译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷

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译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 Choose the best answer from A, (共20题;共20分)1. (1分) (2019天津) Im going to have picnic on Sunday. A . the; anB . an; theC . a; /D . an; /2. (1分) (2019八下顺德月考) Lets go to Quanjude to eat Beijing duck. Your idea _ great.A . looksB . soundsC . smellsD . tastes3. (1分) (2019武威模拟) It takes me one hour to write an _ article. A . 800 wordB . 800-wordsC . 800s-wordsD . 800-word4. (1分) Mr White wants to with my mother after school. A . tellB . speakC . talkD . say5. (1分) The song Where did the time go? the old days and the love of my family.A . helped me outB . cheered me upC . reminded me of6. (1分) Dont worry about our problems. Lets face the challenges _. A . insteadB . instead ofC . soD . but7. (1分) Pork and chicken _ healthy food. A . isB . areC . amD . be8. (1分) I think you should stop _ him in English. I see. He cant understand English at all. Let me try in French.A . talking toB . to talk toC . talk to9. (1分) (2019九下新罗期中) How are you doing now? _A . Im doing my homework.B . Fine, thank you.C . Im tall.10. (1分) (2018八下温州期中) What a hot day! Yeah, its hot so I often use a _to keep me cool in the classroom.A . fanB . shelfC . coinD . dollar11. (1分) (2019长春模拟) The number of the elderly(老人)increasing in China. They_ better care of in the future. A . is; will takeB . is; will be takenC . are; are taken12. (1分) (2019鼓楼模拟) Of all the modern Chinese writers I like Mo Yan best. Me too. His novel Red Sorghum Clan a turning point in his writing career. A . showsB . marksC . getsD . achieves13. (1分) (2017恩施) _cellphones in the shop are so nice.I want to buy _so much.A . The; itB . /;itC . The; one14. (1分) These gloves _ very nice. A . amB . isC . areD . be15. (1分) Her home is _ office in her company, so she goes to work by bus. A . the closeB . the closer toC . farthest fromD . the farthest from16. (1分) Im going to buy a car. Any advice, Charlie?Well, it depends on(根据) _. If money isnt a problem, you can buy a BMW.A . when you will buy oneB . how much you can affordC . what colour you likeD . where you are driving17. (1分) (2019镇江) Do you believe that humans could live on Mars? I dont think _.A . if it comes trueB . that it will come trueC . why it will come trueD . how does it come true18. (1分) (2018广东模拟) Your bag is Prada which is the famous brand. Could you tell me _?Yes. Though its a little expensive, it really has good quality.A . how much does it costB . how much it costC . if it cost a lot of moneyD . that it costs19. (1分) (2019八上景县月考) I often _my homework after my supper, but yesterday evening I _TV.A . do, watchB . did, watchedC . did, watchD . do, watched20. (1分) (2019安徽) A better future is the goal of the Chinese people, _ its also the common interest of the world. A . soB . andC . orD . but二、 Cloze test(本题共10分,每小题1分) (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) (2018八下海淀期末) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The Fruit Is SweetMy mother liked to fill our house with plants. She treasured her little garden and the lives she created with tiny seeds (种子 ). I remember the happiness on her face when she showed me what had grown.One day in high school, I passed through a gardening store, hoping to find something that I could use for my art piece. I had no luck finding one, so I decided to take bags of 1seeds home instead. I had never planted anything in my life.For some reason, these colorful seed packets attracted me. I 2many bags: roses, morning glories, lilies and even some moonflowers.When I got home, my mother told me seriously that, if I was going to plant these flowers, it would have to be on my own. Not discouraged, I planted the different seeds in different pots. Every day, I3them, hoping that the next day a little green head would spurt (冒出 ) to say hello. But each day, I became 4when I saw that my flowers hadnt grown. After about a week, when I was ready to give up on them, my mom said to me, You need patience (耐心 ).I did wait. One sunny afternoon, I came home from school. Walking up to the house, I took a quick look at the pots, really not 5to see that anything had grown. To my surprise, there was a long green stem (茎) in one of the planted pots. A big 6lit up my face. The morning glory vine suddenly spurted while I was at school.In the past few years, Ive learned that mothers are usually7. My mother taught me well, even though she really didnt have to use much effort. I learn to treasure those little lives that I create. She taught me to 8. I believe that patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.