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六年级英语重点词汇和句子(四会)复习总表(1) 二年级(下册)(29个) UNIT 7 Is it pear? 一、重点词汇(5)1. banana 香蕉 2. nut 花生3. pear梨4. lemon 柠檬5. peach桃二、重点句1.A: Whats this (that)? B: Its a nut.2. A: Is it a nut? B: Yes, it is. (No, it isnt)UNIT 8 Are these tomatoes?一、重点词汇(3)1. beans 豆类2. girl女孩 3. carrot胡萝卜二、重点句1. A: What are these (those)?B: They are beans.2. A: Are these (those) beans? B: Yes, they are. No, they arent.3. These (those) are beans.UNIT 9 How many?一、重点词汇(8)1. bird 鸟2. nest鸟巢 3. egg 蛋4. one 一5. two 二6. five 三7. six 四8. ten十二、重点句1. A: How many birds are there?B: There are seven birds. (There are seven.)2. A: How many birds are there?B: There is one.3. There is a nest.UNIT 10 What color is it?一、重点词汇(7)1. color 颜色2. red 红;红色3. blue 蓝;蓝色4. black黑;黑色5. pink 粉红色6. bear 熊7. fish鱼二、重点句1. A: What color is this (that/it) bird?B: Its blue.2. A: What color are these(those/they) frogs? B: They are green.3. Its blue and yellow.UNIT 11 I can climb一、重点词汇(6)1. run 跑2. swim 游泳3. sing 唱;唱歌4. read 读;看书5. jump 跳;崩6. see看见二、重点句1. A: Can you run? (各种人称)B: Yes, I can. (No, I cant)2. A: Can you see our house? B: Yes, I can. (No, I cant)3. A: Whats the matter?B: I cant walk.三年级(上册)(33个)UNIT 1 Dont walk!一、重点词汇(7)1. dont 别;不要2. left 左;左边3. litter 乱扔;乱丢4. walk走5. money 钱6. food 食品;食物7. parking 停车二、重点句1. Dont touch.2. No parking. 3. No food.UNIT 2 How much?一、重点词汇(6)1. toy 玩具2. train 火车3. how much 多少4. robot 机器人5. fourteen 146. yuan 元二、重点句1. A: How much is the ball?B: Its eleven yuan.2. A: How much are ?B: They are eleven yuan.3. Here is the money. 4. One and two is three.UNIT 3 Whose CDs?一、重点词汇(5)1. study 书房2. whose 谁的3. CD 光盘4. radio 收音机5. table桌子二、重点句1. A: Whose radio is this?B: Its Bobbys.2. A: Whose radios are these(those)?B: Theyre Kens.UNIT 4 Dinner time!一、重点词汇(6)1. door 门2. bedroom 卧室3. washing 洗4. studying 学习5. playing 玩耍6. eating吃六年级英语重点词汇和句子(四会)复习总表(2) 二、重点句1. A: What is he doing?B: He is sleeping.(各种人称) 2. This is a (the) bedroom.UNIT 5 Our school一、重点词汇(7)1. their 他们的2. our 我们的3. math 数学4. English英语5. art 艺术;美术6. Chinese 中国的7. P.E. 体育二、重点句A: Are these our / your / their books?B: Yes, they are. No, they arent.UNIT 6 Review一、重点词汇(2)1. party 晚会;聚会2. gift 礼物;礼品三年级(下册)(46个)UNIT 7 At restaurant一、重点词汇(5)1. like喜欢 2. noodles 面条3. chicken鸡肉 4. hot dog 热狗5. corn玉米二、重点句1. Do you like a corn? Yes, I do. (No, I dont.) (各种人称) 2. I dont like chicken.3. What do you like? I like fruit. UNIT 8 Big bird!一、重点词汇(13)1. tall高2. short 矮的;短的3. long长的4. old年老的2. short 矮的;短的3. long长的4. old年老的5. young 年轻的6. fat胖的7. thin 瘦的8. small小的9. big 大的10. good好的11. bad坏的12. tree 树13. man男人二、重点句1. Is he a tall boy?Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.) 2. Its a fat bear.UNIT 9 Hot soup!一、重点词汇(7)1. milk 牛奶2. cold 凉、凉的3. hot热4. some 一些5. rice 米饭6. water 水7. have吃、喝 二、重点句1. Im hungry. 