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9.细的;晴朗的;美好的;(身体)健康的 _10.第一的,首次的;最初的 _11.健康的;适合的 _12.外国的 _13.自由的,空闲的;免费的 14.新鲜的 15.友好的 16.前面的,前部的 17.满的,充满的;完全的 18.有趣的,滑稽可笑的 ad. (副词) 1.遥远地,久远地 2.快地,迅速地;紧密地 3.首次地;最初地 Prep. (介词)1.为了;向,往;因为;在期间;对于 2.从;从起;来自 pron. (代词)1.不多,少数 num. (数词)1.十五 2.第五 3.五十 4.第一 5.五 6.四十 7.四 8.十四 9.第四 *1. fairly ad. 2. fantastic a. 3. flat n. 4. force v. 5. fork n. 6. fortunately adv. 7. forward ad. 8. frog n. 9. furniture n. Phrases1填写(充) 2.跌倒 3.入睡 4.探查(资料);了解;发现(情况) 5.修理;整理;安排 Sentences根据汉语提示填空(每空一词)1. The man was on the _ side of the street.(另一边)2.Its _ _ early to tell if shell be OK.(现在谈她是否安然无恙为时过早)3. I _ _ _ that he is right.(有一种感觉)4. I feel a little hungry, please _ _ _ bread.(去给我拿些面包来)5. He had _ in the First World War.(战斗)6. He has a lot of _ in _.(他斗志昂扬)7. Could you _ _ the application form, please?(请你填写好申请表好么)8. Her height _ _ for basketball.(她的身高适合打篮球)9. We _ _ the bedroom(收拾客房)before my parents came to stay.10. Well have to _ _ a time to _.(安排见面时间)11. They tried to _ you into _ after us.(他们设法骗你在我们后面到)12. She _ the child with a spoon just now.(喂)词语辨析( )1.- She has arrived on time. - She didnt _ to keep her word. A. beat B. lose C. fail D. leave( )2.- Our car is waiting for you. - Let me _ my hair and I will be ready. A. fix B. mend C. repair D. make( )3.- Read the passage and answer the questions, boys and girls. - OK, Mr. George. A. next B. coming C. following D. last( )4.- What did Miss Liu ask me to do? - She asked you to fill in a _ for the salary rising. A. blank B. box C. form D. table( )5.- Oh, I must hurry up, Im missing my train! - Take your time; this clock is 30 minutes _. A. swift B. fast C. quick D. soon( )6.- Whats the matter with him? - He has a high fever, please _ a doctor at once. A. bring B. ask C. take D. fetchPassageJoan worked in a hospital as a nurse. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course somebody had to be left to look after the sick children, and Joan f 1 to be the lucky ones. She liked dancing very much, so when she had to start work that evening while her f 2 were getting ready to go the dance, she f 3 very sorry f 4 herself. She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night, until she came to one little boy, Dicky. He was eleven years old, but he was already able to talk like an adult. Poor Dicky had a very serious illness, and now he was hardly able to move any part of his body except his hands. Joan knew he would never get any better, but he was always happy to think his f 5 was f 6 of hope. And also he was always thinking about other people instead of about himself.Dicky knew that Joan loved dancing, so now when she came to day good-night to him, he greeted her with the words, “Im very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a part for you. If you look in my drawer, youll f 7 a piece of cake. I saved it f 8 my supper today, so its quite f 9 . And there is also a dollar there. You can buy something to drink with that. And Id get up and dance with you myself if I were able to,” he added.Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very f 10 away and not at all important to Joan.1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _5 _ 6 _ 7 _ 8 _9 _ 10 _Gn.(名词)1.游戏,运动;比赛 2.花园,果园,菜园 3.大门 4.绅士,先生;有身份、教养的人 5.地理学 6.赠品,礼物 7.女孩 8.玻璃杯;玻璃;(复)眼镜 9.手套 10.山羊 11.黄金 12.鹅 13.政府 14.等级;年级;成绩 15.(外)孙女 16.奶奶,外婆 17.爷爷,外公 18.祖父母,外祖父母 19.(外)孙子 20.葡萄 21.草,草场,牧场 22.绿色 23.地面 24.组,群 25.客人,宾客 26.吉他 V.(动词)1.成为;得到;具有;到达2.给,递给;付出;给予3.去;走;变得;通往4.生长,发育;种植;变得5.猜a.(形容词)1.轻柔的;柔和的 2.大体的,笼统的,总的 3.高兴的,乐意 4.金的,黄金的 5.好,良好 6.伟大的;重要的;极好了 7.绿色的,青的 interj.(感叹词)1. 再见,再会 *1. gesture n. 2. giraffe n. 3. god n. 4. gradually ad. 5. golden a. 6. grammar n. 7. grandchild n. 8. granny n. 9. greeting n. 10. guard n. 11. gun n. 12. gym=gymnasium n. Phrases1.准备好做(某事) 2.上(车、船等);有好相处;取得进展;继续 3.到达(某地) 4.相处融洽;进展 5.逃离;帮(某人)逃避 6.起床 7.从(疾病或失望中)恢复过来;完成(必须做的难事) 8.放弃 9.捐赠;分发 10.出发;(火、灯)熄灭 11.回去 12.经历(不愉快的事情);用光;仔细检查(寻找) 13.离开 Sentences根据汉语提示填空(没空一词)1. Cotton _ _ here.(棉花在这儿野生)2. If you two are going to share a room, you had better learn how to _ _.(相处)3. If you want to watch TV, _ your lessons _ first.(复习)4. Paris was so expensive-we _ _ all our money in one week.(花光)5. He is new here, but he seems to be _ fine.(好像很适应的)6. How _ _ did the dog manage to _?(那只狗究竟是如何溜出去的)7. She still hasnt _ _(恢复过来)the shock of her mothers death.8. Can you go and _ the children _?(你能去叫孩子们起床吗?)9. Ive tried to remove the stain in the carpet but it wont _ _.(我设法除掉地毯上的污点,但还是弄不掉。)10. Suddenly the kitchen light _ _.(熄灭)11. How does she _ _ after all shes _ _ that?(她经历着一切后怎么还能满脸微笑?)词语辨析( )1. - How good the weather is today! - Yeah, the sun is shining and the breeze is _. A. soft B. softly C. gentle D. gently( )2. - In Olympic Games, the champion is awarded the _ medal. A. golden B. gold C. silvery D. silver( )3. - How do you _ with your roommate? - We get on well with each other because we have so much in common. A. get out B. get over C. get up D. get along( )4. - Do you know Mozart? - Sure. He is very famous in the _ of music. A. ground B. field C. grass D. land( )5. - Have you watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone? - Yes. Voldemort wants to steal the stone but the stone is _ by a monster. A. guarded B. taken C. stopped D. defendedPassageTwo men were walking through the g_1_ woods and came upon a big black, deep hole. One man picked up a rock on the g_2_ and threw it into the hole. He stood listening for the rock to hit the bottom. There was no sound. He turned to the other g_3_ and said, “That must be a deep hole, I g_4_. Lets throw a bigger rock in the hole and listen for it to hit the bottom.” The two men found a bigger rock, and they both picked it up and threw it into the hole. The two men listened for some time and never heard a sound. Again, they agreed that this must be on deep hole and maybe they should throw something even bigger into it.One man found a railroad tie(枕木)nearby. They picked up the tie and carried it to the hole. Then they threw it into the hole. No sound once again. All of a sudden, a g_5_ flew out of