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课本知识整理八年级下 Unit 1 Will people have robots?【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语1 There will be 将会有2 There is going to be +单数将会有3 There are going to be+复数. 将会有4 Study at home on computers 在家里的电脑上学习5 in 100 years=100 years from now 100年后6 Everything will be free 一切将免费7 on paper 纸上8 live to beyears old 活到.岁9 in the future 将来10 less pollution 较少的污染11 free time 空闲时间12 on a space station 在太空站13 fall in love with 爱上.14 Olympic Games 奥林匹克15 come true 实现16 look smart 看起来时髦17 for the first time 第一次18 more than 比多, 超过。19 less than 少于,不到.20 at least 至少21 work for. 为工作, 效力于22 far away (from) 离很远23 be able to 能够24 hundreds of 大量,许多, 好几百25 thousands of 数以千计的, 好几千26 the World Cup 世界杯27 fewer people 较少的人 28 use the subways less 更少用地铁29 be crowded 拥挤的30 Cities will be big and crowded. 城市将会变得大而拥挤31 uncountable nouns 不可数名词32 be in high school 在读高中33 be in college 在读大学34 What sport will she play? 她将会做什么运动?35 the city of tomorrow 未来的城市36 tall buildings 高楼37 live in an apartment 住在公寓里38 fly rockets to the moon 发射火箭到月亮上39 as a reporter 作为一名记者40 I dont like living alone 我不喜欢一个人住41 keep a pet parrot 养一只鹦鹉作为宠物42 wear a suit 穿一套制服43 dress more casually 穿得更随意44 go to .on vacation 去度假45 fly to the moon for vacations 去月亮上度假46 Predicting the future can be difficult 预测将来是困难的II. 重要句型1. Will there be less pollution? No, there wont. 2. There will be more pollution. 3. Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. 4. Kids wont go to school. Kids will study at home on computers.III. 交际用语People will have robots in their homes.There will be less pollution.There will be fewer trees. IV. 重要语法1. 表数量多少的比较级的使用:fewer, less. 2. 使用“will / wont动词原形”表示对未来的预测。学习一般将来时的正确表达。 【课文解析】 1. Will people use money in 100years? 一百年后人们还会使用钱币吗?1) money 金钱;货币 eg Whats the money? paper money 纸币;钞票2) in 100 years 在100年之后“in+一段时间”常用在将来时态中eg 我一小时后来。_三天后我再见你。_2. There will be less leisure time空闲时间会更少。1) less 形容词:较少的(是little的比较级),修饰不可数名词,其最高级是_;反义词是_。eg 简不如玛丽漂亮。_5比6少。_2) leisure time 空闲时间eg 你空闲时间做些什么?_3. I think there will be more pollution 我认为将会有更多的污染产生。1) think后跟的是宾语从句,且宾语从句是there be句型的一般将来时,结构为“there will be+物+其他成分”。eg 我认为明天会下雨。_我认为将来树木会更少。_2) pollution表示“污染”,用作不可数名词。例如:They did a lot to stop water pollution_4. I dont agree 我不同意。agree在本句中作动词,I dont agree是一句交际用语,表示“不赞成某人或某人的观点”,如果表赞成,则为I agree。1) 表示“同意某人意见”时用agree with sb,该短语不能用于被动语态。eg你同意他的意见吗? _我不同意她所说的。_厌做某事”。eg他讨厌花朵。_我讨厌在那个湖里游泳。_8. Ill probably go skating and swimming every day. 我会每天都去滑冰和游泳。1)go doing sth. 结构,表示“去做 去滑冰_去游泳_去买东西_ 去钓鱼_去划船_eg 我爸爸每周都去钓鱼。_我喜欢去滑冰。_2) every day与everyday区别:every day表示“每天”,通常与一般现在时连用;而everyday表示“日常的,每天发生的,每日所用的”,是形容词。例如: 我每天6点起床。_今天他穿一身便服。_9. During the week Ill look smart,and probably will wear a suit在工作日里,我会看上去很精神,也许会穿一身套装。1) during表示“在期间”,during the week是介词短语,意为“在工作日里”。 eg太阳在白天给我们阳光。_他在上课时睡着了。_2) look表示“看上去”,用作连系动词,其后接形容词作表语。eg那只狗看起来很危险。_今天你看上去很漂亮。_3) wear表示“穿”,表示状态,用一般现在时表示经常状态,用现在进行时表示暂时状态。eg我们在下雨天穿雨鞋。_ 她穿着一件新衣服。_她戴眼镜吗?_put on是“穿上”,“戴上”的意思,强调动作。eg 她穿上红色大衣出去了。_注意:put on是一时的动作,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。他整天戴着草帽。 误:He puts on a hat all day. 正:He wears a hat all day. 10. Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation 我会去香港度假。on vacation意为“在度假”,on表示“处于状态中”。eg He will go to Hangzhou on vacation他要到杭州度假。My father will be away on business tomorrow_11. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? 你认为明天的天气怎样?1) Whats the weather like? 是询问天气怎么样,相当于How is the weather?What be like?可以用来征求对方对某事的看法或意见,意思是“怎么样?” 类似的说法还有What do you think of? How do you like?等句型。egWhat is the book like? What do you think of the book?How do you like the book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?今天天气怎么样? _2) What isare1ike? 可用来提问天气情况,也可用来对人(或物)的外观、外貌提问,还可以用来对其特性提问。egWhats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?那个年轻女孩长什么样? _那本书怎么样? _12. There were many famous predictions that never came true(过去)有许多从没成为现实。