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课题:Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears主备人陈艳课时第一课时总课时1教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:hard,soft,afraid,in front of 2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:There is . There are. 3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。教学重、难点:1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。 2. 掌握There be句型,正确运用其单复数句子。课前准备: 多媒体课件,板书,小奖品。 学 讲 预 案二次备课1、 自主先学1. Warming-up2. Lets sing a song.二、小组讨论、交流展示(一)T:You all did a good preparation. Now,boys and girls, look at the picture,whatsthat?Ss: Its a clock.呈现There is a clock in the picture.图片由clock变成watch,再由book变成bag。1T:Whats in my bag? (包里放了一个娃娃,一本故事书。)引导学生猜测出 There is a storybook.There is a doll.T: Look, I have two dolls in my bag. So I can say:呈现There are two dolls.2 T: Can you say the difference between“there is” and “there are”?3. Work in groups.Learning tip: There be 句型:分单数There is 和复数There are 两种,不可数名词统一用There is它们都解释为“有”,表示存在有,含义是在某地方有某东西。如: There is a teacher.There are some teachers.3. T: Whats in the box? Whats on the box? 引出Whats in front of the box?Work in pairs: 同桌一问一答操练句型There is in/on/in front ofThere are in/on/in front of(二)Text learning1T:I like reading storybooks. Do you like it? Lets read it together.Look, it happened in the forest. (教forest)Task 1: Watch an danswer1) Whats in the forest?2) Whats the matter with Mary?3) Why does Mary run away (逃跑)? (T在读题的时候教授 run away)Ss:She is afraid. (在引出回答的时候教授 afraid)Task 2 : Read and judge1)Mary is not hungry, but she is afraid. ( )2)The three bowls of soup are for the bears. ( )教授a bowl of soup, 归类总结如 a cup of coffee, a glass of milk 等。3)There are three hard beds in the room. ( )通过图片选择软床和硬床,同时教授 hard 和 soft。4) She wakes up.There are three bears in front of her. ( ) 通过图片教授wake up,领读,小组读,请学生做动作Task 3: Lets read !Read after the tape.三、检测反馈1.Play in roles. (小组活动,选择一幅图表演。)2. Lets retell !There is a beautiful _ in the forest. In the house, I can see _ bowls of soup on the table. Im _ and _. I like the _ soup. _ three beds in the room. Im _. I sleep in the _ bed. Whose house is this? Its the three bears!四、Homework:1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents.2. Use “theres there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom.(用所学句型写一段话介绍你的书房或卧室。)教后反思:课题:Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears主备人陈艳课时第二课时总课时2教学目标:1、 复习上节课所学的词汇。2、 能听懂、会说、会运用句型There is There are.3、 能看图描述物品的所在位置。4、 通过练习加强巩固There be句型。5、 学习词汇:beside, between, in front of教学重、难点:1、进一步巩固复习上节课的词汇。 2、使学生能正确运用There be 句型课前准备: PPT, 头饰 学 讲 预 案二次备课1、 自主先学Step1. Warm up 1.Sing a song “There is a way” 2.Free talkWhats in the house?(教师出示图片)Ss: There is . There are. 3.Read and actA: 模仿朗读Story timeB:组织表演2、 小组讨论、交流展示1. 教学beside, betweenT: (PPT展示课文图4)Where are the bears?Ss: They are in front of Goldilocks. (复习in front of)(并造句)T:(PPT)look! Where is Goldilocks now?Ss: She is near a house.T: Yes, she is beside the house. (教学beside)T: (PPT)Look! Where is she now?S:?T: Ah, Shes between the houses. (教学between,强调between后面跟复数)2. 