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新目标英语八年级上册Units1-2练习题 2014.9.26Class: _ Name: _ Marks:_ 一、单项填空。 ( )1. Would you like to go to the movies with me? I am sorry. I am busy with writing e-mail on Internet. A. an; aB. a; an C. a; / D. an; the( )2. Whats wrong with the pigs, Mom? Maybe they are . I forgot to feed them this morning. A. full B. boring C. friendlyD. hungry ( )3. Did you enjoy at the party last night, Amy? Yes. I had a good time. A. yourself B. herselfC. myselfD. himself( )4. Bob, do you like keeping a every day? Oh, yes. Its good for my writing. A. habit B. point C. program D. diary( )5. Why do you look unhappy, Lucy? I cant learn math well I always work hard. A. becauseB. andC. although D. so( )6. Mom, I dont know what I should buy for my friends birthday. Dont worry. You have enough time to .A. tryB. likeC. need D. decide( )7. What do you think of the book, Ted? Its difficult for me although there are new words in it. A. little B. few C. many D. much( )8. Why dont you help your little son? Because he is to dress himself. A. little enough B. enough little C. old enough D. enough old ( )9. Why do you want another job, Mark? Because I think the job is , and it always makes me feel .A. boring; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; boring D. bored; bored( )10. Hi, Mark. Im new here. Can you tell me about our school? Of course, Linda. A. somethingB. anything C. everythingD. nothing( )11. Would you like to be a doctor or a guide, Susan? Oh, no. I dont like jobs. A. quite B. such C. too D. very( )12. Peter a letter to his pen pal last night. A. write B. is writing C. wrote D. writes( )13. Do you like eating junk food, Lu Ming? No, I eat it. Its bad for our health. A. neverB. oftenC. sometimesD. always( )14. When did you the car? It looks nice. Oh, I it three days ago. A. buy; buyB. bought; boughtC. buy; boughtD. bought; buy( )15. How often do you watch TV, Tony? . A. One week B. Once a week C. In one week D. For one week二、完形填空。Betty is a high school student. She often 16 up early every day. She makes her bed and washes 17 face quickly. She often has milk and bread for 18 .She usually goes to school on foot. 19 yesterday she went there by bus. She is never 20 for school. She is good 21 math. Her favorite 22 is history. After school, she likes dancing and 23 the piano. Betty sometimes 24 novels (小说) in the school library. She usually walks back home. Betty often helps with housework on weekends. She likes watching TV very much. And she watches TV every day. She hardly ever eats junk food. She thinks its 25 for her health. ( )16.A. takesB. climbsC. gets D. looks ( )17.A. herB. yourC. his D. my( )18.A. dinnerB. homeC. breakfast D. lunch( )19.A. ButB. AlthoughC. Because D. So( )20.A. niceB. goodC. early D. late( )21.A. withB. atC. on D. in( )22.A. penB. tripC. subjectD. term( )23.A. making B. thinkingC. buyingD. playing( )24.A. readsB. listensC. looks D. goes( )25.A. friendlyB. badC. great D. popular三、阅读理解。AKevin lived in a village in Africa. One morning, the teacher came into Kevins classroom with a new girl. “Hi, guys! My name is Jenny. I am from America. I came to Africa with my dad. Its nice to meet everyone,” the girl said. Kevin noticed (注意) that he looked different from Jenny. As soon as school was over, he ran home to ask his mother, “Mom, there is a new student Jenny in our class today. She comes from the US. Everyone in Africa has curly hair, right? Then, why is Jennys hair straight?” Mom thought for a minute and said, “Its always hot in Africa. Curly hair is like a sponge (海绵) with many holes (洞), so the air can get in and out easily. If your hair was like Jennys straight hair, you wouldnt be able to stand the heat (热). Our curly hair is necessary (必要的)!” ( )26. Jenny came from . A. AfricaB. the US C. AsiaD. the UK( )27. What was Jenny like? A. She was tall.B. She had curly hair. C. She was thin.D. She had straight hair. ( )28. From the second paragraph (段), we cant learn .A. Kevin did not like Jenny B. people in Africa have curly hair C. Jenny and Kevin were in the same class D. Kevin went home on foot( )29. The underlined word “stand” means “ ” in Chinese. A. 站立B. 忍受 C. 接受D. 挥发( )30. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Kevin lived in a small city. B. Jenny came to Africa with her mother.C. Kevins mother had curly hair. D. Kevin wanted to have straight hair.B栏是某五则招聘信息,栏是七个人的情况简介,请将它们匹配起来,并将答案的字母编号填在题前的括号内。(有两项多余)( )31. We need a computer typist (打字员). Your job is to receive e-mails from and send them to our customers (顾客). ( )32. Do you like children? Can you tell jokes, sing and dance? Here are five kids of 3-5 years old for you to look after. ( )33.Our tourist company wants two girls to answer telephones. You must be between 18 and 25 years old. And you must speak Chinese well. ( )34. Do you play basketball well? Are you free on weekends? Our club needs a coach (教练) to teach kids to play basketball. ( )35. We want a driver. You must be a man of 25-35 years old. You dont have any records (记录) of traffic accidents. A.Sally is 22 and graduated from a tourist university. She likes talking to people and speaks Chinese well. B. Mary is a 28-year-old girl. She is good-looking and has rich experience in selling clothes. C. Mr Hand is 32. He has a ten-year history of driving and has never had any accident. He always drives carefully. D. Danny is looking for a job. He studied computer science in college. And he can type both in English and Chinese very fast. E. David is a college student and good at ball games like baseball, basketball and tennis. He is free on weekends. F. Nancy is good at singing and dancing. She can also tell funny stories. She likes kids. G. Mr Green writes good music but he cant sing well. He wants to work as a professional composer (作曲家). 