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新目标英语七年级下册课堂过关训练15分钟课堂过关训练Unit 1 Wheres the post office?(A).词汇1.The supermarket is on the (five) Avenue.2.There are two (library)in our school.3.Ben has an (interest)book.4.Lets read from the (begin) of this book.5.This isnt my shirt.Its (you).根据句意,写出划线单词的反义词1.This room isnt .Its very big.2.Look at your hands!They arent .Theyre very dirty.3.Dont turn .Turn right.Then you can find the post office on your right?4.Give me that coat,please.That old one,not the one.5.Thats too noisy here.Please keep ,children.6.Your answer is wrong.His answer is .7.My mother is old,but she looks very .单项选择1.Please look around.What can you see your right?A.inB.on C.at2.Excuse me. to get to the airport?Take a taxi.A.WhatB.WhenC.How3.Let Jane the art club.She likes drawing.A.joiningB.joinC.joins4.The park is across the supermarket.A.inB.onC.from5.We can buy some in the foodmarket.A.breadB.baseballsC.clothes6. there a bank along the street?A.IsB.AreC.Am7.The pay phone is the post office and the library.A.inB.betweenC.near8.Martin is sitting next me.We are good friends.A.toB.onC.around9. there orange juice in the fridge?I dont know.A.AmB.AreC.Is10.My uncle will Beijing next Sunday.A.getB.arrive inC.arrive at.句型转换1.There are some cars on the street. there cars on the street?2.The video arcade is across from the bank. is the video arcade?3.Turn right and go straight along the Bank Street.Turn right go straight the Bank Street.4.Excuse me.How can I get to the post office?Excuse me. get the post office?5.The English club is next to the library.The English club is the library.情景对话,根据图示完成下面的对话A:Look at this map.Whats in my neighborhood?B:Let me see.There a school,a ,a bank,a park and a library in your neighborhood.A:Thats right.Wheres the bank?B:Its the school and the post office,and its the library.A:Yes.Youre standing at A.Go the Avenue and turn left.Go .What can you see your right?B:ErI can see the .A:Youre quite right.附参考答案:.1.Fifth 2.libraries 3.interesting 4.beginning 5.yours.1.small 2.clean 3.left 4.new 5.quiet 6.right 7.young.1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B.1.Are,any 2.Where 3.down 4.How to 5.beside.is,post office,between,across from,along,straight,on,post officeUnit 1 Wheres the post office?(B).词汇1.I live on a very (繁华的)street.2.My friend usually sits on a (长凳)near his house,reading books.3.When I am on a trip.Id like to live in a (旅馆).4.Whats in your (邻近地区)?5.John likes to live in a small house (带有)an interesting garden.用适当的介词填空1.There is a video arcade the busy street.2.You can phone me 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.tomorrow(明天) morning.3.They will arrive London next Monday.4.Can you tell me how to get the new park?5.Walk the Seventh Avenue.The hotel is your left.6.I put some lowers next my window.7.Is there a supermarket your neighborhood?8.Excuse me.Is there a post office here?.根据汉语提示翻译下列句子1.沿着这条街往前走,然后向右拐。Go this street,then .2.这儿附近有图书馆吗? there a here?3.让我来告诉你如何到达飞机场。Let me you how to the airport.4.看这张照片,站在我右边的是我父亲。Look this photo.The man is my father.5.我喜欢坐在公园的长凳上看书。I enjoy a bench the park.阅读理解Peter and Charly will go to the movie theatre.But Peter doesnt know the way.Charly writes the way on a piece of paper.Walk straight the Sun Avenue until you see a video arcade.Turn left and you are on the Centre Street.You will go past a library.Then turn right.Go straight and you will see a park in front of you.Go through the park and turn left.After you pass the seventh shop,you will see a supermarket.The movie theatre is next to the supermarket.You cant miss(错过) it.1.你能准确地说出图中标号的位置吗?A B C D E 2.回答下列问题(1)Where do Peter and Charly want to go?(2)Is the movie theatre near Peters home?(3)Where is the library?(4)Where is the movie theatre?.书面表达请你给远方的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你的邻近环境。