复习所学过的方位词快速反应(quick respond)T: 出示图片Ss:说出词组(in the forest, beside the house, behind the door, between the boxes.)3. Think and sayT : (PPT展示书中内容)Ss: There is There are.4. Summary(Grammar time)T: 出示表格 There is 可数名词单数/不可数名词. There are 可数名词复数.5. Do some exercise三、检测反馈1. Draw and say2. 完成课内练习纸。教后反思:课题:Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears主备人陈艳课时第三课时总课时3教学目标: 1、复习巩固方位介词。 2、复习词汇:hungry, happy, thirsty, tired. 3、能正确使用句型 This is too 4、能够模仿表演cartoon time 5、文化熏陶,了解coffee 和tea在不同国家的应用。教学重、难点: 1、复习巩固方位介词。2、复习词汇:hungry, happy, thirsty, tired.3、能正确使用句型 This is too课前准备: PPT 头饰学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学Step 1 warm up 1、Greeting 2、sing a song “three bears” 3、look and say 2、 小组讨论、交流展示 1、Look and say T: (出示课外三碗汤的图片) Ss: This soup is too T: (出示三张床的图片) Ss: This bed is too T: (PPT 小女孩做饥饿状态) S: this girl is hungry. T: PPT (happy, hungry, tired, thirsty, ) Do you remember these words? Ss: Yes, we do. (Read the words) (make sentences) 2、Cartoon time T: Good! Look!who is he ?(出示Bobby)Ss: Hes Bobby.T: Whats the matter with bobby? A hungry B thirsty C tired D happy Listen and choose Ss: Bobby is hungry T: Where are the cakes? Watch and answer Ss: They are in the fridge. T: But Bobby cant find the cakes, why? Ss: Bobbys cousin eat the cakes. (教学find, cousin) Listen and imitate Act the dialogue 3、Culture time T: (PPT cake and coffee)Look! When we eat cakes, we often drink some coffee or tea. T:(出示图片跟句型 coffee is popular in western countries. Tea is popular in Cina.) (教学popular, western countries) 帮助学生感受中西方的文化差异。三、检测反馈 1、Summary 2、Do some exercise教后反思:课题:Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears主备人陈艳课时第四课时总课时4教学目标: 1、能灵活运用There be句型 2、能根据图片,写一段小短文。 3、了解字母C在单词中的发音。 4、通过学习,使学生接近大自然,热爱大自然。教学重、难点: 1、能灵活运用There be句型 2、能根据图片,写一段小短课前准备: PPT 学 讲 预 案二次备课1、 自主先学1、 Greeting2、sing songs3、Imitation 模仿表演cartoon time二、小组讨论、交流展示1. Review the story time模仿表演,完成第一项ticking time2. Look and sayT: (出示P14页的图片)Ss: (对图片进行描述) There is There are. (work in groups)3. Look and write(完成P15页中的内容)Ss: work in pairs ,完成Ticking time第二项内容Step 3 Sound time T: (出示类似上面的 ,两件coats) Ss: There are two coats near the sofa.T: Whose coats are these?(PPT展示sound time部分中的人物跟句型) Ss: They are uncle and cousins coats. T: (播放动画) (PPT显示单词cold, cousin, doctor, comes, coats) Ss: (找出C的读音/k/)Listen and repeatExercise : Read and find将下列单词按读音归类:Nice, cold, rice, come, doctor, cup, policeman./k/ _/s/_三、检测反馈 1、默写本单元的词汇跟句型 2、看图写话,完成一篇小作文教后反思:课题:Unit 6 Planning for the weekend主备人陈艳课时第五课时总课时29教学目标:1.能在教师指导下正确理解语篇内容,提高学生的朗读和阅读理解能力。2.能在理解的基础上,指导学生找到相应的图片。3掌握语篇中出现的三会单词project, zebra, Africa, elephant。4.能初步了解字母组合ow在单词中的读音。教学重、难点:正确理解语篇的内容,并能实际运用。课前准备: 录音机、磁带;图片等 学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学1.Revision利用图片进行问答练习,复习巩固C部分句型。可以师生问答,也可以生生问答,还可以小组与小组之间问答二、小组讨论/交流展示1.完成书中E部分内容:1)教师先指导学生阅读本课的语言材料,大致理解句子含义。小组讨论想象活动场景。