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Flirting Scholar (唐伯虎点秋香)Act 1地点:A river side, on the street人物:江南四大才子,如花,一女子,石榴,华夫人, 道具:4扇子,丝巾,伞,小刀,2凳子,背景音乐 旁白:江南四大才子结伴出游,众女子兴奋观看。 一女子:Look, the Four Scholars are over there.(四大才子摆pose,众女子倾倒) 一女子:Go and have a look, 祝枝山:We come here for a tour. Thats why the girls are that crazy. 文征明:Pals, why not has a poem competition? 祝:Very good idea! Why dont you start first? Brother Wen bin. 周文斌:l am the best in this field. There are many geese under the mountain. 文征明:They rushed down to the river. 祝:Lets roast a goose. 唐:After roasting, youd better go home for a screw. 三人:Good, very good. Very good!(三人笑,唐伯虎逛笑) 祝:There is something attractive. See, there is a beauty on the bridge. She seems to be lonely. Why not show us your talent about how to court a girl. To let us learn from you! 唐:Well. 周文斌:lts the welfare for your friends, so? 唐:l am glad to demonstrate it.三人:Go. 唐:Miss. 如花:Whats the matter? (一回头,竟是如花!) 三人:Go, go.唐:May l put my head on your shoulder? 如花:ls it OK? No, l am a girl, a decent girl. 唐:l know, l want to make my friends happy, thats all. ln fact, l am Tong Pak-Fu. 如花:So what?l dont know you. l will shout for help if you dont leave me alone. 唐:How about paying you 1 tael? 如花:1 tael? Who do you think l a.m.? Make it ten. 唐:Thats too expensive, why dont you rob? 如花:Right, l am robber. Give me all your money.(两人乱打,最后如花被唐伯虎打落河中) 三人:Whats wrong? (赶到桥上)Whats the matter? 文征明:No need to punch her like that? 唐:Robber! lts a ladyboy! 三人:Ladyboy? 祝:l love it. Hold it. (祝枝山将折扇递给文斌,跳入河中) 文征明:Damn it. He is being the first to! (华夫人带众人去拜神)秋香:Look, so many people! 石榴:Yes, its crowded. 华夫人:Chun-xiang, Xia-xiang, shut up, 四大才子:Heave yourselves. Whats going on? 某人:Madam Hua and her 4 pretty maids have come for worshipping. 周文斌:The maids are all pretty, especially Qiu-xiang. 唐:Who is she? Who is Qiu-xiang? 文斌,征明:Look! That way. 三人:Qiu-xiang.(秋香回首一笑) 唐:Damn, she is not pretty at all. 周文斌:You know, pretty woman is like flowers. Youll be all eyes for its beauty if some leaves are around. Look once more. 三人:Pretty woman!(一整排回首,旁人皆成丑女衬托) 唐:ershe may not my type.Act 2地点:West Gate of Huas house人物:唐伯虎,秋香,石榴,祝枝山 道具:“旺财”,1手帕,“小强”,2卖身牌,1棍子,4凳子,银两旁白:第三幕,华府西门口。唐伯虎为追秋香,化装成贫民意图混进华府。 祝:brother tang , we love Qiuxiang at the first sight, except you .唐:嗯哼?祝:for the sake of we having the same opportunity,we appoint you as a spy to enter Huas house bringing some information about Qiuxiang.In return, we will arrange you a appointment with someone you like.唐:Cheap man! A brand new cheap man for sale. Come and have a look! Im so poor!(石榴和秋香出门)石榴:Are you selling yourself to bury your dad? But its not lucky to see a dead body early in the morning. 唐:l dont want, too. Why dont you be merciful m:siful仁慈的;慈悲的;宽容的 buy me please. 秋香:He is miserable mizrbl悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的; why not buy him to be our workman?石榴:because of you buying so many makeup yesterday ,we have little money left.唐:l am miserable . 秋香:show me how you are miserable.may be I should cut down the budget of food. 唐:Well, l. See how dirty are my fingernails? lts miserable, right?(小狗突然死去) Wong Cai, dont die! Dont die. You have followed me for a long time, youre so good to me. But l have never given yousufficient sfiSnt 足够的;充分的 food. l am damn dm可恶的 sorry. 