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年 班 姓名 考号 装 订 线 内 不 得 答 题- 装 -订 - 线 -惠东明珠外国语学校2012-2013学年度第一学期 五年级英语九月份闯关考查试卷 (命题人:冯小凤/薛静 )听力部分(40分)一Listen and draw face.(看看各图是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“”,否则打 “”。)(10分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )二Listen and number.根据录音内容给图标上正确的序号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三Listen to the sentences and choose the right answers.(根据录音内容选择正 确的答句。)(5分) ( )1.A.Yes,she is. B.She is my mother. C.No,she is. ( )2.Mr Ma. He is from China. B.Hes thin. C.Shes fat.( )3.A.Shes thin. B.Hes my teacher. C.Hes thin and short.( )4.A.Yes,she is. B.No,he isnt. C.Yes,they are.( )5.A.Yes,it is. B.No,its Wednesday. C.Its Thursday.四Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answers.(根据对话内容选项正 确的答案。) (5分)( )1.Where is Kate from? A.He is from China. B.She is from America. C.She is from England.( )2.Whats your father like? A.She is quite. B.He is funny. C.He is tall and strict. ( )3.What do you have on Tuesday? A.We have P.E. B.We have English. C.I have science and art.( )4.Who is she? A.He is short. B.She is my P.E teacher. C.She is my sister.( )5.What day is it today? A.Friday B.Thurday. C.Wednesday.五Listen and tick or cross.(听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符打“”,否则打“”。)(5分)( )1.Today is Wednesday. ( )2.I am from America.( )3.Miss wu is tall and thin,she is very funny. ( )4.We have English and P.E today.( )5.Miss Wu is a new teacher.六Listen and write down the words.(听句子,写单词。)(5分)1.My aunt is _.2.I have art and Chinese on _.3.My brother is a _boy.4.He is very _.5.Is she _?笔试部分(60分)一Finish the sentences.(选择正确的词组完成句子。) (10 分) A. science class B. very funny C. play computer gameD. on Tuesdays E. strong and old 1.I often draw pictures .(星期二) 2.I have today.(科学课) 3.My Chinese teacher is .(又强壮又老) 4.Mikes teacher is .(有趣的) 5.My brothers usually in the evening.(玩电脑游戏)二、Choose the right answers.(选择填空。) (10分) ( )1.What do you have lunch Tuesday? A. for, of B. for, on C. on, on ( )2. science teacher, art teacher and English teacher. A. a, a, an B. a, an, an C. an, a, a ( )3.Today is Monday. Tomorrow is . A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Tuesday ( )4. your math teacher. A. Who B. Whos C. What ( )5.Is she strict ? A No,she is a farmer. B. No,she is. C. Yes,she is. ( )6. is it today? Its Monday. A. What B. What date C. What day ( )7. is your math teacher? He is Carter. A. Who, Mr B. Who, Miss C. What, Mr ( )8. he like? A. What B. Whats C. Whos ( )9.I three new teachers. A. has B. am C. have ( )10.Her class so much fan. A. is B.are C. has三、 Choose the right words.(选择正确的单词完成句子。) (5分) 1.I have (a, an) art teacher. 2.What do you (do, have) on Mondays? I often play football. 3.Is she young? No, she is very (thin, old) 4.Miss White is a good teacher, we all like (her, him) 5. (Are, Is) your teacher strict? Yes, she is.四、Finish the passage.(根据提示完成短文。) (5分) I have a new music teacher. He is young and ( 强壮的).I like my music teacher. His class is so much (有趣).He likes (看) books and (看)TV. I have music class on (星期二).五、Finish the sentences.(根据要求完成句子。) (5分) 1. that is young who man (?) (连词成句) 2. have English we on and art Monday(.) (连词成句) 3. Is your mother strict? (否定回答) 4. Whats your Chinese teacher like ? (按实际回答) 5. My English teacher isnt thin. (改为同义句) 六、Finish the dialogue.(根据上下问意思补全对话。) (5分) A:I have a new Chinese teacher. A. Whos he? B: Really? Whats he like? B. He is young . A: C. His class is fun. B: D. I know. A: Yes, he is. But hes very kind. E. Is he strict? B: A: Hes Mr White. B: He is my uncle. A: Really?七、Read the passage and tick or cross.(阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“”,否则打“”。) (10分) I have a new neighbour. His name is Peter. Hes twenty-two. He is from the USA. Hes a university student. Hes tall. He is smart and funny. He likes basketball. He plays basketball well. I like to play basketball with him. We are good friends now. ( ) 1. Mike comes from England. ( ) 2. My neighbour is strong. ( ) 3. Peter doesnt like basketball. ( ) 4. I dont play basketball with Peter. ( ) 5. We are good friends.八、Write a short passage.(小作文。) (5分) 请你简单介绍自己,内容包括描写自己的外貌,喜欢的老师,喜欢星期几,喜欢什么课,喜欢做什么等。要求:1.如涉及到自己的名字,请用Amy 或Mike代替; 2.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范; 3.不少于六句话。_ 五年级英语9月月考听力材料一Listen and draw face.(看看各图是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“”,否则打 “”。)(10分)1.Miss Liu is our math teacher, shes thin.2.They are active.3.I have science and math on Thursday.4.Hes our teacher, hes strong.5.The man is very strict.二Listen and number.根据录音内容给图标上正确的序号。(10分)1.Today is Thurday.2.Mr Hu is short and thin.3.Tomorrow is Friday.4.The teacher is funny.5.My principal is very kind.三Listen to the sentences and choose the right answers.(根据录音内容选择正 确的答句。)(5分)1.Is she young?2.Whos your art teacher?3.Whats he like?4.Is she your science teacher?5.What day is it today?四Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answers.(根据对话内容选项正确的答案。) (5分)1.-Hello,Kate.Where are you from? -Im from America.2.-Whats your father like? -My father is tall and strict.3.-I have P.E on Tuesday.What about you? -Me too!4.-Wow,the girl is very kind. -Oh,she is my sister.5.-Tomorrow is Friday,right? -Yes.五Listen and tick or cross.(听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符打“”,否则打“”。)(5分)Hello, Im Amy. Im from America. I have a new English teacher, she is Miss Wu. Shes tall and thin. I like Miss Wu very much, because she is very funny. Today is Wednesday, we have English, art and math today.六Listen and write down the words.(听句子,写单词。)(5分)1.My aunt is kind.2.I have art and Chinese on Monday.3.My brother is a smart boy.4.He is very funny.5.Is she strict?

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