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牛津高中英语必修一Unit 2单词讲解1act c 1) (戏剧的)一幕 2) 行动,行为 3)法案a play in five acts 一出五幕剧 Act III Scene II 第五幕第二场 a foolish act愚蠢的举动Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.(法案)He acted quickly and put out the fire.(行动) He acted his part well. (扮演)act as 担任职务action (U/C) 动作, 作用 take action 采取行动 2vacation n. 假期, 休假, (房屋等的)腾出v. 度假, 休假the summer vacation暑假 on vacation take a vacation 休假3surprise n. u惊讶 c 惊人的事物,意外的事 vt. 使惊讶,使感到意外Dont tell him about the present - its a surprise。His anger surprised me - I had thought he was a calm person.She was surprised by the boys intelligence.to ones surprise = to the surprise of sb. 使某人惊奇的是;使感到惊To my surprise, the plan succeeded.in surprise 惊讶地,吃惊地,在惊慌中I looked at him in surprise - I didnt expect to see him again.surprised adj. 感到惊讶的be surprised by /at /to do sth. surprising adj. 惊人的,意外的4suppose vt. 推想, 假设, 猜想, 应该;准;允许 vi. 料想 What do you suppose you will do after school?I suppose it will rain.be supposed to 应该,被期望Youre not supposed to play football in the class-room. 5bend (bent, bent) n. c 转弯;弯曲 v. (使)弯曲The stream takes a sudden bend to the east.The branches bent in the wind. 树枝被风吹弯了。The nurse bent down and kissed the child.。护士弯下身子吻了孩子一下6 touch n. 触摸,接触;触觉 vt/vi 触摸;接触, 感动(某人),使(某人)动心It will break at a touch.那东西一碰就破。Dont touch the exhibit.His sad story touched our heart。I was touched by her gentleness.in touch (with) 有联系;对某事熟悉 out of touch (with) )无联系;生疏 get in touch (with) 取得联系 keep in touch 保持联系lose touch (with)失去联系;停止联系7do with 处理,处置(常与what连用)What are we going to do with the problem?He knows well how to deal with this difficulty. 8explain vt/vi解释, 说明 explain sth to sb/ explain to sb sthThat explains why she is not here.那就说明了她不在这里的原因。 He explained to me how the machine was used. explanation n. 解释, 解说, 说明9. mess n. 混乱, 脏乱v. 将.弄糟,使.紊乱 Your room is in a mess(乱七八糟.) Who messed up my papers?谁把我的文件搞得乱七八糟Get cleaned up! Youre a mess!收拾一下吧! 你多邋遢呀! 9.sink n. 水槽, 水池 vi. 沉下, (使)下沉sink or swim 成败靠自己. The ship is sinking.10. leave n. 请假, 休假 ask for leave 请假vt. vi 离开, 动身, 剩下, 使处于某种状态,听任 Leave that work for another day.把那件事留到改天再做吧。Youd better leave the window _(开着).At the age of three his mother died, leaving him _ _ (丢下他成了孤儿).Dont leave her _ outside in the rain (等着). Dont leave your work _(只做一半).He left the lights _(亮着).11.charge n. 主管, 掌管vt., vi. 索价,指控,使负责in charge 负责 掌管 (常作定语或表语)in charge of 由负责in the charge of .在.的支配下 take charge of 掌管, 负责 Whos in charge here? Our English teacher is in charge of our class. Our class is in the charge of our English teacher. How much do you charge for making a suit? 12.reason n. 理由, 原因The reason why she did it is still a mystery. The reason for her absence was that she was ill.比较 the cause of There was no obvious reason for the accident.The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.13.trust n.信任, 信赖( in) vt. 信任, 信赖Dont put your trust in that man; he may trick you.Dont trust him hes not telling the truth.14.behavior n.举止, 行为 good behavior 好行为behave v. behave oneself 守规矩15.unpunished adj.未受惩罚的Such a serious crime must not go unpunished. punish vt.惩罚,.punishment n.惩罚, 处罚, 惩处16.fault n. 过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病Your only fault is carelessness.It be ones fault that .是某人的过错. It was his fault that we were late.17.mistake n.错误, 过失 a spelling mistake 一个拼写错误 The letter was sent to you by mistake. 18.slam n.砰, 猛击, 撞击v. 砰地关上, 砰地放下He threw his books down with a slam.。She slammed the box down on the table.19.go out 出去, 熄灭, 过完 v. 砰地关上, 砰地放下His cigarette has gone out.The year went out slowly.put out the fire20.scene n. 现场, 场面, 情景, 景色, 发生地点, 戏剧一场 Act 1, Scene 2第一幕第二场 the scene of the crime. 犯罪现场a beautiful scene一幅美丽的景象21. mad n. 狂怒 adj. 疯狂的, 愚蠢的, 生气的;愤怒的(常与about, on连用)be/go mad 发疯 drive/send sb mad 把某人逼疯They were mad about missing the train.他们为误了火车而生气。 She was mad with me for losing my keys.她为我丢了钥匙而生我的气。