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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷四B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)It was wise of you to walk on the muddy (泥泞的)road with a stick. A . smartB . foolishC . rude2. (1分)We shouldnt throw rubbish into the river. A . takeB . bringC . put . quickly3. (1分)What could you see after the rain stopped? The Sun started to come out and shine.A . take in airB . send out lightC . pick up heat4. (1分)I hope we can remain close friends after we graduate from school. Of course.A . still beB . probably beC . not be5. (1分)Its always better to share your worries and problems. A . deal withB . think aboutC . tell others6. (1分)Its not polite to make fun of others when they are in trouble. A . have funB . enjoy funC . laugh at7. (1分)l will go on a trip to Japan for a week. What should I do with my dog?I can take care of it for you.A . look atB . look forC . look after8. (1分) Can my sister wear the dress this afternoon? Yes, it will soon dry up in the wind.A . fly awayB . get wetC . lose water9. (1分)The baby feels _ while his mother holds him in her arms. A . saveB . safeC . safely10. (1分)Wow! beautiful the music is! Yes. Thats my favorite.A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a11. (1分)the girl a letter from her friend recently? A . Do; getB . Did; getC . Has; gotD . Have; got12. (1分)Jack usually _ to help at the underground station on weekends. Cool! Lets join him next Saturday.A . offersB . refusesC . forgets13. (1分)The bus . It cant work now. A . got downB . put downC . broke down14. (1分)Many students are from _ in my class. A . AmericanB . JapaneseC . EnglishD . China15. (1分)How often do you go skating? _. I cant skate at all.A . AlwaysB . SometimesC . Never二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16. (20分)完形填空 This girl is Cindy. She 1two friends 2school. They are Helen and Frank. They three are good 3. They all like 4sports.Helen likes volleyball very much. She thinks it is 5. She often plays volleyball 6her classmates after school. And she can play it very 7.Basketball is Franks favorite sport, He thinks it is fun. He 8like playing volleyball and he thinks it is boring. Cindy likes playing tennis 9volleyball. She plays 10every day. They are relaxing for her.(1)A . have B . has C . am D . are (2)A . at B . on C . from D . to (3)A . boys B . girls C . cousins D . friends (4)A . plays B . play C . playing D . played (5)A . interesting B . boring C . happy D . difficult (6)A . for B . about C . with D . to (7)A . well B . good C . fine D . OK (8)A . dont B . doesnt C . isnt D . cant (9)A . so B . or C . and D . but (10)A . they B . it C . their D . them 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分)根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 Miss Grey lived in a small house. She was old and did not like noise at all, so she was very pleased when her noisy neighbor moved out. A young man moved in and Miss Grey thought the man seemed to be quiet. But at three oclock the next morning, the noise of a dog woke her up. She thought she had never heard a dog there before. It must be the young mans dog. So she telephoned the young man, said something bad about the dog and then hung up the telephone before he could answer. Nothing more happened until three oclock the next morning. Then Miss Greys telephone rang, and when she answered, a voice said, You telephoned me twenty-four hours ago, now I ring you up to say that I dont have a dog.(1)Miss Grey felt sorry when her noisy neighbor moved out. (2)Miss Greys new neighbor was as noisy as the old neighbor. (3)Miss Grey thought the new neighbor had brought a dog with him. (4)The young man rang up Miss Grey because he wanted to punish her. (5)The young man had a big dog so it always woke Miss Grey up in the morning. 18. (8分)阅读理解 Lion was the King of the Jungle(灌木丛). One day, Giraffe told Lion, Rabbit says he is the new King of the Jungle. What? Lion was very angry. He went to meet Rabbit. The other animals followed him to see what he would do. Rabbit, said Lion, Why do you say that you are the new King of the Jungle? Oh, but its true, said Rabbit. Im faster and cleverer than you. We can have a competition(竞赛).All right, said Lion.Rabbit took Lion to a deep ravine (深谷). He said, If I fly down to the ravine faster than you, I am faster and cleverer than you. So I go, or you will go first? Of course I will go first, said Lion, I am the King of the Jungle! He then threw himself into the deep ravine. Rabbit smiled and said to the other animals. I am your new king now. I am faster and cleverer than Lion. The other animals didnt understand.Lion was stupid! Anyone will die after jumping into the ravine!(1)_ told Loin that Rabbit was the new King of the Jungle. A . ElephantB . GiraffeC . MonkeyD . Turtle(2)Lion felt _ when he heard the news. A . interestedB . sadC . angryD . excited(3)Rabbit took Lion to _ to have the competition. A . a deep ravineB . a long riverC . a high mountainD . a big house(4)According to the passage, what happened to Lion at last? A . He won the competition.B . He was still the King.C . He died.D . He ran away.(5)What cant we know from the story? A . Lion was stupid.B . Rabbit was clever.C . Rabbit became the King.D . Lion was friendly to other animals.19. (8分)阅读理解 When he was small, Hill was a famous bad boy.At the age of 9, his father married his stepmother. At that time they lived poorly in the countryside while his stepmother was from a wealthy family.His father introduced Hill to his stepmother as he said, Dear, I hope you notice in the entire shire this is the worst boy, who has made me have no other way. Maybe before tomorrow morning he will throw a stone at you, or do a bad thing you will never imagine.To Hills surprise, his stepmother went up to him with a smile, held up his head and looked at him carefully. She then turned around to tell her husband, Youre wrong. He is not the worst boy in the entire shire, but the cleverest and most creative boy. Only he doesnt find a place to show himself.His