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九年级 重点短语Unit 11根本不全然不not at all 2 结束,告终 end up doing 3 在上出错 make mistakes in sth 4 以后,随后 later on 5 害怕去做 be afraid to do 6 嘲笑,取笑 laugh at 7 做笔记,做记录 take notes 8 组成,构成 make up 9 处理 deal with 10 和.生气 be angry with 11 (指时间)过去,消逝go by 12 尽最大努力try ones best to do 13 突然中止 break off 14 解决问题 solve a problem 15查字典 look (them) up in a dictionary 16 首先,第一 to begin with 17 没关系 it doesnt matter 18 大声朗读 read aloud 19 提高我的口语 improve my spoken English 20 练习说英语practice speaking English 21 在.有困难 have trouble doing sth 22面对挑战 face the challenge 23 把视作挑 regard as challenges 24 把比作 compare to Unit21. 过去常做used to do2. 非常害怕的be terrified of3. 对。感兴趣be interested in4. 入睡go to sleep5. 负担得起afford to do6. 即使,纵然 even though 7. 对。感到自豪take pride in/ be proud of8. 最后in the end 9. 令某人吃惊的是to ones surprise 10. 作决定,下决心make a decision11. 不再no longer 12. 对。注意;留心pay attention to 13. 放弃give up14. 怀念过去miss the old days15. 让某人疲劳make sb stressed out16. 嚼口香糖chew gum17. 跟某人聊天 chat with 18. 日常生活daily life 19. 浪费时间waste time Unit 3 1 代替,而不是instead of doing 2 全神贯注于concentrate on 3 介意,在乎care about 4 彻底打扫clean up 5 考试不及格fail a test 6 对我们要求严格be strict with us6 熬夜,不睡觉stay up 7 目前,现在 at present8 妨碍到get in the way of .9 扎耳孔get ones ears pierced 10 回复这篇文章reply to the article 11 让某人高兴keep sb happy 12 互相学习learn from each other 13 有的机会have an opportunity to do sth have a chance of doing sth.14至少at least 15 周五下午放假 have Friday afternoon off16 有机会实现梦想 have a chance of achieving the dream17 对是认真的 be serious aboutUnit41.感到紧张get nervous 2.参加大型考试take a big exam 3.不经允许without permission 4.出版,发表come out 5.一点也不 not in the slightest6.许多 plenty of7.很容易相处be easy to get along with8.使失望或沮丧 let down9.提出、想出 come up with10. 其余的学生the rest of the students11. 偶然地 by accident12.吸烟的危害 the dangers of smoking13.把 隐藏起来hide from14.同意做某事 agree to do sth Unit 51.属于belong to2.形成make up3.赶车catch a bus4用完 use up 5.假装 pretend to do 6.担心,焦虑 be anxious about 7.比少 less than 8.太 much too 9.与有个约 have an appointment with sb 10.从逃跑 escape from Unit61. 宁愿做 prefer to 2. 随着跳舞 dance to 3. 跟着唱 sing along with 4. 提醒,使忆起remind sb of sth 5. 展览,陈列 on display= on show 6. 老实说 to be honest 7. 对.有坏处 be bad for 8. 与保持距离stay away from 9. 意见一致 be in agreement 10. 赶上 catch up with 11. 确定作某事 be sure to do 12. 期待做某事 expect to do 13.对很适合 suit sb fine Unit 7重点话题Where would you like to visit?1-Where would you like to go on vacation?-Id like to trek through the jungle because I like exciting vacations.2-Where would you like to go on vacation? -Id like to go somewhere relaxing some day.3-Where would you like to visit? -Id love to visit somewhere warm. 重点短语1.go on vacation 去度假 2.trek through the jungle 徒步穿越丛林3.some day 有朝一日 4.one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一5.be supposed to do sth. 应该干。 6.pack light clothes 穿薄衣服7.take a trip 去旅行8.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 为了某人提供某物9.be away 离开,远离 10.the answer to the question 问题的答案11.according to 根据。按照。 12.work as tour guides 做导游的工作13.dream of /about 梦想,想到 14.less realistic dreams 不现实的梦想15.be willing to do sth. 愿意干。16.achieve ones dreams 实现梦想17.sail across the pacific 横渡太平洋18.hold on to 保持,不要放弃(卖掉)19.take it easy 从容 轻松 不紧张 20.this time of year 一年中的这个时候21.in general 通常 ,大体上, 一般而言Unit 8重点话题Ill clean up the city.1-Id like to work outside. -You could help clean up the parks.2-What do you like doing? -I love playing soccer. -You could help coach a soccer team.3- I like to read about Chinese history. What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do?-You could start a Chinese History Club.重点短语1.clean up 清扫 2.give out 分发,发放3.cheer up=makehappier 使.高兴,使.振作4.after school study program 课外学习班5.come up with=think up 提出,想出 6.put off 推迟 7.write down 写下,记下 8.put up 张贴 9.hand out 分发,发放 10.call up 打电话 11.ser up=establish 建立 12.be home to sb 是某人的家园13.volunteer ones time to do sth 自愿花时间干.14.putto use 把.投入使用 15.plan to do sth 计划干.打算干16.run out of 用完,耗尽 17.take after 在性格或长相方面与父母相象18.fix up 修理 19.give away= donate 捐赠 20.be similar to 与.相似 21.hang out 闲荡 22.run out of money for singing lessons 学唱歌的钱用完了23.for sure 确实如此,毫无疑问24.fillwith. 用.填充. be full of 装满了.25.help.out 帮助.做事,解决难题(摆脱困境)26.train sb to do sth 训练某人干. 27.fetch my book 把我的书拿来Unit 9重点话题When was it invented?1-When was the telephone invented? - I think it was invented in 18762-When was the car invented? - It was invented in 18853-Who were they invented by? - They were invented by Thompson4-What are they used for? -They are used for seeing in the dark5-What do you think is the most helpful invention?