牛津深圳版七上英语Module 2 The natural world unit 4 seasons单元测试B卷

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牛津深圳版七上英语Module 2 The natural world unit 4 seasons单元测试B卷_第1页
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第 1 页 共 21 页 牛津深圳版七上英语 Module 2 The natural world unit 4 seasons 单元测试 B 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 词汇测试 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 共 8 题 共 16 分 1 2 分 We don t have vegetables Let s buy A any any B any some C a little any D a little some 2 2 分 2017 七下 迁安期中 I like the beef soup because it nice A tastes B sounds C looks D gets 3 2 分 2018 七上 衢州月考 Let s have a dictation 听写 Please your books A stand B close C open D sit 4 2 分 2015 八上 南沙期中 I bought a new MP4 player and it me 500 Yuan A paid 第 2 页 共 21 页 B spent C cost D took 5 2 分 English is for me Can you help me with it A difficult B good C interesting D right 6 2 分 Can a plane fly the Atlantic Ocean Yes but it needs to go the clouds for hours A across through B through across C across across D through through 7 2 分 Do you like eating dumplings Of course It s food for Chinese people A successful B dangerous C traditional D difficult 8 2 分 2017 七下 龙湖期中 Study hard and I think your dream will 第 3 页 共 21 页 A come ture B come to true C come truly D come true 二 选出恰当的词语完成句子 共 7 题 共 14 分 9 2 分 Do you want to money for the old in the hospital Yes I do But I don t know how it A raise to do B raise do C attend to do D attend do 10 2 分 2017 七上 苏州期末 Simon wears a purple shirt and A a long white trousers B long white trousers C a white long trousers D white long trousers 11 2 分 2019 七上 吴兴期中 The girl s name is Linda Smith so her name s Linda A last B family C first 第 4 页 共 21 页 D mother 12 2 分 I hope to get into a good senior high school What should I do You should make a an to improve your ability of solving problems A excuse B energy C effort D expression 13 2 分 Can I talk to you for a minute Sure I have time A a few B little C a little D few 14 2 分 Happy birthday to you A Thank you B Happy birthday C The same to you D Have a good day 15 2 分 2017 九上 南开期末 Lao She s Teahouse the changes in Chinese society over fifty years A describes 第 5 页 共 21 页 B improves C prepares D corrects 三 完形填空 共 1 题 共 15 分 16 15 分 2017 桐乡竞赛 通读全文 根据短文理解 选择正确答案填空 I had worked that day as a nurse Now I faced the dirty supper dishes I wanted to 1 why Jimmy hadn t phoned as usual to say Good night to Bob and Tom Maybe Daddy s 2 working on an accident I said to Bob Go to 3 now You ll see him in the morning Soon there was a knock at the door There 4 be something wrong with your phone my neighbor told me The City Police Station wants you to 5 I went into the living room and dialed Then I 6 the words every police wife fears 害怕 Your husband has been hurt When I reached the hospital my heart sank 下沉 The entrance was jammed with TV news trucks In the 7 I saw Jimmy s best friend Smith Just tell me is he alive I asked Smith 8 and didn t answer Then I found my younger sister Mandy He s 9 she told me and we began to cry together Later Smith told me 10 had happened In the morning when my little Bob asked Where s Daddy I 11 him into my arms and tried to explain A bad man 12 Daddy last night I said Daddy can t come home any more He s in heaven 天堂 now My son looked at me his blue eyes 13 the picture of trust 相信 Do they have 14 in heaven he asked Can I call him No Bob Daddy still loves you but Daddy can t 15 1 A know 第 6 页 共 21 页 B understand C remember D guess 2 A busy B never C sure D often 3 A play B study C sleep D wait 4 A must B need C can D will 5 A rest B call C work 第 7 页 共 21 页 D stay 6 A saw B remember C heard D wrote 7 A room B crowd C truck D station 8 A forgot B turned C returned D understood 9 A dangerous B fine C afraid D gone 10 第 8 页 共 21 页 A how B where C when D what 11 A pulled B pushed C sent D held 12 A saw B beat C hurt D caught 13 A drawing B showing C looking D enjoying 14 A food B language 第 9 页 共 21 页 C phones D TVs 15 A work B talk C sleep D rest 四 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 46 分 17 10 分 Are you a crazy chocolate fan Have you heard about Hershey s Kisses Do you love the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory If your answer was yes to any of the questions then my experience will make you jealous 妒忌的 I just went to the famous Hershey Chocolate Factory The other day we drove from Washington DC to the small town of Hershey Pennsylvania When we arrived at the factory we realized that this was much more than just a factory The whole town is a chocolate themed amusement park The sweet smell of chocolate is on every street corner There are even road signs that say things like Chocolate Ave 大道 and Cake St As we were walking towards the park Jason our tour guide began telling us about this quiet little town Hershey chocolate has been a brand in the world over the past hundred years It is the biggest company that makes and sells chocolate in America he started I guess you get the chocolate in China don t you I nodded 点头 without thinking How could I possibly not know those lovely little candies when I ve been eating them all these years Jason went on The factory first started on a small farm It developed very fast So they built this town for factory workers to live in Then they built hotels hospitals stadiums 体育馆 theaters and even museums with the theme of chocolate Isn t that cool Yes a hundred times yes I yelled 叫喊 with delight 第 10 页 共 21 页 1 What did the writer mainly talk about A Her wonderful trip to a chocolate factory B What kind of chocolate she likes best