上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷 B卷

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上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The education of_ young is always_ hot and serious topic.A . the; theB . the; aC . ;theD . ;2. (2分)People are destroying their best fighters _ pollution.A . forB . byC . againstD . in3. (2分)_you at school last Sunday?No, I _.A . Did; didntB . Was; wasntC . Did; wasntD . Were; wasnt4. (2分) is one of the greatest scientists, who won the Nobel Prize for physics.A . Yuan LongpingB . BishengC . Yang ZhenningD . Zheng He5. (2分) Can you guess _ the new Nike sports shoes?Yes, maybe he asked his grandpa for the money, I think.A . how he paid forB . where he boughtC . when he paid forD . why he bought6. (2分)Lucy, do people in England celebrate Thanksgiving Day like Americans?No, we dont. It is _ festival, not_.A . their; oursB . theirs; oursC . theirs; ourD . their; our7. (2分)We should never _ a bad word about anyone.A . tellB . speakC . sayD . talk8. (2分)The woman said she did not like the skirt she saw it,for the color was too bright A . sinceB . unlessC . althoughD . as soon as9. (2分)Double click means you click twice on the button of the _ to start the program. A . screenB . mouseC . keyboardD . printer10. (2分) How old _ your parents? They are eighty-nine.A . doesB . doC . isD . are11. (2分)Have you ever read the book HarryPotter?Yes, and I think its very _.I want to read it again.A . boringB . excitingC . boredD . excited12. (2分) Are those books, boys? Oh, yes, they are .A . your; ourB . your; oursC . yours; ourD . yours; ours13. (2分)_ your mother happy today?No, she_.A . Is; isntB . Are; arentC . Are; isntD . Does; doesnt14. (2分)-_?-Yes, this is Miss Li speaking.A . Who are youB . May I speak to Miss LiC . Are you Miss LiD . Whos that speaking15. (2分)Dont run in the hallways._, Mr Smith.A . Thank youB . Excuse meC . Sorry二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、c、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。My mom works on Saturdays, so every Saturday my aunt, Jenny, takes me somewhere interesting. For example, once she took me to the sea museum, and then she made me do a project (专题研究) about my favorite 1 .Last Saturday, Jenny took me to an old peoples home. She was a volunteer (志愿者) there, so she 2went there in her free time. There were a lot of old People there. Jenny introduced (介绍) 3to some of them. Then she asked me if I would like to read the newspaper to them. I was glad to do that. I read 4so they could hear me. They said my reading was excellent. I felt really 5 .Later, Jenny and I had lunch with them. I sat at a table with one man and two women. During lunch, they told me stories 6their lives. The man had been a guide. The two women were from other 7Mrs. Wang came from China, and Mrs. Guleed was from South Africa. They 8their lives in their hometowns. It sounded different.After lunch, Jenny 9the piano. Some of the people sang along to the music. The people there were very kind to me. I liked them so much that I began to 10them as Soon as I got home.(1)A . star B . fish C . sport D . music (2)A . even B . already C . never D . often (3)A . me B . her C . him D . them (4)A . quickly B . simply C . loudly D . seriously (5)A . worried B . happy C . busy D . normal (6)A . with B . of C . for D . about (7)A . villages B . towns C . cities D . countries (8)A . described B . planned C . chose D . forgot (9)A . moved B . cleaned C . played D . covered (10)A . help B . miss C . accept D . serve 三、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)17. (10分) There have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live. The first great invention was the one that is still very important todaythe wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distance.For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that as much effect as the wheel . Then in the early 1800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didnt have to explore much any more. They began to work instead to make life better.In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the light and the radio. These all play a big part in our daily life today.The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909, movies with sound in 1926, the computer in 1928, jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wore.The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over diseases. They worked very well. They made people healthier and allowed them to live longer. By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60.By this time most people in developed countries had a very good life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. But man now had a desire(渴望) to explore again. The earth was known to man but the stars were not. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then United States took a step. Since then other countries , including China and Japan, have made their own steps into space.In 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth. Americans first walked on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning, though. New inventions will some day allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.