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湘教版八年级英语下学期晚期陷阱题专项训练单项选择(共80小题)l We cant go there together , _ you _ I can go .A Both , and B Neither , nor C .Either, or D .Between, and l Ill take you about half an hour _ the hospital.A get B to get C .get to D . to get tol Liu Mei is a good ,kind girl . _.A. So I am B. So she is C. She is so D. So is she l When you are waiting for a bus _ the bus stop .you must stand _line .A .in ,at B .in ,on C. at ,in D , at ,on l Could you _ were seven years old ? A . play the basketball B. play the piano C .played a piano D .play a basketball l Can you _ the differences between the two questions ? A. find for B . look for C . find out . D . look at l The girl was poor ,so she couldnt afford _a ticket .A . to buy B . bought C . buying D . buy l The baby is crying. Can you made it _?A .to stop to cry B . to stop crying C . stop to cry D . stop crying l The book _how to lose weight is very popular .in the USA now .A .in B. called C . is called D . name l I didnt see_.A. what did the boy happen B. What the boy happened C . What happened to the boy D . W hat the boy did happen l _ one of them _ to stay at home ?A. Does ,have B. Do ,have C .has ,do D . Have ,do l The doctor told me _ more water .A. drinking B . drank C .to drink D. drink l Youd better _ in the sun .A. not to read B .not read C .read D .didnt read l He was born _ November 1st ,1968.A . on .B .in C .at D .from l -_ I watch TV after supper ,mum ? -No ,you _finish your homework first .A .May ,must B .Must ,may C .Can ,may , D .May ,can l I saw him_ _ basketball on the playground just now .A. playing B. to play C .plays D .played l Lin Hong wasnt _ to catch up with them .A. fast enough B .enough fast C .slowly enough D .enough slowlyl They stopped _ ,but there was no sound .A .listen B. hear C . plays D .played l -it was cold yesterday.-_.A. So it was B. So was it C. It was so .D. Was it so l His father made him _ at home all day .A. stay B. to stay C .staying D. stayedl Things are _ on the moon than on the earth.A. much lighter B. much heavier C .more lighter D .more heavier l “_ away this old T-shirt and _ me the new one .” he said .A. Bring ,take B. Take , bring C. Get ,take D. Bring ,carry l The novel is very _ ,and we are _ in it .A. interesting , interesting B. interesting ,interested C. interested , interested D. interested ,interestingl Sasha and Masha_ from Moscow. A. both are B .are both C .are all D .all are l _ fun we had ! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a l -Must I stay at home and take care of the baby?- No ,you _.A. mustnt B .wont C .cant D .needntl Well leave at six tomorrow morning .come _ you can .A. as lately as B . as late as C. as early as D. so early asl While we _ the classroom, our teacher _in.A. clean ,came B .were leaning coming C. were cleaning ,came D .cleaned ,is coming l You read this lesson quiet well. Now lets _ the next one .A. go on reading B. go on to read C .go in D. go on read l I want to tell you _ about the famous singer .A. interesting something B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. anything interesting l Well phone you as soon as we _ there tomorrow.A. got B. will get C. are getting D. get l _ his friends nor he _ eating sandwiches.A. Either ,like B. Neither ,likes C. Neither ,like D. Either ,likes l -Did you go to the zoo yesterday ? - No ,some of us went to the museum _ the zoo ,the others went to the cinema,_ .A. instead ,instead B. instead of , instead of C. instead , instead of D. instead of ,instead l Be quick ,_ youll be late for school.A. and B. but C. or D. so l The problem was too difficult for the children ,so _of them worked it out .A. a little B. a few C. little D. a lot l He found _ them _ cats .A. it B. this C. that D. its l The old man stays here _ ,but he isnt _ .A. alone ,lonely B. alone ,alone C. lonely, alone , D. lonely ,lonelyl Please tell them _cats.A. not to play B. not to play with C. dont play with D. to not play with l There is _ hole in _ wall of _ office . A. a, the ,/ B. the ,the ,the C. a, the ,the D. the ,/,the l What _ you _ when it started to rain ?A. did ,do B. were doing C. are doing D. were do l Wei Min is better _ English _ me .A. as ,as B. on ,than C. at ,than D. in ,as l Bruce is _ boy .A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-year old C. an