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小学英语五年级(PEP)(上)四会、三会、二会单词及重点句型四会(听、说、读、写)单词Young年轻的, funny滑稽的、可笑的, tall高的, strong强壮的, kind和蔼的、亲切的,(种类) old年老的, short矮的, thin瘦肉, whos=who is谁是, Mr. 先生,whats=what is是什么, like像、喜欢, hes=he is他是, strict严格的, smart聪明的、巧妙的, active积极的、活跃的, quiet安静的、文静的, shes=she is她是, very很、非常, but但是, Monday(Mon.)星期一, Tuesday(Tue.)星期二, Wednesday(Wed.)星期三, Thursday(Thu.)星期四, Friday(Fri.)星期五, Saturday(Sat.)星期六, Sunday(Sun.)星期日,day天、日子, have有、吃, on在时候、在上面, do homework做作业, watch TV看电视, read books看书, What about?怎么样, too也、太, eggplant茄子, fish鱼, green beans青豆, tofu豆腐, potato西红柿, tomato马铃薯, for为、给, lunch午饭, we我们, tasty好吃的、可口的, sweet甜的, sour酸的, fresh新鲜的, salty咸的, favourite最喜爱的、特别喜爱的, theyre=they are他(她、它)们是, fruit水果, dont=do not, grape葡萄, cook the meals做饭, water the flowers浇花, sweep the floor扫地, clean the bedroom打扫卧室, make the bed铺床, set the table摆饭桌, wash the clothes洗衣服, do the dishes洗碗筷, cant=can not不能, use a computer使用计算机, curtain窗帘, trash bin垃圾箱, closet壁橱、衣橱, mirror镜子, end table床头柜, bedroom卧室, kitchen厨房, bathroom卫生间, living room起居室, in在里面, on在上面, under在下面, near在旁边, behind在后面, clothes衣服, river河流, flower花, grass草, lake湖泊, forest森林, path路、小道, park公园, picture照片, house房屋, bridge桥, tree树, road公路、大道, building建筑物, clean干净的三会(听、说、认读)单词From从;来自, Canada加拿大, principal校长, university student大学生, Miss小组, wait等等,等待, yeah是,行, play computer games玩电脑游戏, cabbage洋白菜, pork猪肉, mutton羊肉, Id like=I would like我想要, healthy健康的, now现在, have to不得不, eat吃, empty the trash倒垃圾, do housework做家务, put away the clothes收拾衣服, air-conditioner空调, very much非常, over在上面, in front of在前面, sky天空, cloud云, mountain山,山脉, farm农场, village乡村,村庄, city城市二会(听、说)单词Know知道, lady女士,小姐,夫人, so much很,非常, fun有趣,逗笑, Moral Education思想品德课, Social Studies社会课, tomorrow明天, often常常,经常, love爱,热爱, do housework做家务, menu菜单, sound听起来, Mew Mew猫咪,咪咪, helpful有帮助的,有用的, at home在家里, ill有病的, wash the windows擦窗户, just do it就这么干吧, Id like to=I would like to我想要, have a try试一试, robot机器人, play chess下棋, look at看一看, own自己的, flat公寓, third第三, work工作, tell告诉, nature park自然公园, holiday假期, air空气, run跑,any任何的,所有的重点句型:1. A: Whos your art teacher/?/Who is/are? B: Mr. Hu./ 你的美术老师是谁? 胡老师2. A: Whats he/she like? B: Hes short and thin/ 他/她长得怎么样? 他/她又矮女瘦3. A: Is she/he young/? B: Yes, she/he is. / No, she/he isnt. / No, she/hes old/ 她/他年轻吗? 是的 不,她/他很老4. A: What day is it today/tomorrow? B: Its Monday/ 今天/明天是星期几? 星期一5. A: What class do we/ have on Mondays/? B:Letme see. We have Chinese and math. 星期一我们上什么课? 让我想想,我们上语文和数学6. A: What do you do on Saturdays/? B: I often do my homework/ 星期六你干什么? 我通常做作业7. Thats great! 太好了!8. I do my homework, too. 我也做作业9. A: What would you like for lunch? B: Id like some tomatoes and mutton/ 午饭你想吃什么? 我想要一些西红柿和羊肉10. A: What do you have for lunch today? 你今天午饭吃什么 B: I have eggplant and tomatoes. What about you?我吃茄子和西红柿,你呢?11. That sounds good. 听起来太棒了12. A: Whats your favourite food? B: I like apples Because theyre sweet 你最喜欢的食物是什么? 我喜欢草果,因为它们很甜13. A: What can you do? B: I can sweep the floor/ 你能干什么 我能扫地14. A: Can you do housework? 你会做家务吗?B: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.(,but Id like to have a try.) 我会, 我不会, 但我愿意试一试15. A: Is this your bedroom/? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 这是你的卧室吧吗? 是的 不是16. Come and look at my new curtains. 来看看我的新窗帘17. A: Whats your room like? 你的房间是什么样的? B: There is a big closet, a new air-conditioner and a new mirror. There are blue curtains. 有一个大柜子,一台新空调和一面新镜子,还是蓝色的窗帘。18. A: Where is the trash bin/? B: Its in/on/near/over/under/behind/in front of. 垃圾箱在哪? 它在里面/上面/旁边/上方/下面/后面/前面19. A: Is there a river in the park? Yes, there is No, there isnt公园有一条河吗? 有 没有20Are there any pandsa in the mountins? Yes, there are. No,there arent. 山里有熊猫吗? 