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仁爱版2020届九年级英语二模试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1. (0.5分)Mr Smith was always ready to help others and never thought about .A . himB . heC . hisD . himself2. (0.5分)I dont have _ money _ a dictionary.A . any; forB . some, forC . few, withD . some;buy3. (0.5分) _ do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30.A . WhatB . WhenC . HowD . Which4. (0.5分)Reading the first sentence of each paragraph (段落) _ you read the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly. A . untilB . afterC . before5. (0.5分)A smile nothing, but gives much. A . costsB . spendsC . cost6. (0.5分)What a beautiful dress it is! Yes. I have never seen one.A . a more beautifulB . a most beautifulC . the more beautifulD . the most beautiful7. (0.5分)My father usually the subway to work, but next week he _ to work. A . takes; walksB . will take; will walkC . takes; will walkD . will take; walks8. (0.5分)_ your phone number? 823-9637. A . How areB . HowsC . What areD . Whats9. (0.5分)They _ her to the party, so she was very happy. A . inviteB . invitedC . will inviteD . are invited10. (0.5分)A large amount of rice _ sold to other countries last month. A . wasB . wereC . are11. (0.5分)Jim_ to do more exercise on weekends. A . wantsB . wantC . is wanting12. (0.5分)We dont know if Steve _. If he_. We will let you know. A . comes, will comeB . will come, comesC . will come, will comeD . comes, comes二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13. (8分)完型填空 There was once a lonely girl 1wanted love very much. One day while she was walking in the forests, she found two 2birds. She took them home and put them in a small 3. She was happy to have two friends. She 4them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the girl 5to leave the door of the cage open. The larger and the 6of the two flew out of the cage. The girl was afraid that it 7away. She caught it quickly. She felt glad that she caught the bird before it could fly away. Suddenly she couldnt 8a sound from the bird. When she opened her hand, the bird was already dead. Her 9killed the bird! Then she noticed 10bird jumping up and down 11the cage. She could feel its great need for freedom. It wanted to fly into the clear, blue 12.So she lifted it from the cage and let it fly away highly. The bird circled once, twice, and three times. The girl 13as the bird flew. She didnt care about 14the bird any more, She wanted it to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the 15song she had ever heard.The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tightly, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.(1)A . which B . whose C . who D . whom (2)A . die B . dying C . dead D . death (3)A . box B . basket C . cage D . bag (4)A . looked for B . looked at C . looked after D . looked over (5)A . went B . took C . happened D . hoped (6)A . stronger B . lazier C . weaker D . smaller (7)A . fly B . flies C . will fly D . would fly (8)A . listen B . make C . describe D . hear (9)A . love B . joke C . luck D . wish (10)A . one B . the other C . another D . other (11)A . outside B . inside C . beside D . behind (12)A . sea B . hill C . forest D . sky (13)A . watched B . saw C . guided D . escaped(逃脱) (14)A . lose B . loses C . to lose D . losing (15)A . worst B . oldest C . newest D . sweetest 三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14. (6分)阅读理解 Black is at City Art CenterA Trip into a Young Farmers MindChickens that can talk? Cows that can dance? They are all in Louis Blacks comic books(漫画书).Louis Black was born on a farm. The quiet young man spent most of his life helping his parents on the farm. When he was nine, he started to draw the animals on the farm. Later, he put them into his comic books in his own funny way. They were enjoyed by his family but never shown to people outside the farm.The shy farmers comic books became famous only after he died. He passed on in a fire three years ago, when he was only 35.In order to remember him, his family showed his comic books in the town museum, and people liked them very much. Now the original(原始的)pictures of Louis Blacks farm animals can be seen at the City Art Centre for one month.Come and visit the beautiful world of Louis Black!(1)At what age did Louis begin to draw the animals on the farm? A . At9.B . At 13.C . At23.D . At 35.