eight-year-old D. eight years old l Linda _ to bed until she finished doing her maths homework last night .A. went B. go C. dont go D. didnt go l It s very nice _ you _ so .A. for ,doing B. of ,to do C. of ,do D. for ,to do l Mary is _ student ,she often helps granny Li with the housework .A. quite good B. a good quite C. quite a good D. good a quite l Would you please _ any noise here ? your mother is sleeping now .A. not make B. not to do C. not to make D. not do l Suddenly I heard a strange _ downstairs .then came a man s _ , “whos over there ?”A. sound ,voice B. voice ,sound C. noise ,sound D. sound ,noise l She is trying _ the work on time .A. finish B. finished C. to finish D. finishes l I find _ easy _ English .A. that ,study B. it ,to study C. its ,study D. it ,studying l This pair of shoes _ mine .A. have B. are C. is D. has l I heard someone next door _ some beautiful songs .A. to sing B. sing C. sings D. singing l Its time for us _ .A. for leaving B. leave C. to leave D. left l He is forgetful . he always _his things behind .A. leave B. forget C. leaves D. forgets l He spent lots of time _ unusual things with the old computer .A. do B. to do C. doing D. did l Tom is very shy ( ) .dont play jokes _ him .A. at B. in C. on D. by l There is a dog _ on the floor .A. lie B. to lie C. lying D. lay l English is as _ as maths ,I think.A. important B. more important C. most important D. less important l Congratulations _ you _ your good result .A. to ,for B. to ,on C. for ,on D. for ,to l _ lost _ in the computer games .A. We ,myself B. He ,himself C . She ,themselves D. they ,ourselvesl The baby is asleep . _ the radio ,will you ?A. Turn on B. Turn off C. Put on D. Put off l -may I do my homework after e watch TV ?- No ,you _ ,you _do your homework first .A. may mot ,must B. mustnt must C. may not ,can D. neednt must l Neither I nor John _cooking at home .A. does like B. like C. likes D. liking l Peter doesnt feel like _ that film .A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching l We had to work for hours to stop the rain from _ in .A. come B. to come C. coming D. came l This room is too small _ us to _.A. for ,live B. of ,live C. for ,live in D. of ,live in l The teacher hopes us not to make the same mistake in our homework _ .A. any more B. more C. and more D. any more again l I dont know _ next .A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to do D. how to use l “youd better _ too much meat .” said the doctor.A. not to eat B. to eat C. not eat D. eating l Mrs. black eats _ meat ,so she is _ fat now .A. too much ,much too B. much too ,too much C. too much ,too much D. much too ,much too l Please _ the knife to him as soon as he _ back .A. will give ,will come B. give ,comes C. will give, comes D. give will come l -I dont want to watch that film .A. So do I B. So I do C. Neither do I D. Neither I do l Uncle Wang is telling us a story _ .A. in a low voice B. on a low voice C. in a low sound D. on a low voice l Tom hit John _ face .A. in the B. in C. on his D. on l She is a _ girl ,she does everything _ .A. careful ,careful B. carefully ,carefully C. careful ,carefully D. carefully ,careful l It _ toms book._ your book is in your desk.A. may be ,Maybe B. may be ,May be C. maybe ,Maybe D. maybe ,May be l _ either you or your father cook dinner on weekdays ?A. Do B. Are C. Does D. Is l He went out without _ anything.A. speaking B. telling C. talking D. saying l She is one of _ in our school .A. more popular ,teacher B. many popular, teacher C. the most popular, teachers D. the popular ,teacher l -I like watching TV .what about you ?-_.A. So do I B. I do so C. So am I D. So did I l There is no more _ in that _ for so many people .A. room ,rooms B . rooms ,room C . room ,room D. rooms ,room根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空.