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抗击新冠肺炎疫情阻击战英语作文5篇【关于武汉疫情的英语作文】这几天我非常难过,因为本来我们是要去广州旅游的,就是因为武汉爆发的这个新型冠状病毒,害的我们不能去玩了。Im very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because o the outbreak o this new coronavirus in Wuhan, we cant play anymore. 昨天晚上妈妈给我讲了这个新型冠状病毒的绘本,从里面我知道了这个病毒本来是长在野生动物身上的,但是因为有些人吃野生动物,捕杀野生动物,使这个新型冠状病毒跑到我们人类身上安家落户了。虽然这个病毒很危险,但是人们还是有办法对付它的,尤其是那些医生们很努力地在治疗被感染的病人们,有的病人已经康复出院了。我和外公、外婆、爸爸、妈妈、弟弟都待在家里,不敢出门,如果有人要出去买菜,我一定会提醒他:“别忘了带上口罩!”Last night, my mother told me about the picture book o the new coronavirus. I learned rom it that the virus was originally grown on wild animals, but because some people eat wild animals and kill wild animals, the new coronavirus ran to our human beings and settled down. Although the virus is very dangerous, there are still ways to deal with it, especially those doctors who are working hard to treat the inected patients, some o whom have recovered and le t the hospital. I stay at home with my grandather, grandmother,ather, mother and brother. I dare not go out. I someone wants to go out to buy ood, I will remind him: dontorget to put on the mask!病毒给人类带来了很大的灾难,我想对大家说:“加油!我们有办法对付这个病毒,我们一定会胜利的!”The virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, come on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! 【向最美逆行者致敬】除夕夜,在全国人民团聚新年的时候,医生、武警等最美“逆行者”,乘着岁末初春的列车奔赴武汉。大年三十本该是一个阖家团圆的日子,他们只为一句“武汉需要你”就逆行远去,舍弃了自己和家人的团聚时光。正是这些“逆行者”,让这个春节增加了一份温情,感动了所有人。On New Years Eve, when the Chinese people are reunitedor the new year, doctors, armed police and other most beautiul contrarians take the train to Wuhan at the end o the year and the beginning o the spring. The new years Eve should have been a day oramily reunion. They went retrograde just to say Wuhan needs you and gave up their time o reunion with their amilies. It is these reversers that add warmth to the Spring Festival and move everyone.84岁的钟南山院士,临危受命,不顾耄耋之年义无反顾的奔赴防疫最前线。新闻图片里,钟老坐在去武汉的动车上,疲惫的靠着座椅睡着了,他嘱咐广大市民最近不要去武汉,自己却依然踏上武汉的火车,奔赴最前线,替我们负重前行。29岁的医生吴晓艳,已经定好了回家的车票,听到医院号召支援最前线,毫不犹豫的退掉了车票,逆行回武汉。“以身犯险”投入这场没有硝烟的战争中的人还有很多,为了能让大家过一个健康安心的春节,他们不顾自身安危奔赴最前线,给了大家抗疫的信心。At the age o 84, academician Zhong Nanshan was ordered to go to the oreront o epidemic prevention regardless o his old age. In the news picture, Zhong Lao sat on the train to Wuhan and ell asleep with his seat e*hausted. He told the general public not to go to Wuhan recently, but he still stepped on the train in Wuhan and went to theront line to bear the weightor us. Wu *iaoyan, a 29-year-old doctor, has booked a ticket to go home. Hearing the hospitals call to support theront line, she immediately reunded the ticket and went back to Wuhan in reverse. There are still a lot o people involved in this war without gunpowder. In order to let everyone have a healthy and secure Spring Festival, they went to the ront line regardless o their own sa ety and gave everyone the conidence toight against the epidemic.为了赢取抗疫战的顺利,“逆行者”们在全国各地忙碌着。当许多人都在奔赴回家的路上,武汉外地工作人员自觉地退了回家的车票,放弃了过年和家人团聚的机会,只为阻止疫情蔓延的可能,在人们都远离公共场所的节点,铁路工作人员逆向而行,在车站保障人们的回家旅途顺畅,他们也是最美的“逆行者”。In order to win the success o the anti epidemic war, the rebels are busy all over the country. When many people are on their way home, Wuhan ield sta consciously withdrew their tickets and gave up the chance to reunite with their amiliesor the new year, just to prevent the spread o the epidemic. At the nodes where people are ar awayrom public places, railway sta go in reverse, and at the station to ensure that peoples journey home is smooth. They are also the most beauti ul reversers.