2)小组讨论互学本部分出现的生词project, zebra, Africa, elephant2.完成书中G部分内容:1)老师让学生自己朗读单词,边读边体会字母组合ow在单词中的读音。三、检测反馈小组表演E部分。四、小结反思小组总结“讨论周末活动”的句型:What are you going to do? I/We are going to .五、Homework1.抄写四会单词和句型,并用句型造句。2.排练E部分的对话。 教后反思:课题:Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend主备人陈艳课时第一课时总课时30教学目标:1、 听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词 glue.2、 听懂、会说、会读单词和词组envelope, postcard, fax machine, telephone number教学重、难点:熟练掌握B部分词汇课前准备: 信纸、信封、明信片、胶水的实物;B部分教学挂图学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学1.Greeting. 2.Free talk. 3.Sing : Will you join me ?(可举办歌唱比赛)二、小组讨论1、教师出示图片,请学生听录音,找出学得最快的学生,以此培养学生自学能力。2、writing paper ,envelope, post card, glue这四个词均可由实物直接引出,因为教师已布置学生提前预习,所以可请英语发音较好的学生上台当小老师教其他同学 。重点操练glue拼写。3、听录音,模仿跟读。三、交流展示小组合作,4人为一组,分别读B部分词汇。四、质疑拓展小组合作,4人为一组,分别读B部分词汇,请其他成员查找错误并纠正。五、检测反馈教师可设计一些游戏帮助学生巩固B部分。1、A good memory: 将教学挂图的每一物品标号,一学生说序号,请另一学生不看,而只凭记忆说出其相应单词。 2、Listen and point:此游戏可请掌握较慢的学生参加,一学生说英文,请两位学生比赛看哪一位指得最快。游戏虽然简单,但也可以让他们感到学习英语的乐趣。3、A guessing game:可将本部分词汇设计为谜语,如下:Liu Taos mother is now in Guangzhou.Liu Tao is in Nanjing. He wants to speak to his mother. I can help them. What am I? S: Youre a .六、Homework1、 听录音,熟读B部分词汇。2、 根据B部分词汇,自编谜语。3、 预习C部分句型。教后反思:课题:Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend主备人陈艳课时第二课时总课时31教学目标:1、 复习B部分词汇。2、 听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:Can I have.? What for I want to . Sure. Here you are.教学重、难点:在真实情景中自然操练C部分句型。课前准备:B、C部分教学挂图;C部分句型卡片 学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主学习1、出示B部分挂图,开始读单词,看哪一组火车可以不断,即为获胜组。 2、 请学生拿出前一课布置准备的谜语,念给同学们猜。二、小组讨论1、 教师出示准备好的C部分句型卡片,请学生分组自由朗读。2、 教师可与学生作示范:T:Can I have a postcard ? S: What for?T: I want to write to Tom . S: Sure. Here you are.3、教师可将全班学生分为A、B两个大组,每组分别担任不同的角色,如A组担任班级的“材料保管员”,B组负责完成教师布置的任务。教师可设计“Writing to teacher, Drawing a picture, Making a kite等任务,B组学生在完成以上任务时首先向A组领取材料,在此过程中,A、B两组学生必然要用Can I have.? What for ?I want to . Sure. Here you are.等句子进行交流,在完成各自任务的过程中自然运用语言。三、交流展示请学生2人一组,操练C部分图片。四、质疑拓展1、本部分均为四会内容,其中要向学生特别强调I want to +动词原形。2、同桌合作,可用身边所有的学习用品来操练本部分句型。五、检测反馈1、 看C部分图片,写句子。2、 自由扩充操练C部分句型。六、Homework1、抄写C部分句子。2、预习A部分对话。教后反思:课题:Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend主备人陈艳课时第三课时总课时32教学目标:1 听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词penfriend, also2 听懂、会说、会读词汇subject, e-mail address3 听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语I hope so. What should I do?4 正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。教学重、难点:1 正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。课前准备: 一封信,A部分教学挂图,对话第二部分打乱顺序的句子卡片学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学A. Greeting.B. Revision.1. 学生间自由操练C部分句型。教师可与一学生问答引出,再由学生进行。2 两位学生合作,教师现场说一物品,如writing paper,请学生快速按照C部分句型编对话,注意所说动作要与所给物品相配。二、小组讨论、交流展示1 教师出示penfriend, also, subject, e-mail address这四个词汇,因为课前已布置学生预习,可请学生当小老师上台教读,并讲解中文意思。2. 教师出示自己收到的一封信,告诉学生:Look! Heres a letter from my penfriend. 并出示教学挂图,告诉学生: Liu Tao also wants a penfriend. 以谈话式的教学引入课题。3教师让学生听引言部分录音。