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沪教版2020年广东中考英语模拟试卷(一)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Is there island in Wenzhou? Yes, its Dongtou Island.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)Ill stay at home instead of basketball with my friends. A . playB . to playC . playsD . playing3. (2分)The scientists have failed in the test many times, they never give up. A . butB . soC . or4. (2分)doesnt matter you come or not. A . That; whetherB . It; whetherC . That; ifD . It; if5. (2分)The West Lake is great. People _ it every year.A . are visitingB . to visitC . visitsD . visit6. (2分)Daming, Jim didnt come to school today. Do you know why? Yes. Hes had a bad cold. He _ at home and wont be back until next Tuesday. A . staysB . is stayingC . has stayedD . will stay7. (2分)- _ Peter of medium height?- Yes, he _.A . Does; doesB . Has; hasC . Is; doesD . is, is8. (2分)The old man _ Bajin was a famous writer. A . was calledB . is calledC . calledD . calls9. (2分)Mike wants to know if _ a picnic tomorrow. Yes. But if it _, we will visit the museum instead.A . you have; will rainB . you will have; will rainC . you will have; rainsD . will you have; rains10. (2分) Must I be home before eight oclock, Mum? No, you . But you have to come back before ten oclock.A . mustntB . cantC . needntD . couldnt11. (2分)Mickey Mouse by Walt Disney, and children it very much.A . was created; are enjoyed watchingB . created; enjoy watchingC . creates; enjoy to watchD . was created; enjoy watching12. (2分)We wonder if our foreign teacher to our graduating party next weekend. If she ,we ll be very happy. A . will come; will comeB . come; will comeC . will come; comesD . come; comes13. (2分) Will you come to join us in the party this weekend? _. I am studying for the model test next week.A . Im afraid not.B . I agreeC . I dont think so14. (2分) Has Mary ever visited Tower Bridge?Yes. She _ it two years ago.A . visitsB . visited C . has visitedD . was visiting15. (2分) The cake looks _. Yes, and it tastes even _. A . well; goodB . nice; betterC . good; worseD . better; best16. (2分)What do you _ Zhou Libo?I think he does well in talk shows. Many people like him.A . think ofB . find outC . make sure17. (2分)Im so tired that I can _ walk. A . alwaysB . hardlyC . usuallyD . sometimes18. (2分)I think it is a good idea _ parents to do something instead.A . to helpB . helpsC . helpingD . help19. (2分)Which city is your favorite?Xiamen, of course. Its the best place _ I want to visit.A . thatB . whereC . which20. (2分)- Would you like to dance with me, Millie?- .A . Sorry, I wouldnt.B . Of course not.C . Thats Ok.D . Yes, Id like to.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However, some of us sometimes 1some things.Electricity is one thing that we waste most. Lights, TVs, radios and other things are often kept on. We should turn them off when no one is using them. It 2less than a second to do it. Anyhow, not wasting electricity 3money, because we do not have to pay for the electricity we do not use.The second thing that we often waste is water. 4water is precious (珍贵的) and important, so it shouldnt be wasted. It is only a(n) 5matter of turning off a tap. I am sure everybody can do it 6if he wants to.Another big waste is 7. My mother used to cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so much food. She thought l was 8. And now she cooks only what we can 9up.It is not right to be wasteful. I find there is a simple way of not wasting things. That is to use only what we need and not to 10what we do not need. In this way, we can stop being wasteful.(1)A . waste B . save C . use (2)A . spends B . costs C . takes (3)A . makes B . produces C . saves (4)A . Sweet B . Fresh C . Sea (5)A . interesting B . simple C . difficult (6)A . terribly B . hard C . easily (7)A . food B . energy C . time (8)A . wrong B . fight C . stupid (9)A . clean B . drink C . eat (10)A . buy B . sell C . throw 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共23分)22. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。CThe History of Basketball Dr. Naismith started the basketball game in 1891. He was a teacher. He wanted a sport that the students could play inside in winter. In 1936, basketball became a sport at the Olympic Games. Now, it is very popular and more than 3 million people play it around the world.The History of Tea It is said that (据说) the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea by accident when he was boiling water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and produced a pleasant smell. He tasted the hot mixture (混合物). It was quite delicious. In this way, he invented tea. Tea was popular among the people, but it didnt appear in the Western world until 1610.The History of Potato Chips A cook called George Grum invented potato chips by mistake in 1853. He wanted to play a trick on a customer. He cut the potatoes really thin and cooked them for a long time until they were crispy (脆的). Then he sprinkled (撒) lots of salt on them so they were salty. But in fact, they were crispy and delicious. The customer loved them very much.(1) invented basketball.A . Dr. NaismithB . Shen NongC . George GrumD . Somebody(2)When Shen Nong was boiling water, some leaves fell into the .A . teaB . waterC . riverD . sea(3)Basketball has been a sport at the Olympic Games for about years.A . 80B . 119C . 300D . 200(4)A cook made a mistake and discovered .A . teaB . basketballC . potato chipsD . nothing23. (10分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。