the woods, running like the wind. It flew past the two men and jumped straight into the hole. The men g_6_ amazed.About that time, an old farmer came out of the woods and asked the men if they had seen a goat. One men told the farmer of the whole incident they had just see: a goat flew out of the woods and run quickly and went into the big hole. The men asked the farmer if the goat was his. The old farmer said, “That cant be my goat. It was chained(用链子拴住)to a railroad tie.”1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _Hn.(名词)1.习惯,习性 2.头发 3.一半,半个 4.大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 5.汉堡包 6.手,指针 7.帽子,礼帽 8.恨,讨厌 9.头;头脑;才智;首脑;源头;标题 10.头疼 11.健康,卫生 12.心,心脏;纸牌中的红桃 13.热 14.天,天空;天堂 15.高,高度 16.帮助,帮忙 17.母鸡 18.英雄,勇士,男主角 19.小山,丘陵;斜坡 20.历史,历史学 21.业余爱好,嗜好 22.洞,坑 23.假日;假期 24.家 25.故乡 26.家庭作业 27.希望 28.马 29.医院 30.旅馆,饭店,宾馆 31.小时 32.房子,住宅 33.家务劳动 34.人,人类 35.急忙;匆忙;赶快 36.丈夫 V.(动词)1.传;递 2.悬挂,吊着;把吊起 3.(偶然)发生 4.恨,讨厌 5.有;吃,喝;进行;经受 6.听见;听说,得知 7.帮助,帮忙 8.把藏起来,隐藏 9.打,撞,击中 10.拿,抱,握住;举行,进行 11.希望 12.匆忙,急忙,赶快 13.伤害,受伤;伤人感情 a.(形容词)1.半,一半,半个 2.英俊的 3.幸福的,快乐的,高兴的 4.硬的;困难的;艰难的 5.勤勉的;努力工作的 6.健康的,健壮的 7.重的 8.有帮助的,有益的 9.高的;高度的 10.无家可归的 11.诚实的,正直的 12.热的 13.巨大的,庞大的 14.人的,人类的 15.饥饿的 ad.(副词)1.努力地,使劲;猛烈地 2.几乎不 3.这里,在这里;向这里 4.在家,回家 5.怎样,如何;多少;多么 6.可是,然而 conj.(连词)1.随便,不管用什么方法 _pron.(代词)1.他 2.她(宾格),她的 3.她自己 4.他(宾格) 6.他自己 7.他的 num.(数词) 1.百 _interj.(感叹词)1.喂;你好(表打招呼) _*1. handbag n. 2. handsome a. 3.handwriting n. 4.honour(Am honor) n.&v. 5. hot dog n. 6. humorous a. 7. host n. 8. hunger n. Phrases1.交上,提交,呈送 2.分发,发放 3.闲荡,闲逛 4.玩得开心 5.赶忙 Sentences根据汉语提示填空(每空一词)1. Plastic flowers are particular _ of _.(我特别讨厌的)2. The sun _ _ by the clouds. We cant see it.(被云遮盖)3. Our _ for fine weather were not disappointed.(我们对好天气的希望没有破灭)4. They are _ _ _(匆忙)to get new supplies.5. The girl was _(握着)her fathers hand.6. Im seriously _(受伤)in the leg.7. I used to _ _ in supermarkets.(闲逛)词语辨析( )1.- Her voice is so low, can you _ her? - Not at all. A. hear B. ring C. listen to D. sound( )2.- This new building is 600 meters _. - Wow, thats awesome! A. narrow B. high C. long D. wide( )3.- Well celebrate the New Year when the clock _ twelve. Do you want to join us? - Yeah. I want to watch the beautiful fireworks. A. hits B. strikes C. beats D. knocks( )4.- Its very expensive to find a place to sleep when you are on a trip. - Yeah, so I usually choose to go to the youth _. Its much cheaper. A. hotel B. restaurant C. inn. D. hostel( )5.- How did the girl die? - She died of _ at last because of poverty. A. hungry B. hunger C. angry D. anger( )6.- I _ my back when Im carrying that heavy box. - You should lie down and have a rest. A. injure B. would C. break D. hurtPassageMy story is about my best friend, Charlotte. Her h_1_ is a disabled man because of an accident. He needs her to h_2_ him get into his wheelchair. She gives him all h_3_ love and care, above all, encourages him to live optimistically(乐观). She never thinks of h_4_, only her husband.She has an adopted son from a family that h_5_ a drug problem and could not take care of him. The mothers