听完录音后,请学生讨论并回答问题,引导学生进入对话情景。 Question 1.Who did Liu Tao read about yesterday afternoon?2.What did Peter want in China?3. What would Liu Tao like to do?4因为对话第二部分是C部分已学过的句型,所以教师可采用巩固方式引出新内容。教师课前将此部分的句子打乱顺序写在卡片上,现将卡片贴于黑板上,请学生4人为一组,共同讨论,看哪一组学生可以最先排列好顺序,并请该组成员每人教读一句。如:( )Thank you.( )I want to write a letter.( )Sure. Here you are.( )What for, dear?( )Mum,can I have some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps, please?三、质疑拓展根据对话的内容,请学生自编问题,共同讨论解答。四、检测反馈1听录音,跟读对话部分。2请语音教好的学生读其中一句,其他学生快速读出下一句。五、Homework1 听录音,熟读已学过的对话。2 预习未学部分。3 根据对话的第二部分,请学生自编问题.教后反思:课题:Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend主备人陈艳课时第四课时总课时33教学目标:1 听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词penfriend, also2 听懂、会说、会读词汇subject, e-mail address3 听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语I hope so. What should I do?4 正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。教学重、难点:1正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、表演对话。课前准备: A部分教学挂图,写好问题的卡片,自录 Peter自我介绍的录音带。学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学1根据英语掌握程度,分层次请学生朗读、背诵、表演已学的对话。2上节课已布置学生准备问题,教师可事先检查,找出较好的问题,请该学生提问。问题大致如下: Question 1:Does Liu Tao want to have a postcard? 2.What does Liu Tao want to have? 3.What does Liu Tao want to do?二、小组讨论1. 教师在课前自录一段 Peter自我介绍的录音,将Peter的有关情况直观、形象地展示给学生,让学生们和对话中的Liu Tao一起了解Peter,再帮助Liu Tao一同向妈妈介绍Peter的情况,并和Liu Tao的妈妈一起建议Liu Tao如何回信。录音内容如下:Dear Friend:Im Peter. Im from the UK. I want a penfriend in China.Please listen to my self-introduction.I live in London. I have a brother and a sister. I like listening to music and making model planes.Waiting for your letter in reply.With best wishesPeter2 学生听完两遍录音后,教师将准备好的问题卡片贴于黑板上,将全班学生分为四大组,每一组派出一名代表上台选择问题进行回答。问题如下: Question 1. Whos Peter? 2. Where does he live? 3. Does he have any brothers or sisters? 4.What are his hobbies?三、交流展示“Liu Tao的妈妈建议如何回信”这一部分可让学生直接打开书,4人为一组合作自学:一学生读对话,其他学生思考。四、质疑拓展1 听录音,跟读本节课所学对话。2 活动自我介绍。为增强此项活动的趣味性,可以要求学生在写自我介绍时不提到自己的名字;再将全班分为6-8组,把收上来的个人简介打乱发给每个学生,让学生通过阅读猜出作者是谁。五、检测反馈小组分角色表演对话六、Homework1听录音,熟读并背诵、表演A部分对话。2写一篇自我介绍。教后反思:课题:Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend主备人陈艳课时第五课时总课时34教学目标:1 培养学生正确的听力习惯,提高听力水平。2 向学生介绍英文书信的书写方法。教学重、难点:1 培养学生正确的听力习惯,提高听力水平。2 向学生介绍英文书信的书写方法。课前准备: 录音带,教学挂图 学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学1 请几位学生上台进行自我介绍。2 背诵、表演A部分对话。二、小组讨论1. Listen and write本部分为一段有关Helen在笔友俱乐部征集笔友的对话,要求学生通过听录音完成填表练习。1) 在学生听录音前,教师可先引导他们看练习的引言部分,让他们了解对话主题,预测可能听到的内容,做好心理准备。2) 教师播放全文录音,鼓励学生逐步养成整体接受语言材料的习惯;再指导学生在听的过程中完成填表练习。3) 教师与学生共同讨论练习答案,并分析错误原因,找到解决方法。2. Read , think and write本部分展示了Liu Tao 写给Peter的信,要求学生在阅读来信的基础上帮助Peter给Liu Tao回信,重点训练学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力。1) 教师先引导学生自己阅读本课的语言材料,理解句子含义。读本部分出现的生词,教师可采取不同的处理方法:可在阅读前讲解,也可启发学生通过上下文猜测。2) 引导学生分组讨论Liu Tao的来信和Peter的回信,通过问答,如询问“How old is Liu Tao? Wheredoes he live? Does he have any brothers or sisters?”等深入浅出的问题让学生理解信中的内容。3) 让学生观察分组讨论总结信件的格式,写法,包括地址、日期、起首语、结尾问候语的处理方法。3Think and write本部分是Peter给Liu Tao的回信,介绍了除书信以外的另一种通讯方法e-mail,或称电子邮件。