2. Have some orange juice. 2. Have some fruit. 3. Is it fresh? Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.)UNIT 10 Mockys store一、重点词汇(10)1. want 要;想要2. one 这;这个3. hat 帽子;礼帽4. new新的5. old 旧的6. clock 时钟7. sell 卖;出售8. cap 帽子9. watch手表10. have有二、重点句1. I want a book. 2. I have a pen. (各种人称) 3. Do you have a book?Yes, I do. (No, I dont.) 4. Can I have the blue one? Here you are. Here you are. UNIT 11 Green berries一、重点词汇(11)1. hurt 疼、受伤2. drink 喝3. ear 耳朵4. head 头5. eye 眼睛6. nose 鼻子7. face 脸8. arm 手臂9. hand 手10. foot 脚11. leg腿二、重点句1. How are you today? Im not well. 2. How is he today? He is not well.3. Whats the matter? My head hurts.四年级(上册)(54个)UNIT 1 Mocky the juggler一、重点词汇(4)1student 学生2teacher 教师3nurse 护士4doctor 医生二、重点句询问职业及回答(各种人称)1What do you do? 你做(干)什么? I am a student. 我是学生。2What does he do?他做(干)什么?He is a farmer. 他是农民。3Is he a farmer? 他是农民吗?Yes, he is.是的,他是。No, he isnt.不,他不是。六年级英语重点词汇和句子(四会)复习总表(3)UNIT 2 I like Bobby一、重点词汇(12)1glasses 眼镜2monkey 猴子3panda 熊猫4sheep 绵羊5tiger 老虎6rabbit 兔子7come来8a lot 许多;大量的9know 认识;知道10him 他(宾格)11her 她(宾格)12them 他们(宾格)二、重点句询问是否认识(喜欢)及回答(各种人称)1Do you know him? 你认识他吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我认识。No, I dont. 不,我不认识。2Does he like tigers? 他喜欢老虎吗?Yes, she does. 是的,他喜欢。No, she doesnt. 不,他不喜欢。UNIT 3 Its too expensive!一、重点词汇(13)1dress 连衣裙2shirt 衬衫3skirt 裙子4socks 袜子5shoes 鞋6coat 大衣7dress 连衣裙8sweater 毛衣9size 尺寸10. thirty 三十11forty 四十12fifty 五十13cheap 便宜二、重点句1Do you have any jeans? 你有牛仔裤吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我有。No, I dont. 不,我没有。2What size do you want? 你要多大尺寸的?Size 10. 10号的。3The shoes are too big。这双鞋太大了。UNIT 4 Where is it?一、重点词汇(9)1on 在上面2in 在里面 3under 在下面4where 在哪里5bed 床6chair 椅子7desk 课桌;办公桌8sad 难过的;伤心的9look for 寻找 二、重点句询问物体或人在哪及回答?1Where is the book? 那本书在哪里? Its under the sofa.它在沙发底下。2Where are the flowers?那些花在哪里?那些花在哪里?They are on the desk.它们在桌子上。UNIT 5 Our town一、重点词汇(14)1map 地图2bank 银行3station 车站 4train station 火车站5police station 警察局6fire 火7park 公园8zoo 动物园9bus stop 汽车站10post office 邮局11near 在附近12. right 右;右边13turn 转;转向14turn right 向右转二、重点句询问地点及回答:1Wheres the school? Its near the park.它在公园附近。2Wheres the supermarket?超市在哪里?超市在哪里?Its between the zoo andthe bank.超市在动物园和银行之间。表示感谢及回答:1Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 You are welcome.别客气。2Thanks a lot. 多谢。UNIT6 Review一、重点词汇(2)1left 左;左边2turn left 向左转四年级(下册)(61个)UNIT 7 Today is Monday一、重点词汇(12)1play 玩儿2holiday 节日;假日 3today 今天4every day 每天5week 星期,周6in a week 在一周里7Monday 星期一8Friday 星期五9Sunday 星期日10on Monday 在星期一11class (一节)课12P.E. class 体育课二、重点句询问某人做什么及回答(各种人称)1. What do you do on Sunday?星期日你做(干)什么?I go to the park. 我去公园2. What does he do on Sunday? 星期一他做(干)什么?He goes to school.他去上学。3What day is it today? 今天是星期几?Its Sunday today. 今天星期一。