著名的预测1) 本句中that never came true是个定语从句,用于修饰先行词predictions,that为引导词,作定语从句的主语,不可省略。2) come true指“理想,梦想等实现”。come是连系动词;true是形容词,做连系动词come的表语。egMy dream will come true someday. _Her dream to go to university has come true_语法讲解:一、一般将来时1用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词。如:go,come,leave,arrive等,也可用于其他动作动词。We are having fish for dinner.We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow. 这种用法通常带有表示将来的时间状语,如果不带时间状语,则根据上下文可表示2. 动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be的单复数形式。如There is a book on the desk. 课桌上有一本书。 How many people are there in the city? 这个城市里有多少人口? There is a pen and two books on the desk.课桌上有一个钢笔和两本书。 There are two books and a pen on the desk.课桌上有两本书和一个钢笔。 There are some students and a teacher in the classroom.教室里有一些学生和一位老师。 There is a teacher and some students in the classroom.教室里有一位老师和一些学生。 3. 在therebe引起的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式主动形式和被动形式均可。 There is no time to lose (=to be lost). 时间紧迫。 There is nothing to see (=to be seen). 看不见有什么。 There is nothing to do. (=to be done)无事可做。 4、There is no doing.(口语)不可能.There is no telling when he will be back. 无法知道他什么时候回来。There is no knowing what he is doing. 无法知道他在做什么。【典型例题解析】例1 Are you _ your winter holiday next week?A. going to have B. will have C. had D. have例2 There _ a fashion show in my home town tomorrow evening.A. will have B. is C. will be D. is going to例3 He is happy that he _in a tall apartment next year.A. live B. lives C. will live D. will living例4.(2008年遵义市)All the _ a few _ taken with the welcoming groups. A. heros, photoes B. heros, photos C. heroes, photos单元测试卷一、单项填空1Do you think _more cars?Yes,there willAwill there beBare thereCthere will beDthey will2I will fly to the moon for vacation _Ain twenty yearsBafter twenty yearsCtwenty years agoDtwenty years before3I think Brazil will _in the next World CupAwin FranceBbeat FranceCbeat the World CupDlose France4I cant find my pen一It _in your pencil-boxAmayBmaybeCbeDmay be5There will be less _in the futureApeopleBtreesCcountriesDwater6I think people will live on the moon_I dont think people can live thereAI think soBYes,they willCI disagreeDIm sure7I think I will go to Hong Kong _vacationAinBonCatDwith8The English novel is quite easy for youThere are _ new words in itAa 1ittleB1ittleCa fewDfew9Tomorrow David will have an important meeting,so he will_a suitAwearBput onCdressD in10Hurry upIts time to leaveOK_AIm comingBIll comeCIve comeDI come11_will your grandfather be back to the office?In half an hourAHow oftenBHow longCHow farDHow soon12There _an English competition in the school this afternoonAis going to haveBis goingCis going to beDis13In many countries,there are already a lot of robots _in factoriesAworkingBworkCare workingDto work14I want to know _Awhen do they finish the workBwhen will they finish the workCwhen they will finish the workDwhen he finish the work15In Japan,many scientists have already made robots _Ato walkBwalkingCwalkare walking二、完形填空There are robots all around usSome do very 1 as like flying airplanes and driving subway trainsAnd some do simple jobsWhen an automatic(自动的)washing machine 2,water goes inThe machine waits until the water is hot3 washing the clothesIt does this by“feedback(反馈)”Information about whats happening is “feedback” into the robot to tell it 4 nextOur eyes,ears and other senses (感官) are our feedbackThey tell us5around usSo robots are like people in 6 waysThey work and they have feedbackBut 7 robots look like people Many are hidden awayRobots control (控制) the temperature of our houses,our cookers and our hot water systemsWe can set the controls to the temperature we wantThe robot does 8Its feedback usually comes from a thermostat (自动调温器)One kind of thermostat is a strip(条带)of metal(金属),which bends when it gets hotAt the right temperature,it bends