据文章内容,简要回答问题。 Hip Hop ClassThe Fullerton Community Centre is putting on an exercise class set to the sounds of hip hop music! Its great fun for anyone who wants to get fit to hiphop!Well exercise to disco and funk music as well. Classes are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 8 and cost 30 euros a month.Kids Talent CompetitionAre you good at dancing, singing, playing a musical instrument or making people laugh? The kids who are 1016 years old are invited to take part in an exciting talent competition at 2 p.m. on Saturday, 6th August at Clearwater Shopping Centre. Its free to enter and the first prize is a trip to New York!(1)If you take the Hip Hop class, how many times a week do you have to go? (2)How much does it cost if you take a oneyear course in the Hip Hop class? (3)When is the Kids Talent Competition? (4)If you want to enter the Kids Talent Competition, how much should you pay? (5)What is the first prize of the Kids Talent Competition? 四、 短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)20. (15分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Hello! My name is Dave Brown. Im 13 years old and I come _ America. Now Im a middle school student. I have many good hobbits. I like doing sports and I often _ basketball with my friends. Every Sunday, I would like to climb mountains _ my families. I also have some good eating hobbits. I like eating different kinds of _, such as carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and so on. I like eating bananas and apples, _. But my favorite fruit is strawberry. I dont like eating ice-cream _ there is much sugar in it and that will be _ for my teeth. I think breakfast is very important, so I always get up _ to eat breakfast. And I like to have _ glass of milk before going to bed. It can give _ a good sleep.五、 读写综合(共20分) (共2题;共20分)21. (5分)阅读15题的人物信息,然后从AF六个选项中选出符合他们要求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. Learn How to Play the Guitar. This popular video helps the beginner to become a guitar player in just 200 hours.B. Road Trips, a program loved by young people, especially those fat girls. Join in it and make yourself become thin.C. The new pocket MP4. This kind of MP4 fits right into your pocket. It lets you listen to your favorite artist, even when you are on a journey.D. Singapore, the story of a country. This book is about the history, the culture and the favorite dishes of this small country.E. Spanish in 10 Minutes Day, a fun, 132-page complete language learning work book. It is one of the best selling language series in print.F. Special scissors(剪刀). This kind of tools will make it easy to deal with(处理) flowers and trees. Anyone can learn to use it quickly. _Jeff likes sports and travel. He would like something that can help him spend boring time on his journey(旅途). _Mrs. Green doesnt like to exercise, but she likes cooking and reading books about foreign places. _Mr. Dean wants to improve his garden during summer, So he would like something that can help him to do that. _Lisa, a 22-year old girl, worries about her weight(体重). She is wondering how to lose weight. _Sophia likes to look smart. When she is free, she enjoys listening to the music. Now she plans to learn something about music.22. (15分)假设上周,你们一家人在郊区的快乐农庄(the Happy Village)渡过了一个美好的周末。请根据以下提示,用英文客观地评价该农庄好的地方和不足,并向国外美食网站发布。A Review on the Happy Village好的地方空气好,环境优美肉和青菜都很新鲜,食物味道好活动丰富,可以钓鱼、爬山等等价格合理(等等)不足一点建议(自由发挥)要求:1)应包括上述所有要点,可适当发挥;2)80 词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。(开头已给出,不计入词数)Last weekend, I went to the Happy Village with my family.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项填空(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空(本大题有10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、17-8、17-9、17-10、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)20-1、五、 读写综合(共20分) (共2题;共20分)21-1、22-1、

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