(1)A . flower B . vegetable C . tree D . fruit (2)A . borrowed B . bought C . lost D . wasted (3)A . fixed B . moved C . cleaned D . watered (4)A . certain B . excited C . unhappy D . weak (5)A . expecting B . agreeing C . continuing D . deciding (6)A . sign B . smile C . stress D . fear (7)A . serious B . strict C . fair D . right (8)A . offer B . try C . wait D . share 三、 Communication(本题共20分,每小题2分) (共2题;共20分)22. (10分) (2019毕节) 根据对话内容,从选项中选出最佳选项。每个选项只能选用一次,注意其中有两项为多余选项。A: Mark, what are you doing there?B: Della. Im reading a book written by Mo yan.A: _B: Yes, reading books can help me greatly. _A: Really? _But how will you make your dream come true?B: I will keep reading and writing stories.A: Thats a good idea.B: What are you going to be, Della?A: _B: Good! _A. I want to be a doctor.B. You are good at writing.C. Do you like reading books very much?D. My dream job is to be a writer.E. Why are you going to be a writer?F. Thats great!G. Lets try our best to make our dreams come true.23. (10分) 补全对话 A: Lingling, you look unhappy. Whats up?B: Dad. I have a problem with my best friend.A: _B: Weve been friends for five years. We went to different schools last term. And she came to study at my school this term. I was very happy at first. _A: Can you tell me how shes different?B: She doesnt like me to see my other friends.A: _B: Yes, I have. But she refused to listen.A: _B: No, I dont know.A: Maybe she doesnt feel sure of herself. _B: Maybe. What shall I do then?A: You can introduce her to your other friends and encourage her to join in more.B: I see. Thanks, Dad. A. Do you know why she treats you like that?B. Have you mentioned this to her?C. What has happened?D. Or she probably feels lonely without you.E. But shes so different.四、 Reading comprehension(本题共40分,每 (共4题;共40分)24. (10分) (2019道外模拟) 阅读理解。根据短文内容判断正、误。 Larry and Jo Ann were an ordinary couple. Like any other couple, they made efforts to make ends meet (收支相抵) and do the right thing for their children. They often argued about what was wrong with their marriage and who was to blame (责备). They wanted to make changes. You know, Jo Ann, Ive got a magic chest (衣柜) of drawers. Every time I open them, theyre full of clean clothes, Larry said. I want to thank you for filling them all these years.Jo Ann stared at her husband and felt strange. This wasnt the first time Larry had done something strange recently, so Jo Ann forgot it quickly. But it happened again a few days later. Jo Ann, that was a great dinner, Larry said one evening. I appreciate all you have done in the past 15 years. You have cooked lots of delicious food for me and the kids. Jo Ann was growing worried. Whats wrong with my husband? she wondered. Day in and day out, Larry continued his praise. Over the weeks, Jo Ann grew more used to her husbands unusual behavior. Her step was now a little lighter and she didnt seem to get upset as often. Larry has never told Jo Ann the reason for his change in behavior. So it will likely remain one of lifes mysteries. But its one Im thankful to live with. You see, I am Jo Ann. (1) Larry and Jo Ann lived a rich life but they used to argue a lot about the money. (2) To Jo Anns surprise, Larry began to appreciate what she did for the family. (3) In return, Jo Ann also expressed thanks to her husband. (4) Jo Ann didnt understand her husbands behavior, but she liked the change. (5) From the passage, we can learn that we shouldnt be stingy (吝啬) with praise, instead we should appreciate those around us for what theyve done for us. 25. (10分) 阅读理解 Hello! My name is Julia and Im an English girl. But now I am in China with my family. My grandparents, my parents and I all(都) like sports. But we like different sports. My grandfather likes baseball. He doesnt play baseball often, but he often watches baseball games on TV. My grandmother likes volleyball. She thinks its fun. My father likes tennis, He often plays tennis with his friends. He thinks its relaxing. My mother likes ping pong. She thinks its interesting. She always says ping pong is table tennis. She plays ping pong with my father sometimes(有时). What sport do I like? I like basketball. Im tall高的) and its easy for me.