1) 通过问答如Whos Peter? Where does he live? 等,让学生记起A部分关于的一些资料。2) 让学生仔细阅读F部分有关的资料,让学生加深对Peter的了解。3) 让学生观察书中e-mail的格式,鼓励他们说出与书信的不同之处。三、交流展示1、小组总结信件的格式,写法,包括地址、日期、起首语、结尾问候语的处理方法。2、请学生2人一组完成填空练习。四、Homework1. 将D部分录音内容重新认真地听一遍。2. 模仿E部分,用英语给同学或老师写一封信 教后反思:课题:Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend主备人陈艳课时第六课时总课时35教学目标:1 了解字母组合ur在单词中的读音。2 有表情地诵读歌谣 I want to write a letter.教学重、难点:1了解字母组合ur在单词中的读音,并能扩充举例。2 正确理解歌谣含义,并能有表情地诵读。课前准备: 教学挂图,录音带学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学教师可以根据D部分录音资料,提问相关问题学生思考:Question : 1. How old is Helen? 2.Does Helen live in Nanjing? 3.Whats the name of Helens school? 4.What are Helens hobbies?二、小组讨论、交流展示1 Listen and repeat.本部分是语音训练项目,教师可指导学生正确朗读单词及句子,并让他们体会字母组合ur在单词中的读音。1) 教师让学生自己朗读单词,边读边体会字母组合ur在单词中的读音。2) 指导学生听录音跟读单词和句子。3) 教师可引导学生朗读,也可在学生中展开朗读竞赛,看谁读得又快又准。4) 教师也鼓励学生自己归纳整理其它例词,编写成绕口令或句子练习朗读。2 Say a rhyme.1) 教师播放录音,引导学生按节奏诵读。2) 诵读时要求要求学生根据节奏或内容做动作,让学生感受歌谣的韵律美,以帮助记忆。3) 可鼓励学生替换歌谣中的部分内容三、检测反馈1Listen and number听录音,根据所听到内容的先后顺序, 在相应图中的方框内写上序号。教师让学生先看图,用英语说出节目名称,再做此练习。2Listen, read and judge 听录音,读句子,根据所听内容判断句意是否相同。教师让学生先看句子,读懂大意,听录音时注意进行方法指导。3Look, read and do the crossword读句子,根据句子中的图片在方格内填写单词,使句意完整。教师让学生通读每一句话,猜测所缺单词。4Look and write看图。根据上下文完成句子。5Read and complete朗读并完成句子。教师结合此项练习,对学生进行方法指导。6Read and answer朗读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。四、Homework1朗读并抄写本单元要求四会的单词和句子。2背诵并表演或自创对话。3鼓励学有余力的学生用英语与外籍朋友或其他学校的学生通信。教后反思:课题:Unit 8 Review and check主备人陈艳课时第一课时总课时36教学目标:1.Review the words about weather. Learn to describe the four seasons.2.Review the structures of unit 5.3.Help them to make short dialogue about how to describe seasons教学重、难点:Correct describe ration for the weather in different season课前准备: tape, card, pictures学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学Step 1 Free talk1.Check their Vocabularies2.Teacher asks some questions about the weather: Whats the weather like in spring?( summer, autumn, winter)3.Ss find the words to describe the weather of spring4.Ss give the answers to another seasons.二、小组讨论Train their ability to make dialogueAsk Ss to make a short dialogue about the weather of four seasons.Then ask them to say it in a short context.They discuss in a group, and then act it out.Then ask one to conclude三、交流展示Controlling of the wordsAsk them to finish the exercise of page 65, “the four seasons”Then read follow the tape one by one, control the correct pronunciationSs first finish the passages, then repeat follow the tape , got the correct pronunciation四、质疑拓展Got the important grammarTeacher explains the difficult points in the passage, then give some more examples.get warmer get green in rivers and lakes go skating go skiingSs got the pronunciation and got the important points五、HomeworkGot the important grammarTeacher explains the difficult points in the passage, then give some more examples.get warmer get green in rivers and lakes go skating go skiingSs got the pronunciation and got the important points教后反思:课题:Unit 