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喜捷镇2011年春期八年级下册英语教学工作计划喜捷中学 杨虹本期教学内容的设计要做到以下几点:首先,严格要求抓基础,抓单词,在教单词时,把单词的读音与拼写有机的联系起来,让学生学会通过音标记单词,黑体单词与非黑体单词分开抓,运用多种方式加大对单词的考查力度;抓笔记,笔记是运用单词的钥匙,抓重点单词、句子结构的用法,精讲多练,通过练习,让学生能灵活运用所学知识,做好单元检测工作。其次,抓课文朗读,默读课文不等于他们能流利的朗读课文,八年级的课文较长,知识点都在课文中,让学生背诵课文较难,只能通过朗读让他们充分理解所学知识,本学期注重学生语音、语调、语速的培养,争取让大部分学生能快速流利的朗读课文,以此提高他们对英语的兴趣,通过此种方法也能让他们的听力水平有所提高,检查朗读情况,以小组为单位,组长负责把关,并且定期举行朗读比赛。第三,做好优等生的培养工作,通过各种方式,提高各班优等生的所占比例及质量,做好偏科学生的思想工作,让他们意识到英语的重要性,教给他们学习英语的好方法,激励他们努力学习英语,提高英语成绩。第四,在教学中,我会用自己的激情去感染学生,用热情去鼓励学生,用方法去鞭策学生,用行为去指导学生,圆满完成自己的教育教学任务。本学期单元重要的知识要点如下:Unit 1 Will people have robots?重点语法:一般将来时态的应用 do/does 的一般将来时态形式:(shall/will) do do/does 的一般将来时态的被动语态:(shall/will) be done一般将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式:肯定句例句:People will have robots in a few years.否定句例句:People (will not/wont) have robots in a few years.一般疑问句例句:Will people have robots in a few years?特殊疑问句例句:What will people have in a few years?重点短语:wont = will not theyll = they will shell = she willhell = he will Ill = I will fall in love with(sb./sth.) 爱上(某人/某物)be able to do sth. 能够做某事 come true 实现in the future 未来 hundreds of 数以百计的 thousands of 数以千计的 look for(sb./sth.) 寻找(某人/某物)will would 情态动词 will 的原形和过去式may might 情态动词 may 的原形和过去式Reading Strategy(阅读方法)Look at the title and picture, and predict what you will read about. (看着标题和图片,预知你要阅读那些方面的内容。)This helps you get ready to acquire new information. (这样可以帮助你获得一些新的信息。)Unit 2 What should I do?重点语法:过去将来时态(将来时态的委婉说法) do/does 的过去将来时态形式:(should/would) do do/does 的过去将来时态的被动语态:(should/would) be done过去将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式:肯定句例句:You should write a letter to him.否定句例句:You shouldnt write a letter to him.一般疑问句例句:Should I write a letter to him?特殊疑问句例句:What should I do?重点短语:keep sb. out 不让某人进入 Whats wrong? = Whats the matter? = Whats the problem? 怎么了? out of style 不时髦的;过时的 in style 时髦的;流行的 call sb. up 给某人打电话 pay for sth. 为某事付款 part-time job 兼职工作 the same as = be same (to/with) 与同样get on well with sb. = get along well with sb. 与某人相处(好)didnt = did not couldnt = could notas . as possible 尽可能(eg/ as soon as possible 尽快)all kinds of 各种;许多 a kind of 一种 kind of 有一点on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面ask sb. for sth. = ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事ask sb. not to do sth. 请求某人不要做某事spend (money) on sth. = spend (money) in doing sth. 花钱做某事(spend 过去式spent)sth. cost sb. (money) 某人花钱为了某事 (cost过去式cost )take sb. sometime to do sth. 花某人时间做某事 (take过去式took) pay money for sth 因为什么花了多少钱 (pay 过去式paid)对价格提问;what is the price of sth ?=How much ? find out 查明 find sb. doing sth. 发现某人做某事be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at sth. 生某事的气the same age as = as old as 与某人年龄一样 have fight with sb. 与某人打架 learn to do sth. 学会做某事 not . until . 直到才 compare sth.(A) with sth.(B) 把某事(A)与某事(B)作比较compare sth.(A) to sth.(B) 把某事(A)比作某事(B) its time for sth. = its time to do sth. 到该做某事的时间了 maybe adv. 或许 may be (情态动词 + 动词原形)可能是shall should 情态动词 shall 的原形和过去式pay paid paid 动词 pay 的原形、过去式和过去分词Reading Strategy(阅读方法)You will learn to use new words better if you use a learners dictionary. (时刻学着应用新单词来学习比时刻使用字典这种途径方法更好。)A bilingual dictionary sometimes gives the wrong meaning for the situation you want. (在某些你需要的场合下,一本双语字典有时会给你错误的解释。)Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?重点语法:过去进行时态 do/does 的过去进行时态形式:(was/were) doing do/does 的过去进行时态的被动语态:(was/were) being done过去将来时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式:肯定句例句:I was walking down the street when a UFO landed.否定句例句:I wasnt walking down the street when a UFO landed.一般疑问句例句:Were you walking down the street when a UFO landed?特殊疑问句例句:What were you doing when a UFO landed?