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第 1 页 共 12 页 Unit 3 Life in the future 单项选择 从 A B C D 四个选项中 选择最佳答案完成句子 1 organizers repeatedly appealing to smokers to allow Expo to be smoke free event smokers are in no mood to cooperate A Despite a B In spite a C Although a D In spite of 2 He is going to the story where he left over yesterday A take up B take off C take away D take in 3 We simply cannot tolerate in exam A cheating B to cheat C having cheated D cheated 4 The female bird the male s bright colours A lacks in B lacks of C lacks D is lacking 5 People are not allowed to read others letters without permission A private B public C individual D own 6 She caught his eye A in an instant B for an instant C in a minute D in a moment 7 The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different A atmosphere B environment C surrounding D conditions 8 Those who to vote must come to the meeting A demand B request C require D desire 9 New technology is being almost every industrial process A applied for B adjusted to C applied to D adjusted in 10 The parents saw off their son until the plane A in sight B out of sight C within sight D lost sight 11 He thought he had looked at the problem from every A way B means C sides D aspect 12 About 500 people have been temporarily housed in 103 tents in the campus of a middle school on a hill on the north side of Zhouqu A being situated B situated C situating D to be situated 第 2 页 共 12 页 13 The competition with the support of the World Wide Fund for Nature WWF will narrow down the list of finalists to 12 next month A running B to run C having running D run 14 Among those by Foreign Policy and others as Gates potential successor are Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton A named B to be named C being named D to name 15 In order not to be disturbed I spent three hours in my study A locking B locked C being locked D to lock 根据所给句子完成画线部分 1 As I was worried about the journey I was unsettled for the first few days I was unsettled for the first few days 2 If he were given enough time he would have finished the test paper he would have finished the test paper 3 Because she is worried about the missing child she finds it difficult to go to school these days she finds it difficult to go to school these days 4 I was taking up my prize which was won last year I was taking up my prize 5 Tomorrow you will be ready for some of the visits which are organized by the company Tomorrow you will be ready for some of the visits 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语 1 复印这些文件用了一个早上的时间 take up 2 他擅长于自己的工作 但有时似乎缺乏信心 lack 3 简一进来就大哭起来 the instant 4 咽下食物之前要好好咀嚼 swallow 5 他们泼水扑灭了大火 by doing sth 第 3 页 共 12 页 完形填空 Some people are calling it the greatest medical breakthrough so far this century Surgeons in Spain have successfully carried out the world s first organ transplant using new stem cell 干细胞 technology But 1 are stem cells Most cells in our bodies are designed to 2 specific purposes for example a liver cell develops to work in the liver and cannot become a heart cell But stem cells are 3 They are very young and in the 4 scientists can grow them into different types of cell Claudia Castillo needed a new windpipe 气管 after contracting tuberculosis Scientists from the University of Bristol in the UK took a donor windpipe or trachea from someone who had 5 died They used strong chemicals to remove the donor s cells leaving a tissue scaffold This was repopulated 重新构成 with cells from Ms Castillo s windpipe and nose and stem cells from her bone marrow After four 6 the cells had grown sufficiently for the trachea to be transplanted into Ms Castillo Currently transplant patients have to take drugs for 7 of their lives to prevent their bodies rejecting the new 8 These 9 can have