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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)1. (10分)根据短文内容,判断正误。 It was six in the evening when Lisa came home from work. She walked into the living room and saw her three children watching TV. The room was dirty and messy(不整洁的). There were milk boxes and dirty socks on the floor. Cakes were on the sofa and toys were everywhere.Lisa got angry. How dirty and untidy our room is! she said to her children. I cant work all day and then do housework all evening. Im not doing the housework any more! And so, Lisa didnt do the housework. She didnt clean. She didnt do the dishes. She didnt wash the clothes. Every evening she sat in the sofa and watched TV. Three days later, every dish in the house was dirty. All the childrens clothes were dirty, too. Rubbish was everywhere. The whole house was messier and smelt terrible. Then one day Lisa got very surprised when she came home from work. The kitchen was clean. The children cleaned all the dirty dishes! The next day, the living room was clean, and the children were washing their clothes. Lisa told the children, OK, Ill do housework again. But you must help me.Now Lisa and her three children do the housework together. Then they all sit in the sofa and watch TV. (1)Lisa has three children. (2)She was unhappy to see the dirty and messy room. (3)One day Lisa got home and found the children cleaning the kitchen. (4)After Lisa did the housework again, the children stopped doing it. (5)The children finally learnt that they should help to do some housework. 2. (10分)阅读理解With the development of science and technology, our daily life is becoming more colorful and more convenient .An Underwater Hotel It looks like a spaceship but it is actually a picture of an underwater hotel. A company plans to build in the sea which is about 18 metres below the surface. The whole building is underwater and you can get to it by swimming and diving.Google Glass Google Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery hidden inside the frame(边框). It can perform many of the same tasks as smart phones. The glass has a hidden camera and a tiny screen. It is designed to take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing.A New Kind of Shirt Hate washing clothes? Youre going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company, Wool & Prince. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing! The Wool & Prince shirt never needs ironing(熨烫).The Digital Library Can you imagine walking into a library and finding all books have turned into computers? The first bookless public library is planned to open in San Antonio, Texas. Computers will take the place of books soon.(1)How do you get to the Underwater Hotel? A . By taking boatsB . By taking a subwayC . By swimming and divingD . By taking a plane(2)You neednt use _ when you take photos or video with Google Glass. A . a cameraB . a screenC . a batteryD . your hand(3)The digital Library tells us something about a library without _. A . booksB . computersC . bookshelvesD . reader(4)Which one of the following can reduce our housework in our daily life? A . The underwater hotelB . Google GlassC . The Wool & Prince shirtD . The digital library(5)Our daily life is improving because of _. A . more robots making our life convenientB . hard work of people around the worldC . more and more latest hotels and restaurantsD . the development of science and technology3. (10分)One day, in an English class, the students are having their lessons. Their teacher, a young woman is very happy. She sings some nice songs with them and then she goes to the blackboard and writes “SMILES” on it. “This is the longest(最长)word in English,” she says to the class.A girl stands up and says, “It has only six letters. How can it be the longest word in English?”The teacher smiles and says, “Oh, look! There is a mile(英里)between the first letter and the last one.”(1)One day, the students are having _.A . a good timeB . a big mealC . a long meetingD . an English lesson(2)The young woman sings some nice songs with _.A . her childrenB . her studentsC . the teacherD . a girl(3)What does the teacher write on the blackboard?A . A letter.B . A word.C . A song.D . Her name.(4)A girl _ what the teacher says.A . asksB . believes(相信)C . doesntD . doesnt believe(5)Is the word “SMILES” the longest in English?A . Yes.B . No.C . Certainly.D . Sure.二、 信息匹配。 (共1题;共5分)4. (5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文(有一多余选项)。 In a school, some students didnt follow the school rules. They always caused trouble._They never meant to forgive (原谅) each other.One day a new teacher came to this school._He told each of his students to bring a bag of potatoes to school. For every person they didnt want to forgive, they chose a potato, wrote the persons name on it, and put it in the bag.Some of their bags were very heavy._They would put them beside their beds at night, on the seats when they sit in a car or on a bus, and next to their desks at school. They had to take care of them all the time so that they didnt forget them._Days of carrying the bags along with them made students get to know what a weight (重量) they were carrying in their minds. After that, the students learned to forgive._Too often we think of forgiveness as a gift to other people, and it clearly is for ourselves!A. Some of them even fought with each other.B. He didnt know what to do with the students.C. When he heard that, he came up with a good idea.D. They got on well with each other and didnt fight anymore.E. As time passed by, the potatoes went bad and made people feel sick.F. The teacher then asked them to carry their bags with them everywhere for one week.