沪教版2020年中考英语题型专练:阅读理解(二)(II )卷

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沪教版2020年中考英语题型专练:阅读理解(二)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共86分)1. (8分) (2019九下浙江期末) 阅读理解 Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to link the brain with computers. Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send commands to machines.Recently, two researchers, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland, demonstrated(展示) a small robotic wheelchair directed by a persons thoughts. In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand. He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thoughts.Our brain has billions of nerve cells These send signals through the spinal cord(脊髓) to the muscles to give us the ability to move. But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the muscles, Tavella says. Our system allows disabled people to communicate with external (外部的) world and also to control devices.The researchers designed a special cap for the users. This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp(头皮) and sends them to a computer. The computer interprets (translate) the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair. The wheelchair also has two cameras that identify (find or discover) objects in its paths. They help the computer react to commands from the brain.Professor Millan, the team leader, says scientists keep improving the computer software that interprets brain signals and turns them into simple commands. The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped in two categories: communication and controlling devices. One example is this wheelchair. He says his team has set two goals. One is testing with real patients, so as to prove that this is a technology they can benefit from. And the other is to guarantee that they can use the technology over long periods of time.(1) BCI is a technology that can .A . help to update computer systemsB . link the human brain with computerC . help the disabled to recoverD . control a persons thoughts(2) How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory? A . By controlling his muscles.B . By talking to the machine.C . By moving his hand.D . By using his mind.(3) Which of the following shows the path of the signals described in Paragraph 4? A . Scalp-computer-cap-wheelchair.B . Computer-cap-scalp-wheelchair.C . Scalp- cap-computer-wheelchair.D . Cap-computer- scalp-wheelchair.(4) Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A . Switzerland, tile BCI Research CenterB . New Finding about How the Human Brain WorksC . BCI Could Mean More Freedom for the DisabledD . Robotic Vehicles Could Help to Cure Brain Injuries2. (10分) Taking away a citys rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we cant eat or use. If we kept these things we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of the city to a dump(垃圾站). Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs(澡盆) and other places.To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally, a house or a school may be built there, and then youd never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus(腐殖土), which looks like black earth. It is rich with kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow. (1) You can most probably read the passage in _.A . a history bookB . a TV guideC . a science bookD . a telephone book(2) The underlined word “sewage” in the passage means_.A . 排污B . 染色C . 洗涤D . 吸尘(3) According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_.A . to feed animalsB . to feed plantsC . to build a houseD . to make machines(4) How should we take care of a used metal box according to the passage?A . By burning it off.B . By putting it in water.C . By throwing it away.D . By reusing and recycling it.3. (8分) 阅读理解It was raining heavily. I had to wait inside the supermarket like a lot of other people did. A little girl and her mother were waiting, too. The girl looked like 5 or 6 years old. She made me think of my daughter Alice. They are about the same age.After a few minutes, the girl got bored and she said to her mom, Mom, lets run through the rain!No, dear. Well wait until it slows down a little. said Mom.This young child waited about one more minute and said again, Mom, lets run through the rain!Well get wet if we do, her mom said.No, we wont, Mom. Thats not what you said this morning, the young girl said.This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?Dont you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer (癌症), you said, We have got through (已经熬过) this, and then we will get through anything!All of the people stopped talking. It was a time when innocent trust (纯真的信任) could grow into faith (信心). The mom thought for a minute and said You are right, sweetheart. Lets run through the rain! If we get wet, maybe we just need washing. Then they ran out.They got wet. But some people followed them .And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.(1) Alice is the writers A . sisterB . momC . daughterD . cousin(2) Why did the girl ask to run through the rain? A . Because the rain slowed down.B . Because she thought it was fun.C . Because she wanted to go and see her dad earlier.D . Because she got bored waiting inside the supermarket.(3) The mother decided to run through the rain because she wanted her daughter to trust A . they could get through any difficultiesB . they could get help from othersC . everyone needed washingD . Mom always loved her(4) Which of the following can we put into ?A . I could hear nothing but the rain.B . They shouted and laughed like children.C . No one came or left in the next few minutes.D . They all watched, but didnt know what to do.(5) From the passage we can know that the writer A . thought of his dadB . ran through the rain, tooC . thought the girl was smartD . had a good talk with the girl4. (8分) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。