bad side effects and do not always prevent rejection But by using Ms Castillo s own cells 10 were able to trick her body into 11 the new trachea was her own organ Five months on Claudia Castillo is in 12 health This ground breaking procedure could be used in other transplant operations in the future Scientists 13 believe stem cells might be used to treat Parkinson s disease Alzheimer s disease heart disease stroke arthritis diabetes burns and spinal cord damage 14 stem cell research is extremely controversial The most effective stem cells do not come from adults but from embryos created in laboratories and which are just a few days old Many people have religious or ethical objections to growing embryos 15 they can be used to cure diseases 1 A what B who C where D why 第 4 页 共 12 页 2 A give B offer C take D serve 3 A similar B different C the same D new 4 A office B laboratory C hospital D university 5 A already B almost C recently D slowly 6 A days B hours C months D years 7 A others B the other C the rest D parts 8 A cells B parts C life D organs 9 A medicine B drugs C operations D bodies 10 A scientists B doctors C professors D transplant patients 11 A knowing B thinking C realizing D doubting 12 A poor B bad C perfect D mental 13 A also B never C still D ever 14 A Therefore B Instead C Besides D However 15 A because B as C even if D if 阅读理解 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 A Many years ago scientists discovered that amino acids a foundational building block of life forms on earth also exist in space One of the primary sources of this knowledge lies in numerous tests run on meteorites 陨星 that have landed on earth Small traces of amino acids have been found again and again from a countless number of meteorites An American scientist and researcher Sandra Pizzarello has recently discovered that the amino acids found on earth share the same simple structure as amino acids found in outer space This discovery offers proof that extraterrestrial 来自地球外的 life could quite realistically resemble life on earth Many years ago Pizzarello and a colleague conducted research on amino acids extracted 提 取 from a meteorite that landed in Australia in 1969 As they analyzed the material they discovered a greater number of acids indicating a tendency towards left handedness over right handedness Further evidence to support these findings came from the analysis of pristine meteorites 第 5 页 共 12 页 found in Antarctica The frozen conditions of Antarctica ensure that meteorites are preserved and remain unaffected by the earth These buried meteorites are usually discovered due to constant motion of the ice which eventually brings the objects back to the surface According to Pizzarello this discovery is important because it shows that a key molecular 分子的 trait 特征 that defines life here on earth appears to have had the same effect on the cosmic lineage 世系 of life in outer space In other words the fictional images of aliens from movies and popular television shows such as Star Trek might be more realistic than we used to think Is there life on other planets Do aliens resemble human beings Maybe one day with continued scientific research and advancement in space travel and research we will find out 1 What are amino acids A A building material B A chemical C A life form D A building block of life forms 2 Which of the following is true according to the passage A Our knowledge of amino acids from outer space has been gained from the tests on meteorites that landed on earth B The meteorites found in Antarctica had reamained in good condition largely because no one lives there C The producers of movies about aliens must have done research on amino acids from meteorites D The author doesn t believe that aliens might exist in outer space 3 What