Many musicians meet and form(组成)a band because they like to write and play their own music. They may start as a group of high school students and practice their music in someones house. Sometimes they may play to passersby in the street or subway so that they can get some money for themselves or pay for their instruments (乐器).However, there was one band that started in a different way. It was called the Monkees and was formed in 1965. It began as a TV show. The TV show had planned to find four rock musicians who could act as well as sing. But they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three members of the band.Since some of these actors could not sing well enough,they had to ask for help from other musicians. So at first,the band just pretended (假装)to sing. Anyway,their performances were excellent and they got lots of fans. Each week on TV,the Monkees would pretended to play and sing songs written by other musicians. After a year or so,they became more serious about their work. They started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. Then they produced(制作)their own records and started touring and playing their own music. In the USA they became even more influential and popular than the Beatles and sold even more records.However, the band broke up around 1970,but happily they reunited(重聚)in the 1980s. They produced a new record in 1996 to celebrate their time as a band. It was very successful. Today the Monkees are still making music for their millions of fans.(1)From the second paragraph,we can know that the Monkees . A . was started by some studentsB . began as a TV showC . was started by fans of the BeatlesD . began as a radio program(2)At the beginning,the Monkees . A . had five membersB . wrote songs for me BeatlesC . had other musicians sing for themD . was not very interested in country music(3)What does the underlined word“influential”in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A . 有权势的B . 有野心的C . 有争议的D . 有影响的(4)The Monkees has a history of about years. A . thirtyB . fortyC . fiftyD . sixty(5)The writer writes this passage mainly to . A . show his love for me MonkeesB . introduce me history of the MonkeesC . ask more people to buy the Monkees recordsD . tell how the Monkees is different from the Beatles24. (5分)根据短文内容,完成表格。Do you often think of life in the future? Will we study at home? Will we have robots? Will we fly to the moon easily? Everyone may have his or her views about that. Life in the future will be very different from life today. Between then and now many changes will take place, but what will the changes be?There will be changes in our food. Maybe no one will eat meat. Instead, people will eat more fruit and vegetables. People will stay away from junk food. Maybe people will be healthier.Computers will be small and useful. Maybe we will even put the computers into our pockets(口袋). There will be at least two computers in every home. And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects at school.Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work can be done by robots. People will work fewer hours than they do now. And they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling.Life in the FutureFood People will eat more healthy food. People will stay away from _.Computers Computers will be small. We will even put the computers _. There will be at least two computers in every home. Computer studies will be important._ Robots will do _work. People will have enough free time to _, watch TV and travel.四、 看图短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。Living in a city has _ badvantages and disadvantages. It is often _eto find work in a city than in the countryside. There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of_ Ithings to do and places to see. You can eat in good_ r, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks when you_ wto relax. _H, living in a city is often very _ e. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise you will not be able to _ bthe things you want. Whats more, the city is always crowded, _ nand dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and_fair as in the countryside.五、 读写综合 (共2题;共15分)26. (10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)Everyone needs friends. They are very important because friends bring us happiness and hope in our lives. But the ability to make friends changes from person to person. To some people, making friends is not hard, and to others its very difficult. Making friends is a skill, and the first thing is to know how to get on with others. If you have trouble in making friends, maybe I can tell you how to do it.a)Realize your own good points. You have skills and talents(才能) that others will like.b)Believe that you are a good person and have something nice to share with others.c)Be humorous. Learn to laugh at yourself and your weakness. Remember to smile at others.d)Respect(尊敬) the others. Everyone has his own idea. Learn how to listen to others ideas without trying to make them accept yours.e)Be kind. If you are kind to others, they will usually be kind to you. There are hundreds of little things you can do to show your kindness. Open the door for someone. Wave to a friend and so on.f)Dont complain. Learn to accept what you cant change, and work hard to change what you can. No one is willing to hear your complaints all the time.g)Never give up. Even if you are faced with some closed-minded people, never give up. And try to find someone who will understand you. Making Friends_ofmaking friendsEveryone needs friends. They may bring us hope and make us _. PresentsituationTo some people, making friends is _but to others it is rather hard._on howto make friends_your own good points.Be_that you are nice and willing to share with others.Have a good sense of_. Learn to laugh at yourself and remember to smile.Respect the others.Show your _to others and they will be kind to you, too.Dont complain. _is willing to hear your complaints all the time.Never give up and do your _to find someone who will understand you.27. (5分)随着我们长大,和家人围坐在一起吃饭的时间越来越少。然而有研究表明,跟家人一起吃饭有助于身体健康。对此你有何看法?你又是如何做的?请以Eating with parents makes you healthier为题写一篇80词左右的短文,陈述你的理由。Eating with parents makes you healthier第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共23分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、四、 看图短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25-1、五、 读写综合 (共2题;共15分)26-1、27-1、

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