8 Review and check主备人陈艳课时第二课时总课时37教学目标:1.Control all the phrases in this unit, and can use the structures to practice: What are you going to do this afternoon? Im going to with my friends. Would you like to join us? Yes Id love to. / No. Im going to 2.Train their ability to use the structures and phrases to describe their plans教学重、难点:Correct pronunciation and using of the phrases and structures课前准备: tape, cards学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学1.Control all the phrases in this unit, and can use the structures to practice: What are you going to do this afternoon? Im going to with my friends. Would you like to join us? Yes Id love to. / No. Im going to 2.Train their ability to use the structures and phrases to describe their plans二、小组讨论Learn new phrases and review the learnedGive them a range: In the countryside(let Ss think about the verb phrases can do in the countryside) then teacher adds, Plant trees, water flowers, mike cows .Go fishing ect. Do the same way to teach the other phrasesSs think out the phrases: Pick apples, grow flowers, Fly kites, ect.三、交流展示、检测反馈Check their controlling of these phrasesPractice the structures with these phrasesSs practice in a group of four, then act it outCheck the pronunciationTeacher reads the phrases for the first time, and asks Ss to follow and spell them.Ss do this job follow the teacher四、HomeworkWrite four short dialogues, and two for agree, two for disagree教后反思:课题:Unit 8 Review and check主备人陈艳课时第三课时总课时38教学目标:1.Review the structure about how to make pen friends2.Review the asking way about the name, city , age, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, school, favorite subject ect. Help them to make a short passage to describe their pen friend教学重、难点:The correct asking way of these information questions课前准备: tape, cards学 讲 预 案二次备课一、自主先学Check their oral English Teacher first greets to all the students, and then ask some questions about their information, such as: How old are you? Where do you live? Whats your telephone number? Do you have a brother or a sister? sect. Ss first do the morning greeting together, and then answer the questions about their own information.二、小组讨论、交流展示Check their correct answering of the questionsLet them ask questions to their partner about his/her best friends information, and then finish the notes on page 69.Then tell the passageSs practice and finish all the questions, and try to introduce their best friend to all the classmates.三、检测反馈Check their reading ability and learn to write a passage Give them the example of how to introduce one person. Show the passage, and play the tape, let them listen and read.Then follow it, and try to repeatRead; learn the way of writing, and then repeat follow the tape Try to write a passage with other two pictures.四、HomeworkWrite a passage about the introduction of their best friend. Finish the exercise book.教后反思:


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