has Sandra Pizzarello discovered recently A Extraterrestrial life must resemble life on earth B The amino acids found on earth share the same simple structure as amino acids found in outer space C A lot of acids indicate a tendency towards right handedness over left handedness D A key molecular trait has the same effect on the cosmic lineage of life in outer space 4 What has made the discovery of the buried meteorites in Antarctica possible A Continued scientific research 第 6 页 共 12 页 B Advancement in space travel and research C The constant motion of the ice eventually brings the objects back to the surface D The discovery of amino acids 5 What is probably the best title for the passage A Amino Acids Offer Proof of Alien Life in Outer Space B There Is Life in Other Planets C Extraterrestrial Life Resembles Life on Earth D Small Traces of Amino Acids Have Been Found B On my planet nobody needs to die It was only ten years ago that scientists here on Xeron developed technology to bring the dead back to life That does sound strange doesn t it But of course these dead people are not made of flesh and blood but celluloid 假象牙 and computer chips The scientists found that because our population was declining people were becoming longly in their small settlements So they set to work to solve the problem After twenty years of dedication they succeeded They discovered that people could be copied from old home movies The person is combined with computer records about him or her to create a virtual relative The family can chat and live with him or her Once a family takes up the offer of a constant companion their upkeep is very cheap He or she does not need food or clothes is never ill and does not need haircuts or new shoes This project has been such a success that the scientists are now working on ways to bring back people who died long ago so that they can take on new roles In 2030 they hope to be able to reproduce some of the great people of the 20th century perhaps even Karl Marx Albert Einstein or Chairman Mao So if you are lonely find an old home movies and choose the relative you would like to bring back to life Then call Xeron 7257 and one of our representatives will call you back Prices are very reasonable Call today or write for our brochure for full details at Xeron People Regeneration Ltd Bonjon 5675 Xeron Please mark your envelope BROCHURE or quick reply 6 How are these dead people different from us A They are made of flesh and blood 第 7 页 共 12 页 B They are made of celluloid and computer chips C They are made of flesh and celluloid D They are made of blood and computer chips 7 What is NOT true about the copied people A Their upkeep is very expensive B They don t need food or clothes C They are never sick D They don t need haircuts or new shoes 8 What is the reason for scientists to bring great minds back to life A So that they can take now roles B Because scientists want to show off their talents C Because people need them D So that they can make the same contribution to society 9 When you want a relative to be brought back to life which of the following orders is right a call Xeron 7257 b find an old home movie c choose the relative you d like to bring back to life d one of the representatives calls you back e a relative is brought back to life A a b c d e B a c b d e C b c a d e D b a c d e 10 What do you think is the best title for the passage A Humans Can Live Long B Life Can Be Extended Indefinitely on Xeron C A Great Discovery D Great People Will Never Die 书面表达 假设你是小明 请根据你校美化校园的规划 用英语给你在美国的笔友 Peter 写一封短 信 介绍该规划 短信的主要内容如下 美化校园 净化空气 规划目的 创造良好学习和生活环境 种植花草树木 建一个植物园 供参观 实践 建一个小花园 供休息 读书 建几座名人雕塑 激励师生 规划内容 由学生自 己决定 注意 1 短信的开头和结尾已为你写好 不计入总词数 第 8 页 共 12 页 2 词数 120 左右 3 参考词汇 雕塑 statue n 植物园 botanical garden n Dear Peter