-I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.重点短语1.be used for doing 被用于做2.be used to do 被用于做3.be invented by sb 被发明4.the style of 的款式/风格5.be alone on a tiny island独自在小岛上6.by mistake 弄错7.in the end 最后8.sprinkle salt on 把盐撒在上9.by chance/accident 偶然10.an ancient Chinese legend一则中国古老传说11.produce a pleasant smell散发出怡人的气味12.salty enough 够咸的13.changeinto 把变成14.travel around 环游15.at college 在大学就学16.ask sb to do 让/请某人做sb be asked to do (被动)17.refer to (referred) 参照18.knock into sb 冲撞某人19.fall down 摔倒20.devideinto 把分成21.move toward(s) 朝移动 22.it is said / believed that据说24.the number of 的数字25.do research on 做方面的调查Unit 10重点话题By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 1-What happened? -I over slept. And by the time I got up my brother had gotten in the shower.By the time she went outside, the bus had already left.By the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teaching.When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home.重点短语1.go off 发出响声2.run off 跑掉3.on time 准时4.come by 路过5.hitch/get a ride 搭便车6.give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车7.break down 停止运转8.show(showed/shown) up出席,露面9.April Fools Day 愚人节10.set off 激起,引起11.sell out 卖完,售光12.get married 结婚marry sb. = get /be married to sb. 娶/嫁给某人13.flee away 逃走14.be exhausted 精疲力竭的15.play a joke on sb. 戏弄某人16convince sb. of sth 使某人信服某事 /convince sb. that18.the most (un)believable 最令人(不)可信的初三英语unit1115词组总结Unit11词组 打电话make a telephone call有关的信息some information about信纸 writing paper存钱save money向左拐turn left经过银行go past the bank换钱exchange money紧挨next to与某人出外闲逛hang out with sb免费音乐会free concerts一个闲逛的好地方a good place to hang out有点小kind of small三个街区three blocks度假take a vacation世界上最大的水滑道the worlds largest water slides在鲍勃大叔的餐馆里at Uncle Bobs装扮成dress up as在农贸市场at the Farmers Market上舞蹈课take dance lessons礼貌的寻求信息ask for information politely相似请求similar requests听起来粗鲁sound rude提出请求make requests改变我们说话的方式change the way we speak依据depend on为了(不) in order(not)to语言礼仪language etiquette与一样重要as important as与相同the same as在外呆的晚stay out late对感兴趣be interested in上交hand inUnit 12应当做某事be supposed to do握手shake hands1.与某人初次见面meet someone for the first time交换生an exchange student以错误地方式问候保罗妈妈greet Pauls mother the wrong way穿衣不得体wear the wrong clothes应当做某事但没做should have done犯错make some mistakes对随意be relaxed about到得有点晚arrive a bit late顺便拜访drop by表都the land of watches毕竟after all计划做某事plan to do餐桌礼仪table manners注意你的行为Mind your manners!用纸巾擦嘴wipe your mouth with your napkin指向point at插入stick into有点紧张a bit nervous特地做某事go out of ones way to do sth使某人感到宾至如归make sb.feel at home习惯做某事be/get used to称赞give compliments敬酒make a toast约会make appointments一套one set of看起来为某人所不熟知的look unfamiliar to sb与朋友网上聊天have online conversations with friends自学learn by oneself尝试自己的观点experiment with your own ideas在适当的时间at the proper timeUnit 13使我紧张make me tense宁愿做某事而不做某事would rather do than do使我想跳舞make me want to dance让我哭泣make us cry与某人玩的高兴have fun with sb.赚钱make money向学习learn from柔和的光线soft lighting硬座hard seats使我压抑make me stressed加入卫生清洁运动join a clean-up campaign濒危动物endangered animals看起来丑陋look ugly旨在,目的在aim at说实话,事实是Ittrue that.举例for instance产品的质量the quality of the product也有时,还有时at other times有时at times引导某人做某事lead sb to do御寒keep out the cold尝起来味道很差taste terrible留便条leave a note家庭自制点心home-made cookies馈赠/接受的艺术the art of giving/receiving使我感到尴尬make me feel embarrassed听起来像sound like假装做某事pretend to do感到内疚feel guilty个人物品personal things有思想的才是有价值的.Its the thought that counts.Unit14把游泳衣打包pack the bathing suit回复某人get back to sb.清除,把打扫干净clean out与-聊天chat with sb.点火做早饭light the fire for breakfast.过一会再与- 通话来日/有一天some day=one day离开be off= go away写原创歌曲write original songs make a music video 制作音乐录影带一张流行的CD a hit CD进行世界巡go on a world tour在电视上出现appear on TV主唱/主演lead singer/actor写一首诗write a poemUnit 151. 对某人适合 适合于做某事be suitable for sbbe suitable to do2. 强烈要求某人做某事urge sb to do sth3.关心;照顾care for=look after=take care of4. 提供某物给某人 提供给某人某物provide sth. for sb. provide sb. with sth.5. 循环使用纸/某物recycle paper/ sth6.听说hear of=hear about7.一个非常不寻常的女士a most unusual woman.8. 用垃圾制造make/build out of trash9.赢得一个奖项win an award10.由制成be made of/from11. 在某人空闲时间in ones spare/free time12.为慈善机构筹钱raise money for charity13. 拆毁,拉下pull down 14.迄今为止 so far15.一定(不)要做某事be sure (not) to do 16.幸亏;由于 Thanks to=because of17.在华南in southern China=in the south of China18.做某事的目的the purpose of sth/doing sth19. 期待做某事look forwards to doing sth

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