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人教版2020届中考英语押题卷(五)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(共15小题,计30分) (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)What exciting music! Yes, music makes me want to dance.A . a; aB . /; theC . an; theD . the; a2. (2分)We had to wait half an hour we had already booked(预定) a table.A . sinceB . althoughC . untilD . before3. (2分)What_ is it? Its 2:30.A . dateB . oclockC . timeD . moment4. (2分)He runs fastest in his class. _runs faster than him in his class. A . EveryoneB . NobodyC . SomeoneD . Anyone5. (2分)Can you tell me _?In the year 2020.A . when will Wuxue Changjiang Bridge be builtB . when Wuxue Changjiang Bridge will be builtC . who will build Wuxue Changjiang BridgeD . where Wuxue Changjiang Bridge will be built6. (2分)Mr. Brown started to work in the city ten years ago. Since then he _ in this department. A . livedB . will liveC . was livingD . has lived7. (2分)We were all _ to hear the _ news. A . excited, interestedB . exciting, amazedC . excited, amazingD . exciting, amazing8. (2分)Where is the morning paper? I _ it for you at once.A . getB . will getC . got9. (2分)_did he have breakfast ?At about 7:30 _Tuesday morning .A . What; inB . What ; onC . When ; onD . When ; in10. (2分)After supper I often help my mother _ bowls in the kitchen. A . take upB . wash upC . take awayD . wash away11. (2分)Which does Jimmy like _, Chinese or Art? A . wellB . bestC . betterD . much12. (2分)I wonder where Tom is.I am not sure. He be in the library.A . mustB . cantC . mightD . should13. (2分) Lily, _ do you study for a math test? _ my teacher for help.A . How; To askB . What; By askingC . How; In askingD . How, By asking14. (2分)Could you tell me _?He rides his bike.A . how does he go to workB . how he goes to workC . how he went to schoolD . where he goes15. (2分) What is his friend like? _.A . He works hardB . He likes drawing very muchC . He likes musicD . He is very kind and helpful二、 阅读理解(共10小题,计10分) (共2题;共10分)16. (5分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Answers to life can be found in everyday events. Watching nature, watching people and watching animals communicate with each other provide some of the simplest ways to lifes biggest problems.This became clearer to me yesterday. It caused me to ask myself, “How do I respond (反应) to the storms in life?”People usually run when it starts to rain. I love to walk in it, stand on my front door and feel it. I grew up doing it and have never really felt the fear many people do.The animal world senses changes in the weather far earlier than humans. My dog, Ricky, begins to shake long before the storm is close enough to be noticed. I was about to feed my three dogs yesterday and as usual, I let them out in the yard first. They didnt move when thunder came across the skies. So I placed their food in their bowls and called Ricky into the kitchen.Ricky was just standing there in place next to his bowl. The thunder became louder, which forced him to stop eating his meal. Then I watched Phil. He made his way across the kitchen floor and stood over Rickys bowl. He ate all the remaining food. Generally, if Ricky was standing there, he wouldnt dare (敢) come close. But today, he took advantage (优势) of the storm and got what he wanted. His hope for the prize outweighed (胜过) his fear of the storm.Thats when it hit me. As men, we face all kinds of storms. They come in unannounced. Sometimes we stay in a corner or under the blankets, hoping it will all pass. However, if you dare put your head out, youll discover therere people doing what they must to get what they must have out of life. Isnt it time you decided to take advantage of the storm?(1)According to the writer, answers to life _.A . are difficult to findB . lie around usC . are simple to understandD . make people become fearless(2)From the passage we can learn that the writer _.A . enjoys the rainB . fears thunderC . hates the stormD . cares little about the weather(3)According to the passage, what hit the writer most?A . Phil wasnt afraid of the storm.B . Ricky stopped eating food.C . Phil ate the rest of Rickys food.D . Ricky sensed the storm earlier than he.(4)What would be the best title for the passage?A . Find out Answers to LifeB . Take Advantage of the StormC . Stop Storms in our Daily LifeD . Pay Attention to Everyday Events17. (5分)阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 Everybody can suffer from stress. No matter what your age is, you can feel stressed out by things that are happening in your life. Teenagers, however, have many more opportunities to get stressed than people in any other age group. Being a teenager is hard. You are not a child any more, but you are not an adult, even though you have to deal with some very grown-up problems and decisions. Families can be one of the biggest causes of stress, such as problems with parents arguing at home, or problems with brothers and sisters.Teenagers also have a lot of stress from school, either from their teachers or from their friends. Some teenagers also feel stressed about choosing their education after high school. Getting a place at university can be very difficult and some cannot afford to go to university. The stress about getting a job when finishing school is hard for some teenagers. There are so many young people finishing school and not enough jobs for them. Sadly, there is nothing we can do to remove these causes of stress from the 1ives of teenagers, but you can learn the best way to deal with it. Talking to people is one of the best ways to deal with stress. It may sound simple, but it is true. A problem shared is a problem halved.(1)Why is being a teenager often difficult? A . Because even though you are not an adult, you must deal with adult problems.B . Because even though you are an adult, you must deal with childrens problems.C . Because even though you are a teenager, you must do a lot of homework.D . Because adults often make them feel stressed.