石榴:Sister Qiu-xiang,he is miserable.lets buy him. 唐:Really? 石榴:Yes. 秋香:Come early tomorrow morning. 唐:Thank you, Miss Qiu-xiang.(秋香进门时对唐伯虎一笑)Act 3地点:The backyard of Huas house, The street market人物:唐伯虎,秋香,华夫人, 仆人X:Huaan,can you come with me to the street?I have something to buy ,but go too lonely.T:Its my pleasure.But Im busy,I have lots of things to do.so.X:These things are not necessary.I would help you to finished.So,you can go out relievedly.T:(奸笑)Oh,you are so nice.X:(害羞的笑)。(In the street)X:wow,Its so beautiful.This and this are all my favorite.T:(不耐烦)Year,year.X:er,Huaan can I ask you a question?T:Yes.X:What kind of gril do you like?Y:This questing is so esoteric(深奥),let me think.仆人1.2:Madam hua,they are there.华夫人:Heng,Huaan,How dare you!Catch him up.X:Madam hua!Spare him,pealse.cx,sl.help me.石榴:xiuxiang,we are sorry, we can do nothing for you.华夫人:Who will intercede no matter,I will not let him.X:No!Madam hua,please! Spare him!Please!华夫人:Take him away.Close him away,and let him die at midnight!X:No no.Madam hua.(夺命书生救了唐伯虎一命)DUOMINGSHUSHENG: Oh my god, what a headsome boy!TANG:help!help!DUO: Sir are you ok?TANG:Yes i am fine ,thanks for your help(夺命书生一边逃跑,一边含情脉脉看着唐伯虎) DUO:I made a decision , he is the most important man in my life!(这是夺命书生心里想法)Act4地点:The marriage hall of Huas house人物:唐伯虎,秋香,三香,石榴,如花,华夫人,华文,准新娘道具:红盖头,1凳子,1桌子,1条款,1柱香,背景音乐,舞蹈音乐 In the last,Mrs Hua decided to pledge qiuxiang to bohu,Tang.秋香:when will he come in? Im crazy.I want to see him as soon as possible.伯虎:Should I come in?I really dont know whether I love her or not.How can I do?夺命先生(破门而入):Mr Tang,Dont marry Qiu xiang,please.Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.When the first time I meet you,I know that you are the special one who I am waitting for.Ihavehadmybestlovebefore,butIdidnttreasureher.WhenIlosther,Ifellregretful.Itisthemostpainfulmatterinthisworld. nowGodcangivemeanotherchance,I wonnot lose it never!TANG:why are you ?!DUO: Every part of you is so perfect. I like appreciating your beauty quietly Your hands are so cold,so please allow me to warm your hands. I am the one who wont say good-bye easily.Are you read to fall in love with me?TANG: Why are you love me?DUO: I donnot konw maybe love is no reason , the first time i saw you I am sure you are my MR RIGHT!秋香(一把拉开盖头):Whats wrong? What happened? You mean you love him? You mean? No,no,no,everybody knows you have draw my portrait seceretly. If you leave me now,How can I do? How can I face other person? Id better die.伯虎:Im so sorry, Qiuxiang.Our love is genuine and we cant Control ourselves.TANG:Oh xiaoduoDUO:Oh,bohuTANG:You jumpDUO: I jump.秋香:Get out,please get out now! I dont want to see you two again. I will never bless you,never!秋香狠狠的关上了门,趴在床上,泣不成声。Few minute later,zhou wenbin arrived here.文斌(敲门):Dear qiuxiang,please open the door! I know how sad you feel now.In fact,I have admired you for a long time,I really love you so much.Please give me the chance .Let me take care of you. Are you willing to follow with me ?最后,七个人一起说:We wish that all lovers in the world could be united in marriage in the final(愿天下有情人终成眷属).May you happy!7


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