三、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)完形填空The Shirt of a Happy ManOnce upon a time, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept 1and didnt feel like eating. The queen and his people worried about him very much. One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. But he couldnt find 2with his body. It was all in his mind. He said the king needed the shirt of a happy person to wear. Then the prime minister, the kings banker and the palace singer were called to the palace. But they all had3worries. They werent happy, either. The prime minister thought many people were trying to 4, then he would lose his power. The banker was afraid 5his money. The singer said he couldnt get freedom because he always worried about being followed by 6.7, the kings top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days time.Two days passed, the general still couldnt find a happy man. Everyone had their own problems, Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man8happily on the street. The general didnt understand why the poor man was so happy, though he seemed to have 9power, money or fame. So he went up to the poor man and asked him about the reason. The poor man said he was happy because he had everything he wanted, and he didnt want to have what he couldnt have. Hearing this, the general was excited. The poor man was the Happy Man. So he asked the poor man to give his shirt10the king. Shirt? said the poor man in surprise, “I dont own any shirts!”(1)A . badly B . bad C . worse (2)A . something wrong B . wrong anything C . anything wrong (3)A . much B . a lot of C . lot of (4)A . take his place B . keep his place C . make his place (5)A . losing B . to lose C . lose (6)A . the other B . other C . others (7)A . In the end B . By the end C . At the end (8)A . singing B . sing C . to sing (9)A . never B . not C . no (10)A . / B . to C . for 四、 英语知识运用。 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。On the _ (one) day of the new term, I met my new headmaster at the school gate. Follow me, please! he said. He had _ quiet, kind voice. He took me into my new classroom and _ (leave). In front of me, thirty pairs of eyes looked at me. I knew he had told the students that I was blind. I could almost feel the question behind their eyes: Blind? I felt the answer too: If shes blind, this should be good! I heard quiet _ (voice) in a corner of the classroom. For a moment, I felt afraid. I knew at once that I had to be _ (strong) than before.Class, I said as _ (loud) as I could. I may be blind. But I am not foolish. Take those naughty smiles off your faces, and stop talking, please! Of course, I could not see their faces; I just guessed that some of them were smiling. The class were quiet. They were very surprised. I knew that I had done the right thing._ the days went by, the students had more surprises. I could smell when the children were eating sweets. I could easily hear combs going through hair, students _ (pass) messages, and so on. Once I found a girl passing a message to a friend. I took the message to the teachers room. A teacher read it to me. On one side it said, Do you think she can see? On the other it said, I think so. She always knows _ were doing.Soon the students stopped being naughty, and started to work hard. Before long, they brought in photos of _ (they) families for me to look at. I knew then they were my friends. I also knew they had forgotten that I could not see.五、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共14分)7. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。 Imagine a trip to the deep ocean. What would you _ (期待) to see? Would it be possible that you find _ (奇怪的) new animals and plants?As we know, sunlight warms the surface _ (部分) of the ocean. Plants and animals which need sunlight and warm water live there. But deep in the ocean, other animals live in water that is cold and _ (暗色的).The deep ocean is freezing cold. The water pressure of very deep water can _ (伤害) you, So what animals live in the ocean? Where do they live? How many are there? Scientists have studied and counted animals for ten years to find out the answers. The _ (报告) is surprising.The first surprise is where things live: everywhere! They live in the hottest and coldest places. Some live in deep places _ (没有) light or air.The second surprise is that there are over 230,000 _ (种类) of animals and plants under the sea, Over six _ (千) have never been seen before!So what _ (别的) is living in the deep ocean? Will there be more surprises to come?8. (4分)根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。I sat _(紧靠) the wall, so he didnt notice me at all.One of the_ (长处) of living in the centre of the city is that you can buy everything you want easily.Jim is so_ (幽默的) that he is always making us laugh.My e-friend _(答复) to my e-mail the day before yesterday.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)习近平总书记在十二届全国人大一次会议闭幕会上描绘了“中国梦”的蓝图。上周一班会课我们班就“我的梦想”进行了一次热烈的讨论。Tom1)想写自己的故事,在将来当一位作家:2)最喜欢小说,每周花四个多小时阅读;3)对各种各样的书都感兴趣,每次看后都会写读书报告;我的梦想结论好书是好朋友,可以增长我们的知识、帮助我们放松身心,也给我们打开一个新的世界。会努力实现梦想。要求:1)要点齐全,可适当增加细节使句子通顺、连贯。2)我的梦想要展开合理的想象,不少于2点。3)词数90左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。My dreamEveryone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful and someone may want to have power. Last Monday, we had a warm discussion about this topic at the class meeting. Here is Toms dream.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)1-1、答案:略1-2、答案:略1-3、答案:略1-4、答案:略1-5、答案:略2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、二、 信息匹配。 (共1题;共5分)4-1、三、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)5-1、四、 英语知识运用。 (共1题;共10分)6-1、五、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共14分)7-1、8-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)9-1、


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