沪教版英语2020年中考押题卷(一)(II )卷

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沪教版英语2020年中考押题卷(一)(II )卷一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Friends are those _ make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed. A . whichB . whatC . who2. (2分) Excuse me,could you give me a hand to move these boxes away? _ .A . With pleasure.B . My pleasure.C . Yes, please.D . Not at all.3. (2分) Debbie, could you please take these magazines to Mr White?A . Yes, please.B . Thats right.C . No problem.4. (2分)Our school sports meeting will be _ because of the heavy rain yesterday. A . put onB . put downC . put offD . put up5. (2分)Are the dinosaurs in the film real?No. They died out a long time ago. We cant see a real one now.A . showedB . disappearedC . hid6. (2分)Children to watch thrillers. They may have a bad influence on children.A . shouldnt allowB . should allowC . shouldnt be allowedD . should be allowed7. (2分)Johnson wont answer the phone if he _ the number. A . knewB . doesnt knowC . will knowD . didnt know8. (2分)Hurry up. The train _ in twenty minutes. A . leftB . has leftC . is leavingD . has been away9. (2分)It is said therell be talk on teenage problems next Monday. A . aB . anC . theD . /10. (2分) Now the air in our city is _than it used to be. I agree. I think something must be done to stop it.A . even worseB . much betterC . very goodD . very bad11. (2分)The Italian woman didnt feel a culture shock_it was her first time to Shanghai. A . thoughB . sinceC . ifD . when12. (2分) Thanks for inviting me to your party._.A . Never mindB . Dont say soC . My pleasureD . Yes, please13. (2分)Mothers Day is coming. Im thinking about _. A . what present I gave herB . where will we have a big mealC . how I will give her a surpriseD . if I planned a party for her14. (2分)A right fashionable scarf, necklace, belt etc. can add variety _ simple clothes. A . forB . byC . withD . to15. (2分)Its silly_ you_ others homework.Er , I see. I will do it myself.A . of; copyB . for; copyC . of; to copyD . for; to copy二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空A primary school has 1signs to warn phone-obsessed(手机控) parents to greet their children with a smile 2the day 3staring at the screens of their phones.It has become common at the school gates to see children 4up to their parents, only to find that they are writing a message, making a phone call, or chatting in the Wechat.Now the headmaster has put up the signs to warn the parents not to stare at their phones.The signs say: “Greet your child with a smile, not a 5” and draw a man6mobile to their ear, crossed out in a red circle.The headmaster said: “We are trying to develop our 7and listening skills in school and we thought it was a really8way to get the message across.He said: “I think the signs need to be put up because everyone 9their kids on their phones. Id like to think theyd make a 10(1)A . put on B . put up C . put off D . put down (2)A . by the end of B . in the end C . at the end D . at the end of (3)A . instead of B . but for C . because of D . to start with (4)A . ran B . runs C . running D . to run (5)A . mobile B . book C . schoolbag D . gift (6)A . for B . in C . on D . with (7)A . hearing B . speaking C . reading D . writing (8)A . simple B . difficult C . easily D . interesting (9)A . stays, up B . sets, up C . gets, up D . picks, up (10)A . phone B . difference C . dream D . surprise 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17. (8分)阅读理解A man got lost in a desert. He walked for two days but he still couldnt find his way out. Dying for water, he found an empty house in the desert. There was a water pump(水泵)in the house!The man was so happy that he ran to draw water. But no water how hard he tried, no matter came out.He was sitting sadly on the ground when he saw a little bottle with a cork in it. On the bottle, there was an old note saying: You must add the water into the pump before you can draw water! Dont forget to fill it with water again before you leave! The man took the cork out and found the bottle was full of water!If Im selfish(自私的), as long as I drink the water, I can go out of this room alive, he thought. If I do as the note says, I might die of thirst. Should I take the risk or not?At last, he decided to do as the note said and began to draw water. Sure enough, lots of water started coming out from the pump!After he drank enough, he filled the bottle with water and added his words after the note.“Believe me, do as the note tells you!” he wrote.(1)What does the underlined word “draw” in the second paragraph mean? A . 绘画B . 汲取C . 抽签D . 抽奖(2)Which of the following sentences is right according to the passage? A . The man saw an old note under the bottle.B . The man took the cork out and drank the water in the bottle.C . The man added his words after the note because he wanted others to do as the note said.D . The man forgot to fill the bottle with water before he left the house.