Dear Lisa:I want to talk to you about my neighborhood. Yours,Li Yang附参考答案:.1.busy 2.bench 3.hotel 4.neighborhood 5.with.1.on/in 2.between 3.in 4.to 5.along/down on 6.to 7.in 8.near.1.along,turn right 2.Is,library,near 3.tell,get to 4.at,on my right 5.reading on,in.1.A.video arcade B.library C.park D.supermarket E.movie theatre2.(1)They want to see a movie.or:They want to go to the movie theatre.(2)No,it isnt.(3)Its on the Centre Street.(4)Its next to the supermarket.略Unit 2 Why do you like koala bears?(A).词汇1. live in Australia.Theyre very lovely.2.A can help you find the right place.3.Sunday is the day of the week.4.I like monkeys.Theyre very .5.Sh!Be quiet.The baby is .6.The turn yellow in autumn.7.Where are the pandas from?Theyre from .8.My little brother is eight old.9.My father is very busy.He 8 hours every day.10.Many people keep dogs at home because they are and intelligent.单项选择1. animals do you like?I like penguins.A.What B.How C.Whose2.Where is he ?South Africa.A.goB.fromC.like3.Chinese is different English.A.toB.withC.from4.Tom to bed early but his brother doesnt.A.goesB.is goingC.go5.Look!The elephant grass and leaves.A.eatB.eatsC.is eating.情景对话A:Hi,Peter! B:Im going to the zoo.A: .What animal do you like?B: .A:Why?B:Because theyre strong and intelligent.What about you?A: because theyre cute.B:Where are the koala bears from?A:Oh, .A.I like koala bears.B.I like elephants.C.Where are you going?D.Theyre from Australia.E.It sounds great.句型转换:就划线部分提问1.She usually relaxes 5 hours every day.2.Ken is 13 years old.3. At night,she does her homework.4.They like penguins because theyre cute.附参考答案:.1.Koala bears 2.map 3.first 4.clever/lovely 5.sleeping 6.leaves 7.China 8.years 9.works 10.friendly.15 ABCAC.CEBAD.1.How long does she relax every day?2.How old is Ken?3.When does she do her homework?4.Why do they like pengunis?Unit 2 Why do you like koala bears?(B).词汇1.My little brother is very (聪明的).2.I have a (地图)of the world.3.The people here are very (友好的).4.Lets play a game.You can have five (猜测).5. (有)some meat in that box.动词填空1.I (learn)English now.I (learn)two new words every day.2.Wheres Dick?He (take)Chip for a walk.He (take)him for a walk every evening.3. (be)you busy,Jeany?Yes,I (write)a letter.I always (write)to my pen pal every week.4.Dad,can you help me?Im sorry,dear.I (wash)the car.I (wash)it at the weekend.5.Its (rain)outside.He cant (go)out.Now he (listen)to the radio in the living-room.阅读理解Many people have pets(宠物).Some people like rabbits very much.They have pet rabbits.Mr Trotter is a doctor.But he doesnt help sick(患病的)people,he helps rabbits.People call him“The Rabbit Doctor”.When their pet rabbits get sick,they give him a telephone.And Mr Trotter drives his car to the peoples houses.In the car,Mr Trotter has medicine(药)to help the sick rabbits to get well.Wherever(无论哪里)he goes,he is always welcome.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1.“Trotter”is a .A.a rabbitB.a dogC.a man2.Mr Trotter goes to peoples houses by .A.busB.carC.bike3.People telephone Mr Trotter when .A.they are sickB.their children are sickC.their pet children are sick4.The word“welcome” in the last line means .A.欢迎B.高兴的C.受欢迎的.书面表达请以“My favourite animal”为题写一篇短文,字数4060。内容:1.What is your favourite animal?2.Why is it your favourite animal?附参考答案:.1.smart 2.map 3.friendly 4.guesses 5.There is.1.am learning;learn 2.is taking;takes 3.Are,am writing,write 4.am washing;wash 5.raining,go,is listening.14 CBCC.My favourite animal is a cat.Its small with long hair.Its lovely.It is a little lazy.It likes sleeping.Every day when I get home,it always runs to me and welcomes me.It doesnt make me angry.I love it.Its name is Mi-mi.Unit 3 Id like a large pizza.(A).