I had a summer camp with my classmates for a week last year.Early in the morning, we gathered(聚集) at the bus station. After saying goodbye to our parents, we got on the buses. It took us more than two hours to arrive at the campground.We got off the buses happily. Laughing and shouting, we jumped and ran all over the place. It was the first time for us to be away from the parents. Some of us started to feel homesick(想家). However, when the night party and dances began, we felt excited again.The next day, everybody rushed to the boating class, hoping to be at the head of the others. At first, my friends and I worked hard, but the boat wouldnt listen to us and kept going round and round. Then the teacher taught us how to work together. After many tries, we did much better.Swimming class was my favourite. It was about the hottest time of a day and the best time to stay in the cool water. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and during the class he often made us laugh happily. During the week I learned a lot of new things and made many new friends. I also learned how to take care of myself.(1) They got to the campground .A . on footB . by bikeC . by busD . by plane(2) The campground was from their homes.A . quite nearB . not farC . very longD . quite far(3) Why was swimming class the writers favourite?A . Because it was good to stay in the cool water when the weather was hot.B . Because the swimming teacher was interesting.C . Because the writer felt quite relaxed during the class.D . Because of all the above.(4) Which sentence is NOT true?A . It was the first time for the children to be away from their parents.B . Their homesickness lasted(持续) for long.C . It was teamwork to boat.D . They camped for a week.(5) Which is the best title for the passage?A . I learned a lot.B . Boating and swimming.C . On the campground.D . My best summer camp.5. (8分) (2015八上山西月考) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案Here is the result of a survey(调查) of the changes of means of transportation in China since 1970s. In the 1970s, people usually went to work on foot or by bike. There were few buses or cars. From the 1980s to 1990s, bikes and buses were the most popular means of transportation. Most people went to work by bike or by bus. Nowadays, more and more people have their own cars. They usually drive their cars to work. People can travel anywhere by train or by plane. Its fast and convenient(方便的) for most people to take the subway to work in some cities. Such as Beijing and Shanghai. In a word, more and more means of transportation will come to peoples life. It is believed that more and more people can go to the moon or other stars by spaceship someday.Passage 2Look at the chart. There are 50 students in Class Two. Here is the result of a survey of how students get to school in Class Two.Ways of getting to schoolOn footBy bikeBy busBy carBy subwayPercent(百分比)20%30%30%10%10%(1) Passage 1 mainly tells us in China. A . the most popular means of transportationB . people can fly to the moon by spaceship somedayC . the changes of means of transportation(2) In the 1970s, Chinese people usually to work. A . walked or took a trainB . took a bus or rode a bikeC . walked or rode a bike(3) Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase in Passage 1? A . 人们猜测B . 据调查C . 人们相信(4) There are ways of getting to school in Class Two. A . fiveB . sixC . seven(5) There are students riding their bikes to school in Class Two. A . 10B . 15C . 206. (8分) (2016九上深圳期中) 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。BAre you feeling tired in class every day? Are you feeling that you lose focus in class? Are you feeling “brain-dead” sometimes?Well, if you answer “yes” to these questions, you are not sleeping enough. But you are not alone. Many people throughout the world havent got enough sleep, especially students. Getting enough sleep is good for your health, so try the following ways.Use your time wiselyYou should make plans of things you want to get done. Dont wait until the last moment to study for an exam or finish a task because you are only hurting your body in the long run.Sleep like a babyRemember when you were a child and your parents asked you to take naps(小睡)? Taking naps is important to you if you lose sleep during the night.Sleep more, suffer lessYou shouldnt make yourself suffer any longer. So tonight, clear your mind and try to get a few more hours of sleep than you did the nights before! So how much sleep do you need? Researchers have done an experiment. They put people in an environment without clocks or windows and ask them to sleep any time they like. 95 percent of people sleep between seven and eight hours out of every 24.(1) _ people havent got enough sleep.A . ManyB . FewC . AllD . Some(2) If you have lots of things to do, youd better_.A . make plans of the things you want to get doneB . not do them until the last momentC . work hard at themD . not do them because you are only hurting your body in the long run(3) According to the last paragraph, if you feel tired, _.A . you shouldnt make yourself suffer any longerB . you should relax your mind by singingC . you should always stay in bedD . you should forget all things(4) The writers advice is that _.A . most of the students feel tired every dayB . taking naps is important to every personC . getting enough sleep is good for your healthD . every person should sleep like a baby7. (8分) (2018武威) 阅读短文,根据其内容回答文后各个小题。What Does a Lifelong Learner Look Like?Lifelong learners never think of themselves as the greatest expert in anything. They continue-to learn and bring a great deal to the groups they belong to. What does a lifelong learner look like? Here are some of their main characteristics (特征).They are knowledge seekers. They are always searching for much information on a topic theyre interested in and looking for new experience or opportunities to improve their knowledge or skills.They are social and self-directed learners. They like taking different courses and taking part in discussions around subjects they are interested in. _ they also know their own learning styles, and their strengths and weaknesses. They can plan and organize their own learning.They are critical(批判性的) thinkers. They always use a lot of ways to analyze (分析) and synthesize(A EX)information. From their research they judge the information to see if it is useful for the question at hand.They are problem solvers. They will meet different problems while learning. However, they usually see problems as challenges and life experiences and try to stand above them.