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一般将来时练习题及答案( ) 1. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be( ) 2. Charlie _ here next month. A. isnt working B. doesnt working C. isnt going to working D. wont work( ) 3. He _ very busy this week, he _ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be( ) 4. There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be( ) 5. _ you _ free tomorrow? No. I _ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be( ) 6. Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give( ) 7. Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? _. (不,不要。) A. No, you wont. B. No, you arent. C. No, please dont. D. No, please.( ) 8. Where is the morning paper? I _ if for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get( ) 9. _ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are( ) 10. If they come, we _ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have( ) 11. He _ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to giving( ) 12. He _ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote( ) 13. He _ in three days. A. coming back B. came back C. will come back D. is going to coming back( ) 14. If it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating. A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. doesnt fine( ) 15. Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? No, _ (不去). A. they willnt. B. they wont. C. they arent. D. they dont.( ) 16. Who _ we _ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A. will; go B. do; go C. will; going D. shall; go( ) 17. We _ the work this way next time. A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing( ) 18. Tomorrow he _ a kite in the open air first, and then _ boating in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go( ) 19. The day after tomorrow they _ a volleyball match. A. will watching B. watches C. is watching D. is going to watch( ) 20. There _ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be( ) 21. They _ an English evening next Sunday. A. are having B. are going to have C. will having D. is going to have( ) 22. _ you _ free next Sunday? A. Will; are B. Will; be C. Do; be D. Are; be( ) 23. He _ there at ten tomorrow morning. A. will B. is C. will be D. be( ) 24. _ your brother _ a magazine from the library? A. Are; going to borrow B. Is; going to borrow C. Will; borrows D. Are; going to borrows( ) 25. Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon? _ (好的). A. Yes, please B. Yes, you will. C. No, please. D. No, you wont.( ) 26. It _ the year of the horse next year. A. is going to be B. is going to C. will be D. will is( ) 27. _ open the window? A. Will you please B. Please will you C. You please D. Do you ( ) 28. Lets go out to play football, shall we? OK. I _. A. will coming B. be going to come C. come D. am coming( ) 29. It _ us a long time to learn English well. A. takes B. will take C. spends D. will spend( ) 30. The train _ at 11. A. going to arrive B. will be arrive C. is going to D. is arriving答案:1. C 2. D 3. D 4.D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. D将来进行时练习1.What_ you_this time tomorrow? A. willdo B. willhave done C. willbe done D. willbe doing2.The street lights_on when night falls.A will have gone B will have been going C will be going D will be gone3.Joe_the piano in a few minutes.A shall be played B will have been playing C shall be playing D will have played4. I _ my grandmother at three this afternoon.A shall be visiting B shall have visited C shall be visiting D will visit5.“Can you attend the party tonight?”“No,_ the boss about something urgent.”A I see BI shall have seen CIll be seeing D I can seeKey:1.D将来某时正在做某事。2.C 表示对将来某时正在进行动作的推断。3.C 预计将来某时正在进行的动作。4.A 同上。5.C 将来某时预计正在做某事。

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