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外研版英语(三年级起点)第五册Module 1 LondonUnit 1判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同请画,否则画1. like picnic A. 正确 B. 错误 答案: B 2.please teacher A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B 3.noodles food A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A4.about banana A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B5.those home A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A选择1. How are you? A.Yes,I am B. Yes,I dont C. I m fine D. Yes,I like 答案:C2. Let s some .A. buy B.to buy C.some D.any 答案:A3. did you go there?We went there by bike. A. What B. Where C.When D. How 答案:D4. How apples do we need? Four. A. any B. much C. some D. Many 答案:B5. I live Amy and Sam. A. to B. near C. in front of D. near 答案:DModule 1Unit 2判断下列句子是否真确1. Yesterday I go to the park with Sam and Any.A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B2. We went to home by bus.A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B3. Did Lingling went to the park yesterday?A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B4. Did Lingling drop her ice cream?A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A5. Who did you met in london?A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B选择 找出句中错误的地方1. Whose shoes is those? A B C D 答案:C2. She didnt washed her dress. A B C D 答案:C3. Sam want to wear my shirt. A B C D 答案:B4. Whos bag is this ?A B C D 答案:A5. How did you go school this morning? A B C 答案:C Module 1 London一 读单词,选出划线部分发音不同的一项 1. A. cat B. table C. apple 2. A. rabbit B.river C. like 3.teacher B. meet C. bread 4.letter B. these C. hen 二 字母重组 排出单词 1.merac ( ) 2.pord ( ) 3.fiinhs ( ) 4.uhyrr ( ) 5.kcab ( )三 单词排序重组句子 1. dropped cream I ice my . 2. last We Sunday back came . 3.New York live Do in you ?四 动词时态填空 1. Yesterday , he TV. 2. Yesterday , she an ice cream. 3. Yesterday , he a new book. 4. Yesterday , he to the zoo. 5. Yesterday , she her homework.五 阅读理解 判断正误 Visit LondonLondon is interesting .there are many old buildings and many parks .People ride horses or bikes in the parks. There are beautiful flowers and birds there .1. There is no old building in London . ( )2. People ride horses or bikes in the zoo. ( )3. London is interesting . ( )答案:一1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B二 1. cream 2. drop 3. finish 4. hurry 5. back三 1. I dropped my ice cream . 2. We came back last Sunday . 3. Do you live in New York ?四 1.watched 2. had 3. bought 4. went 5. did五 1. 2. 3.金玉良言 Where there is a will, there is a way . (世上无难事,只怕有心人。)Module 2 ShoppingUnit 1选择2. Do you like Coke? A.Yes,I am B. Yes,I dont C.No, I dont D. Yes,I like 答案:C2. How pencils do you want?Four.A.many B.much C.some D.any 答案:A3. did you go there?We went there last night. A. What B. Where C.When D. How 答案:C4. How cheese do we need? One kilo and a half. A. any B. much C. some D. Many 答案:B5. Where is the supermarket? Its the cinema and the bookstore.A.to B. near C. in front of D.between 答案:D判断每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同1. noodles bread manyA. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B2. bird nurseA. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A3. apple school pearA. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B4. balloon teacherA. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A5. kilo cake hamburgerA. 正确 B. 错误 答案:BUnit 2选择 1. What we going to take on our picnic ? A. is B. be C.am D.are 答案:D2.Lets a list. A. make B.to make C. making 答案:A3.How milk do you want? A. some B.many C.much D.about 答案:C4. Here two big bottles for you . A. are B. is C.be 答案:A5. How bananas did you have ? A.much B. many C. a lot of 答案:B判断以下是否正确1. We need food to our picnic .A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B2. duck mother 划线部分的发音相同 A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A3.how much 与 how many 可通用 A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:B4. A bottle or two? 中的 Or 和and 意义和用法均不同A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A5.What about juice ? 与 How about juice ? 不同A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A金玉良言 The more one reads, the better one writes. (读书破万卷 , 下笔如有神。)Module 3 At the weekendUnit 1 We visited lots of places一 请将下列单词送入同一类的小组里1. cinema school bookstore A. milk B. supermarket C.banana D. giraffe 答案:B2.Coke juice water A. milk B. supermarket C.banana D. giraffe 答案:A3.cake bread hamburgerA. supermarket B.banana C. giraffe D. noodles 答案:D4.dog cat tiger A. milk B. supermarket C.banana D. giraffe 答案:D5. orange pear peachA. milk B. supermarket C.banana D. noodles 答案:C二 找出句中的错误1.What did you do on the weekend? A B C D 答案:D2.We went to the british museum . A B C 答案:C3.What did daming does ? A B C 答案:C4.Daming took a phote to his father . A B C 答案:C5.They went to there at ten oclock. . A B C 答案:B Unit 2一 判断 划线部分的发音是否相同1.dog fox 相同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2.morning tall 相同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A3.book football 相同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A4.soup food 不同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B5.wonderful understand 相同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A二 选择最佳答案1. Daming and his father went to the Great Wall the weekend .A.on B. in C. for D.at 答案:D2. They walked one hour . A.on B. in C. for D.at 答案:C3. They went there plane . A.on B. by C. for D.at 答案:B4. They went there foot .A.on B. in C. for D.at 答案:A5. The London Eye round and round .A.go B. going C. goes D. went 答案:C金玉良言Today must borrow nothing of tomorrow .