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上海版初中2020届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)At school I have to _ a school uniform. A . put onB . wearC . inD . dress2. (2分) I swim here? Im sorry. Children swim alone here.A . Must; cantB . May; mustC . Can; mustntD . Cant; can3. (2分)He tried his best and he succeeded in working out the problem _. A . by the endB . at the endC . in the end4. (2分) have you been in the sports club?Since the first month I came to the schoolA . How oldB . How longC . How muchD . How soon5. (2分)Our school library is very beautiful and it _ last year.A . buildsB . was builtC . is built6. (2分)Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place _ well visit next week.A . thatB . whoC . whereD . whom7. (2分)Where is Mom now?Im not sure. She _ be in the kitchen.A . shallB . mayC . needD . must8. (2分)Can you tell me _to send this postcard to New York?Let me check. Oh, its one dollar.A . how much does it costB . how much it costsC . how long does it takeD . how long it takes9. (2分)_ excited the little boy was when he heard the good news! A . HowB . WhatC . What anD . How an10. (2分) I have got a cough and Im not feeling well. _?A . What are you doingB . How do you like itC . Whats the matter with you二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 I know the saddest moment in my life. Three years ago I was in Grade 6. I arrived at my school that morning. As soon as I walked into the classroom, I felt sad and uncomfortable. I knew exactly why the mood felt this way. The people around me were 1their feelings. Today was the day when our teacher would leave and move to another school. Mr. Smith was finally saying goodbye to our school after five years 2here.Mr. Smith was a lovely man. He would tell a lot of jokes during the class 3. So you would remember them. He was very easy to talk with. He was cool, relaxed, and was always 4. When you would see him. It was 5not to like him.That day began with our class song as usual. I felt sad and uneasy. I couldnt even imagine how things were going to be 6him. All the good times Ive had with him, the jokes he told that made me laugh, the countless hours of watching him play the guitar and the warm 7he kept on his face These thoughts went through my mind, and I became inspired. Why did Mr. Smith have to go? This is the 8day of my life! I was lost in my thought.Hey, are you all right? My friend Peter 9.Yeah, Im all right. Im just kind of sad, I 10.Yeah, me too. I wish he was our teacher forever. Mr. Smith is the best, he said.(1)A . describing B . controlling C . clearing D . forgetting (2)A . living B . choosing C . studying D . working (3)A . reports B . breaks C . meetings D . games (4)A . funny B . familiar C . curious D . friendly (5)A . hard B . easy C . cute D . special (6)A . with B . through C . without D . around (7)A . song B . feature C . music D . smile (8)A . worst B . ugliest C . wettest D . shortest (9)A . cut off B . cut in C . cut down D . cut away (10)A . refused B . offered C . replied D . repeated 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共44分)12. (8分)阅读理解 Winter is very cold in many countries. Its easy for you and me to keep warm. If we are cold, we can just buy a warm coat or use a heater and we will feel better. But what about animals? How do they keep warm in winter?Some animals migrate(迁徙). This means they travel to places where the weather is warmer. Many birds leave before the winter starts. They fly in groups. If they fly together, the trip will be safer. They like to migrate to the same place every year. Do you know how they can find the same place?Scientists say that birds use the sun, the moon and stars to help them. Other animals like moose (麋鹿) also migrate. Fish and whales swim to warmer water. Some animals dont have to leave their homes. They hibernate(冬眠) in winter. They fall into a very deep sleep. The animals temperature drops and their breathing slows down. Before the winter, these animals must eat much food. If they dont eat enough, they may die while they are hibernating. (1)In winter, _. A . animals like to use warm coats and heatersB . the pets like dogs and cats also migrateC . birds like to migrate to different places every yearD . some animals migrate(2)Fish and whales _before the winter starts. A . hibernateB . keep quiet in groupsC . swim to warmer waterD . eat a lot of food(3)Which of the following is true? A . Some birds fly in groups because they can find food more easily.B . Some animals spend their winter sleeping.C . The moose hibernate in winter.D . Some animals must do exercise to keep their bodies warm.