(1) The underlined word different means in Chinese. A . 相同的B . 不同的C . 困难的D . 容易的(2) Julia is in China with her parents and . A . grandparentsB . unclesC . auntsD . cousins(3) Julias father likes . A . baseballB . volleyballC . tennisD . basketball(4) Julias mother thinks ping pong is . A . boringB . relaxingC . interestingD . easy(5) Julias mother always says ping pong is table . A . baseballB . basketballC . volleyballD . tennis26. (10分) 阅读下列中同旅游城市的介绍,根据下列人物信息,将人物与旅游城市匹配起来。 A. BeijingFor travelers in China, Beijing is a must, as it is a political and cultural center and it offers many scenic attractions. Foods are very popular with tourists as well, such as authentic(真正的) Beijing roast duck and instantboiled mutton. B. ShanghaiYou know what? Shanghai is one of the developed cities in China. It is a commercial(商业的) and industrial(工业的) city. Tourists will be satisfied with what the city supplies, from various snacks and cakes to handcrafts and textiles. Spring and autumn are the best seasons to visit the city. C. Suzhou and HangzhouSuzhou and Hangzbou are two cities near Shanghai. They were once described by Italian traveler Marco Polo as the most beautiful and prosperous(繁荣的) cities in the world. Both of them are called Paradise(天堂) on Earth . D. XianXian is the capital of Shanxi Province. It dates back over 2,000 years as an ancient capital which served as the capital for many dynasties in the Chinese history. It is also the starting pointing of the famous ancient Silk Road. The lifesize terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty are described as the Eighth Wonder of the world. E. HarbinIf you want to travel in winter, Harbin is particularly good for sightseeing in January and February. If you have never seen any snow, you play enjoy the ice festival and even go skiing and skating in this world of snow. F. KunmingKunming is regarded as Scenic City of Eternal Spring because of its year round spring weather. You may find almost every kind of Asian flowers there. (1) The Whites want to visit China recently. They are fond of Asian cultures. They are both professors of botany, who are interested in the study of species(物种). They expect to discover new species of plants, especially about flowers that no one has ever seen during the trip. (2) Tony is a British young man who likes to play online games. He learns a lot about world history while playing games. Tony is very fond of the history of ancient China and curious about how Qin Shi Huang managed to unite all the seven states. (3) Mark is a sport lover. His hobbies include horse riding, wrestling, boating, skating and skiing. He is looking forward to a trip with his parents next winter holiday when he can have fun on the snow. (4) Jack is a retired(退休的) teacher in Texas. He has been teaching for over 30 years. He enjoys traveling and tasting all kinds of food in other countries. Recently his friends invited him to a city in China, where he could have some traditional Chinese food such as duck cooked in a special way. (5) Lily is a middle school student who loves reading. Among all her books, she loves the one written by Marco Polo describing a place called Paradise on Earth best. She always dreams about taking a trip there one day. 27. (10分) 根据短文内容,完成下面表格,每空一词。