动词 when 和 while 的选择:when 后加瞬间动词,while 后加延续性动词。例句:The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed. =While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.感叹句结构:(1) How + adj. + the + 主语 + 谓语动词 =(2) What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + 主语 + 谓语动词例句:What a beautiful flower it is! =How beautiful the flower is!What beautiful flowers they are! =How beautiful the flowers are!重点短语:get out 出去;离开 take off 起飞 run away 逃跑;跑掉come in 进来 hear about = hear of 听说take place 发生 happen to 发生 as . as 像一样(eg/ as old as him 像他一样老)anywhere = everywhere = here and there 任何地方think about 考虑 think of 认为 get up = get out of the bed 起床 at the doctors 在诊所every day 每一天 everyday adj. 日常的 most adj. 大部分 the most 最多的in space 在太空中 national hero 民族英雄all over the world = in the world 全世界Reading Strategy(阅读方法)The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. (一篇文章的标题可以帮助你理解整篇文章。)Its also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read. (在阅读整篇文章之前,阅读每段的第一句话也是一个很有效的方法。)Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.重点语法:宾语从句结构:主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语从句(主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语/表语)例句:-Im good at English. He says. (改为加宾语从句的复合句) -He says Im good at English.注意:主句是一般现在时态,宾语从句的时态不受其影响。 例句:He says Im good at English now. He says I was good at mathematics when I was young. 主句是过去时态,宾语从句也要用过去时态。 例句:He said I was good at mathematics when I was young yesterday. He said I was good at English now yesterday. 宾语从句是客观真理时永远用一般现在时态。 例句:Our teacher says 24 hours make a day.Our teacher said the sun gives us so many energy yesterday. 动词原形不能作主语,必须用其 -ing 形式。 例句:She said helping others changed her life.重点短语:direct speech 直接引语 reported speech = indirect speech 间接引语first of all = at first 首先 First 首先pass on 传递 be supposed to do sth.=should do sth 应该做某事be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好be in good health =keep healthy = keep fit =stay healthy 身体健康 get over 克服 open up 打开care for = take care of = look after 照料;照顾not any more = not any longer = no longer 不再have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧end-of-year exam 年终考试 get nervous 变得紧张forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事未做)forget doing sth. 忘记做某事(该事已做)remember to do sth. 记住做某事(该事未做)remember doing sth记住做某事(该事已做)its + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 做某事对某人来说(加形容词)Reading Strategy(阅读方法)First read for meaning, not for detail. (首先理解文段的大致意思,不在于文段的细节部分。)You can understand the meaning of a word you dont know from the context. (至于不懂的单词,你可以通过上下文来寻找它的正确释义。)Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!重点语法:if 引导的条件状语从句结构:主句 + if + 条件状语从句 if + 条件状语从句 + (comma) + 主句注意:在 if 引导的条件状语从句中,主句应用将来时态,状语从句用一般现在时态。例句:Youll have a great time if you go to the party. =If you go to the party, youll have a great time.重点短语:take away 拿走 around the world = all over the world 在世界各地make a living by 通过什么方式谋生 all the time = always 一直Whats the problem? = Whats the matter? = Whats wrong? 怎么了? in order to do sth. 为了做某事make sb. do sth. 使得某人做某事(to 省略,该结构是一个不带 to 的不定式。)make sb. adj. 使得某人(加形容词) make sb. done 使得某人被做be famous for 为而出名 be famous as 作为而出名in class 在课堂上 have a class 上课spend .(time/money) on sth. = spend .(time/money) in doing sth. 花(时间/钱)用于做某事see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事(强调整个过程)see sb. doing sth. 看见某人做某事(强调偶然性)say said said 动词 say 的原形、过去式和过去分词tell told told 动词 tell 的原形、过去式和过去分词 eat ate eaten 动词 eat 的原形、过去式和过去分词speak spoke spoken 动词 speak 的原形、过去式和过去分词Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?重点语法:现在完成进行时态do/does 的现在完成进行时态形式:have/has been doing do/does 的现在完成进行时态的被动语态:have/has been being done现在完成进行时态所应用的场合:某事从过去发生一直持续到现在都在做过去发生的动作对现在造成影响例:我已上了三年初中。 