仁爱科普版八年级下Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show同步练习A卷

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仁爱科普版八年级下Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show同步练习A卷_第1页
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仁爱科普版八年级下Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show同步练习A卷_第2页
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仁爱科普版八年级下Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show同步练习A卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 17 页 仁爱科普版八年级下 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show同步练习 A卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 1 2 分 2016八上 松原期末 cups of water are there on the table Four A How much B How often C How long D How many 2 2 分 2015九上 卢龙期中 clean the classroom is Who cleaned it A How a B What a C What D How 3 2 分 2016七下 杭州期中 How long does it you to walk to the cinema Twenty minutes A spend B cost C take D pay 第 2 页 共 17 页 4 2 分 2018 苏州模拟 I will see what I can do but I can t anything A promise B plan C prepare D protect 5 2 分 2017八上 徐州期中 If you work hard and never you will learn Maths well A put up B pick up C give up D grow up 6 2 分 They are appointed to complete the work better with money and people A fewer fewer B less less C less fewer D fewer less 7 2 分 2017八上 雁江期中 The safety of food has become one of the problems in our daily life A more expensive B more important C most expensive D most important 第 3 页 共 17 页 8 2 分 The glass juice is falling down the ground Be careful A fill with B is full of C is filled with D full of 9 2 分 Chinese is a useful language more and more foreigners want to learn it A too to B very to C so that D such that 10 2 分 The world s fastest train can travel a speed of 525 kilometers per hour A in B of C at D with 二 情景交际 共 1题 共 5分 11 5 分 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 其中有两项多余 A Hi Li Xiang What are you going to do B I ve no idea A I m going to work on my uncle s farm Would you like to go with me B Yes I d love to A About 8 kilometers But we can go there by bus 第 4 页 共 17 页 B When shall we leave A It will take us about half an hour to get there B Then we can work there longer A OK Let s make it 6 30 then B Great A Where s the farm B How far is it from here C It will be sunny tomorrow D What about you E Why not make it a little earlier F See you later G What about seven thirty 三 完形填空 共 1题 共 10分 12 10 分 2019九上 福州开学考 阅读下列短文 从每小题所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出一个最佳 选项 If you want to do your homework right after school you may eat something before getting to work Never try to work when you are very1 Always do your homework before you get too tired Don t waits2 late in the evening or the homework will seem 3 than it really is Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than4work Have a short rest every forty minutes However don t divide up your time 5short to do anything You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without 6 Don t 7 doing your homework until the last minutes or you will have it on your mind and you won t 8your free time If you put off until the end of the week or even before a test you will have too much9 What s more you will have a fear of tests and can t get a good result Do your homework at the same time every day This will help you make it a 10 part of your daily 第 5 页 共 17 页 work Then it will make your free time more enjoyable 1 A full B hungry C angry D busy 2 A until B before C after D when 3 A hard B more hard C much hard D much hander 4 A an hour B one hour C an hour s D an hours 5 第 6 页 共 17 页 A so B too C such D very 6 A stop B stops C stopped D stopping 7 A put off B put on C put away D put up 8 A spend B take C enjoy D like 9 A do B to do 第 7 页 共 17 页 C doing D did 10 A habit B hobby C pleasure D joy 四 阅读理解 共 3题 共 30分 13 10 分 Mr Smith is a teacher He is near sighted 近视的 But he doesn t wear glasses One day he is walking in a street He is thinking something Suddenly a strong wind blows his cap off his head My Smith runs after it He wants to catch it but he can t At this time an old woman from a door of the house says to him Hi What are you doing sir Running after my cap Your cap Aha that s my black cat She says Your cat Sorry but where is my cap 1 What s the meaning in Chinese for a strong wind A 一阵狂风 B 一场大雨 C 一声雷响 D 一声尖叫 2 第 8 页 共 17 页 Why does Mr Smith run after the cat A He likes his cap B He wants to get his cap back C He sees the cat and can t catch it D He doesn t find his cat 3 What colour is Mr Smith s cap A White B Yellow C Black D Blue 4 Who has the cat A The old woman B Mr Smith C We don t know D Nobody 5 Which s not true A He runs after the old woman s cat B He thinks that black cat is his black cap C He is wearing a pair of glasses 第 9 页 共 17 页 D He is a teacher 14 10 分 2016九下 东台期中 阅读下列短文 