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第 1 页 共 11 页 西师大版 2020 年备战中考初中英语专项训练 阅读理解 科普环保类 I 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 52 分 1 10 分 2019 七下 温州月考 阅读理解 In some science fiction 科幻 movies people in the future have their own robots These robots are like humans 人类 They help with the housework and do difficult and heavy jobs So me scientists think that there will be such robots in the future But they say it may take hundreds of years Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance James White thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person But other scientists don t think so They think robots can do the same thing as us in 50 years Robot scientists are trying to make robots look like not only people but also animals For example there are already robots working in factories They do easy jobs over and over again People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored 感到无聊的 But robots will never get bored and tired In the future there will be more robots everywhere and humans will have less work to do New robots will have many different shapes 形状 Some will look like humans some will look like dogs some will look like hands and others may look like snakes After an earthquake 地震 a snake robot could help look for people under buildings We never know what will happen in the future 1 The robot in can walk and dance A Chinese 第 2 页 共 11 页 B England C Japan D America 2 Names White is a n A actor B scientist C writer D robot 3 From the passage we know in the future A humans will have much heavy and difficult work to do B maybe the snake robots can find people after an earthquake C all the scientists believe people will have their robots D scientists try to make robots look different from people 4 What does the underlined word take mean in Chinese A 拿走 B 花费 C 买下 D 乘坐 5 What s the best title of the passage A A science fiction movie B Life of James White C Robots in the future 第 3 页 共 11 页 D Life in the future 2 12 分 阅读理解 A talking kitchen teaches students how to cook French and speak French Researchers at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom have developed the French Digital 数字的 Kitchen Professor Paul Seedhouse led the project It works like a satellite navigation 导航 system in a car The system can tell whether you ve done what you were asked to do or not For example the sensor 传感器 in the knife not only knows that the knife is moving but it also knows how the knife is moving So it can discover whether the knife is slicing 切 whether it s scraping 刮 or what And so it doesn t go on to the next stage of the program unless you ve done what it senses 感到 you should have done said Paul Seedhouse Students can ask the computer to repeat the instructions or translate them into English There are vocabulary 词汇 lessons before and after the cooking Professor Seedhouse became interested in the idea after he visited a talking kitchen designed for a different purpose In his opinion the French Digital Kitchen turns the process 过程 of learning language into a real life experience Here you re taking it out of the classroom and you re actually using the language to produce something which you can eat at the end of it It s very enjoyable he said The system will be available for sale by the end of 2020 Adding the technology to a new kitchen could add about ten to twenty percent to the building costs The system could also be added to an existing 现存的 kitchen The researchers are also developing a new digital 的呼吸法 kitchen system that is easy to carry or to move And the European Union has given them money to begin programs in six other languages including English Italian and Spanish 1 What s mainly described in the text A A satellite navigation system B A talking kitchen 第 4 页 共 11 页 C A learning tool D A sensor 2 The second paragraph tells readers A how the talking kitchen works B why there s a sensor in the knife C what a satellite navigation system is D how to use the knife in the talking kitchen 3 Which of the following about the talking kitchen is TRUE A It can be used in a car B It s easy to be carried and moved C It can be put into an old kitchen D It can only speak French and English now 4 Which part of a magazine may the text appear in A Science Technology B Life Style C Advertisement D Entertainment 3 10 分 2017 九上 固镇月考 阅读理解 Thousands of years ago in the south of ancient China there lived Shennong a man who had an ox head and human body Seeing that local people were suffering from disease he built ladders and houses on a high mountain to store hundreds of medical plants To remember him people named the place shennongjia The legend 传说 makes Shennongjia in Hubei an inciting place for tourists Traveling there is a 第 5 页 共 11 页 unique experience as you can see sceneries of the four seasons from different altitudes 海拔 When the bottom of the mountain is summer the top is spring and while the foothill is autumn the top is covered with ice local people say of the special climate of Shennongjia Shennongjia is also home to 5 000 species of animals and plants Many animals in danger live there such as the golden monkey the clouded leopard and the Asian black