I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program Welcome to our school if you have any chance Yours Xiao Ming 第 9 页 共 12 页 参考答案 单项选择 从 A B C D 四个选项中 选择最佳答案完成句子 1 A 解析 despite 与 in spite of 是介词 although 是连词 名词 event 活动 是可数名词 前半句句义为 尽管组织者不断地呼吁烟民们让世博会成为一个无烟活动 故选 A 2 A 解析 take up 表示 继续 把 接下去 进一步讨论 句义为 他打算从昨天 停下来的地方接着讲这个故事 3 A 解析 tolerate 后跟动名词形式 故选 A 4 C 解析 及物动词 lack 指 缺乏 缺少 它后面直接跟宾语 也可以用作不及物动词 用于 be lacking in sth 结构中 5 A 解析 private 强调 私人的 其他选项的意思都与句义不符 6 B 解析 for an instant 表示 暂时 一时 句义为 她在一瞬间与他的目光相遇 其他选项均表示 一会儿 立刻 马上 7 B 解析 A 选项指 气氛 氛围 B 选项则指对人的成长 情感 观念 伦理 道德 品行等产生影响的环境 C 选项表示 环境 时常用复数形式 偏重于生活 居住的周围 环境 D 选项侧重表示 条件 泛指改变 限制性因素 也指影响生活质量的种种因素 8 D 解析 demand 表示 坚决要求 后面不能跟不定式结构 request 表示 请求 后 面也不能跟不定式结构 require 表示 要求 需要 desire 表示 渴望 想要 希望 故选 D 9 C 解析 句义为 新技术应用到几乎所有工业流程中 apply to 表示 应用到 adjust to 指 调整 适应于 10 B 解析 out of sight 表 示 某 物 或 人 看 不 见 了 lose one s sight 表 示 某 人 看 不 见 某 物 人 A C 选项表示 进入视线 在视野里 看见 11 D 解析 本题考查与介词 from 搭配的名词 A B 选项不构成搭配 C 选项应该用单 数形式 词组 from every aspect 表示 从各个方面 12 B 解析 及物动词 situate 表示 使位于 使处于 构成短语 be situated in on 表 示 位于 坐落在 本句中过去分词短语 situated on the north side of Zhouqu 作定语 修饰 名词 a middle school 第 10 页 共 12 页 13 D 解析 本题考查过去分词作状语 表示被动 选项中只有 D 选项表示被动 意思是 在世界自然基金会的支持下举办 14 A 解析 本题考查过去分词作定语 表示一个已经完成的被动动作 be named by 表示 由 命名 15 B 解析 本题考查过去分词作状语 表示被动 句义为 为了不受干扰 我把自己锁 在书房里三个小时 A 选项是干扰项 因其表示主动而不符合题意 根据所给句子完成画线部分 1 Worried about the journey 2 Given enough time 3 Worried about the missing child 4 won last year 5 organized by the company 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语 1 Copying these documents took up the whole morning 2 He is good at his job but sometimes he seems to lack confidence 3 Jane burst out crying the instant she came in 4 Chew your food properly before swallowing it 5 They put out the fire by pouring water on it 完形填空 1 A 解析 本句表达 干细胞是什么 故用 what 2 D 解析 与后面的 specific purposes 能够搭配的只有 D 选项 serve 此处意思是 适合 于 适用 3 B 解析 根据连接词 but 此处句子应该表达 但是 干细胞却是不同的 4 B 解析 科学家们能够在 实验室 把干细胞培育成不同类型 故选 B 5 C 解析 根据常识 这些干细胞应该是从刚刚去世的人身上提取 其他选项不符合题 意 6 A 解析 根据倒数第三段最后一句的信息 可推断此处应该是 过了 4 天之后 B 选 项不符合实际情况 7 C 解析 for the rest of their lives 是一个固定表达 意为 晚年 余生 接下来的日子里 第 11 页 共 12 页 8 D 解析 阻止身体排斥新植入的器官 故选择 D A 选项不符合医学常识 9 B 解析 根据上文可知 这里表达 这些药有副作用 A 选项具有迷惑性 但它是不 可数名词 不与 these 搭配 10 B 解析 根据 by using Ms Castillo s own cells 通过使用自己的细胞 可知 应该是医生 11 B 解析 本处表达 医生通过使用 Ms Castillo 自己的细胞 诱骗其身体认为新植入的 是她自己的器官 12 C 解析 治疗获得成功 五个月后 Claudia Castillo 身体完全康复 13 A 解析 除了上文中的用途之外 科学家也认为干细胞也许能够用在其他疾病的治疗 上 14 D 解析 根据 controversial 有争议的 一词可知 此处应该是转折 15 C 解析 句义为 即使可以用来治愈疾病 许多人还是处于宗教或伦理上的原因反对 培育干细胞 阅读理解 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 1 D 解析 细节题 根据第一段的第一句介绍可知 2 A 解析 细节理解题 根据第一段中 One of the primary sources of this knowledge lies in numerous tests run on meteorites 陨星 that have landed on earth 可知 A 选项正确 其他 选项均与文义不符 3 B 解析 由第一段倒数第二句可知选 B A 选项错在 must 一定 原文使用了 could 可能 程度相差太大 4 C 解析 细节理解题 根据文章的第三段可知 5 A 解析 只有 A 选项最好地归纳了本文的主旨 6 B 解析 细节题 根据第一段中的 these dead people are not made of flesh and blood but celluloid 假象牙 and computer chips 可知 7 A 解析 根据第一段结尾可知只有 A 选项表述有误 其他均符合文义 8 A 解析 细节题 根据第二段第一句可知 9 C 解析 排序题 根据本文的最后一段 不难选出正确的顺序 10 B 解析 标题题 根据首句与尾段 结合本文的话题 不难选出 B 选项是最好的标题 因为这是一则广告 第 12 页 共 12 页 书面表达 参考范文 Dear Peter I d like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful to make the air cleaner and fresher and to turn our school into a better place for us to study and live in According to the program we will plant different kinds of trees flowers and grass in and around our school A botanical garden will be built for us to visit and practice in Besides we are to build a small garden in which we can do some reading and take a rest What s more some statues of famous people will be set up to encourage us to work harder Welcome to our school if you have any chance Yours Xiao Ming

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