(2)Families can add to the stress a teenager might experience _. A . by asking them to go to universityB . by helping them with their homeworkC . as teenagers quarrel with their parents, and their brothers or sistersD . as families never support their children enough(3)Why can leaving school be a stressful time for teenagers? A . Because they will be leaving their favourite teachers.B . Because many peoples favourite memories are at school.C . Because they may worry about getting a place at university.D . Because they may worry about becoming an adult.(4)Why can finding a job after finishing school be difficult? A . Because there is a lot of competition for jobs.B . Because there are no jobs.C . Because a job is more difficult than school work.D . Because there is a lot of competition for places at university.(5)We can deal with the stress in our life _. A . by not trying to find a jobB . by forgetting about our problemsC . by getting a place at universityD . by sharing our problems with our friends三、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)选用所给的单词填空。show musician with on at(1)What do you often do _the weekend?I play the guitar.(2)Do you want to be a _?Yes, I like singing very much.(3)Oh, Bob, you have a new book! Please _it to me.(4)The kid is very good _singing. He can join the music club.(5)Bill, I need you to help me _my violin.Glad to help you.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)任务型阅读_between people of different countries. The super star Jay Chou has cooperated with the American NBA star Kobe Bryant to create a song named The Heaven and Earth Challenge._It expresses the love for basketball._Jay Chou has learned much from Kobes sports spirit. In the song,_People can download the ring tone(铃声) of the song from the Internet._which aims to improve educational environment in poor areas in ChinaA. And it encourages young people to be more confident.B. Music touches our hearts and shortens(缩短) the distanceC. Jay Chou does most of the singing part while Kobe plays a part of a rapper(说唱者).D. All the money from the downloads will go to Project Hope.E. Thats a song written by Jay Chou whose favorite sport is basketball.五、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(共8小题,计8分) (共8题;共8分)20. (1分)So far, the couple _ (not change) their flat since they had a second child. 21. (1分)The good news made them so_(happily). 22. (1分)Look! There are many trees on both_(side) of the street. 23. (1分)Her father is a rich _ (bank). 24. (1分)Look at the _ (hunger) boy. He wants to eat something. 25. (1分)Has your cousin returned from the USA? No. She _ (stay) there for another week.26. (1分)It is going to be _ (wind) tonight. The wind will blow _ (strong). 27. (1分)Which city is Mrs. Green flying to _ (see) her son? 六、 语法填空(共7小题,计7分) (共1题;共7分)28. (7分)阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Jim is my friend. He likes music and often buys music _(magazine). There is a CD shop near his home. He often visits _(冠词) shop after school. He also likes going to _(concert) when he isnt busy. He _(sing) well too and he likes listening to old _(song).七、 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)配对阅读。左栏是五种常见的破坏环境和浪费资源的行为,右栏是七种建议,请为左栏的五种行为选择适合它们的建议。 _Now paper waste is a big problem in schools. Many students throw away paper before they make full use of it._Most people choose to spend their weekends on the beach. But they often leave the rubbish on the beach._Each year there are an increasing number of cars on the road. As a result, the air pollution caused by cars is becoming more and more serious._The problem of wasting electricity is common. People leave lights, the TV and other electrical products on even when they dont use them._Most people waste water badly. They usually have a long-time shower and leave the water running when they wash things.A. To stop the world from being polluted by cars, we have to make some changes. For example, we can go out by bus or by underground.B. You can call on some students to clean the parks in your city. Its also a good idea to put up some No Littering signs in the parks.C. Always keep in mind that electricity should be cut off before you leave. Youll not only save money but also save energy by doing so.D. Here are two pieces of advice on how to save water in our daily life. Dont leave the tap(水龙头) on when washing or brushing. Take a short shower instead of a long one.E. The rubbish on the beach can be swept into the sea. And all kinds of rubbish will put animals in the sea in danger. Always collect rubbish on the beach and never throw rubbish into the sea.F. Saving paper is a good way to save trees and protect the earth. Students should use both sides of paper. They should also form the habit of sorting(整理) the rubbish so that the waste paper can be recycled.G. Saving forests also helps a lot. Forests are useful. Please stop cutting them down and plant more trees and plants every year. Make our world a green one to live in.八、 书面表达(计20分) (共1题;共20分)30. (20分)书面表达某中学生英文报正开辟专栏讨论中学生如何减压。假设你叫李华,请从以下几个方面,用英语写出你的具体做法,向该栏目投稿。1与他人交流;2参加体育运动;3参加娱乐活动;4其它减压方式。参考词汇:stressed adj. 有压力的注意:1词数80左右;2文中不得出现真实人名及学校名;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear editor,There are many ways for us high school students to relax ourselves. 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共15小题,计30分) (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解(共10小题,计10分) (共2题;共10分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、三、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(共8小题,计8分) (共8题;共8分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、六、 语法填空(共7小题,计7分) (共1题;共7分)28-1、七、 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分) (共1题;共10分)29-1、八、 书面表达(计20分) (共1题;共20分)30-1、

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