岁月静好,不过是有人替你负罪前行,面对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,没有人能够置身事外,在我们为“逆行者”点赞的同时,我们也要做好自己的分内工作,外出一定要戴口罩,回家先洗手,注意个人卫生,不到人员密集的公共场所去,不参加聚会,宅在家里哪里也不去,就像抖音上说的,钟南山说动我们才动。做好自己,就是对“逆行者”最大的支持。Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the only way to get rid o the new coronavirus pneumonia. We should also do our part in the same way as we do or the adverse traveler. We must wear masks to go home, wash our hands beore going to the house, pay attention to personal hygiene, do not go to crowded public places, do not attend parties, and stay at home. Not going, like the trembling sound, Zhong Nanshan moved us tiktok. To be good at yoursel is the biggest support or the rebel.【新型冠状肺炎的春节】2020年,这个数字在以前那可是科技感满满的时代,相信在以前无数孩子在自己的作文里写到“在2020年,汽车可以在天上飞、可以在水里航行;家里有智能机器人”,这些在当时不现实的想象。虽说这一切都没在2020年实现,但是在不久的将来定会呈现这科技的一幕。In 2020, this number was in the era o ull sense o technology be ore. I believe that in the past, countless children wrote in their compositions, in 2020, cars canly in the sky and navigate in the water; there are intelligent robots at home. These unrealistic imagination at that time. Although none o this will be achieved in 2020, it will de initely present a scene o this technology in the near uture.This year is also an e*traordinary year. Everyamily is locked up. There are countless convenience stores and markets. There is almost no one on the road. In the intensive care unit o the hospital, there are sick patients. The weather is always rainy. Yes, its a terrible disease in our country. All the reasoronavirus, many people died. The most serious disease is Wuhan, where Mao Zedong was loved by East Lake. However, it is also because o the outbreak o this virus that I saw the courage and unyielding o our Chinese people and the encouragement to countless compatriots. In one report and one video, there are many unknown netizens commenting on ce on China, my city is just sick. When it gets better, I will take you to Wuda to see cherry blossom, take you to Zhiyin, take you to Hankou river beach by erry Those touching words inspired Wuhan and Wuhan people; the best medical team stood in theront line o disease resistance. I saw a report that said, cant I? said the patient lying on the bed with a respirator However, in order to reassure the people who su eredrom the disease, the doctor wore heavy protective clothing and held the patients hand tightly. Everyone willeel unprecedentedear when they e*perience death. Its the same at this critical time.这个病毒的袭来让每个人都措手不及,本来想好在春节好好休息一回,但因为这件事情让全国上下的人都开始紧张起来。许多白衣天使放弃自己的春节假期时间赶往武汉,这不仅是对国家生命的重视也是对自己去拯救生命的一次历练。许多记录生活的APP上发出一段段感动中国人的视频,手机上的浏览器推荐的消息都是关于这病毒:“台湾红十字会向大陆捐款*万”、“全国确诊新型肺炎9692例,死亡增至213例”这一场病毒,有时发出的消息振奋人心,有时的消息,却内心悲凉。这场病毒的危害不言而喻。The attack o the virus caught everyone by surprise. I wanted to have a good rest in the Spring Festival, but it made people all over the country nervous. Many angels in white give up their Spring Festival holiday to go to Wuhan, which is not only the importance o national li e, but also an e*perience o saving lives. Many apps that record li e send out a video that touches Chinese people. The message recommended by the browser on the mobile phone is about the virus: Taiwan Red Cross donated 200000 yuan to the mainland, 9692 cases o new pneumonia were con irmed nationwide, and the death rate increased to 213 cases This virus, sometimes sent e*citing news, sometimes news, but the heart sad. The harm o this virus is sel -evident.