(4)Which is the best title for the passage? A . Why birds migrate in winterB . How animals hibernate in winterC . How animals keep warm in winterD . Why animals like winter13. (6分)根据短文内容选择正确答案。BIn Barnes London Wetland Centre, you can enjoy a large number of wild birds and wild animals. Adults fare is 7.95, and childrens fare is 4.50. But if holding a London pass, you can have free admission(入场)。London Wetland Centre is thought to be the European Citys best place to contact wild animals. London Wetland Centre is the UKs most worthy of showing off, and the most exciting wildlife projects, including(包括) 43 hectares of grassland, as well as pools.Barnes wetlands are located in the Thames. This award-winning centre always interest many scientists. There are many different kinds of animals, including the cormorant(鸬鹚), the kingfisher(翠鸟) and the endangered water vole(河鼠).In London Wetland Centre there are a large number of different habitats. When visiting the centre, visitors can watch movies through the video to learn more about wetlands and the knowledge of biological species(物种).For children, London Wetland Centre is a good choice to learn a lot about the knowledge of nature.There are many other interesting places about wildlife. If you are interested in wildlife, Why not go to London Zoo, Regent Park or River Thames downstream to experience the worlds most beautiful gardens? Holders of London Passes can visit them freely.(1)Two children without London Pass want to go into the London Wetland Centre. They will pay _.A . 4.50B . 9.00C . 7.95D . 9.95(2)Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word endangered?A . 危险的B . 濒临灭绝的C . 安全的D . 稀有的(3)Which of the following statements is not TRUE?A . People can see plenty of wild animals and birds in Barnes London Wetland Centre.B . At London Wetland Centre, visitors can learn more about wetlands and the knowledge of biological species.C . Barnes London Wetland Centre is in the USD . If you have a London pass, you can visit London Zoo without paying any money.14. (20分)The old man woke up before sunrise, as he often did, to walk by the beach and greet the new day. As he moved through the early morning, he saw a young man , bending(弯腰) and reaching and throwing, in celebration of the perfect day soon to beginAs he came near, he realized that the young man was not dancing to the day, but rather bending to check the debris (残骸、残余) left by the nights tide(潮水), stopping now and then to take starfish(海星) and then standing, to throw it back into the sea.He asked the young man the purpose of the effort.“The tide has washed the starfish onto the beach and they cannot return to the sea by themselves , the young man repied.“when the sun rises, they will die, unless I throw them back into the sea.”As the young man explained, the old man looked at the beach .“But there are more starflish on this beach than you can ever save before the sun is up. Surely you cannot expect to make a difference.”The young man listened politely. Then he bent down to take another starfish, threw it into the sea and said,“It made a difference for that one.”There is something very special in each and every one of us.(1)The old man walked by the beach as usual to _. A . meet his friendsB . greet the new dayC . 1ook for the starfishD . dance to the wind(2)_ brought the debris on the beach.A . The sunriseB . The starfishC . The early morningD . The nights tide(3)The Starfish _ without the young mans help.A . couldnt dieB . couldnt return to the sea themselvesC . couldnt live on the beachD . could have fun in the sun(4)In Paragraph4, the old mans words showed _. A . he didnt understand the young manB . he liked the young manC . the young man didnt save any starfishD . the young man was clever(5)From the passage, we can leam that _. A . the young man liked doing morning exercisesB . We cant expect to make a differenceC . there is something special in each of us each of usD . the old man laughed at the young man(6)The old man walked by the beach as usual to _. A . meet his friendsB . greet the new dayC . 