(3)What is the correct order to draw water according to the note?a.Draw water from the pump.b.Take the cork out of the bottle.c.Add the water from the bottle into the pump.A . abcB . bacC . cabD . bca(4)What is the story trying to tell us most? A . Sometimes being selfish is the best choice.B . Its important not to be selfish.C . Its selfish taking risks when you have troubles.D . Dont believe strange notes until you make sure they are correct.18. (8分)阅读理解California Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed a law for driverless cars to travel on public roadways, showing once again that Left Coast has a way of making car-makers develop faster.It is not that smart minds in Japan and Germany arent already working on driverless cars. But with most new technologies, engineers want to make sure that they are safe enough before large production. The California law will allow them to travel on the states roadways if there is an experienced driver sitting in the driving seat to take over if needed.“Today, were looking at science fiction becoming tomorrows reality,” Gov. Brown said during a news conference at Googles headquarters. “This driverless car is another step forward in this long march of California and leading not just the country, but the whole world.”The state often uses stricter laws to control greenhouse gases and global warming, which was strongly against by most car-makers in other states, saying it would be impractical for each state to make its own fuel standards. However, the U.S. EPA(环境保护署) sided with California . At last all sides reached an agreement, but the push from California undoubtedly influenced the EPAs sharply higher fuel standards, which require car-makers to achieve an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.When it comes to driverless cars, California is actually the third state to authorize(批准) them, behind Nevada and Florida. But by far it is the most influential. “Its meaningful because California is a big state, a first mover and really a big player,” Ryan Calo, a law professor at the University of Washington who studies autonomous transport law, told the New York Times.(1)The sentence“California, of course , has led the way towards cleaner transport.”is the topic sentence of _. A . Paragraph 2B . Paragraph 3C . Paragraph 4D . Paragraph 5(2)From the whole passage, what are the advantages of driverless cars in California? A . They are green and safeB . They are fast and bigC . They are green and bigD . They are fast and safe(3)The last paragraph is written mainly to _. A . introduce a new law signed by CaliforniaB . California is a big state and really a big playerC . California is the third state to authorize the lawD . show the influence of Californias law on driverless cars(4)According to the passage, we can learn _. A . engineers in other countries arent working on driverless carsB . California and the EPA reached an agreement on fuel standardsC . the developing of driverless cars in California will lead the worldD . California is the first state that allows driverless cars to travel on roads19. (8分)阅读理解“I will think of it.” It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? We cannot see our thoughts, or hear, or taste, or feel them, yet what power they have!A boy named Watt sat quietly by the fireside, watching the lid(盖子) of a pot move up and down. The boiling water makes steam. He wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid. He went on thinking and thinking. When he grew up, he improved the steam engine(发动机) so much that it could easily do the work of many horses. When you see a steamboat or a steam train, remember that it would never have been built if it had not been the hard thinking of someone.James was a poor farmers boy from Scotland. Once, seeing the inside of a watch, he thought, “I am sure that I could make a watch too.” He kept thinking and then made a wooden clock which kept good time. In a few years while still a small boy, he made enough money to support his father. When he grew up, he went to London to live. Some of the wisest men in England, and the king himself, used to come and listen to him speak. His motto was “I will think of it” which means that he would be able to think of how to do something. In this way, he made his thoughts useful to himself and the world.Boys and girls, when you have a difficult lesson to learn, dont feel discouraged. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to think in a way that solves your problems, and the problem of others.(1)What made Watt think to invent the steam engine? A . The boiling water made the lid of a pot move up and down.B . Watt liked to sit quietly by the fireside, watching water.C . He got a high education and learned a lot about water.D . He liked to study a steamboat or a steam train.(2)What do the people mentioned in the passage have in common? A . They wanted to be successful and famous.B . They kept thinking of a solution.C . Their families were very good.D . They were rich and worked hard.(3)The underlined word “discouraged” in the last paragraph means _. A . 困难的B . 自信的C . 失望的D . 