初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos同步练A卷

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初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos同步练A卷_第1页
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初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos同步练A卷_第2页
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初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos同步练A卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 10 页 初中外研 新标准 版八年级英语下册 Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos同步练 A卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 英汉互译 共 1题 共 1分 1 1 分 2016七上 长春月考 We have an art on December 5th this year 二 单项选择 共 12题 共 24分 2 2 分 2018七下 雅安期末 After class the students can t relax And they have to do their homework A too B also C either 3 2 分 2017 烟台模拟 Mom shall we have supper now Oh we won t have supper your dad comes back A until B since C while D after 4 2 分 Dale please move the table much because its legs are almost broken OK Dad A less carefully B carefully 第 2 页 共 10 页 C most carefully D more carefully 5 2 分 Colours can change our moods and make us happy or sad energetic or sleepy A to feel B feeling C felt D feel 6 2 分 2019九上 虹口期末 Do you still want to go camping in such cold weather have you changed your mind A and B or C but D so 7 2 分 2016七上 杭州开学考 Who to come with me David A want is B want does C wants is D wants does 8 2 分 Thank you for telling me your telephone number 第 3 页 共 10 页 A All right B That s right C It s hard to say D You re welcome 9 2 分 Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer We must down too many trees A keep people from cutting B prevent people from cutting C stop people from cutting D all the above 10 2 分 2017九上 抚宁期中 Is AC Milan Italian football club Yes It s one of most successful clubs in Italy A an B the C an the D 11 2 分 When did your father come back last night He didn t come back he finished all the work A until B while C if 第 4 页 共 10 页 D unless 12 2 分 What could I get my father for Father s Day getting him a tie A Why not B How about C Why don t you D How often 13 2 分 2016八上 大同期末 Please the radio I want to watch TV A turn off B turn on C turn to 三 完形填空 共 1题 共 15分 14 15 分 2017七上 龙口期中 完型填空 I had a busy weekend On Saturday morning I 1 up late At eleven o clock I went shopping at a 2 Then I went 3 in a swimming pool After that I 4 lunch and then cleaned the house In the evening I went out 5 a restaurant with my friends We 6 a nice dinner and talked a lot 7 Sunday morning I also got up 8 After breakfast I 9 my grandparents in the countryside by bus I helped them 10 some clothes and 11 them funny stories They 12 very happy to see me I came back 13 at 6 p m After dinner I 14 an interesting book and went to bed 15 about half past nine 1 A get B got C getting 第 5 页 共 10 页 D gets 2 A hospital B zoo C library D supermarket 3 A to swimming B swam C swimming D swims 4 A cook B cooked C cooking D am cooking 5 A in B for C to D at 6 第 6 页 共 10 页 A cooked B drank C called D had 7 A On B In C At D For 8 A late B early C quickly D last 9 A saw B see C visited D visit 10 A washed B wash 第 7 页 共 10 页 C washes D washing 11 A tell B telling C told D to tell 12 A is B are C was D were 13 A home B to home C from home D for home 14 A read B readed C reading D to read 第 8 页 共 10 页 15 A in B on C at D for 四 阅读理解 共 1题 共 8分 15 8 分 根据材料内容 选择正确答案 Come and buy your clothes at Mr Cool s great sale For girls we have sweaters in red green and white at very good price only 20 The black shoes are only 22 For boys we have T shirts in black brown and red for only 13 You can also buy socks for only 3 Do you need bags for sports We also have great bags for only 5 Do you like shorts They are on great sale too Only 12 And that s not all Come and see for yourself at Mr Cool s Clothes Store 1 This is Mr Cool s A Food Store B Stationary Store C Book Store D Clothes Store 2 Girls can buy A black shoes B white shoes C blue sweaters D yellow sweaters 第 9 页 共 10 页 3 How much are a T shirt and a pair of shorts A 44 B 37 C 25 D 16 4 This passage is A a story 故事 B an ad 广告 C a note 便条 D a letter 信 第 10 页 共 10 页 参考答案 一 英汉互译 共 1题 共 1分 1 答案 略 二 单项选择 共 12题 共 24分 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 三 完形填空 共 1题 共 15分 14 答案 略 四 阅读理解 共 1题 共 8分 15 答案 略

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