(1)This passage talks mainly about.A . why cars were very importantB . when light was inventedC . how inventions affect peoples daily lifeD . which country made the first step into space(2)According to the passage man didnt have a desire to explore a lot.A . at the beginning of 1800sB . in the 1960sC . since the 1900sD . from the 1800s to 1960s(3)In the 1800s, people began to work in order to make . A . explorationsB . their life betterC . discoveriesD . a trip to space(4)Nylon came out of five years later than . A . radioB . cameraC . jet planesD . movies(5)People can live longer lives becausethat help cure diseases have worked very well.A . doctorsB . new waysC . medicinesD . new hospitals18. (8分) “Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. “If you can carry on, one day something good will happen.”After graduating from college in 1932, I decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer(播音员). I took the bus to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I was refused every time. In one studio, a nice lady told me that big stations didnt want to accept inexperienced persons. “Go to the countryside and find a small station thatll give you a chance,” she said.I returned home, Dixon in Illinois. While there were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Smith Ward had opened a store and wanted a local sportsman to manage its sports department. Since I had played high school football in Dixon, I applied(申请). The job sounded just right for me. But I still failed in the interview. At that moment, moms words came to my mind: “Everything happens for the best.” Dad offered me a car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport in Iowa. The program director, named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer.As I left his office, I felt sad. I asked aloud, “How can a man become a sports announcer if he cant get a job in a radio station?”I was waiting for the lift when I heard MacArthur calling, “What did you say about sports? Do you know anything about football?” Then he made me stand before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an imaginary game. As a result, I did a wonderful job and was told to broadcast Saturdays game!On my way home, I thought of my mothers words again: “Everything happens for the best if you carry on. One day something good will happen.”(1)After the writer graduated from college, he tried to look for a job in at first.A . ChicagoB . DixonC . DavenportD . Illinois(2)The writer couldnt find a job in Dixon because .A . he had played high school footballB . he did not pass the interviewC . he had no working experienceD . he had no interest in the job(3)Which sentence below is TRUE?A . In all, the writer went to three cities to look for the job.B . The writer took the train to different places to look for the jobC . The writer gave up finally when he was refused again and again.D . MacArthur gave the writer a chance to broadcast Saturdays game directly.(4)The passage mainly tells us that .A . it is hard to find a jobB . mothers help is necessaryC . we should hope for the bestD . life is full of disappointment四、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词,使短文完整、通顺Im Cathy BrownI am now working for the Sunshine Travel Service in Fuzhou, Fujian. I have just come back from Taiwan, the largest i_of China. Last week, I took a group of officials for a weeks trip to Taiwan. We t_all around the island. There are lots of fascinating s_on the island. My favorite sight is the Sun Moon Lake. You may ask w_people call it so. If you f_high up over the lake and look down from your plane, you ll find the answer yourself. In the middle of this lake, theres a small island t_is called Lalu. On one s_of Lalu the lake looks like a sun, and on the other side it looks like a m_. That is why people call it the Sun Moon Lake.There are many mountains around this lake. One of the nearest is Mount Ali. We stayed there for three days. We also h_a dancing party with Gaoshan people there.Why not consider v_Taiwan for your next vacation? Its a wonderful place to visit.五、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共13分)20. (12分)根据句子意思和汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。You can call me_(无论何时) you miss me.The_(温度) in Sanya is always higher than that in the other places of China.Please dont _(抽烟). It makes us uncomfortable.Some apples_ (落下) down from the tree.There are about two _(千) students in our school.Mr Yang and his wife agreed with their daughters _(决定).The big house has six_(卧室).When the UFO_(着陆), the Greens were taking a walk in the park.That thief_(跳跃) over the wall and ran away.While they were walking on the street, they saw two car_(事故)._(机器人) will do most work that people can do.Tom had an_(面试) yesterday.21. (1分)Bob_(掷)the ball to me and I caught it 六、 完成下列翻译 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)与旧房子相比,新房子又大又干净。 (compared with)_七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)随着经济的增长,家庭轿车越来越普及,越来越多的人放弃了环保的交通方式,比如步行和骑自行车。令人开心的是, 漳州的大街小巷仿佛一夜之间就出现了很多的摩拜单车(mobike),为人们的出行带来了很大的便利。请写一篇文章,谈谈你对摩拜单车的看法。提示词:save energy;air pollution; cost less money;healthy;useful sport要求:1).80词左右2).提示词必需全部用上。第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、四、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)19-1、五、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共13分)20-1、21-1、六、 完成下列翻译 (共1题;共1分)22-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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