stepmothers words warmed his heart, his eyes full of tears. Then he started building friendship with his stepmother. And this became the drive of his life, making him create 28 successful golden rules, which helped tens of thousands of ordinary people walk on the road to success.Before his stepmother came, no one praised him smart, and his father and neighbors considered him as a bad boy. However, his stepmothers words changed his life.When Hill was 14 years old, his stepmother bought him a used typewriter and said to him, I believe you will become a writer. Hill accepted his stepmothers gift and expectation, and started writing things to a local newspaper. He understood his stepmothers strong feeling of interest in his family while he saw with his own eyes she had changed his family. Therefore, he would do as well as she expected him to.The strength from his stepmother made him a rich man and famous writer in the United States and one of the most important persons in the 20th century.Praise will never be unnecessary, especially for children. Sincere (真诚的) praise may be better than 10,000 bad words.(1)What did people think of Hill before the age of nine? A . lever.B . Creative.C . Unfriendly.D . Stupid.(2)Which of the following is WRONG about Hill? A . He accepted his stepmothers typewriter.B . He failed to do as he was expected.C . He started writing to a local newspaper.D . He understood his stepmother.(3)The writer is most probably an expert of _. A . house buildingB . dietC . news writingD . education(4)The passage was written mainly to tell us that _. A . children should be praisedB . Hills father married againC . Hills stepmother was kind to himD . Hills father was cruel to him20. (8分)阅读理解 Once there was a famine (饥荒) in the town. A rich and kind baker(面包师) sent some bread to twenty of the poorest children. He said to them, In this basket there is some bread for you. Each of you can have one loaf(一条面包) every day until the hard days end.The impatient children couldnt wait to gather around the basket. They shouted and fought for the bread because each wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away without even thanking the good gentleman. But Shirley, a poorly-dressed little girl, did not join them. Instead, she remained standing modestly in the distance. When the other children had left, she took the smallest left in the basket, kissed the gentlemans hand and went home.The next day the children were as rude as before. Poor shy Shirley still took the smallest loaf. When she got home, her mother cut the bread open. Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and said, Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the loaf by accident. Be quick, Shirley! Be quick!But when the little girl gave the rich man her mothers message, he said, No, no, my child. It was no mistake. I put silver pieces into the smallest loaf to reward you because you are a kind and honest girl. Go home and the money is yours now.(1)From the story, we know the twenty children lived a _ life. A . happyB . poorC . richD . comfortable(2)The rich barker gave _ to the children. A . some bananasB . some booksC . some clothesD . some bread(3)When the other children shouted and fought for the bread, Shirley_ . A . stood modestlyB . shouted at themC . joined themD . laughed at them(4)Shirleys mother let her_ when she saw the money. A . buy some foodB . hide it quicklyC . give it back to the rich manD . tell her father the news(5)The story tells us that_. A . its not important to say thanks to othersB . fighting with others can help us get moreC . Shirleys mother doesnt like silverD . a kind and honest person will be rewarded21. (8分)阅读理解 When you watch TV and play video games you make global warming(全球变暖) worse! To make electricity, fossil fuels(矿物燃料) are burned in big factories. But burning fossil fuels also makes greenhouse gases. This means that every time you use electricity you help make global warming worse!Cars are also making global warming worse. They burn fossil fuels in their engines, and send lots of greenhouse gases into the air.So what can we do to stop global warming?Try to use less electricity. First, turn off lights, your television, and your computer when you stop using them,You could also try to watch less TV. But you may find it hard to do these! Second, plant trees. Not only is it a fun thing to do, but it is also a great way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) out of the air when they grow. Last, dont throw away your rubbish, but try to recycle it. Because if rubbish is not recycled, it rots(腐烂) and makes a greenhouse gas called methane(甲烷). So try to recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. Itll make you feel great! And itll help the Earth.(1)What do people burn to make electricity in big factories? A . Minerals.B . Rubbish.C . Fossil fuels.D . Oil.(2)Why do cars also make global warming worse? A . Because people throw rubbish on the ground from cars.B . Because they burn fossil fuels in their engines and produce greenhouse gases.C . Because people burn cars when they are broken.D . Because people use air conditioners in their cars.(3)How many suggestions does the writer give for stopping global warming? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Fewer cars can help reduce(减少) global warming.B . It is hard to give up watching TV.C . Planting trees is helpful but boring.D . Rotted(腐烂的) rubbish produces a kind of greenhouse gas.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)You may _ (go) there a little earlier next time. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)上周,云南某地再次发生了地震,家园受到了损坏。一名灾区的学生卓玛(Zhuoma)下周将来你们班。她将在你们班学习一年。请根据提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你将如何帮助她,并适当写出自己的想法。 卓玛:年龄:13岁。性别:女。家乡:云南。 主要活动:1)带她参观校园;2)请她来家里;3)送她学习用品;4)一起吃饭;5)在学习上帮助她。 写作要求:1)不要出现真实的姓名和学校信息;2)80个词左右;3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。Zhuoma will come to our class next week. Shes from第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23-1、

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