just enough 9 a switchThis turns off the heatAs the air around it gets 10,the metal gets straight,and this turns the heat on again1AeasyBsimpleCdifferentD difficult2Ais switched on(打开)Bis switchedCis switchingDswitches on3AafterBbeforeCas soon asDwhile4Ahow to doB what to doCwhat to do itD to do what5Awhat will happenB whats happeningCto happen whatDsomething will happen6AsomeBanyCtwoDthree7AmanyBa lot ofCvery fewDa little8AsomethingBsomething other thingsChalf the workDthe rest9Ato workB workingCto workingDworks10AcoldBhotCcoo1Dwarm三、阅读理解AOne day a little boy came into a shopHe had five pence and wanted to buy some pears“Please give me pears for five pence,”he said to the shop assistantWhen the shop assistant gave him the pears,the boy counted themThen he said,“Last week my mother bought pears here for five pence, and she got more than I have got todayWhy did you give me so few?”“Dont ask questions,my boy, I have no time for questions”“But?”said the little boy“Its all right,my boy,”said the assistant,“Dont you understand? The fewer pears you get, the less fruit you will have to carry”“All right,”said the boyThen he put four pence on the counter and was going to leave“Come back!You must give me five pence”The shop assistant shouted“Thats all right,”said the boy,“Dont you understand? The fewer pence you get,the less money you will have to count”1Last week the boys mother bought pears here_Afor four penceBfor five penceCfor more money than the boy didDfor less money than the boy did2The boy thought_Ahe should get one more pearBhe should get fewer pears than the assistant gave himChe got fewer pears than his motherDhe got more pears than his mother3The shop assistant thought the boy_Awas stupidB was troublesomeCshould get fewer pears than his motherDwas too young to carry the pears4The boy thought the assistant_Abullied(欺负)the childrenBcould not countCcould not understand what he saidDwas too busy to count the money5According to the passage,the boy_Awas nimble(思维敏捷的)Bwas mean(吝啬的)C bothered about trifling matters(斤斤计较的)Dwas inconceivable(不可思议的)BOn October 12,2005,China launched its second manned spaceship,Shenzhou VI,sending two spacemen into spaceIt was the second time that our country had sent up manned spaceship after Shenzhou VChina has become the third country to send people to space after Russia and the USAShenzhou VI lifted off on a Long March 2F rocket from Jiuquan,Gansu ProvinceTwo spacemen Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng traveled around the earth 80 times in 115 hours and thirty-two minutes and landed safely in the Inner Mongolian grasslands on October 17,2005The spaceship has three modules(飞船舱):the orbital module where scientific experiments(实验) like testing space foods and drinks are done;the reentry capsule(轨道舱)where the spacemen spent most of their time and the service module,which has fuel(燃料),air and other technical equipment(技术设备)in itUnlike Yang Liweis space trip two years ago, Fei and Nie went up and down between the modules for scientific experimentsFor the first time,they took off their space suits and moved around in the modules freelyFrom space,Fei and Nie could make long distance calls to their families at the launch centreNies daughter even sang “Happy Birthday” to her Dad during the phone callIt is said that our country will launch Shenzhou VII in 2007The plan for Shenzhou VII 四、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1Exercise more and eat l_ junk food,and you will be healthy2I think there will be less p_ in the future3The teacher wants to hear everyones p_ about the future4His friend Mary k_ a pet pig in her house5They live in a big a_ near the beautiful lake6Last summer Peter and his parents f_ to Australia for their vacation7Yang Liwei is the first Chinese a_ who went into space8D_ the week,I will look smart and will be very busy9Robots