(共52小题)l Who jumped _ (far) in your class?l The little girl is playing _ (happy).l Well help her to find the _ (miss) bag.l Boys ,help _(you) to some chicken ,please.l Hainan island is one of the _ ( large ) islands in China.l Tom learns Chinese all by _ ( he ).l This pen is very expensive . I want to buy a _ (cheep ) one .l One of his _(tooth ) is bad ,so it s hard for him to eat things .l Nobody _(know) where the ticket is .l The man looks _(worry),doesnt he ?l I think the green bike is the _(bad ) of all.l My little dog s _ die )makes me very sad .l September is the _(nine )month of the year .l The children enjoyed _(they )in the park yesterday.l Walk along the road ,and turn left ft the third _(cross).l Our teacher came into the classroom very _ (quiet ).l The foreign _(visit ) will come to the Great Wall tomorrow .l _(Italy ) ,like to play football in the street .l I dont want any of them to get _(lose).l What an _(interest )story it is !l The others wont l Be _(please)if you jump the queue.l She was one of the best _(sing)at the concert.l It _(seem)that you are younger.l The teacher made him _(stay)in the classroom after school.l Both of the answers _(be )wrong.l Neither of them _(be )good at Chinese.l Either the boys or Lucy _(have)some mew books .l Neither Tom nor his brother _(be )right.l The boys watered the flowers .so _ (do ) Lily.l Itll take me about an hour _(do )my homework .l Its your turn _(answer)this question.l Jim fell down from the tree and his right leg _(hurt).l The woman had to _(wait )for her turn .l They are waiting for the rain _(stop).l She is too young _(go )to school.l The students were busy _(sweep)the classroom.l I usually forget _(close) the door ,but I remembered _(close)it when I left yesterday.l The teacher told the students _(not talk )in class.l Youd better _(not go )to school late .l Ill tell him as soon as he _(read )books .l She doesnt feel like _(eat )anything today .l The accident stopped us from _(come )here on time .l After a while the baby stopped _(cry)and smiled.l I have to buy a new pen because my pen is _(miss).l Thank you for _(invite )us to your home .l I can hear a girl _(sing )English songs every night .l They listened to the news _(silent).l After we had a short rest on the mountain ,we went on _(climb)it up.l All the runners are standing at the _(start )line .l How _(bright the moon shines today!l Would you please _(decide)which one to choose as soon as possible?l Kate _(not go )to bed until her mother came back .l The man fell off his bike and _(lie)on the road .l I looked at the man and the woman _(angry)because they were talking _(loud).l He couldnt run as _(quick)as his brother .l “what does this word _?”whats the _ of this word ?” (mean )l The lady came to _(her ) after her daughter gave her mouth _to _mouth _(breathe).句型转换.(共35小题)l Do you want to have a cup of tea ?(改为同义句)_you _to have a cup of tea ?l Mary is not wrong ,I think .(合并为一句)I _think Mary _wrong ,l These are few people in the street ,_ there ?(完成反意疑问句)Both mike and tom are at school . (变为否定句)_mike _tom _at school .l She left after we arrived . (改为同义句)She _ _ until we arrived .l Miss Li went to the classroom in a hurry ,there were a few books under her arm . (合并为一句)Miss Li _ to the classroom _ a few books under her arm .l It takes him several hours to play bridge every day . (改为同义句)He _ several hours _ bridge every day .l Is that a good idea ?Im not sure . (合并为一句)Im not sure _ _ a good idea .l Hurry up ,or you wont catch the early bus . (改为同义句)_ you dont hurry up ,youll _ the early bus .l I sometimes play computer games .(对划线部分提问)_ _do you play computer games ?l The man at the head of the queue is a teacher . (对划线部分提问)_ _ is a teacher ?l He doesnt want to do anything . (改为同义句)He doesnt _ _doing anything .l My father doesnt help my mother cook .my brother doesnt ,either . (改为同义句)_ my father _ my brother _my mother cook .l Liu Mei is a very kind girl . (改为同义句)_ _ _ girl Liu Mei is !l Maybe he is our headmaster . (改为同义句)l They all had a good time last Sunday .They all _ _ last Sunday . (改为同义句)l In the library we should be quiet .Dont _ any _ in the library . (改为同义句)l He is looking for his pen here and there . (改为同义句)He is looking for his pen _. l There was nobody at home . (改为同义句)There wasnt _ at home .l She often leaves her son _ _ at home . (改为同义句)She often leaves her son _ _ at home. l The ice is very thin ,we cant skate on the ice . (合并为一句)The ice is _ thin _ skate on .l She has breakfast at seven in the morning . (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ breakfast at seven in the morning ,l Get up early and you wont be late .(改为条件状语从句)If you _ get up early ,you _ be late . l Can I borrow your dictionary ? (改为同义句)Can you _ your dictionary _ me ?l We had to buy a mew computer ,_ _ ? (完成反意疑问句)


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