22not.any more 不再not.any longer no more no longer She told me she wouldnt go there any more. = She told me she would go there no more. (指次数不再增多或机会不再出现) He doesnt live here any longer. = He no longer lives here. (指时间不再延长) 23.hard adj. 硬的, 坚固的, 困难的, 艰苦的be hard on 对.苛刻(使.极为难堪)24.now (that) 既然,由于 Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents help. 25.boring adj. tiresome; dull令人厌烦的 bored adj. 感到厌倦的,乏味的26. mark n. 分数,标志,记号v. 打分,作记号dirty marks 污迹 get a good/poor mark in maths give sb high/low marks.He marked the floor with chalk.27.stay up v. 熬夜,不去睡觉;留在原地,原地不动 She stayed up reading until midnight. I am going to stay up late to finish my paper. 28.upset adj.心烦的,苦恼的 (+about/at/over) vt. (upsetupset-upset) Vt.扰乱, 使不适, 使心烦He was horribly upset over her illness.The news quite upset him.29.after all adv. 毕竟,到底 above all 尤其是,最重要的是, first of all 首先30.mix v. 混合,搅拌。后面常接介词with。 mix的名词形式是mixture,意为“混合物”, Oil and water dont mix.(= Oil doesnt mix with water.) You cant mix oil with water. mix up 意为“混淆,搞混” Im afraid I have mixed your names up. 31.score n. 得分, 刻痕 twenty 二十 表示具体数目时,score要用单数。 a high/low score 高低分 二十个鸡蛋 a score of eggs 六十个鸡蛋 three score of eggs three score and ten, ie 70 七十 scores of意思是many “许多、大量”,如: There are scores of eggs in the basket. 32.as though 好象,似乎 引导方式状语从句 引导表语从句。 从句的事情发生的可能性大就用陈述语气;The boss speaks aloud as if he is angry. It looks as if it is going to rain.33.insist vt. / vi. 主张;坚持,坚持认为作不及物动词用时, 后跟on或upon引起的短语He insisted on paying for the meal. 他坚持要付饭钱。I insist on your being there.我坚持要你在那里。I insist on that you ( should ) take immediate action to put this right.I insisted that he was wrong.I insisted that he had done wrong.33.chat n. v .聊天 to have a chatWhat were you chatting to him about?你和他聊了些什麽?34.valuable adj. 贵重的, 有价值的, 颇有价值的 value n.价值35.at present = at the present time 现在;目前present n. 礼物 adj. 出席, 现在的,当前的36.argument n. 争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, put forward an argument 提出论点argue v. 争论, 辩论, 说服 argue with / against sb. about / on sth. 与某人辩论某事argue sb. into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事37.suggest v.建议, 提出, 使想起, 暗示,表明His pale face suggests bad health. 他面色苍白,说明他身体不好。His cool response suggested that he didnt like the idea.他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意.Suggest doing sth I suggested going for a walk.Suggest +句子(should ) I suggest he should finish his homework first.38.crazy adj. 疯狂的, 狂热的 like crazy 口发疯似地, 拼命地, 猛烈地Shes crazy about him. They were running around like crazy.39.spare adj. 多余的, 剩下的 v. 舍弃, 分让, 提供给某人in your spare timeIf you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight?I have no time to spare. 我没有余暇。40.forbid v.禁止, 不许(forbad, forbidden)Her father forbade their marriage.forbid doing sth / forbid sb to do sthThe government forbids hunting and killing wild animals.My parents forbid me to enter the Internet cafe.牛津高中英语必修一Unit 2词组、句型讲解一、重点词组1.turn up调高声音;出现 2.a waste of sth. 浪费 3.spare time空余时间 4.do with处置 5.a day earlier than expected 比预料的要早一天 6.shout at 向喊叫 7.force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 8.(sb.) spend time (in) doing sth/ on sth. 9.be supposed to do sth.被期望/要求做某事 10.in charge (of)掌管/控制 11.go out 熄灭 12.expectfrom从指望 13.now that 既然 14.deserve to do sth 值得做某事 15.give sb a chance to do sth 给某人一个机会做某事 16.have no time to do sth.没有时间做某事 17.instead of 相反,而不是 18.notany more 不再 19.go unpunished 不受惩罚 20.be hard on sb对某人苛刻 21.be a mess/ in a mess 乱成一团 22.after all 毕竟 23.leave sb in charge 委托某人负责 24.feel like (doing)sth 想要做某事 25. mix up混淆 26.act like行为举止像 27.in the form of 以的形式 28.stay up 熬夜,不睡 29.as though/if好像,似乎 30.insist on (doing) sth 坚持(做)某事 31.Internet Caf网吧 32.at present 目前 33.like crazy 发疯似的,拼命的 34.be different from sth与不同 35.search for 搜寻 36. a little bit 一点点 37. be proud of 为骄傲 38. mix upwith把和混合在一起 39.be busy with sth/doing sth. 忙于(做)某事 40.stay up 熬夜 41.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 42.used to do sth 过去常做 43.be used to do sth 被用来做某事 44.be used to doing sth习惯于 45.all the time一直.