灰心的(4)What does the passage want to tell us? A . We should thinking less and work hard.B . We should give up easily if meeting difficulties.C . We should work hard to be famous.D . We should try to think of ways to solve problems.20. (10分)阅读理解Smog(雾霾) is a big problem in many Chinese cities. But it seems that besides wearing a mask, few of us know what has caused the smog and what to do to beat it. Chai Jing, a former news hostess with China Central Television, discussed the questions in her documentary Under the Dome.The 103 - minute film was published on major Chinese video - sharing websites on Feb 28. In the film, Chai visits polluted places and talks to officials and scientists. She comes to the conclusion that burning too much coal and oil are the main causes of PM2.5 and smog.To make things worse, according to Chai, the coal and oil we are burning is of poor quality and dont meet the standards for environmental protection. Therefore they have produced more harmful gas to pollute the air.To solve the problem, Chai suggests that we should clean our coal and oil or replace them with cleaner energy such as natural gas. In her film, Chai also pointed out that ordinary people can do something to help control smog too. For example, we live a greener life by using more public traffic. Or if we see things that could harm the environment, we can try to stop it. In one scene from the film, Chai sees a dirt mound in a building site exposed in the air, and asks the person in charge to cover it. When she sees a restaurant cooking without any suitable filter facilities, she calls the hotline 12369. The restaurant installed the filter a week later.Chen Jining, the new minister of environmental protection, praised Chai. This film encourages ordinary people to care about the environment. This is what we need in the future. (1)What do most of people do to deal with the smog? A . Wear a mask.B . Think of ways to beat it.C . Find out what has caused it.D . Take a documentary.(2)What is the main cause of smog according to Chai? A . Setting off too many fireworks.B . Burning too much coal and oil.C . Too many cars in big cities.D . Too many factories and companies.(3)Which of the following is NOT Chais suggestions towards reducing smog? A . Using cleaner energy.B . Cleaning coal and oil.C . Using natural gas.D . Replacing coal with wind energy.(4)What can we tell from the story? A . Only factories produce heavy smogB . It tells us two ways to protect environment.C . Taking public traffic is good for the environment.D . Ordinary people can do nothing to help control smog(5)Whats Chen Jinings attitude towards Chais film? A . He showed no interested in it.B . He thought highly of it.C . He didnt agree with it.D . He complained about it.四、 填空 (共3题;共16分)21. (5分)单词拼写 (1)Over 20 people were killed in the traffic accident, _ (包括) three foreigners. (2)We are all _ (自豪的)of the fast development of our hometown. (3)I think the computer is one of the greatest _ (发明). I cant imagine life without it. (4)_ (无论什么)you do, you must try your best. (5)Its said that our teacher will get _ (结婚)next month. 22. (1分)We will have an important exam in _(六月). 23. (10分)从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式,使短文完整、通顺。每空只填一词(有两词多余)cup, happy, so, which, the ,good , think, but, they, be, fail, teachA group of classmates got together to visit their old teacher. These classmates all had good jobs and made lots of money. They talked _.The teacher asked them the difficulty they had had. Then their talk soon turned to talking about the stress (d压力) in work and life, The teacher went to _kitchen and came back with a large pot of coffee and many_-China ones, plastic ones and glass ones. Some are plain looking, some are expensive and some are lovely. The teacher told them to help_to the coffee.When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said,“ Can you notice that all of you took nice-looking expensive cups, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones? You want only the_for yourselves, and it is the source of your problems.”“What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup_you went for the best cups and then began looking at each others cups.”“Now_about this; life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position in society _the cups. They are just tools to hold, and do not change the life. Sometimes, by caring only about the cups, we_to enjoy the coffee._dont let the cups drive you, and enjoy the coffee instead.”五、 阅读填空 (共1题;共1分)24. (1分)Im sorry to have kept you w_ for such a long time. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic Sharing. (根据中文提示,以分享为题写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) 提示:生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的经历,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法、一次美好的旅行,结合你自己的生活体验,描述一次你与他人分享的经历,并谈谈你的感受. 第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 填空 (共3题;共16分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、23-1、五、 阅读填空 (共1题;共1分)24-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、


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