(2)The underlined part passed on is the closest in meaning to . A . satB . roseC . diedD . stood(3)Which is the RIGHT order of what happened? a. His books became popular. b. His family enjoyed his books.c. He passed on in a fire. d. He started to draw animals.e. He was born on a farm.A . a-b-c-d-eB . e-b-d-a-cC . e-d-b-c-aD . b-d-c-e-a(4)What is the purpose of the passage? A . To plan a trip to visit a farm.B . To tell people about an art show.C . To attract people to the farm.D . To share ideas of drawing comic books.15. (6分)阅读理解 With one more world championship, I can apply for the Guinness World Records (吉尼斯世界纪录), said Chen Yongning, a 93-year old ping pong lover in Chengdu, capital of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, Red Star News reported on April 2nd, 2019. With 80 years of experience and a racket that he bought from a stationery shop for 15 yuan, Chen won World Veteran Championships in 2016 and 2018.Im not tired. I play with my hands and arms, and my feet dont move, said Chen after playing ping pong for 40 minutes with a younger player Ye. Chen is physically strong. He can usually play several games with us, said Ye, explaining that Chen is energetic, though he is troubled by backache.Chen started to play ping pong when he was 13 years old. While he was playing with friends in his school playground, the headmaster saw Chen very carefully follow the rules of a game he was playing, while the other children tried to play tricks on each other. The headmaster called him over, gave him a ball and rackets, and asked Chen to play with him. Chen didnt know how to play ping pong at that time, so he just followed the headmasters lead. Ever since that moment, Chen said, he had fallen in love with it.As he grew up, Chen worked in Shanxi Agricultural College (now Shanxi Agricultural University), where there were excellent ping pong facilities. He sharpened his skills and took part in various competitions in his spare time, winning a number of local medals.Chen has a son and a daughter. Both of them love their father and are successful in their own fields. One of them will go with Chen to the 20th World Veteran Championships which will be held in France next year.Chen has already decided he wont stop playing ping pong unless he is 100 years old.(1)How many world championships has Chen Yongning won? A . 1B . 2.C . 3.D . 4.(2)The underlined word energetic in Paragraph 2 means_. A . strong and active.B . patient and helpful.C . friendly and confident.D . brave and funny.(3)The headmaster asked young Chen Yongning to play ping pong because _. A . he wanted to help Chen win the gameB . he wanted to make friends with ChenC . Chen loved to play ping pong with himD . Chen carefully followed the rules of a game when playing(4)Which of the following is true according to the passage? A . Chen Yongning worked as a ping pong player.B . Chen Yongoing used to join in many kinds of competitions.C . Chen Yongning learned to play ping pong at the age of 12.D . Chen Yongning will go to France with his children next year.(5)What is the best title of the passage? A . Chens dream came true.B . The achievement of Chen Yongning.C . An introduction of Chen Yongning.D . Chens advice to be a good player.16. (6分)Always forgetting your long passwords(密码)? Worried about being hacked(被攻击)?All these worries will soon become history. Scientists have found that upper-casing(大写)your password can help you reduce the chance being hacked.Usually passwords are six letters or more.However,50 percent of people choose a common word or simple key combination for their password. The most used passwords are 123456, abcdef and abc123. In fact, if your passwords are in lower-case(小写),it will be easily hacked by a hacker. According to a study, it only takes a hacker ten minutes to hack a six-letter password which is in lower-case, but if you make the letter in upper-case, it can take up to ten hours. So if you want to make your account much safer, you should make your password upper-case. Of course, you can also add numbers or symbols to your password. Most of the time a hackers computer has to work for 18 days to break a password, but if you choose a nine-letter password that includes numbers and symbols, it can take a hachers computer 44,530 years to break it.(1)Scientists have found thatyour password is much safer for your account.A . upper-casingB . lower-casingC . reducingD . copying(2)According to the passage,_is not one of the most used passwords.A . 123456B . abcdefC . abc123D . 000000(3)It takes a hacker_to hack a six-letter password which is in lowercase.A . 10 minutesB . 10 hoursC . 18 daysD . 44,530 years(4)The Chinese meaning of the underlined word is .A . 数字B . 符号C . 色彩D . 调料(5)What is the main idea of the passage?A . What passwords are.B . How a password is hacked.C . How to make your password much safer.D . Why hackers hack your password.17. (8分)阅读理解 Final exams are just around the comer. Liu Haoxuan, 14, who studies at Beijing Dayu School, is quite busy. However, he still had to find time to practice his spoken English. Thats because he had to take a new English listening and speaking test.Liu is not alone. This is a new test for all students who are taking senior high school entrance exams (中考)in Beijing. Junior 3 students have to take an English listening and speaking test that counts for 40 points on their full English exam. The test is taken on a computer. They can take the test twice-once in December and again in March-to try to get the highest score possible. The test was just introduced