总 46.prevent sb from doing sth/ forbid sb from doing sth /forbid sb. to do sth.阻止某人做某事47.get/have sth done 使得某事被做 48. argue about sth with sb 与某人争论某事 49.choosefrom 从中选择 50. allow sb to do sth /allow doing /allow sb. sth. 51.be nervous about sth 52. get good marks 取得好成绩 53.take/follow ones advice 采纳某人的意见 54.sth. happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上 55.have ones arm crossed 双臂交叉抱在胸前 二、重点句型 1.Do you have to turn up(调大)your music so loud? 2.I cant wait to (迫不及待)surprise the boys.3.You werent supposed to (本应该)come home until tomorrow. 4.What did you do with (处理)the money we left?5.Eric sits on his bed looking at daniel, who has his arms crossed(抱着胳膊)and looks angry.6.Now that (既然)he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.7.I didnt get enough sleep so I didnt feel very well(感到身体不适).8.Many people in families become upset with(对-心烦意乱)each other over small problems.9.Sometimes he acts as if/ though (好像) he doesnt even love us.10.At present,to prevent upsetting his mother with an argument,I am allowing him his freedom(允许他有自由)11.He and my mother always make me do things I dont like such as(像,比如) playing the piano and learning Japanese.12. He has even forbidden me from meeting my friends (禁止我同朋友见面)online at the Internet cafe.Unit 2 1. be common to 对来说很普遍2. turn up 调大音量,出现,往上翻3. a waste of time (money) 浪费时间(金钱)4. force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事5. be angry with sb at/about sth 对某人/某事生气6. arrive back home from vacation 度假归来7. than expected 比预料的8. cant wait to do sth 等不急得去干某事9. be supposed to do sth 理应干某事10. be to do 计划做,注定要,应该做,想要做11. in a mess 一团糟12. in charge (of) 负责13. in the charge of 被负责14. sth goes unpunished 未受惩罚15. go out 熄灭16. have ones arms crossed 交叉着手臂17. deserve to do sth 理应做18. have no time to do sth 没有时间作某事19. be too hard on sb 对某人太苛刻20. punish sb for sth/doing 因为某事惩罚某人21. in the form of 以的形式22. replacewith 用来代替23. have no choice but to do 只好做某事24. run out (of) 用完25. treat sb as/like 把某人当作26. explain to sb sth 向某人解释27. the cause of/the reason for 的原因28. cause sb to do sth 促使某人做某事29. practise doing sth 练习做某事30. change sth for sth 用东西换东西31. feel a bit better 感到好多了32. in formal English 用正式的英语33. a no-brainer 很容易懂得事34. a wet blanket 一个扫兴的人35. all ears 认真听讲36. pull ones leg 开某人的玩笑37. look sth up 查询/找38. green fingers 园艺技能39. all thumbs 苯手苯脚,十分苯拙40. the pot calling the kettle black 锅笑壶黑,乌鸦笑猪黑41. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨42. make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做43. fill in / out 填写44. more than one 不止一个45. go with 伴随,与相配46. give lessons to sb 给某人上课47. wait for sb to do sth 等候某人干某事48. a little bit + adj. 有点儿49. be proud of 对感到骄傲50. get good marks 取得好成绩51. fail to do sth 未能干某事52. be tired of 对感到厌烦53. be tired with/from 因而累54. stay up 熬夜,挺住55. feel very well 感到身体很好56. for nothing 徒劳57. after all 毕竟,终究59. someone elses 某个别的人的60. ask for advice 征求意见61. take/follow ones advice 接受某人的建议62. all the time 一直,总是63. take sb out for dinner 带某人出去吃晚餐64. be meant to do 被打算用来做某事65. keep sth in mind 把记在心里66. Whats up ? 什么事呀?67. tidy up 使整齐68. keep sth looking tidy 使某物看上去整洁69. clean up 清理,整理70. make a bit of difference 有点与众不同71. either or 要么要么72. do sports 进行体育运动73. fix ones problem 解决某人的问题74. be/become upset with 对感到生气75. early on 早些时候76. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事77. as if/though 好象78. insist on/upon doing sth 坚持做79. waste some time doing sth 浪费时间做某事80. in/at Internet cafes 在网吧81. chat online 网上聊天82. at present 目前,现在83. prevent sb (from) doing 阻止某人做某事84. do harm to=be harmful to 对有害85. suggest doing sth 建议做某事86. like crazy 疯狂地87. play the piano 弹钢琴88. play foreign music 演奏外国音乐89. send/put sb to bed 打发某人去睡觉90. forbid sb from doing 阻止某人做某事91. solve the problem 解决问题92. bridge the generation gap 缩小代沟93. get along better 相处的更好94. work on 演算,从事95. work out 解出,结果是96. make a draft 打个草稿97. make a final version 作出最后的样本98. be included in 被包含在

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