I have been in Junior School for 3 years. 自从那次他与我谈过心后,我天天都在进步。 I have been making progress since he talked with me that time.现在完成进行时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式:肯定句例句:I have been skating for five hours.否定句例句:I havent been skating for five hours.一般疑问句例句:Have you been skating for five hours?特殊疑问句例句:How long have you been skating?注意:瞬间动词不能和一段时间连用。例句:你借这本书已经多长时间了? How long have you been keeping this book?重点短语:run out of 用完;用尽 by the way 顺便说说 be interested in doing sth. 对某事感兴趣 more than = over 比多,超过far away 在远处 be away 离开 would like to do sth. = want to do sth.= feel like doing sth. 想要做某事send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 把某物赠送给某人in fact 实际上 room 房间(用于可数名词);空间(用于不可数名词)common more common the most common 形容词 common 的原级、比较级和最高级Reading Strategy(阅读方法)Let your eyes scan the text quickly to find details that youre looking for. (在阅读文章之前,用眼睛“横扫”整篇文章,快速寻找你需要的文章要点。)You can find information quickly without reading the whole text. (这样你就不用细读整篇文章,就能寻找到你需要的一些信息。)Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?重点语法:mind ones doing sth. 介意(某人)做某事重点短语:not at all 一点也不 turn down 调节使音量变小turn up 调节使音量变大 turn off 关闭 turn on 打开right away = in a minute = at once 立刻;马上 wait in line 排队等候 cut in line 插队等候 hasnt = has not havent = have not keep . down 压低声音;使缓和 keep .out 阻止.进入at first = first of all 首先 take care = be careful 当心;小心take care of = care about = look after 关心;照顾break the rule 违规 obey the rule 遵守规定put out 熄灭 pick sth. up 捡起某物wait for sb. 等候某人 depend on 依赖;依靠get back = return 要回mean meant meant 动词 mean 的原形、过去式和过去分词Reading Strategy(阅读方法)As we read, we need to find topic sentences.(在我们阅读的时候,我们需要寻找“主题语句”,也就是和文章中心最相关的语句。) These sentences usually gives us a summary, or overall meaning of each paragraph and help us understand what the paragraph is about.(这些语句通常会给我们一些文章的“概要”,或者每个文段的全部意思,来帮助我们理解段落大意。) After the topic sentence comes more detail and explanation.(当“主题语句”出现后,该段的一些解释和细节也就会随之出现。)Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?重点语法:询问别人为什么要做或者不做某事 why dont you do sth. = why not do sth. 例句:Why dont you get her a camera? = Why not get her a camera? what about = how about 例句:How about some tennis balls? = What about some tennis balls?重点短语:fall asleep 入睡 give away 赠送;分发 give up 放弃hear of = hear about 听说 hear from 收到的来信take an interest in = be interested in 对感兴趣 make friends with 与交友 make progress 取得进步 keep kept kept 动词 keep 的原形、过去式和过去分词 feed fed fed 动词 feed 的原形、过去式和过去分词fall fell fallen 动词 fall 的原形、过去式和过去分词 hear heard heard 动词 hear 的原形、过去式和过去分词Reading Strategy(阅读方法)To understand the important ideas from the text, we must summarize.(为了了解文段最主要的意图,我们必须要进行总结。) Do this by answering who, what, where, why questions as you read.(在阅读时,常注意回答时间、地点、人物这些基本要素问题,达到总结的目的。)Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement?重点语法:现在完成时态 do/does 的现在完成时态形式:(have/has) done do/does 的现在完成时态的被动语态:(have/has) been done 现在完成时态主要强调过去发生的事情对现在的影响。例句:我去年去过美国,那是我第一次出国。I have ever been to America. Its the first time for me to go abroad.重点短语:have a great time = have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 on board 在船上 end up doing sth. 结束做某事all year round = all over the year 终年 understand understood understood 动词 understand 的原形、过去式和过去分词Reading Strategy(阅读方法)After reading, write down three or more things you have learned. (在阅读整篇文章之后,把你学到的三样或更多事物写下来。)We always remember things better if we take time to reflect. (如果我们花时间去思考一些问题的话,那么我们就能更容易地记住一些事情。)Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it?重点语法:反意疑问句反意疑问句由肯定陈述句加否定问句构成,或者由否定陈述句加肯定问句构成。例句:Hes a student, isnt he? Shes not his mother, is she?回答反意疑问句时,要根据事实来回答。若事实是肯定的,则必须用 yes 回答。若事实是否定的,则必须用 no 回答。