六年级英语重点词汇和句子(四会)复习总表(4) UNIT 8 Mocky is late一、重点词汇(11)1oclock 钟点2time 时间3early 早;提早4late 晚;迟5slow 慢;慢的6one 一7five 五8six 六9nine 九10ten十11thirty三十二、重点句1询问时间及回答What time is it? 几点了?Its four oclock.四点钟。2到做的时间了。(该做了。)Its time for school. 该上学了。Its time to visit Mocky. 到看望Mocky的时间了。UNIT 9 Day and night一、重点词汇(11)1eat dinner 吃(晚)饭 2lunch 午饭3sleep 入睡4at night 在夜间5get up 起床6go to bed 上床睡觉7often常常8never 从不9after 在以后10after school 放学后11at home 在家二、重点句询问某人何时做什么及回答(各种人称)1When do you get up? 你什么时间起床?I get up at 7:00 in themorning. 我7点钟起床。2When does he go to bed? 他什么时间上床睡觉?He goes to bed at 9:00. 他9点钟上床睡觉。UNIT 10 Lets go!一、重点词汇(11)1far away 远;遥远2start 开始3close 关;闭4bus 公共汽车5car 小汽车6by car 坐(乘)小汽车7free 免费的8money 钱9go to a movie去看电影10shall好吗?(用于提建议)11park公园二、重点句1提出建议Let play football. 让我们(咱们)踢足球吧。 2建议及其回答 Shall we go to a movie? 我们去看电影好吗?3有足够的时间(钱)吗?Do we have enough time (money)?我们有足够的时间(钱)吗?UNIT 11 Uncle Jacks farm一、重点词汇(16)1weather 天气2report 报告3rain 雨4rainy 阴雨的5snow 雪6snowy 下雪的7sunny 阳光充足的8fine 好的;晴朗的9wind风10windy 刮风的11hot 热12cool 凉爽的13cold 冷的14ride 骑;乘15fun 有趣的;愉快的16stay at home 呆在家里二、重点句询问某人将要(打算)做什么及回答(各种人称)1What are you going to do? 你要做什么?Im going to eat dinner. 我要吃晚饭。2What is she going to do?她要做什么?Shes going to watch a video. 她要看录像。五年级(上册)(51个)UNIT 1 Anns dream一、重点词汇(2)1. last night 昨天晚上2. yesterday昨天二、重点句A: Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪?B: I was at home. 我在家。UNIT 2 Mockys bad day一、重点词汇(13) 规则动词(1)1. visit (visited) 拜访;探望 不规则动词(6)1. see (过去式saw) 看见2. do(过去式did) 做3. eat (过去式ate) 吃4. go (过去式went) 去5. make (过去式made) 制造6. read (过去式read) 读;阅读 重点词汇(6)1. clean the house 打扫房子2. at school 在学校3. watch a movie看电影4. at seven in the morning 在早上7点5. go to school 去上学 6. go to bed 去睡觉六年级英语重点词汇和句子(四会)复习总表(5) 二、重点句A: What did you do yesterday? 你昨天干什么了? B: I went to school.我去上学了。UNIT 3 School sports day一、重点词汇(10)不规则动词(5)1. am/is (过去式was) 2. are (过去式were)3. run (过去式ran) 跑4. come (过去式came) 来5. have/has (过去式had) 重点词汇(5)1. first 第一2. second 第二3. third第三4. fourth 第四5. fast 快速的二、重点句1. A: Who was (came) first? B: Ann was (came) first.2. A: Did you eat a banana yesterday? (各种人称) B: Yes, I did. ( No, I didnt.)UNIT 4 Mockys birthday一、重点词汇(13)1. date 日期2. month 月3. year年4. season 季节5. spring 春天6. in spring在春天7. summer 夏天8. winter 冬天9. birthday生日10. March 三月11. May 五月12. June七月13. July 六月二、重点句1. A: When is your birthday? B: Its March 1st.2. A: How old is he/she? B: He/she is eight years old.3. A: How old are you? B: Im eight years old. UNIT 5 Im taller一、重点词汇(9) 形容词的规则变化(6)1. short (shorter) 2. tall (taller)3. long (longer) 4. small (smaller)5. young (younger)6. old (older) 重点词汇(3)1. or或者2. than 比3. why 为什么二、重点句A: Who is taller, John or Mary? B: John is taller than Mary. UNIT 6 Review一、重点词汇(4)不规则动词(1)can (could) 重点词汇(3)1. couldnt=could not2. wasnt=was not 3. didnt=did not 五年级(下册)(24个)UNIT 7 At the airport一、重点词汇(7)1. get (过去式got)获得;变成2. mine 我的3. yours 你的;你们的4. hers 她的5. his 他的6. theirs 他们的7. ours 我们的二、重点句1. A: Whose pen is this? 