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牛津广州版九年级(上)词汇精练Unit 1Unit 2一、中译英.盯着 困难 提醒 简短的 假的 交叉 评判 压力 正常的 象征 迷惑的 日常饮食 焦虑的 迅速地 平滑的 光亮的 广告 观察 以依据 兴高采烈地 二、根据句意及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词.1、Tom looked a about the result of his English exam when the teacher handed out the test papers.2、My brother had no d in throwing the ball into the basket. 3、Please me to carry the camera when we go hiking.4、The patients condition(状况) had r turned bad.5、His father left a b letter on the desk and hurried to the station.6、Dont s at me. I havent said anything about you.7、The children in the zoo watched the monkeys jumping up and down c .8、Jacks grandmother is so old that she has to eat with her f teeth.9、I was c by the labels (商标) on the glasses and didnt know which to choose.10、He sat on the comfortable armchair, c his legs.11、Rice, meat and vegetables are the d of our family every day.12、We should always b our opinions on facts.13、Its n to feel nervous when having such a big exam.14、Red has always been a s of celebration in Chinese culture.15、Jack often wears a pair of s leather shoes (皮鞋). He pays a lot of attention to his looks.16、We shouldnt j a student only by his exam results.17、Jane felt a bit of p when she first gave a speech in front of all the students.18、We will find that Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) are very similar to humans when we o them carefully.19、The man is reading an a in the newspaper to find a part-time job.20、How beautiful she is! Her skin is as s as silk.三、英译中.college n. key n. gesture n. movement n. relaxed adj. impolite adj. avoid v. hesitate v. remind v. honest adj. exam n. convenient adj. entrance n. suit v. dirt n. secretly adv. foolish adj. harmful adj. care v. mind v. 四、根据句意及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词.1、My sister wants to study in a c when she finishes middle school.2、My parents always tell me that the k to success is hard work.3、Seeing the policeman make a g at him, the driver stopped his car at once.4、The farmer noticed a sudden m in the grass and wondered if there was a snake there.5、The students were r and happy after the final exam.6、It is i to ask a womans age in western countries.7、People planted the Great Green Wall (绿色长城,三北防护林) to a the soil(土壤) being washed away.8、He jumped into the river without h when he heard a girl crying for help.9、The old pictures r me of my childhood.10、 She is a very h person, and she never tells a lie.11、Keep quiet, please. The students are having a maths e in their classroom now.12、 Kate was standing at the e of the park, waiting for her friends.13、I dont think your new clothes really s you.14、When Tom got home yesterday, his face, hands and clothes were all covered in d .15、Jim didnt want to do his homework at home, so he s went out to play in the garden without telling his mother.16、The boy is f to believe that watermelons grow on trees.17、Eating too many sweets may be h to childrens teeth.18、Your messy (凌乱的) hair needs a good c .19、I feel a little hot in the room. Do you m my turning on the fan?20、The subway is near my home so its c for me to go out.


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