drug addiction caused the son to suffer from many personality and brain issues. She deals so wonderfully with her mental disease. Again, she never thinks of herself, only her husband and her son.Not only dose she do things for her husband and son, but for any neighbor who needs a helping h_6_ in any way. If they need a trip to the grocery store, h_7_, laundry, or any other such places, she sees to it at once. If they need some one to listen, she lends her ears and knows the perfect thing to say. Again, she never thinks of herself, only her husband, her son, and her neighbors.She also takes care of me, her best friend. I have many h_8_ problems and my husband works about an h_9_ drive away. When I need a lift to the hospital, she comes immediately. No matter what h_10_ to me, she is there for me. She listens, cares, understands, and is the best friend in the world. Again, she thinks of her husband, her son, her neighbors, and me, and never thinks of herself.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _9. _ 10. _n.(名词)1.冰 2.冰淇淋 3.主意,意见,打算,想法 4.疾病 5.增加,繁殖 6.印度 7.印第安人;印度人 8.信息 9.墨水,油墨 10.说明,须知;教导 11.兴趣,趣味;利息 12.互联网,因特网 13.发明,创造 14.邀请;邀请书 15.岛 v.(动词)1.想象,设想 2.改进,更新 3.包含,包括 4.增加,繁殖 5.介绍 6.发明,创造 7.邀请,招待 a.(形容词) 1.有病的,不健康的 2.重要的 3.不可能的 4.印第安人的;印度人的 5.受伤的 6.有趣 ad.(副词)1.代替,顶替 2.立即 conj.(连词)1.如果,假使;是否,是不是 _prep.(介词)1.在里(内);在;以 _2.在里面 _3.到里,向内;变成 _pron.(代词)1.我 2.它 3.它的 4.它自己 *1. immediately ad. _2. importance n. _3. impress v. _4. inch n. _5. industry n. _6. insist v.&n. _7. influence n.&v. _8. instrument n. _9. international a. _10. interview n.&v. _11. introduction n. _12. iron n.&v. _Phrase为了 _代替 _Sentences根据汉语提示填词(每空一词)1. The telephone is _ _ _.(一项了不起的发明)2.For _ _, please contact our local agent.(若需要更充分信息,请联系当地代理商)3. _ _ _(为了)understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry.词语辨析( )1.- What do you think of their decision? - In my _, they cant be too right. A. thought B. idea C. opinion D. expression( )2.- October 1st is of great _ to us Chinese. - Right. The Republic of China was founded on that day. A. important B. importance C. impossible D. impossibility( )3.- Would you have ever _ him becoming the president of the U.S.A? - Never. A. imagined B. thought C. dreamed D. minded( )4.- How to turn on this air-conditioner? - Follow the _ in that manual. A. introductions B. prescriptions C. instructions D. descriptions( )5.- The sun _ in the east and sets in the west. - Its universally known. A. increases B. raises C. rises D. liftsJn.(名词)1.短上衣,夹克衫 2.一月 3.日本 4.日本人;日语 5.(一份)工作 6.笑话 7.欢乐;高兴;乐趣 8.汁,液 9.七月 10.六月 v(动词)1.参加,加入;连接;会合 _2.跳跃;暴涨 _a.(形容词)1.日本的;日本人的;日语的 _2.笑话 _3.公正的 _ad.(副词)1.刚才;恰好;只是,仅仅 _*1. jeans n. _2. joy n. _3. junk n. _Phrases对开玩笑 _Sentences根据汉语提示填词(每空一词)1. He is a _ and _ _.(公正而值得尊敬的国王)2. This hammer is _ _ _ I need.(正是我需要的东西)3. Membership is free, so _ today!(加入)4. A _ never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.(玩笑不树敌但尝伤友)Kn.(名词)1.钥匙;答案;琴键;关键 2.键盘 3.踢 4.小孩 5.千克 6.千米,公里 7.种类 8.国王 9.吻,亲吻 10.厨房 11.风筝

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