有 没有小学英语五年级(PEP)(下)四会、三会、二会单词及重点句型四会(听、说、读、写)单词do morning exercises晨练, eat breakfast吃早饭, have English class上英语课, play sports进行体育活动, eat dinner吃晚饭, when什么时候, evening夜晚, get up起床, at在点钟, usually通常、一般, noon中午, climb mountains爬山, go shopping购物、买东西, play the piano弹钢琴, visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母, go hiking去远足, weekend周末, often经常, sometimes有时候, spring春天, summer夏天, fall秋天, winter冬天, season季节, which哪一个, best最、极, swim游泳, fly kites放风筝, skate滑冰, make a snowman堆雪人, plant trees种树, why为什么, because因为, sleep睡觉, Jan.一月, Feb.二月, Mar.三月, Apr.四月, May五月, June六月, July七月, Aug.八月, Sept.九月, Oct.十月, Nov.十一月, Dec.十二月, birthday生日, uncle叔叔、舅舅, her她的, date日期, draw pictures画画, cook dinner做饭, read a book看书, answer the phone接电话, listen to music听音乐, clean the room打扫房间, write a letter写信, write an e-mail写电子邮件, mom妈妈, grandpa爷爷、外公, study书房, fly飞, jump跳, walk走, run跑, swim游泳, kangaroo袋鼠, sleep睡觉, climb往上爬, fight打架, swing荡秋千, drink water喝水, take pictures照相, watch insects观察昆虫, pick up leaves采摘树叶, do an experiment做实验, catch butterflies捉蝴蝶, honey蜂蜜, count insects数昆虫, collect leaves收集树叶, write a report写报告, play chess下棋, have a picnic举行野餐三会(听、说、认读)单词work工作, tell告诉、说, January一月, February二月, March三月, April四月, August八月, September九月, October十月, November十一月, December十二月, first第一, second第二, third第三, fourth第四, eighth第八, ninth第九, twelfth第十二, twentieth第二十, have a look看一看二会(听、说)单词about关于、大约, policeman(男)警察, rain下雨, either也, next下一个, always总是, play with玩, snow雪, leaf(leaves)叶子, up至、朝向, north北方、向北方, Halloween万圣节前夕, Thanksgiving感恩节, chart图表, cousin堂(表)兄弟、堂(表)姐妹, send寄、发送, e-card电子卡片, able能, everyone每个人, then那么, talk讲话, Childrens Center儿童活动中心, see you later再见, speak to和讲话, hold on等下, call打电话, trunk象鼻, climber攀登者, woods树林, ant蚂蚁, interesting有趣的, thing东西、物, him他(宾格), leave离开, us我们(宾格), over there在那边重点句型:1.A. When do you do morning exercises?你什么时候去晨练?B: I usually do morning exercises at 8:30 我通常八点半晨练2. Thank you for telling me about your day. 谢谢你告诉我你的一天。3. A: What do you do on the weekend? 你周末都做些什么? B: I often/usually/sometimes/go shopping. 我经常/通常/有时 购物4.I cant go hiking, either. 我也不能去远足。5.A: Whats your favourite season?/Which season do you like best? 你最喜爱的季节是什么 B: Winter;I can play with snow. 冬天,我能玩雪6. A: Whats the weather like in spring?春天的天气怎么样?B: Its sunny 天气晴朗7.A: Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?B: Because I can plant trees. 因为我能种树。8. A: What would you like to do?你想要干什么?B: Id like to climb mountains. 我想去爬山9. A: When is the best time to go to Beijing?什么时候去北京最合适?B: Fall.秋天10 A: When is your birthday/Army Day? 你的生日/建军节是在什么时候? B: My birthday is in June on.(June 4th)/ August(August 1st) 我的生日在六月/六月4日 八月/八月1日11.A: Whose birthday is in June?谁的生日是在六月?B: Uncle Bills birthday is in June. 比尔叔叔的生日是在六月。12.A: Who has a birthday in October?十月谁生日。B: Me. 我13.A: Whats the date?/What date is it today?(今天)日期是多少?B: Its October 1st. 十月一日14.A: Is her birthday in June?她的生日在元月吗?B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 是的/不是15. A: What are you doing? 你在干什么?B: I am doing the dishes. 我在洗碗。16.A: This is Nina. Can I speak to your mom, please?你是妮娜。请问你妈妈在吗?B: She is cooking dinner. Please hold on. 她在做饭。请稍等。 A: Mom, theres a call for you. 妈妈,有你的电话。17. A: What is your father/ doing? 你爸爸在干什么?B: Hes writing an e-mail. 他在写电子邮件。18.A: Hows everybody doing? 大家好吗? B; Just fine. 都好。19. Im coming. 我来了20. A: What do you see? 你看见什么了?B: I see two elephants. 我看见两只大象。21. What a big nature park! 好大的一个自然公园啊!22. A: Can tigers swim? 老虎会游泳吗? B: Yes, they can. /No, they cant. 会/不会23.A: Are they catching butterflies ? 他(她)们在捉蝴蝶吗? B: Yes, they are. 是的 /No, they arent. 不是.24.A:Are you eating lunch? 你们在吃午饭吗? B:Yes,we are. 是的 /No, we arent. 不是25.Do an experiment on me, pleas. 用我做个试验吧。25. Tell him were leaving. 告诉他我们就要离开了!语法:1、 现在进行时及其否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句2、时刻、日期、季节的表达法3、电话用语文化意识:每个单元Good to know部分


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