wont get b_even if they do the same job over and over again10Nobody knows what will h_in the future五、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Im sure there_(be) robots in our homes in the future2He is a nice boyHe always_(get) to school early3It often_(rain) in summer in South China4Computers,space rockets and even electric toothbrushes _ (seem ) impossible a hundred years ago5They are_(try) to make the streets cleaner6Its a nice day_we_ (go) out for a walk?7Leavethe old bread in the gardenThe birds _ (eat) it8Yesterday she_(be)in ParisTomorrow she_(be) in London9Do you think Diana_(phone)us tonight?10It is very difficult for a robot_(do)the same things as a person does六、单句改错1 Its impossible to prediction who will win_2There will have a meeting tomorrow_He will be a teacher after a year_Will they play football after school? Yes,theyll_5There are different kind of books in the library_七、从A栏中选出B栏的合适答语AANo,there wontThere will be more and more studentsBI think soPeople will have bigger places to live inCYes,there willThe population will be smallDCertainlyAir will be cleaner and cleanerEYes,there willPeople will use them in everyday lifeFNo,there wontIt will be warmerB( )1Will there be more snow in 50 years?( )2Will there be fewer people in 1 00 years?( )3Will there be more computers in 10 years?( )4Will there be fewer schools in 20 years?( )5Will there be less pollution in 200 years?( )6Will there be more houses in 30 years?八、句型转换1I think they will go to the cinema the day after tomorrow(改为否定句)I they _ go to the cinema the day after tomorrow2Toms sister came back home five days ago(用in five days改写) Toms sister in five days3I think Jenny will be a doctor in the future(就画线部分提问)What_ Jenny in the future?4There isnt enough time left for us to finish the work(用tomorrow改写)There for us the work tomorrow5Predicting the future can be difficult(改为同义句) difficult the future上”,所以用I disagree表示不同意对方的观点。7B提示:go toon vacation意为“去度假”。8D提示:前一句提到“这本英文小说对于你来说很容易”,因此后一句说“这里面几乎没有生词”,words是可数名词,所以用few修饰。9A提示:表示“穿(衣服)”可以用put on和wear,这里不是表示“穿上”这个动作,而是“穿着”的状态,所以不用put on,用wear。10A 提示:Im coming意为“我这就来”,用现在进行时表示将来。11D 提示:在一般将来时里对“in(一段时间)”提问用How soon,意为“多久以后”。12C提示:There be句型的将来时为There will be或者There is going to be。13A提示:在There be句型里如果出现动词修饰主语的话,一般把动词加-ing变成动名词,整个句型为There be+主语+doing sth。14C提示:本句是一个宾语从句,要用陈述语序。15C提示:make sbdo sth“使某人做某事”。二、1D 提示:根据这一句和下一句话,有的机器人做简单容易的工作,有的做很难的工作。2A提示:洗衣机“被”打开,因此用被动语态is switched on。3B提示:在洗衣服之前,洗衣机会一直等,直到水热了以后才开始洗。4B提示:反馈信息告诉机器人下一步应该做什么。5B提示:我们的感官会告诉我们周围正在发生的事情。6C提示:根据后面一句,机器人可以工作,可以反馈信息,这是和人相似的两个方面。7C 提示:几乎没有机器人长得像人。8D提示:前一句说我们只要设定好想要的温度,剩下的(the rest)工作都由机器人来做。 9A提示:金属条会弯到足够的程度来运转开关。Enoughto do sth“足够(做某事)”。10C提示:金属条变弯后把加热器关掉,当周围的空气变凉(cool)以后,金属条又变直,使加热器打开,这种恒温机制就是这样运作的。三、1B 2C3B提示:从第一段最后一句“我没时间回答问题”,可以看出售货员觉得男孩很麻烦。4A提示:从文章后半部分可以看出男孩觉得售货欺负他人小。5A提示:男孩在这么短的时间里就说出了对付售货员的话,可见他的思维很敏捷。6B提示:由第一段最后一句知:到目前为止,中国、俄罗斯、美国三国已发射了人造飞船。故本题选B。7B提示:由第二段知:费俊龙和聂海胜环地球80次用了115小时32分钟,约5天。故本题选B。8B提示:由第三段知:宇宙员在轨道舱吃饭、喝水。故本题选B。9B提示:由第三段知:服务舱里有燃料、空气和其他技术设备。故B项错误。故本题选B。10B提示:由全文知:神舟五号飞船环球旅行,然后被发射到太空,然后升入太空的人脱下太空服在舱内移动,最后是神州六号在内蒙古大草原着陆。因此顺序为,故本题选B。四、11ess 提示:eat less junk food意为“少吃垃圾食品”。2pollution3prediction(s)提示:句意是“老师想听听每个人对于未来的预测”。4keeps 提示:keep a pet“养宠物”,这里Mary是第三人称单数,所以用keeps。5apartment6flew 提示:fly to“坐飞机到”,这里用般过去时。7Astronaut提示:句意为“杨利伟是第个进入太空的中国宇航员”。8During9Bored提示:句意为“机器人反复做同样的工作也不会厌烦”。10Happen提示:句意为“没人知道将来会发生什么事”。九、One possible version:I like EnglishI want to be an English teacher in ten yearsIll teach my students as well as possibleIll give my lessons in as much English as I canIll try my best to make my lessons lively and interesting Besides, students like listening to storiesSo Ill try often to tell my students stories in English,so that theyll be interested in English and it can improve their listeningI believe that I can become a good teacher

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