C How chocolate is produced in the factory D Why she likes chocolate so much 2 What was the small town of Hershey like A It was very beautiful B It was like a big city C It was very colorful D It was a theme park 3 Which of the following statements is TRUE A Hershey Chocolate has not been introduced to China yet B Hershey was a German company C Hershey Chocolate developed very fast D Hershey Chocolate first started on a big farm 4 What does the underlined word mean A 乐队 B 品牌 第 11 页 共 21 页 C 一种 D 帮派 5 What can we know from the writer s answer to the guide A The writer had never heard about Hershey Chocolate B The writer didn t want to visit the factory any more C The writer had visited the factory before D The writer couldn t wait to visit the factory 18 6 分 2018 苏州模拟 阅读理解 You may have heard the saying When life gives you lemons make lemonade Since lemons are thought to be bitter 苦的 and lemonade sweet the saying tells you to make the best out of a bad situation Unluckily when something bad happens it s not uncommon for most people to talk about it to anyone who ll listen and complain about life Why me That s like getting a bag of lemons putting them down and thinking Lemons taste bad I d rather have chocolate If you don t make anything with the lemons they will go bad But what if you did something with them What if you made lemonade Isn t it possible to do something similar with a bad situation Here s an example Let s say you re about to go to the movie but you discover you have a flat tire 瘪胎 You think it a terrible thin After all you are really looking forward to spending some time with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone Now you re all stressed out hating the tire the car and your life But what if you called AAA got your tire fixed or got caught up on things that you d been meaning to do What if you did some reading or had coffee with a friend instead As awful experience can be turned into something better You can t change what has happened right So make the best of it I m not saying it will be easy The easy thing to do is complain about your bad situation and not think about what it could be turned into Next time when some bad things happen stop and think How can I turn this around How can I 第 12 页 共 21 页 make it a nice experience You needn t fear difficulties As long as you keep on changing it you will see the good at last 1 What do we know about the saying in Paragraph 1 A It is encouraging B It is humorous C It is amazing D It is interesting 2 What does most people usually do when something bad happens A Accept it B Ask for help C Complain about it D Find out the reasons 3 The writer uses the example of seeing a movie to tell us A a flat tire happens sometimes B it is all right to make mistakes C it is a very wonderful thing to meet film stars D bad things can be turned into good things 19 10 分 Mo the first Nobel winner in literature born and living in China said he had trouble with the sudden publicity which put a lot of pressure on him I only hope to return to my writing desk as soon as possible and I would also like to do well in society anonymously 无名地 Mo said He was bothered by a large number of requests asking him to offer help that took advantage of his fame I was upset the first several days after the prize announcement but then I realized the prize is just like a mirror that reflects various attitudes about my winning and more reflects the real me Mo said I still consider myself an ordinary 第 13 页 共 21 页 citizen who writes And presenting quality works is my duty and best way of giving back to society I m no superstar he emphasized 强调 several times Mo believes Chinese literature has achieved much in the past thirty years and the driving force behind that is not the prize Writers creations should not be driven by awards or criticism or readers expectations Mo said he misunderstood the standards of the academy s selection before he visited Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩 to receive the prize in December I thought they were judging the authors personality or political features then I learned the sole standard of their selection is literature itself which is also deeply based in the Swedish people s long established practice of reading a large number of books Mo said During the forum established Chinese and Australian writers discussed subjects as diverse as tradition and modernity the local and the universe and cultural inclusiveness And they will also read works to each other and the readers The writers communication will further promote 推动 Chinese writers to a global audience Australian Ambassador 大使 to China Frances Adamson agreed It s a milestone 驱动 of literary exchanges between the two countries who are longtime friends Adamson said 1 Mo is the first Nobel winner in born and living in China A literature B peace C physics D chemistry 2 When did Mo receive the prize A In September B In October 第 14 页 共 21 页 C In November D In December 3 What did Mo say about himself after he got the prize A He considered he was a superstar B He still considered he was an ordinary citizen who writes C He considered he was famous all over the world D He considered he became rich 4 Who is Frances Adamson A He is the French Ambassador to China B He is the Canadian Ambassador to China C He is the Australian Ambassador to China D He is the American Ambassador to China 5 Which of the following statements is TRUE A Mo didn t hope to return to my writing desk B Mo was always upset after the prize C The driving force behind writers is the prize D Mo s