虽然饱受病毒的侵扰,但是春节依旧是团聚美满的日子。更多的家家户户选择呆在家里,享受全家团聚的欢乐,即使不出门也能感受到春节的热闹气氛,其实春节本该如此。也趁着这个机会让更多的家庭在在团聚美满的情况下,享受着美好的春节。Although sueringrom the virus, the Spring Festival is still a happy dayor reunion. Moreamilies choose to stay at home and enjoy the joy o amily reunion. Even i they dont go out, they can eel the lively atmosphere o the Spring Festival. In act, the Spring Festival should be like this. Also take advantage o this opportunity to let more amilies enjoy a wonderul springestival in the conte*t o a happy reunion. 春节团聚美满的心情,如放上天空的烟花,无比绚烂,但它不是唯一一束。家才是最温暖的港湾,才是我们心中的归属。Spring Festival rd, such asireworks on the sky, e*tremely gorgeous, but it is not the only bunch. Home is the most warm harbor, is our hearts belonging.【关于新冠肺炎疫情的英语作文带翻译】今年春节,无论是在手机上、电视上,还是在小区里,我听得最多的话不是“新年快乐,恭喜发财”,而是”勤洗手、勤通风、少出门,出门一定要带口罩“的宣传,而造成这一现象的就是从武汉扩散出来的主角”新型冠状病毒“,须全民防控及自我隔离。Happy new year, mobile phone,ronavirus, the most important thing I heard this Spring Festival is not happy new year, but I am glad to be rich. Instead, I am washing handsrequently, ventilation and going out, and I must wear masks. This phenomenon is the new type o coronavirus, which is the main character di usedrom Wuhan.这种肺炎非常可怕,一人病了就会迅速传染开来,甚至还会威胁到生命。据传本次事件的源头是一些无知的人为满足自己的口腹之欲食用野生动物及国家保护动物,而动物身上携带的大量未知或已知病毒,从而导致了这次悲剧的发生。This kind o pneumonia is very terrible. I a person is ill, it will spread quickly and even threaten his li e. It is said that the source o this incident is that some ignorant people eat wild animals and national protected animals to satis y their appetite, and a large number o unknown or known viruses carried by animals lead to the tragedy. Animals are goodriends o human beings and a key link in the ecological chain. I have seen a movie pet, which tells an interesting and touching story between people and animals. How can you bear to kill a small, weak and evil black hearted human? 疫情当前,全国人民在党中央的领导下,上下一心,同疫情战斗到底,我们一直在一起!为了战胜病毒,众多的白衣天使逆行而上,为了节省防护用品,他们不喝水、不上洗手间,穿着厚重的防护服,好些小姐姐因长时间戴口罩,脸都磨破了,露出红红的血丝,甚至部分医护人员因夜以继日的救治工作而感染病毒,他们是最可敬的,值得我们学习的!At present, under the leadership o the Party Central Committee, the whole nation is working together to ight the epidemic. We are always together! In order toight against the virus, many angels in white are retrograde. In order to save protective equipment, they dont drink water, go to the bathroom, wear heavy protective clothing, and many young ladies wear masksor a long time, theiraces are worn, showing red blood, even Some medical sta are in ected with virus because o the day and night treatment work. They are the most respectable and worthy o our study! 目前,全国上下有钱出钱,有力出力,国外的华人华侨也到处购买口罩等防护用品邮寄到国内,支援国家。我也将今年的压岁钱委托爸爸捐给武汉了,疫情当前,人人有责!At present, the whole country has money to pay and make great eorts. Overseas Chinese also buy masks and other protective articles and mail them to China to support the country. I also entrusted myather to donate this years new years money to Wuhan. At present, everyone is responsibleor the epidemic!我相信在大家的共同努力下,一定会很快战胜疫情的!I believe that with the joint eorts o all o you, we will de eat the epidemic soon!中国加油!武汉加油!Come on, China! Come on, Wuhan!【新型冠状肺炎的春节】2020年,这个数字在以前那可是科技感满满的时代,相信在以前无数孩子在自己的作文里写到“在2020年,汽车可以在天上飞、可以在水里航行;家里有智能机器人”,这些在当时不现实的想象。虽说这一切都没在2020年实现,但是在不久的将来定会呈现这科技的一幕。