四. 根据汉语句子完成英语句子。36. 我们想爬到山顶。We want to _ _ to the top of the hill.37. 玛丽在那做什么特别的事了吗? Did Mary do _ _ there?38. 他爸爸每周去打三次高尔夫球。 His father plays golf _ _ a week.39. 我从来不吃油炸食品,觉得不健康。I never eat fried foods. They _ _ be unhealthy.40. 海伦每月至少吃一次火锅。 Helen has hot pot _ _ once a month. 五、词汇练习。根据句子意思及所给汉语提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。41. Linda _(不喜欢) math. She thinks its difficult. 42. _(在线的) shopping is very popular among young people.43. Grandmother feeds her _(母鸡) well, because she wants to have more eggs. 44. My uncle is a _(牙医) and I often ask him to clean my teeth. 45. My umbrella is _(不同的) from yours.六、结合上下文意思填空,每条横线填一个意义相符的单词。Chaire is my cousin. She is a very kind girl. Every weekend she (46)_ her bike to her fathers farm. She helps to look after hens and pigs on the (47)_. Chaire often (48)_ to me. Through her letters, I know every weekend she (49)_ herself. Just now, I heard from (收到来信) Chaire again. From her (50)_, I know last weekend she did something (51)_ from the usual. What did she do? (52)_ of the rain, she didnt go to her fathers farm last weekend. She stayed at home and helped her mom do the housework (53)_ as washing the clothes and doing the dishes. In the evening, her mom taught her to make (54)_. In the letter, Chaire said (55)_ she didnt go to the farm, she still had fun. She hoped the weather would be sunny next weekend, and then she could go to the farm to see the cute animals. 七、读写综合。A. 信息归纳: 儿时的一次北京之旅,开启了他游览世界各地的梦想,并帮助他成为一个执着的旅行者。阅读下面的短文,然后填写信息表。Jerry loves traveling. When he was five, his father took him to Beijing for a short visit. He was greatly amazed at the beauty of the capital city and hoped to see more of the world. At the age of seven he traveled with his mother and got lost during the trip. Finally his mother found him happily eating ice cream at the police station. In college, he spent nearly all his holidays traveling. But Jerry never asked his parents for money. Instead he made money by selling his paintings. Last month Jerry flew to Paris. He had very little money on him. However, he was not worried. On the first day, he drew pictures for people near the airport. His pictures were nice and lots of people came to buy them. Jerry sold them at good prices and made enough money for his traveling. He visited the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral. He also visited Disneyland Park. Jerry will leave for South Africa soon. Information Card56. Jerry likes very much.57. Jerry _ with his father at the age of five.58. Jerry made money by _.59. Jerry got to Paris by _.60.Jerry seems never to feel_ about traveling.B 书面表达。先填写下面的表格,然后以My weekend 为题,根据表格信息写一篇70词左右的英语短文。WeatherPlaceTimeWith whomHowWhat I doFeelings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案:一、1-5 DDADC6-10 DBCAA11-15 BCACB 二、16-20 CACAD21-25 BCDAB 三、26-30 BDABC 31-35 DFAEC 四、36. climb up 37. anything special 38. three times 39. seem to 40. at least五、41. dislikes 42. Online 43. hens 44. dentist 45. different六、46. rides 47. farm 48. writes 49 enjoys 50. letter 51. different 52. Because 53. such 54. dinner 55. although七、56. traveling 57. visited Beijing 58. selling his paintings 59. plane 60. boredOne possible version:WeatherPlaceTimeWith whomHowWhat I doFeelingsSunnyThe supermarket in the city centerSaturday morningMy motherBy busBuy some clothes and foodTired but happy My weekendLast Saturday was sunny. I went to the supermarket in the city center with my mother in the morning. It was a little far from our home, so we went there by bus. There my mother bought a green skirt and a pair of shoes for me. They were very nice. And my mother bought some food. When we got home, I was very tired but happy.参考答案:一、1-5 DDADC6-10 DBCAA11-15 BCACB 二、16-20 CACAD21-25 BCDAB 三、26-30 BDABC 31-35 DFAEC 四、36. climb up 37. anything special 38. three times 39. seem to 40. at least五、41. dislikes 42. Online 43. hens 44. dentist 45. different六、46. rides 47. farm 48. writes 49 enjoys 50. letter 51. different 52. Because 53. such 54. dinner 55. although七、56. traveling 57. visited Beijing 58. selling his paintings 59. plane 60. boredOne possible version:WeatherPlaceTimeWith whomHowWhat I doFeelingsSunnyThe supermarket in the city centerSaturday morningMy motherBy busBuy some clothes and foodTired but happy My weekendLast Saturday was sunny. I went to the supermarket in the city center with my mother in the morning. It was a little far from our home, so we went there by bus. There my mother bought a green skirt and a pair of shoes for me. They were very nice. And my mother bought some food. When we got home, I was very tired but happy.

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