(今日事 ,今日毕 )Module 4 PossessionsUnit 1 Its mine一 判断下列句子正确与否1.It isnt yours . Its my .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2. I washed them to you .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B3. Did you wash LingLings Tshirt . No, I dont.A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B4. Is this book yours or mine ?A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A5 . That isnt my bike ; mine is being repaired. (这不是我的自行车;我的自行车正在检修。)A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A二 选择错误的部分1. She didnt washed her dress . A B C D 答案:C2. Whos bag is this ? A B C D 答案:A3 . Whose shoes is these ? A B C D 答案:C4. Dont argue What the matter? A B C D 答案:C5. Sam wants to wears my shirt . A B C D 答案:C金玉良言All roads lead to Rome .条条大道通罗马。Unit 2 This bag is hers 一 判断划线部分的发音是否相同1 . house know flower 相同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2 . good football book 不同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B3. rope snow home 相同 A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A4. boy toy point 相同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A5. cake plane cat 不同A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A二 选择 1. Sam my school yesterday .A . visit B . visited C . visits 答案:B2. This bag isnt Amys . is clean .A . Hers B . Her C . She 答案:A3. Those oranges are not yours . They are .A . my B . I C . myself D . mine 答案:D4 . Tom to wear his shirt .A . want B . is going to want C . wants 答案:C5. The world is not . The world is not mine .A . their B . theirs C . they 答案: B金玉良言Work makes the workman .勤工出巧匠。Module 5 In ClassUnit 1 There are enough一 判断句子正确与否1. Are there enough pencil ?A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2 . We got enough for everyone .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B3. I bought twenty pens yesterday .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A4 .There is twenty students in the class .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B5 . I puted ten pencils in the box .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B二 选择 选出最理想的答案1 . There only fifteen pencils .A . are B . is C . be 答案:A2 . You got tow cats .A . has B . had C . have 答案:C3 . There is apple in the box .A . a B . an C . tow 答案:B4 . There enough apples .A . aren t B . isnt C . didnt 答案:A5 . We have got enough everyone .A . to B . for C . with 答案:BUnit 2 There are too many books on the desk .一 选择 合适的介词填空1 . She went me .A . and B . or c . with 答案:C2 . The children are playing the garden .A . in B . at C . on 答案:A3 . It is a lovely day . There isnt a cloud the sky .A . on B . at C . in 答案:C4 . Dont sit the floor .A . at B . in C . on 答案:C5 . Dont sit the armchair . Its broken . 别坐那软椅 , 它坏了。A . at B . in C . on 答案:B二 判断 划线部分的读音1 . chair bearA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:A2 . poor tour hourA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B3 . deer ear b ear A . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B4 . enough give everyA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:A5 . careful wonderfulA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B金玉良言Its never too old to learn .活到老 , 学到老 。Module 6 SelfassessmentUnit 1 You can play football well .一 选择 选词填空1 . Do you want to be our basketball team ?A . at B . into C . in 答案:C2 . You good at football .A . were B . was C . been 答案:A3 . Can you the ball ?A . control B . controls C . controled 答案:A4 . Catch the ball .A . good B .really C . well 答案:C5 . He can basketball well .A . plays B . play C . played 答案:B二 判断句子正确与否1 . You was good at football .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2 . I think I can do that well .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A3 . D aming was a fantastic goalkeeper .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A4 . You cannt ran fast . A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B5 . You can be a fantastic goalkeeper .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:AUnit 2 I can do it very well 一 选择最佳答案 注意词性1 . There are fifteen pencils .A . only B . many C . too D . so 答案:A2 . There is not time .A . only B . many C . too D . enough 答案: D3 . There are many people . There are not enough cars . A . only B . many C . too D . so 答案:D4 . I have a pen . Me A . all B . also C . too D . so 答案:C5 . Can you control the ball ? Very .A . bad B . much C . more D . badly 答案:D二 判断以下各组是否反义1 . well goodA. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2 . good badlyA. 正确 B.错误 答案:B3 . bad good A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A4 . well badly A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A5 . bad illA. 正确 B.错误 答案:A金玉良言Time is money .时间就是金钱。外研版英语(三年级起点)第五册1-6模块综合测试题一根据汉语提示填空,补全单词。(18分)1. arg e (争吵) 2. ch se (奶酪) 3. f n sh (完成)4. w t (等待) 5. bo le (瓶子) 6. j ce (果汁)7. wh l (轮) 8. t m(队、组) 9. f d (食物)二请把下列单词进行归类。(12分)1. the Great Wall 2. ice cream 3. meet 4. drop 5. noodles 6. buy 7. the London Eye 8. catch 9. run 10. Hyde Park 11. wear 12. the British Museum 食物类: 动作类: 地点类: 三用How many 或How much填空。(10分)1. tea do you want? 2. cakes do you want? 3. apples do you want? 4. cheese do you want? 5. juice do you want? 四选择正确的单词填空。(10分)up by at for with1Yesterday I went to the park my mother. 2We need food our picnic. 3Hurry , Sam. 4I go to school seven oclock everyday. 5They went to Shanghai train last Sunday. 五连词成句。(15分)1 at did Where the you weekend go ? 2did they last do What Sunday ? 3of a took Daming photo father his . 4were of people lots There . 5were good football at china in very you ? 六读一读,连一连。(15分)1What did they do? A. Very badly , .sorry .2Lets go to the supermarket. B. Last Friday. 3Can you control the ball ? C. Daming and his father. 4Who went to the Great Wall? D. They took lots of photos. 5When did you come back? E. OK. 七阅读理解,判断对(T)错(F)。(20分)Dear Amy, Last week, I went to Beijing by train. I visited the Great Wall. How long it is! And then I went to the Summer Palace. I saw a beautiful lake. There were some boats on the lake. My parents told me there were many beautiful places in Beijing. I think Ill visit there again! I love Beijing. Yours, Mary ( ) 1. Mary went to Shanghai with her parents last week.( ) 2. She visited the Great Wall and the Summer Palace in Beijing.( ) 3. The beautiful lake was on the Great Wall. ( ) 4. There were some boats on the lake. ( ) 5. She wants to visit Beijing again. 外研版英语(三年级起点)第五册1-6模块综合测试题答 案一 . 1 . u 2 . e e 3 . i i 4 . a i 5 . t t 6 . u i 7 . e e 8 . e a 9 . o o二 . 食物类: 2 5 动作类: 3 4 6 8 9 11 地点类: 1 7 10 12 三 . 1. How much 2 . How many 3 . How many 4 . How much 5 . How much四 . 1 . with 2 . for 3 . up 4 . at 5 . by 五 1 . Where did you go at the weekend ? 2 . What did they do last Sunday ? 3. Daming took a photo of his father . 4 . There were lots of people . 5 . Were you very good at football in china ? 六 1 . D 2 . E 3 . A 4 . C 5 . B七 1 . F 2. T 3 . F 4 . T 5 . TModule 7 CommunityUnit 1 He cant see .一 选择1 . It is a programme dogs.A . of B . to C . for D . about 答案: D2 . Dogs are very .A . useful B . use C . used 答案: A3 . This dog him . A . help B . helps C . helped 答案: B4 . This woman is . She cant see .A . deaf B . celver C . blind D . bright 答案: C 5 . Can you jump high ?A . Yes , I cant . B . No , I cant . C . No , I can . 答案: B二 判断句子正误1 . You can jump high really .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2 . These dogs helps the blind man .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B3 . The fireman cant finds the man . A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B4 . This man is deaf . She cant listen .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B5 . Can she wears her skirt ?A. 正确 B.错误 答案:BUnit 2 They cant walk .一 判断划线部分的发音是否相同1 . kite cat musicA . 相同 B . 不同 答案: A2 . phote fork fishA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:A3 . glass nose roseA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B4 . great giraffe glassA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B5 . very vegetable glovesA . 相同 B . 不同 答案: A二 选择1 . What can you do at home ? .A . I can cook dinner B . I can watch TV C . I can do my homework D . I can clean my room 2 . Can you swim well ? .A . Yes , I am B . Yes , I do C . No , I cant D . Great 答案: C3 . Were you a good football player in china ? .A . Yes , I am B . Yes , I wereC . No , I werent D . Yes , I was 答案:D4 . We are having an english class . We cant now .A . read B . listen C . play D . write 答案: C5 . Can I have a bird ? .A . Yes , you do B . No , you cantC . Yes , I can D . No , I cant 答案:B金玉良言Knowledge is power .知识就是力量 。Module 8 SchoolUnit 1 What time does school start ?一 判断句子正误1 . Would you like to come to school and us ?A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B2. . He will gets up at six .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B3 . My house is near to the school .A. 正确 B.错误 答案:B4 . Do you go to school on foot ?A. 正确 B.错误 答案:A5 . He often plays computer games in the evening .A. 正确 B. 错误 答案:A二 选择1 . What time school start ?A . do B . does C . is D . are 答案:B2 . My school stars nine oclock .A . on B . in C . at 答案:C3 . he do exercises every morning ?A . Did B . Do C . Is D . Does 答案:D4 . Would you like school with us ?A . to come to B . to come C . come 答案:A5 . I up at seven .A . gets B . to get C . getting D . get 答案:DUnit 2一 判断下列划线部分的发音是否相同1 . sun rice A . 相同 B . 不同 答案:A2


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