In 2020, this number was in the era o ull sense o technology be ore. I believe that in the past, countless children wrote in their compositions, in 2020, cars canly in the sky and navigate in the water; there are intelligent robots at home. These unrealistic imagination at that time. Although none o this will be achieved in 2020, it will de initely present a scene o this technology in the near uture.This year is also an e*traordinary year. Everyamily is locked up. There are countless convenience stores and markets. There is almost no one on the road. In the intensive care unit o the hospital, there are sick patients. The weather is always rainy. Yes, its a terrible disease in our country. All the reasoronavirus, many people died. The most serious disease is Wuhan, where Mao Zedong was loved by East Lake. However, it is also because o the outbreak o this virus that I saw the courage and unyielding o our Chinese people and the encouragement to countless compatriots. In one report and one video, there are many unknown netizens commenting on ce on China, my city is just sick. When it gets better, I will take you to Wuda to see cherry blossom, take you to Zhiyin, take you to Hankou river beach by erry Those touching words inspired Wuhan and Wuhan people; the best medical team stood in theront line o disease resistance. I saw a report that said, cant I? said the patient lying on the bed with a respirator However, in order to reassure the people who su eredrom the disease, the doctor wore heavy protective clothing and held the patients hand tightly. Everyone willeel unprecedentedear when they e*perience death. Its the same at this critical time.这个病毒的袭来让每个人都措手不及,本来想好在春节好好休息一回,但因为这件事情让全国上下的人都开始紧张起来。许多白衣天使放弃自己的春节假期时间赶往武汉,这不仅是对国家生命的重视也是对自己去拯救生命的一次历练。许多记录生活的APP上发出一段段感动中国人的视频,手机上的浏览器推荐的消息都是关于这病毒:“台湾红十字会向大陆捐款*万”、“全国确诊新型肺炎9692例,死亡增至213例”这一场病毒,有时发出的消息振奋人心,有时的消息,却内心悲凉。这场病毒的危害不言而喻。The attack o the virus caught everyone by surprise. I wanted to have a good rest in the Spring Festival, but it made people all over the country nervous. Many angels in white give up their Spring Festival holiday to go to Wuhan, which is not only the importance o national li e, but also an e*perience o saving lives. Many apps that record li e send out a video that touches Chinese people. The message recommended by the browser on the mobile phone is about the virus: Taiwan Red Cross donated 200000 yuan to the mainland, 9692 cases o new pneumonia were con irmed nationwide, and the death rate increased to 213 cases This virus, sometimes sent e*citing news, sometimes news, but the heart sad. The harm o this virus is sel -evident.虽然饱受病毒的侵扰,但是春节依旧是团聚美满的日子。更多的家家户户选择呆在家里,享受全家团聚的欢乐,即使不出门也能感受到春节的热闹气氛,其实春节本该如此。也趁着这个机会让更多的家庭在在团聚美满的情况下,享受着美好的春节。Although sueringrom the virus, the Spring Festival is still a happy dayor reunion. Moreamilies choose to stay at home and enjoy the joy o amily reunion. Even i they dont go out, they can eel the lively atmosphere o the Spring Festival. In act, the Spring Festival should be like this. Also take advantage o this opportunity to let more amilies enjoy a wonderul springestival in the conte*t o a happy reunion. 春节团聚美满的心情,如放上天空的烟花,无比绚烂,但它不是唯一一束。家才是最温暖的港湾,才是我们心中的归属。Spring Festival rd, such asireworks on the sky, e*tremely gorgeous, but it is not the only bunch. Home is the most warm harbor, is our hearts belonging.关于抗击疫情的英语作文_新型肺炎疫情英语作文5篇关于武汉疫情的英语作文_抗击新型肺炎英语作文5篇以抗击疫情为主题的英语作文5篇

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