bear One interesting and mysterious 奇妙的 thing about Shennongjia is its legend of wild men Some people once claimed that they saw big prints or big foot creatures Yet so far scientists haven t proved it is true and some say they are just bears The beautiful place has recently received a new title On July 17 2016 Shennongjia Forestry District was added to United Nations World Heritage list as a natural site Chins now has 50 world heritage sites 遗址 second only to Italy in the world 1 Which of the following is right about Shennong A Shennong had an ox body B Shennong grew medical plants for people C Shennong helped the local people D Shennong named the place Shennongjia 2 In Shennongjia A there are many medical stores along the way B people can experience four seasons up the mountain C there are 500 species of animals and plants D scientists have proved that there are wild men there 3 What does the underlined word title mean in paragraph 5 A 标题 B 景点 第 6 页 共 11 页 C 称号 D 职务 4 Which of the following countries has the most world heritage sites A Italy B The US C China D Canada 4 10 分 2017 九上 杭州开学考 阅读理解 What would the world be like if cars could drive themselves Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner or a car full of passengers who are reading listening to music or even sleeping But none of them are worried about the road ahead Well all of this could be the future of driving There are several companies including Google working on driverless cars So far no Google self driven car has gotten a traffic ticket but some of them have been in accidents when other cars hit them These cars are now still in the testing stages But if the tests are successful these electric self driven cars could be put into use very soon The cars already have many features 特点 allowing them to take the place of drivers during certain situations Some features include cars being able to park themselves or slow down when they notice objects close by They can also control the speed if there are dangerous conditions Scientists and engineers believe with the help of wireless signals cameras and GPS we are now at a stage where creating a safe self driven car might be possible The cause of deadly road accidents is usually careless drivers or dangerous conditions The self driven car may be able to prevent these However some people do not like the idea American lawyer Whit Drake for example doesn t believe these cars are safe He thinks that technologies can also be mistakes 第 7 页 共 11 页 1 The main purpose of the first paragraph is to A make readers wonder about self driven cars B get readers to pay attention to road safety C tell readers to keep away from heavy traffic D tell readers what self driven cars look like 2 From the passage we know that the testing self driven cars can already A avoid being hit by other vehicles on roads B control the speed in dangerous situations C turn around when getting near objects D pick up their owners 3 What might make the self driven cars run safely according to the passage a e reading b wireless signals c cameras d GPS A a b c B a b d C b c d D a c d 4 What is Whit Drake s attitude toward the safety of the self driven cars A He has doubt about it 第 8 页 共 11 页 B He believes it completely C He doesn t care about it D He thinks its technologies are convincing 使人信服的 5 10 分 2019 葫芦岛 阅读理解 Humans can go to the hospital when they re ill But as for animals what should they do To stay healthy animals have their own ways to heal 治愈 themselves Now let s get to know their special skills Skill One Have you ever seen your dog or cat lick 舔 its wounds Why do they do it It probably feels good but it s good medicine Licking cleans a wound and saliva 唾液 has chemicals that kill germs 细菌 Skill Two To avoid diseases many animals have good living habits They hate to be dirty Most animals separate their pooping 排便 areas from their eating areas Horses poop far away from the grass they eat Rabbits put their poop in special pooping areas Skill Three Have you ever heard of the expression starve a fever 发烧时宜饿 Many animals stop eating when they re ill When a sick animal stops eating it can stop germs from getting necessary things Skill Four Another way that animals heal themselves is to raise their body temperature High temperature can kill germs Warm blooded animals like us get fevers to fight with germs 第 9 页 共 11 页 Cold blooded animals like snakes look for pieces of wood or rocks heated by the sun Fish move to warmer waters 1 A cat cleans its by licking A medicine B saliva C wound D chemicals 2 In order to avoid diseases horses and rabbits A eat special grass B choose dirty areas C put poop into holes D have good living habits 3 Starving can stop germs from getting things A wild B waste C necessary D useless 4 Fish move to warmer waters to A lick their wounds B keep themselves clean C starve a fever D raise their body temperature 第 10 页 共 11 页 5 We may find the passage in a A science novel B magazine C travel guide D storybook 第 11 页 共 11 页 参考答案 一 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 52 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略

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