Eight Treasures of LabaLaba Porridge (腊八粥) is known to every Chinese. It marks a special day. Laba Festival, which falls on the 8th day of the 12th lunar (农历的) month.People eat Laba Porridge on that day. The porridge is also called Eight Treasures Porridge, because it usually has at least eight things. Rice, beans, dried fruits and peanuts are very popular in the porridge.On the night before the festival, mothers are busy preparing their porridge. They cook it over a slow fire from midnight until the next morning. When kids wake up in the morning, they smell the aroma (香味) and rush to the kitchen to have a feast.Another custom on Laba Festival is to prepare Laba vinegar (醋) for dumplings on Spring Festival Eve. People peel garlic (蒜) and put it into a jar filled with vinegar. As the days go by, the garlic turns green and gains a special flavor. Some people also like to Pickle (腌) meat on Laba Festival.Laba Festival was a time for the ancient Chinese to pray for the harvest and good luck in the coming year After Taba Festival many people start to prepare for the Chinese New Year. Lab FestivalTimeThe_day of the_lunar monthMeaningA time for the ancient Chinese to pray for_and_in thecoming yearTraditional food_五、 Rewrite the following sentence (共5题;共10分)28. (2分) We had to buy ten tickets tonight.(对画线部分提问) _ _ tickets do you have to buy?29. (2分) (2019达州) A major fire destroyed Notre-Dame(巴黎圣母院) built in the 12 and 13 centuries in Paris on April 5, 2019.(改为被动语态) Notre-Dame built in the 12 and 13 centuries in Paris_by a major fire on April 5, 2019.30. (2分) I think well have a robot in our school. (改为否定句) We_we _a robot in our school.31. (2分) Tom has an English book in his bag.(同义句转换)_ _ an English book in_ bag.32. (2分) (2019七上苍溪期中) Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a teacher, too.(合并成句) Her _ _teachers.六、 Complete the sentences with th (共5题;共5分)33. (1分) The accident at least gave the government a _(warn). 34. (1分) _ (not sit) down. 35. (1分) I felt sad because this pair of glasses_(not fit)me at all. 36. (1分) The_(love)girl is from Class 6. Her name is Alice. 37. (1分) (2019九下深圳月考) 用所给单词的适当形式填空,未给词的限填一词。 In most ways, light helps us see things. But in recent years, because humans are using too much of it, it _(cause) a kind of pollution. So it is difficult for us to see some of the most wonderful things in the life when we look up_(watch) the night sky. In general, humans eyes can see about 2,500 stars _any special equipment. However, we can only see 200 to 300 stars from todays countryside, and no more than ten stars from a city._, a study shows that lots of night time light can harm animals too. When birds fly to another place over cities, they sometimes get _(lose) because of bright light and fly in _(circle). Sea turtles (海龟) need dark beaches for _(lay) eggs, but they cant find good places because of bright light.In order to prevent things from going _(bad), governments are working to reduce light pollution. Light is used only when and _it is really needed. I hope humans and all the animals can live a good life under _same blue sky again in the near future.七、 Writing(本题共15分) (共2题;共15分)38. (5分) (2019七下浙江期中) 同学们,社会发展日新月异,我们的生活也发生了许多变化,你想过二十年后你的生活吗?请你根据以下提示内容,以My life in twenty years”为题,写一篇不少于50词的英语短文,可适当发挥想象.请注意运用正确的时态. 提示:1)网络将对你很重要;(Internet,important)2)你将是一名教师,将不再有学校,学生在家学习,你会通过网络教学生,批改学生作业; (teach,study at home,checkby email)3)你将通过网络购物,看电影;(shop on the Internet,watch movies)4)生活既轻松又有趣。(easy,interesting)39. (10分) (2019八上南充期末) 2019年已经到了,新年伊始,你有什么样的计划打算呢?请你以My New Years Resolutions为趣,锻炼身体,人际关系,个人学刊三个方面,谈谈你的新年决心。 My New Years Resolutionsphysical healthget more exercise, eat healthier foodrelationshipshelp mom cook meals, play games with friendsstudiesmake a weekly plan for schoolwork; work hard at math and English要求:1)要点全面,有适当拓展;2)书写工整,逻辑性强,3)不要出现真实的名和班级;4)字数在80词以上。(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)My New Years ResolutionsNew Year is coming. I make some New Years resolutions. 第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 Choose the best answer from A, (共20题;共20分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略二、 Cloze test(本题共10分,每小题1分) (共1题;共10分)21、答案:略三、 Communication(本题共20分,每小题2分) (共2题;共20分)22、答案:略23、答案:略四、 Reading comprehension(本题共40分,每 (共4题;共40分)24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略五、 Rewrite the following sentence (共5题;共10分)28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略六、 Complete the sentences with th (共5题;共5分)33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略37、答案:略七、 Writing(本题共15分) (共2题;共15分)38、答案:略39、答案:略


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