last year.During the 30-minute test, students have to fill in blanks, answer questions and retell stories after listening to different materials. It pushes us to speak. Though it was hard at the beginning, its a good thing,” Liu said. He got a low score when he first took it last semester. But he kept working hard in order to improve his pronunciation and other skills. He practiced speaking in front of a mirror every day. Later, he got a score of 39 on the test.Liu Tianyou, 14, from Beijing Yuying Middle School, has his own way to prepare for the spoken English test. He uses apps to take practice tests every day. The apps will score your performance so that you can improve accordingly, he said. Also, the practice tests help me learn to take notes properly. They help me grasp topic sentences and connection words.(1)The story mainly talks about_. A . the difficulties students face in learning EnglishB . the improvement of English education in ChinaC . an oral English class that students in Beijing have to takeD . a new oral English test for Beijing Junior 3 students(2)What do we know about the online English listening and speaking test? A . Students have to take it twice.B . The test was introduced many years ago.C . It is worth 40 points on the full English exam.D . Students hardly get high scores on the test.(3)What do students have to do for the test? a. Fill in blanks. b. Answer questions.c. Retell stories. d. Write stories.A . abcB . abdC . acdD . bcd(4)What do we know about Liu Tianyou? A . He got a score of 39 on the test.B . He prepared for the test by using apps.C . He used to be nervous about speaking English.D . He still finds it hard to grasp topic sentences.(5)What does the underlined word pushes in Paragraph 3 mean? A . 推开B . 推C . 挤进D . 拉拽四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Todd Bol is the founder of the non-profit Little Free Libraries. Bol built thefirst little library in 2009 to honor his mom, who was a book lover and teacher. Bol wanted to share his mothers love for reading with others. He decided to build a wood box and fill it with books. He made it look like a tiny red schoolhouse. He placed the box of books on a post in his front yard with a sign that read Free Books. This was the beginning of the Little Free Library.Soon Bols neighbors noticed this tiny model of a schoolhouse. They began taking the books and replacing them with books of their own. The tiny library was always open. A library card was not needed. The books could be read and returned whenever. It offered people an easy way to read. This library didnt just provide books. It also helped build friendships among community. members. As more and more people visited Bols little library, they began talking with one another. Everyone loved the little library. They shared thoughts, ideas, and s tories. They got to know one another. After all, as Bol said, Its a magic box with books.Bols friends and neighbors wanted little libraries of their own. Bol built several and gave them away. One of his friends, Rick Brooks, noticed that the libraries encouraged people to read. He believed that Bols little libraries could benefit more than just local friends and neighbors. With this in mind, Boland Brookes came up with a plan to build more than 2,500 Little Free Libraries around the world. To achieve this goal, they created a website. People can get information about the Little Free Libraries and how they can set up little libraries of their own.Thanks to Bol and Brooks, the Little Free Libraries are encouraging people to read more and to be friendlier. Today there are more than 75, 00 0 Little Free Libraries around the world, and they can be found on almost every continent.(1)When did Bol build the first library? (2)Where did Bol put the box of books? (3)What is the second paragraph mainly about? (4)How di d Bol and Brooks achieve their goal? (5)What are the Little Free Libraries encouraging people to do? 五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计人总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 (1)题目 假如你是李华,明天下午2:00你要去参加“传统文化才艺展示”活动,因此不能上英语课。请用英文给你们的外教John写一张请假条,告诉他你要去干什么,为什么要参加这个活动以及你保证按时完成作业。提示词语:traditional talent show, Chinese culture, ask, help提示问题:.What will you do tomorrow afternoon?Why will you take this activity?How will you finish your homework?Dear John,Im sorry to ask for absence from your English lesson.Your loving student,Li Hua(2)题目 一位好老师,胜过万卷书。在你的初中生活中,一定会有一位老师给你留下了深刻印象。某英文网站正在开展以“Thank you, my teacher”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,让更多的人认识你的老师,同时表达你对他/她的感激之情。主要内容包括:哪位老师给你留下了深刻印象,发生了什么事使你印象深刻以及你想对他/她说些什么。提示词语:kind, helpful,talk with,make progress提示问题:Which teacher impressed you most?What happened to make you impressed?What do you want to say to him/her?Thank you, my teacher第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13-1、三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19-1、19-2、

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