1ook for the starfishD . dance to the wind(7)_ brought the debris on the beach.A . The sunriseB . The starfishC . The early morningD . The nights tide(8)The Starfish _ without the young mans help.A . couldnt dieB . couldnt return to the sea themselvesC . couldnt live on the beachD . could have fun in the sun(9)In Paragraph4, the old mans words showed _. A . he didnt understand the young manB . he liked the young manC . the young man didnt save any starfishD . the young man was clever(10)From the passage, we can leam that _. A . the young man liked doing morning exercisesB . We cant expect to make a differenceC . there is something special in each of us each of usD . the old man laughed at the young man15. (10分)阅读理解 How do you pay for your meals at a fast food restaurant? With change(零钱)? Nowadays we have We Chat wallet and Alipay. I use my tap-and-go card(感应式信用卡). I dont even need to enter my PIN number(SIM卡密码)or a signature(签名)to pay money. Its quicker and everybody in the queue(队)is happy.Contactless payments(非接触式支付)are more and more popular, but the safety (安全性)still needs improving(改善). And people shouldnt pay too much at a time-in the UK its 30. If you use the card a few times, you will need your PIN number.Some things, such as your clothes, have been combined with electric technology(与电子技术联系起来). Kenneth Cukier, the writer of the book Big Data, says, You can take any card and put it in a coat. When you make a payment, just wave your arm in front of the terminal(终端). This is for people who dont want to take their card out of their pocket, or use their phone or watch.Good, isnt it?So spending money is becoming easier at the time. And people are buying more and more things. But making money still needs the hard work.Back to work then!(1)Why does the writer want to use his tap-and-go card more? A . Because its cheaper.B . Because it helps to save (节省)time.C . Because it helps to save money.D . Because its safe (安全).(2)Which of the following statements about contactless payments is true according to the passage? A . Contactless payments are always safe enough.B . If you use the contactless payments. You always need your PIN number.C . To make payments safe, you shouldnt pay too much at a time.D . Contactless payments take more time.(3)Kenneth Cukier says that one can pay by waving his or her arm in front of the terminal because _ is put in his or her coat. A . a phoneB . a watchC . a cardD . a computer(4)The last sentence of the passage tells people that. A . working hard to make more moneyB . making money is easierC . making money is not important nowD . money spent can come back(5)The main idea(要旨)of the passage is _ . A . to make people have more bank cardsB . to make people save moneyC . to make people throw their cash (现金)D . to make people learn about payments四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A: Hello!B: Hello! This is Sam._A: Hi, Sam. This is Jane._B: Tomorrow is Sunday. Would you like to go to the zoo to see animal shows with me?A:_Id love to.B: OK._Please be here on time (按时).A: Sure. May I ask my friend Jenny to go with us?B: That would be fine._A: OK. Ill call her. Bye!A. Whats up?B. Thats a good idea!C. Please tell Jenny about it.D. May I speak to Jane?E. Lets meet at my home at 8:00.五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共8分)17. (8分)根据音标,中文意思填写单词。(1)If you are in trouble, I will _you _(帮忙).(2)C Ronaldo _(做得好)playing football.(3)_(继续努力) and you will do better next time.六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)Look ! This is a nice_Its Sunday morning. There_many boys and girls in the park. Some of them are singing_the tree. Some are_in the river. Other_are playing games on the hill.Maria is an American girl. She is_to her classmates. She is in the park, too. What is she doing? She is sitting and _a book. She_reading very much. Tom is an English boy. He is five. He is too young. He cant _to school. Now he _a kite with his father in the park.七、 改错题 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)从A、B、C中选出错误选项,并将正确答案填写在横线上。 (1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)根据提示和要求,写一篇短文。假设你是Li Ming, 请给你的美国笔友Tom写一封e-mail,介绍你的英语老师Mr. Lee.要点如下:1.他40岁,有一个幸福的家; 2.性格外向,与学生相处很好;3.他的课堂很有趣,课后常帮我们学英语; 4.不抽烟,非常喜欢运动,擅长下棋;5.写一至两点其他同学对他的看法。注意:1.词数80左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 文中不要提及真实的校名和人名。Dear Tom,How are you recently? Now Ill tell you something about my English teacher, Mr. Lee.Im looking forward to your reply.YoursLi Ming.第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共44分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、14-6、14-7、14-8、14-9、14-10、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共8分)17-1、17-2、17-3、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)18-1、七、 改错题 (共1题;共5分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20-1、

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