那支钢笔是谁的? B: Its mine. 它是我的。2. That book is his. 那本书是他的。3. I wanted to get the bag. 我想要那个包。UNIT 8 The concert一、重点词汇(4)1. piano 钢琴2. play the piano 弹钢琴3. will(would) 将;愿意4. will not=wont 二、重点句1. I will visit Mocky tomorrow. 明天我去拜访Mocky。 2. I wont see a movie next week. 下周我不去看电影。UNIT 9 A football game一、重点词汇(6)1. game 游戏;比赛2. football足球3. basketball 篮球 4. tennis 网球5. table tennis 乒乓球6. which 哪个;哪些二、重点句1. A: Whos that (she)? 那(她)是谁? B: Thats (Shes) Ann. 那(她)是Ann. 2. A: Whens your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?B: Its March the first. 三月一日。3. A: Which ball do you want? 你要哪个球?B: I want the red one. 我要那个红色的。 六年级英语重点词汇和句子(四会)复习总表(6) UNIT 10 Buying e-books一、重点词汇(4)1. story 故事2. picture 图片3. buy (过去式bought) 买 4. find (过去式bought) 发现;找到UNIT 11Cooking with Mocky一、重点词汇(3)1. cook 做饭 2. plate 盘子3. knife 刀子六年级(上册)(42个)UNIT 1 Meeting the BINGO Kids一、重点词汇(9)1. classmate 同班同学2. club 俱乐部3. drawing 绘画;图画4. easy 容易的5. funny 有趣的6. live 居住7. painting 油画8. subject 学科 9. favorite喜爱的二、重点句(三会)A: Whats your favorite subject?你最喜欢的学科是什么? B: Its math. 是数学。 UNIT 2 Charlies chores一、重点词汇(10)1. busy 忙碌的2. chore 家务3. dish 盘子4. feed喂养 5. grass草 6. homework 家庭作业 7. once 一次,一回 8. plant 种植 9. tell 告诉 10. twice 两次,两回 二、短语1. make the (my) bed 铺床 2. wash the dishes 洗盘子3. clean my room 打扫房间4. every week(day)每星期(天) 5. every morning 每天早晨6. do homework 做作业7. do chores 做家务8. once ( twice) a week 每周一次(两次)9. on Sundays 在星期天三、重点句 A: What (chores) do you have to do? 你必须做什么家务? B: I have to make my bed. 我必须铺床。 UNIT 3 Redrock Bay Health Club一、重点词汇(5)1. bowling 保龄球2. cool (口语)很棒的 3. find 寻找;找到4. learn 学习5. sometimes 有时二、短语1. play tennis 打网球2. go shopping 去买东西3. next week 下星期4. be going to 将要三、重点句(三会)When is he going to the movies?他何时去看电影?He is gong to the movies tomorrow. 他明天去看电影。 UNIT 4 Choosing a gift一、重点词汇(6)1. baseball 棒球2. buy 买东西3. idea 想法,注意 4. pair 双,对 5. pop 流行的6. sunglasses 太阳镜二、短语1. pop music 流行歌曲2. a pair of sunglasses一副太阳镜UNIT 5The broken computer一、重点词汇(10)1. check 检验,核查2. dentist 牙医3. give ( 过去式gave) 4. glad 高兴的 5. tired 累的6. turn on 打开7. weekend 周末8. toothache 压痛9. work 工作10. should 应当,应该二、重点句1. A: What should you do? 你应当做什么?B: I should ask first.我应当先问问。2.You shouldnt do that. 你不应该做那件事。UNIT 6 Review一、重点词汇(2)1. city 城市2. Japan 日本1. am/is (was) 2. are (were)3. run (ran) 跑六年级英语重点词汇和句子(四会)复习总表(7) 一、二年级 (30个)1. name 名字2. my 我的3. friend朋友4. pen钢笔5. pencil 铅笔6. pencil-box 铅笔盒7. book 书8. ruler 尺子 9. eraser 橡皮10. lesson 课;功课11. school学校12. boy 男孩13. father 父亲14. mother 母亲15. sister 姐妹16. brother 兄弟17. grandfather 祖父18. uncle 叔叔19. aunt 阿姨20. girl 女孩21. egg 鸡蛋22. apple 苹果23. Canada 加拿大24. Britain 英国25. America 美国26. China 中国27. family 家庭28. bike 自行车29. classroom 教室30. computer 计算机

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