词汇1.I would like green pepper.A.likeB.wantC.have2.China is a large country.A.very bigB.very smallC.not big or small3.What would you like?A cup of juice,please.A.a kind of foodB.a kind of vegetablesC.a kind of drink4.What do you often do at night?A.in the eveningB.in the morningC.in the afternoon5.My cousin is a very smart girl.A.cleverB.uglyC.friendly.单项选择1.What would you like your pizza?A.inB.onC.at2.What would you like breakfast?A.atB.onC.for3.Their telephone number 3364750.A.areB.isC.be4. man under the tree is an Australian.A.TheB.AC.An5. your father usually go to work by bike?A.DoB.AreC.Does6. the teacher of Class Three?Mrs Li is.A.WhosB.WhoseC.What7. everyone in China like jiaozi?A.IsB.AreC.Does8.I would like a pizza olive and cheese on it.A.hasB.withC.and.情景对话A:What pizza would you like?B:Id like a large pizza.A:Oh, would you like it?B:Id like mushroom,green peppers,please.What about you?C:ErId like a pizza.A:Not large?C:No,I dont want a one.A:What would you like on it?C:I onions and tomatoes,please.A:For here or to go?B,C:To go.附参考答案:.15 BACAA.14 BCBA 58 CACB.size,What,on,medium,large,would likeUnit 3 Id like a large pizza.(B).词汇1.Im a little h .Would you please give me something to eat?2.There are many k of pizza in this shop.3.What s shirt would you like?4.This hamburger is very s .It has beef in it.5.I am a m of their fan club.选词填空salad,medium,order,juice,addressMaria arrives home very late.She is tired.So she telephones Pizza Express to some pizzas.She doesnt want a big one.She want a size pizza and one small orange .She says she like ,too.She tells them her .They will deliver her pizzas in half an hour.汉译英1.我想订两张电影票。I want to two .2.你想在上面加点什么?What on it?3.Pizza怎么拼写?How do you ?4.十分钟后您的电子邮件得送到。Well deliver your about ten .阅读理解The pandas face looks like a cats,but its fat body and short tail are like a bears.So people call this animal bear-cat.Scientists call it catbear.The panda has a very mild temperament(温和性情).It is very loveable.Everyone likes it very much.The panda is an animal only living in China.The northeast part of Sichuan Province and southern part of Gansu Province are its native home.Pandas like to climb trees.They live in the forests of high mountains,eating bamboo and drinking springwater(泉水).1.The panda mainly lives in .A.AmericaB.LondonC.China2. is like a cats.A.The pandaB.The pandas faceC.The pandas body3.Scientists call the panda .A.an animalB.a bear catC.a cat bear4.Where is the pandas native home?A.Gansu and SichuanB.Guangdong and GansuC.Hubei and Sichuan5.Whats the pandas food?A.Rice.B.Meat.C.Bamboo.附参考答案:.1.ungry 2.inds 3.ize 4.pecial 5.ember.order,medium,juice,salad,address.1.order,movie tickets 2.would you like 3.spell pizza 4.e-mail in,minutes.CBCACUnit 4 I want to be an actor.(A).词汇1.I am a .I go to school every day.2.I work in a .I see a lot of money every day.Its not mine.I count it for other people.3.Id like to be a .I like talking to people and writing stories.4.My parents work in a hospital.Theyre .5.Dont go up lions.Theyre .6. are afraid of policemen.7.I work in a hospital.Im not a doctor.People call me”angle in white”.I am a .8.Come and meet my friend Ann. mother wants to be a police officer.单项选择1.Is this your pizza?No,its not .A.myB.IC.mine2.What does he ?Hes a clerk.A.doB.jobC.work3.He likes talking to people and stories.A.writeB.writesC.writing4.When you learn English,dont be afraid mistakes.A.onB.ofC.about5.We must help when they are in trouble(处于困难).A.othersB.otherC.another6. do they work?In a library.A.WhatB.WhereC.How7.Would you like the animals?A.seeB.seeingC.to see8.My sister works a magazine.Shes a reporter.A.inB.atC.for9.I like to watch football match on TV,because its .A.interestingB.boringC.dangerous10.Whats your father doing?Hes talking my teacher now.A.forB.withC.at.