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江苏省睢宁县2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期期中调研测试试题(扫描版) 牛津版八年级英语听力材料听力(每小题1分,共15分)第一节:听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。1. M: What does your sister look like, Anna? W: She is a small girl with short hair. 2. M: Where do you like to visit in the future? W: I hope to visit Australia. Id like to see Sydney Opera House.3. M: Ill go to Sunshine Zoo this afternoon.W: Its far away. How will you go there? M: I will drive.4. M: I have as many pencils as you , Lucy. W: Yes. But Amy has more pencils than we.5. W: Ive got fifteen books. What about you , Jim ? M: Two more than you .6. M: Does your mother go shopping every day ,Lucy ? W: No, she goes shopping only on Wednesday and Sunday .7. W: Can we take a photo here ? M: No, we cant . Look at the sign over there .8. W: Im going to Sunshine Town. Which bus should I take next ? M: Get off at the next stop. Take the No. 35 bus. Itll take you there .9. M: Who is the tallest in your class ? W: I think Lily is. And she is the oldest in our class .10.M: Hi, Betty! Do you want to be a doctor when you grow up ? W: No, I hope to become a teacher and travel around the world in the future .第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。M: There is a good chance for you to go back to London, Mary. W:Really? Why?M: Your mother will return to London and stay there for 12 days. You can go back with her.W: But hows my study?M: Dont worry.1 will help you with it after you come back. W: But Ill miss you. Can you go with me?M: Sorry, my dear. I have to look after your brother John here. You can send me an e-mail after you get there.W:I will.听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题,完成信息记录表。W: What are you going to do for your holiday, Paul?M: Im going to travel to Dalian.W: How will you go there?M: By plane.W: How much does it cost to fly to Dalian?M: The price of a ticket from Nanjing to Dalian is about 1,000 yuan.W: How long will it take you to get there?M: More than two hours.W: I hope youll have a pleasant journey.八年级英语试题参考答案一听力(每小题1分,共15分)15. BCAAB 610.BAABC 1115. ABABC 二:选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)16-20 CCDAD 21-25 BCBDA 26-30 CCACD三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)3135 . BADBC 3640. ACCBA四、补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)41. D 42. A 43. F 44. E 45. B五、词汇(每小题1分,共15分) A)选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 46.weight 47.in need 48.arrive at 49.drove 50.willingB) 根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。51.cleaning 52.daily 53.taking 54.yourself 55.angrilyC) 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 56.took 57.couldnt / could not 58.to do 59.Dont worry 60.tell六、阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分) 61-64. ACBA 6567. DCA 6870.CBD七、连词成句(每小题2分,共10分)71. Youd better check your answers.72. Do you want to have something to eat?73. Aunt Li is honest and never tells lies. 74. You should wash your hands before you eat./ Before you eat, you should wash your hands. 75. How long will it take you to clean your bedroom?八、任务型阅读(每小题1分,共5分)76. Making toys(yourself)./ To make toys(yourself)./ One fun way to get new toys is to make them.77. A large piece of paper, two sticks, some string and some glue.78. Stick the paper to the string square with glue.79. 成百上千的人聚集在一起来炫耀他们的风筝。80. More than three metres tall./ some of the kites are more than three meters tall.九、书面表达(共15分)One possible version:How to make a fruit saladCan you make a fruit salad? If not , follow me now. First, choose your favourite fresh fruit. Use fruit of different colours and try to make your fruit salad look as good as it tastes. For example, we can choose three red strawberries, a green apple, two yellow bananas and a watermelon. Next, wash the fruit and cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces. Then, mix the different small fruit pieces together and make the salad look very colourful. Finally, add some salad cream and some yoghurt if you like. The colourful and tasty fruit salad is ready.

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