牛津译林版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 My day单元测试卷A(II )卷

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牛津译林版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 My day单元测试卷A(II )卷_第1页
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牛津译林版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 My day单元测试卷A(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 短语翻译 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) Who is more serious, you or your friend? 二、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)2. (2分) (2019广西模拟) Kelly doesnt _ her mother at all. Her mother has a round face while Kelly has a square face. A . look afterB . think aboutC . take afterD . worry about3. (2分) They are famous _ their _ life. A . for; colourfulB . to; colourfulC . for; colorD . to; color4. (2分) (2018九下深圳开学考) Are you _ what I have done? I am afraid not. Youd better be more careful next time.A . ready forB . sure ofC . happy with5. (2分) (2019九下温州竞赛) Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions. Well, they have to choose and be responsible for their actions.A . wiselyB . excitedlyC . totallyD . loudly6. (2分) How much are shorts? $10.A . this; TheyreB . those; TheyreC . those; ItsD . that; Theyre7. (2分) Could I your cell phone ,please? I want to call my father. Sorry. It has been taken away Lisa.A . borrow; byB . lend; toC . use; forD . show; at8. (2分) (2019九上江油开学考) Whats _population of the USA? It has _population of 321 million. A . a; aB . a; theC . the; aD . /; /9. (2分) (2019八上东莞开学考) Help _ to some fish. A . youB . yourselfC . your10. (2分) Li Ming is 10 years old. Next year he _ 11. A . isB . is going to beC . will be11. (2分) I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have ever _ her. A . talk aboutB . heard aboutC . heard fromD . listened to12. (2分) (2019九下茂名月考) Is tea ready? No, mother is _ it ready now.A . doingB . cookingC . burningD . getting13. (2分) Dad, can we walk the road now? No, we . We have to wait until the light turns green. A . across; needntB . across; mustntC . through; cant14. (2分) They walked home last night because they couldnt to take a taxi. A . leaveB . buyC . afford15. (2分) When you talk with a stranger, be one thing: dont talk much about yourself.A . interested inB . careful aboutC . good at16. (2分) (2019八上龙岗期末) Great people such as scientists and inventors should be_. I cant agree more. They are the hope and true heroes of our country.A . punishedB . challengedC . respected三、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分) 完形填空。阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Eleven-year-old Angela had something wrong with her nervous system(神经系统).She wasunable to 1. In fact, she could hardly make any 2 Although she believed that she had a good chance of recovering, the doctors said that 3 , if any, could come back to normal after getting this disease. Having heard this, the little girl was not discouraged. There, lying in her hospital bed, sheinsisted that no matter what the doctors said, her going back to school was4.She was moved to a specialized health center, and whatever method could be tried was used. Still she would not5. It seemed that she was undefeatable(打不败的). The doctors were all fond of her andtaught her about6 that she could make it . Every day Angela would lie there, faithfully doingher mental exercise.One day, 7 she was imaginingher legs moving again, it seemed as though a miracle(奇迹)happened: The bed began to move! “Look what Im doing! Look! I can do it! I moved!I moved! ”she shouted8!Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was 9. More importantly, they were running 10safety.People were crying, and equipment was falling .You see, it was an11. But donttell that to Angela. She has believed that she did it, just as she had never doubted that she would recover. And now only a few years later, Shes back in school. You see, to such a person who can 12 the earth, such a disease is a small problem, isnt it?(1)A . see B . hear C . talk D . walk (2)A . progress B . difference C . movement D . achievement (3)A . fewB . all C . some D . most (4)A . true B . doubtful C . certain D . impossible (5)A . get upB . give up C . turn up D . stand up (6)A . thinkingB . expecting C . pretending D . imagining (7)A . asB . since C . after D . before (8)A . quietlyB . happily C . quickly D . carefully (9)A . frightenedB . pleased C . touched D . encouraged (10)A . inB . by C . for D . with (11)A . appointment B . earthquake C . achievement D . instruction (12)A . pushB . shock C . save D . shake 四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)18. (10分) (2019七下建平期末) 阅读理解 One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didnt look at him. They didnt ask him to sit at the table. He wasnt happy. But he said nothing.Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on (穿上) his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to cat. Mr. Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, Eat, coat! The other people were surprised and asked, What are you doing? Why do you do that? Mr. Smith answered, I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didnt look at me. You didnt ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.(1) One day, Mr. Smith went to . A . a birthday partyB . a dinner partyC . an English partyD . a movie(2) When he came into the room, the people didnt look at him. Why? A . Because the people didnt ask him to come.B . Because Mr. Smith wore old clothes.C . Because Mr. Smith didnt say hello to them first.D . Because it was night, they didnt see him.(3) Why did he go home quickly? A . Because he didnt want to stay here.B . Because he went home for his best clothes.C . Because the people there asked him to leave.D . Because he didnt like the food there.(4) Whats the meaning of surprised in Chinese? A . 高兴的B . 不满的C . 感到奇怪的D . 生气的(5) Which sentence is right? A . A person in good clothes should eat good food.B . A good coat should eat good food.C . We cant judge (判断) a man by his clothes.D . Mr. Smith is stupid (愚蠢的).19. (10分) 阅读理解 I volunteered at the vets (兽医诊所) last summer vacation. Minnie was the most interesting dog that I saw there. Long hair covered her body. And her tail looked like a mouses tail.She was brought to the vets because her owner didnt want her any more. Minnie was well-behaved(行为端正). No one should judge(评判) her by her appearance, I thought. So the people of the vets looked after her. Finally, I advertised Minnie in the local newspaper. Funny-looking dog, well-behaved, needs a loving family. When a young man called, I told him that Minnie looked a little strange. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfathers old dog had just died. They wanted to bring Minnie to him. I gave Minnie a good bath. At last, an old car drove up in front of the vets. Two kids brought Minnie to their grandfather who was waiting in the car. Then the grandfather held Minnie in his arms and touched her soft hair. Minnie kissed his face. She waved her tail so quickly. Shes great! the old man said.I was glad that Minnie found a good family. Thats when I saw that the grandfather was blind.(1) What did the writer think of Minnie? A . She was the most interesting.B . She was a little lazy.C . She was very difficult to control.D . She looked very ugly.(2) Why did Minnie go to the vets? A . Because she got lost in the park.B . Because the people of the vets bought her.C . Because her owner didnt want her any more.D . Because Minnie liked living in the vets.(3) Who adopted(收养) Minnie at last? A . An old man.B . The writer.C . Someone in the vets.D . Her first owner.(4) Which is TRUE according to the passage? A . Minnie was very beautiful.B . Minnie got lost in the end.C . In fact, nobody liked Minnie.D . Minnie finally found a good family.20. (10分) 阅读理解 Hello! Im Jenny Smith. Im a student at No.5 Middle School, Im at school now. Look! This is my desk. It is yellow. Whats on my desk? Three black pens, a blue ruler and an English book. The ruler is Sallys. She likes blue. Sally is my good friend. She is a nice girl. Her phone number is 518- 9236. I often call her. The English book is Peters. He likes English very much. Whose are the pens? Of course, theyre mine.(1) The word desk means _ in Chinese. A . 课桌B . 凳子C . 笔袋D . 书包(2) Jennys desk is _. A . whiteB . yellowC . blueD . brown(3) Jenny has _ pens. A . 2B . 3C . 4D . 5(4) The English book belongs to(属于) _. A . JackB . SallyC . PeterD . Jenny(5) What do we know about Sally? A . She is a teacher.B . She isnt nice.C . She likes white.D . She has a phone.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分) 根据短文内容填空。 At present, there is much homework for American students. But home is not a good place for students to do their homework. So there come Homework Clubs. And they are more and more popular in America. What is the Homework Club? The Homework Club is a good place for students to do their homework. It is very quiet. A teacher will help students prepare for the tests there. The teacher is not to teach students but to give them help when they need. Where is the Homework Club? The Homework Club is usually in a library or in a classroom. It is a popular activity after school every day. If there is no school that day, Homework Clubs will NOT meet. What will students do in the Homework Club? In the Homework Club, the students will do their homework for the first hour and then they will draw pictures or play football. (1) Home is not a good place for students to_. (2) The teacher only _ in Homework Clubs. (3) The Homework Club is usually in a classroom or_. (4) The students do homework in Homework Clubs for_. (5) After homework the students draw pictures or_. 