(1) What does the underlined knowledge seekers mean? A . Persons who are looking for knowledge.B . Persons who are teaching knowledge.C . Persons whose jobs are inventing knowledge.D . Persons who are testing knowledge.(2) What can be put in the blank(空白处)? A . They dont like learning on society.B . They learn both from and with others.C . They learn from plants and animals.D . They invite each other to parties.(3) Which of the following most clearly shows you are a critical thinker? A . You always use a lot of ways to analyse and synthesize information.B . You believe in the information you get and use them in your study.C . You correct mistakes someone makes as soon as you find them.D . You ask others for help when you cant correct your own mistakes.(4) How is the passage organized? (P= Paragraph) A . B . C . D . (5) What is the purpose of the passage? A . To describe the height, clothes and hairstyle of a lifelong learner.B . To explain the relationship between common people and lifelong learners.C . To suggest lifelong learners become experts.D . To introduce some of the main characteristics lifelong learners have.8. (8分) (2019东城模拟) 阅读理解 Most students have experienced those school nights when they try to stay awake while doing homework. However, is homework the only reason why students stay up too late? For many, the answer may be factors(因素)such as electronics and technology, yet for others, the reply focuses on the balancebetween schoolwork and extracurricular(课外的)activities.Most students grow up developing some type of hobby. Whether it is playing baseball on the weekends, or joining a chess club after school, taking part in extracurricular activities is a large part of students daily routines. However, as schoolwork and pressure increase in high school, many students argue that extracurricular activities must fall by the wayside because they are not needed, or not so important. High school is a time when youre supposed to explore what you love, Samantha Luk, a high school student, said. When it comes to setting a timetable, however, Luk said she was often under pressure to give more importance to study. This thought of giving up personal interests for study is common among many students. They find it challenging to prove whether developing the interests is advantageous.As a cross-country runner, journalism fan and violin lover, I disagree with those who decrease the importance of after-school activities. There are many reasons why involvement in after-school activities is beneficial. The most important point is that sports, clubs and regular meetings give students time toenjoy each others company(陪伴)and start up friendships. These activities also allow teenagers to follow their interests and to reduce stress. So in spite of (尽管)heavy schoolwork, students should keep on following their hobbies although it is very hard.Some students, on the other hand, choose the opposite way. They spend too much time on their hobbies that they are passionate(狂热的)about. Sometimes this passion helps students get recognition or prizes for their surprising talents, but generally speaking, it just makes one student different from the other.Schoolwork and interests are of different values, so one should never have to choose between study and extracurricular activities, unless he or she wants to. Each student should try to balance them, and your balance may differ from others. Achieving this kind of balance is to find out what is important for you.It completely depends on your personal preference.(1) From what Samantha Luk said, we know that . A . she was good at setting a timetableB . she often stayed up studying at nightC . she spent a lot of time on her hobbiesD . she put her study before her interests(2) The writer probably agrees that . A . surprising talents can help students succeedB . after-school activities are necessary and importantC . students should choose either study or their interestsD . students need to develop hobbies different from others(3) What might be the best title for the passage? A . Managing Your Time WiselyB . Living a Relaxing School LifeC . Developing Different InterestsD . Discovering Your Own Balance9. (10分) Linda and Betty were both twenty years old. They studied in the same medical college. In June, after a school year was over, they decided to take a vacation in the country. They went to several towns and villages, and visited some places of interest, saw and heard a lot of interesting things. They enjoyed themselves very much.One afternoon, they were going to stay overnight in a small town. It was too hot to go further and they wished they could find a river and swim in the cool water. They were driving the car slowly while they were looking around. Suddenly Linda saw a lake not far away. They drove there fast and stopped the car by the lake. They looked around and found a man was sitting on a stone and fishing there. When they took their clothes and were going to jump into the water, the man came up to them and shouted, Sorry, Madams swimming is not allowed (允许)in the lake!Why didnt you tell us about it before we took off our clothes? Betty said angrily. But it isnt forbidden to take off clothes by the lake, said the man. (1) Linda and Betty were .A . classmatesB . sistersC . doctorsD . nurses(2) The man didnt want them .A . to fish in the lakeB . to swim in the lakeC . to take off their clothedD . to get angry(3) The word forbidden means_.A . 支持B . 禁止C . 同意D . 干扰10. (10分) 阅读理解。BMy name is Molly. I work in a library. Here are the rules of the library. Dont bring any bags into the reading room. Dont eat in the reading room. Keep quiet in the library.

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