情景对话,在B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语 A B1.What does he do?a.Yes,please.Id like a cup of tea.2.What do you want on your pizza?b.555-2559.3.Can I help you?c.Medium.4.Whats your telephone number?d.Hes an actor.5.Where are elephants from?e.Green pepper and onion.6.Why do you like penguins?f.384 Green Street.7.What size would you like?g.I want to be a policeman.8.Whats your address?h.Because they are cute.9.What do you want to be?i.Theyre from Africa.附参考答案:.1.student 2.bank 3.reporter 4.doctors 5.dangerous 6.Thieves 7.nurse 8.Her/Anns.15 CACBA 610 BCCAB.1d 2e 3a 4b 5i 6h 7c 8f 9gUnit 4 I want to be an actor.(B).词汇1.害怕 2.和谈话 3.尽可能的 4.想要做 5.在医院里 6.许多,大量 7.一种 8.外出 9.一名图书管理员 10.一名体育教练 .介词填空1.Are you afraid tigers?2.I would like to talk you after class.3.We run a store children 115 years old.4.I want to work actors.Its very exciting.5.We have many kinds pizzas.句型转换1.I see a lot of money every day.(改为同义句)I see money every day.2.I am a reporter. (对划线部分提问)What you ?3.She wants to be a sales assistant. (对划线部分提问) she to be?4.My uncle works in a restaurant.(对划线部分提问) your uncle work?5.I can cook Chinese and French food.(改为一般疑问句) you cook Chinese French food?.阅读理解Mrs Jones is a teacher.Her house isnt far from her school,and she always walks there in the morning.All the pupils in the school are very young.Today Mrs Jones walks to school as usual.Its very cold,the cold wind goes into her eyes and big tears run out of them.She reaches the school,opens the door and goes into the room.The room is nice and warm.Mrs Jones is very happy.A small boy looks at her for a few seconds and says,“Dont cry,school isnt very bad.”With these words he puts his arm around her.1.Mrs Jones is a .A.mother B.girl C.teacher2.Mrs Jones works in a .A.schoolB.factoryC.hospital3.Mrs Jones goes to work every day.A.by busB.on footC.by bike4.The small boy Mrs Jones and school very much.A.lovesB.dislikesC.doesnt likeUnit 5 How was your weekend?(A).词汇1.打羽毛球 2.做家庭作业 3.去海滨 4.去看电影 5.打扫房间 6.在星期六早晨 7.读书 8.举办晚会 9.呆在家里 10.买东西 11.访谈节目 12.怎么样? 13.少数,一些 14.从移开 15.想到,考虑 .单项选择1.Last week,seven kinds a movie.A.sawB.watchC.looked2.Last Sunday,my aunt cooked pizza me.A.toB.onC.for3.What did you do the weekend?A.inB.overC.for4.I English yesterday evening.A.studyB.studiedC.studyed5.Where were you yesterday?I stayed home,reading books.A.atB.inC.for6.My mother would like to visit on Saturday.A.relativesB.friendC.they7.Everyone in our class their holidays.A.enjoyB.enjoyingC.enjoys8.He sat there for a long time doing anything.A.withoutB.noC.not9.Did he to sleep late last night?A.wentB.goC.goes10. Sunday morning,I played soccer on my computer.A.InB.AtC.On.情景对话1.A:Where you last night?B:I at home.A:What did you ?B:I nothing.I just on a chair, of something.2.A:Hi,Pepe.B:Hi,Ken!Did you your weekend?A:Yes,I .B: did you do? did you go?A:I to the cinema.I a movie.Then I shopping with my mother.At night,I visited my aunt.We dinner together.She cooked pizza me.附参考答案:.1.play badminton 2.do ones homework 3.go to the beach 4.go to the movies 5.clean the room 6.on Saturday morning 7.do some reading 8.have a party 9.stay at home 10.go shopping 11.talk show 12.What about How about 13.a few 14.take away from 15.think of.15 ACBBA 610 ACABC.1)were,was,do,did,sat,thinking2)enjoy,did,What,Where,went,saw,went,had,forUnit 5 How was your weekend?(A).词汇1.打羽毛球 2.做家庭作业 3.去海滨 4.去看电影 5.打扫房间 6.在星期六早晨 7.读书 8.举办晚会 9.呆在家里 10.买东西 11.访谈节目 12.怎么样? 13.少数,一些 14.从移开 15.想到,考虑 .单项选择1.Last week,seven kinds a movie.A.sawB.watchC.looked2.Last Sunday,my aunt cooked pizza me.A.toB.onC.for3.What did you do the weekend?A.inB.overC.for4.I English yesterday evening.A.studyB.studiedC.studyed5.Where were you yesterday?I stayed home,reading books.A.atB.inC.for6.My mother would like to visit on Saturday.A.relativesB.friendC.they7.Everyone in our class their holidays.A.enjoyB.enjoyingC.enjoys8.He sat there for a long time doing anything.A.withoutB.noC.not9.Did he to sleep late last night?A.wentB.goC.goes10. Sunday morning,I played soccer on my computer.A.InB.AtC.


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