success will promote Chinese writers 20 10 分 In many English homes people eat four meals a day breakfast lunch tea and dinner People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning They eat porridge eggs or bread English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast Lunch comes at one o clock 第 15 页 共 21 页 Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven First they have soups and then they have meat or fish with vegetables After that they eat some other things like bananas apples or oranges But not all English people eat like this Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day Their meals are breakfast dinner tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary 根据内容 选择正确答案 1 Many English people have meals a day A two B three C four D three or four 2 People may have for their breakfast A tea and eggs B porridge eggs bread tea or coffee C some soup and meat D meat and fish 3 In many English homes dinner comes A at one o clock B about half past seven C at noon 第 16 页 共 21 页 D at night 4 What do they eat other fruits A apples B oranges C bananas D both ABC 5 When do other people have their dinner A in the middle of the day B at night C at noon D in the morning 21 10 分 2019 滨州模拟 阅读理解 As an old Chinese saying goes Spring Festival comes right after the Laba Festival so get ready for a bowl of porridge while looking forward to the long awaited family get together Today people across China are celebrating the Laba Festival It is a traditional Chinese festival It s on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month What does this festival mean to Chinese people OK it just tells people to prepare for celebrating the coming New Year s Day and for 第 17 页 共 21 页 wanderers to return home to get together with their family Long long ago Laba Festival was a day of thanks for a good harvest On this day people usually eat Laba porridge a porridge with eight kinds of mixed grains 谷物 Many temples today have the tradition of giving out Laba porridge to the public The sweet red porridge is believed to bring luck and joy The festival is also the day for people to put garlic in vinegar 醋 The garlic turns green and this Laba garlic will be eaten with dumplings on Chinese New Year s Day While in the past It was used to let people remember to pay back the money they had borrowed as Laba is near the end of the year and garlic su n 蒜 in Chinese sounds the same as calculate su n 算 Customs are quite different across the country People in Qianxian east China s Anhui Province will eat the Laba tofu a few days before In Xining City northwest China s Qinghai Province people will eat porridge with beef and mutton 1 The Laba Festival is on A The eighth day of December B The eighth day of January C The eighth day of the twelfth month D The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month 2 The underlined word wanderers probably means A 奇迹 B 怀疑者 C 流浪者 D 离家者 3 The writer does NOT tell us that about Laba Festival A Laba Festival is the start for people to prepare for the coming New Year 第 18 页 共 21 页 B Laba Festival means it s time to think about returning home C the festival was a day of thanks for a good harvest in the old days D customs about Laba Festival are almost the same across the country 4 What can we learn from Paragraph 4 according to this passage A The garlic will turn green and be eaten with noodles B Laba garlic will be eaten before Laba Festival C People usually put garlic in vinegar on New Year s Day D garlic sounds the same as calculate in Chinese 5 What s the best title for the passage A The Laba Festival B The beginning of Laba Festival C The customs of Laba Festival D Laba Festival is different in different parts of China 五 语法填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 22 10 分 2019 九上 杭州期末 阅读下面材料 在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式 Do you often call the restaurant for some take out food People are so busy these days that many people have no time cook In recent years this has become a problem Most people still love home cooking The food tastes good and a family meal brings everyone warmth In some families meals are the only time everyone sees one another the same time Another reason people enjoy home cooking is that is often a way to show love A parent makes some cookies is not just satisfying child sweet teeth She or he is sending a message The message says I care about you enough to spend all hour make cookies that you will eat up ill fifteen minutes if I let you There is also something about the smell of home cooking The smell of home 第 19 页 共 21 页 cooking please people of all ages It makes most of us feel good and love even if we are the ones doing tile cooking So next time you want to call for take out food think two 六 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 23 5 分 Write a short passage of at least 60 words about the topic Computers are Very Useful in My Life 写一篇题为 电脑在我的生活中很有用 的短文 不少于 60 个单词 标点符号不占格 Computers are Very Useful in My life 第 20 页 共 21 页 参考答案 一 词汇测试 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 共 8 题 共 16 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 二 选出恰当的词语完成句子 共 7 题 共 14 分 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 三 完形填空 共 1 题 共 15 分 16 答案 略 四 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 46 分 17 答案 略 第 21 页 共 21 页 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 五 语法填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 22 答案 略 六 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 23 答案 略


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