六、 用所给单词适当形式填空 (共15题;共15分)22. (1分) (2019荆门) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词)。 Xian celebrated the first-ever China Hanfu Day _ April 18. There were catwalk shows (走秀) and traditional music concerts which _ (hold) by people wearing traditional Chinese clothing. Hanfu fans from all over China gathered there to take _ (photo) and put them online for a Hanfu photo competition, which lasted until May 18.China Hanfu Day is on the third day of the third _ of the Chinese lunar calendar (农历), which is said to be the birthday of the Yellow Emperor. In ancient China, this day was also known _ Shangsi Festival (上巳节). Its purpose is to encourage young Chinese _ (take) pride in traditional clothing, as well as Chinese culture.Hanfu is the traditional clothing of the Han people who lived in China before the Qing Dynasty. It has a history of about 3,000 years and it _ (change) greatly so far. However, some of _ (it) main characteristics (特点) remain. For example, there are two parts that overlap (交叠) on the front, which is called jiao ling. Another main characteristic of Hanfu is that it usually uses ribbons (系带) instead of buttons.China is becoming a leading country in the world, and the Chinese public feels more confident (自信的) about its traditional culture _ ever before. Wearing traditional clothing might be an interesting way of showing _ they feel about this.23. (1分) His dog is ill. It is _ (die).24. (1分) (2019九上长春月考) It was _ (possible) for anyone to get in, because nobody had the key to the door. 25. (1分) He is one of the _ (fast) runners in the world. 26. (1分) (2019九上长春月考) The bank is on the _(twelve) floor, and you can find it easily. 27. (1分) (2019九上长春月考) Excuse me, Mr. Chen, can you give me some advice on my _ (pronounce)? 28. (1分) 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。For some teenagers, being an adult(成年人)is the coolest thing in the world. Adults dont do homework _(and)take exams. They do what they like and make money. _wonderful!But is it true?Last month, Grade 7 students at Sunshine School had a taste of the adult world. The teachers asked them _(finish)a piece of special homework called Working with your parents for one day.Wu Jings mother works as _(an)ticket collector in a park. At 6 a. m, the 14-year-old girl set_for work with her mother. It was dark and cold._the park opened, they did some cleaning and prepared for the visitors coming. When the visitors came, they greeted with a smile. After standing for the whole day, Wu was worn out.She is _(busy)and more tired than what I thought. I should help her more, said Wu.Li Shiyi, 14, spent her day _(help)in a car. Her father is a taxi driver. She had to pick calls and give change back. Li thought _would be easy to sit in a car and tour the city. But soon she found that her father didnt even have time for lunch.Now I know how hard it is to make money, Li said. We _(should) care for our parents more and never waste money.29. (1分) Tom has been missing for five days and his parents are worrying about his _ (safe). 30. (1分) He does his best in order that the books can _ (sell) out. 31. (1分) You did a_ (beauty) job of cleaning up the kitchen. 32. (1分) Miss Smith often pick _ some flowers in the garden. 33. (1分) This is _ (he) friend. 34. (1分) Usually taking a taxi _(cost) more than taking a bus. 35. (1分) (2019九上吉林开学考) I had great difficulty _ (get) her QQ number. 36. (1分) Can you tell me what _(electric)is like? 七、 首字母填空 (共1题;共1分)37. (1分) (2016八下新昌期中) 根据所给汉语意思及文章内容,写出单词的正确行使。(每空限填一词)Dear Jane,Thanks for your e-mail. I have ever had the same experience. I even _(争吵)with my parents. But now, I _(理解)them. We are growing up, so we dont like _(依靠)on them, but often, its hard for our parents to _(想象)this. To them ,we are still children and they want to help us.Sometimes, its hard for you to talk to your parents. Heres an idea: Write your mother and father a_(信). In it, tell your parents what you are thinking about. Then they _(或许)will understand you better. In your free time, youd better _(提供) some help for your parents. For example, you can help your parents do _(家务活). You can _(扫)the floor, take out the_(垃圾).In order to get on well with your parents, you must try your best to do everything.Whats more, you can describe your friends to your parents and tell them more about you and your life.I hope this helps!Jimmy第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 短语翻译 (共1题;共10分)1、答案:略二、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略三、 完型填空 (共1题;共1分)17、答案:略四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21、答案:略六、 用所给单词适当形式填空 (共15题;共15分)22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略七、 首字母填空 (共1题;共1分)37、答案:略


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