例句:你还没有准备好,对吧? Youre not ready, are you? No, Im not.是的,我没有准备好。Yes, I am. 不,我准备好了。重点短语:look through 浏览 come along 出现;发生get along well with sb不,我准备好了。 = get on well with sb 与相处的好 at least 至少 at most 至多a thank-you note 感谢信forget forgot forgotten 动词 forget 的原形、过去式和过去分词little less least 形容词 little 的原级、比较级和最高级many/much more most 形容词 many/much 的原级、比较级和最高级重要句型、短语。 (一) 重要句型。 1There will be less pollution, more trees and fewer cars in 100 years.2. What should I do? You should do more exercise. You could buy some books.3. When the man came into the room, I was reading a book. =While I was reading a book, a man came into the room.4. He said they would come here in 5 minutes and they were on the way.5. We will take you to the zoo if we have free time.6. We have been studying English for 3 years.=We have been studying English since 3 years ago.7. Would you mind closing the window? = Could you please close the window?=Please close the window.= You have to close the window.8. Why dont you get her a scarf?= Why not get her a scarf?= How about getting her a scarf?= Lets get her a scarf.9. I have been to the zoon last year. My father has gone to Beijing now.They have already received my letter.10. You like playing soccer, dont you? You have nothing to tell me, do you?11. Its time for sth.Its time to do sth.Its time for sb to do sth. 12. find it adj (for sb) to do sth.Its adj/n. (for sb) to do sth. (二)重要短语的用法。 1.few, a few; little , a little. 2. many , much, a lot of , lots of 3.more, fewer, less. 4. can, be able to 5.help with sth, help sb do sth. 6.can, may must, could ,should ,might. 7.pay, spend, take, cost. 8.except, besides. 9.stop to do sth,stop doing sth. start to do sth start doing sth. 10.forget to do sth, forget doing sth. 11.try to do sth try doing sth. 12.enough+n, adj +enough, enough to do sth. 13. the same as, be different from 14.think about doing sth, complain about doing. 15. not until, not anymore. 16.something important, nothing to eat. something nice to drink. 17. take part in, join, enter, 18. in front of, in the front of. 19.take care of, look after. 20. surprise, be surprised to do sth 21.one the other, another, other, others. 22. bring, take; borrow, lend. 23. be good at sth/ doing sth be better at sth/ doing sth 24.have a good time, have a great time, have a wonderful time. have fun 25.either,eitheror, neither, neithernor, both and 26. how, how long, how long, how often, how far, how soon, how old. 27. how many, how much. 28.Would you like some? Yes, please, No, thanks. 29. like, be like, look like, look the same 30.Thanks for sth/ doing sth. 31.like to do sth, like doing sth, enjoy doing sth. 32.interesting, be interested in sth/ doing sth. take an interest in. 33.would you mind (not) doing sth. 34. what about.? how about? 35. too to so that. 36. have been to, have gone to. 注:练习题自拟三、教学措施在教学常规方面,我会努力作到:1、认真钻研教材和课标,精心备课,认真上好每一堂课。确定每堂课的基础内容,预备内容和拓展内容,满足不同层次学生的不同需求。2、作业有布置,有批改,有反馈。可适当增加阅读,要求学生写些书信、日记等应用文。本学期的英语教学在完成教材内容的同时,更应注意知识的延伸,内容的扩展,全面提高学生综合运用英语语言知识的能力。根据新课改目标的要求,除教材外,初一课外阅读应达4万单词的词汇量。作业的检查指定专人负责,各组长负责、老师抽查为辅。3、充分利用现有的现代化多媒体教学设备,加强直观教学,提高课堂效率。 4、多与学生沟通,了解学生学习状况和需求,及时改进教学中存在的问题和不足。 5、积极开展丰富多彩的英语活动,提高学生兴趣。如英语演讲比赛、单词听写比赛、朗读比赛、英语手抄报比赛、学唱英文歌曲等。 6、注重个别辅导,在面向全体学生的基础上,培优补差。7、不断学习,加强自身素质和业务能力的提高。 教学进度及期末复习安排: 本学期共19周的时间,除去放假时间,教学时间为18周。 unit 1 5课时 第一周-第二周unit 2 5课时 第二周- -第三周unit 3 5课时 第三周- -第四周unit 4 5课时 第四周- -第五周unit 5 5课时 第五周- -第六周review and mid-test 2课时 第六周unit 6 5课时 第七周-第八周unit 7 5课时 第八周- - -第九周unit 8 5课时 第九周- - -第十周unit 9 5课时 第十周- - -第十一周unit10 5课时 第十一周-第十二周unit 11 5课时 第十二周-第十三周 unit 12 5课时 第十三周第十四周review and final-test 2课时 第十五周总复习 第十五周-十六周机动 二周 2011.3.7

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