从每题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 B In some science fiction movies evil robots refuse to die no matter how hard people fight back Now science fiction has become science fact For the first time scientists have made a robot that can take a beating 挨打 and keep on going Scientists from Cornell University made the robot which looks like a spider with four legs Until now even the most advanced 先进的 robot was almost certain to break down when it was damaged That is because its computer inside simply doesn t know how to make the machine work after its shape has changed To deal with this problem the scientists put eight motors 发动机 and two sensors 传感器 that read how the machine is working They all give signals to the machine s software Using this information the computer can then figure out the machine s shape at any moment The new technology is a big advance in robot making scientists say and it s far from scary It may someday help scientists create better artificial 假的 arms and legs and give new freedom to people who lose them It might also help scientists understand how people and animals figure out their own sense of place in space It has been difficult to design robots that can work well when the environment changes or when it s damaged says Olaf Sporns of Indiana University in US With this work we are nearer to solving this problem 1 Why do robots easily break down when they are damaged A They cannot repair themselves B The computer has changed a lot C They have no computers inside 第 10 页 共 17 页 D The computer cannot work if the robot changes 2 The new technology allows the robot to A do house work for humans B keep working after being damaged C remember a lot of information D tell people where it is 3 The underlined word them in Paragraph 5 refers to A sensors B robots C arms and legs D scientists 4 How do the sensors in the robot work A They can replace the computer when it s broken B They can find out where the damage comes from C They help the computer learn the robot s condition D They can send signals to the person who uses the robot 5 The passage is probably from A a newspaper 第 11 页 共 17 页 B an advertisement C a tour guide D an application 15 10 分 2017九上 射阳期中 根据短文理解 选择正确答案 The Man of Many Secrets Harry Houdini was one of the greatest American entertainers 表演 者 in the theater He was a man famous for his escapes 逃走 逃生 from prison cells 囚室 from wooden boxes floating 漂浮 in rivers from locked tanks full of water He appeared in theaters all over Europe and America Crowds came to see the great Houdini and his magic tricks Of course his secret was not magic or supernatural powers It was simply strength He had the ability to move his toes as well as his fingers He could move his body into almost any position he wanted Houdini started working in the entertainment world when he was 17 in 1891 He and his brother Theo performed card tricks in club in New York They called themselves the Houdini Brothers When Harry married in 1894 he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant But for a long time they were not very successful Then Harry performed his first prison 监狱 escape in Chicago in 1898 Harry persuaded 说服 a detective 侦探 which to let him try to escape from the prison and he invited the local newspapermen to watch It was the publicity 宣传 that came from this that started Harry Houdini s success Harry had fingers trained to escape from handcuffs 手铐 and toes trained to escape ankle chains But his biggest secret was how he unlocked the prison doors Every time he went into the prison cell Bess gave him a kiss for good luck and a small skeleton key which is a key that fits many locks pass quickly from her mouth to his Harry used these prison escapes to build his fame He arranged to escape from the local prison of every town he visited In the afternoon the people of the town would read about it in their local newspapers and in the evening every seat in the local theater would be full What was the result Worldwide fame and a name remembered today 1 第 12 页 共 17 页 According to the passage Houdini s success in prison escapes depends on A his special tricks and supernatural powers B his unusual ability and a skeleton key C his magic tricks and inhuman powers D his wisdom and magic tricks 2 In the fourth paragraph the underlined word this refers to 指的是 A his first prison escape B the year 1898 C the publicity D Harry Houdini s success 3 Which of the following statement is right A Someone gave him a key that fits many locks B He made a key that could open every door C Everyone hated him very much D He was trained to escape again 4 The followings help him succeed EXCEPT A his brother s help B his wife s help C his fingers 第 13 页 共 17 页 D his toes 5 Which of the following is the best title for the passage A A Skeleton Key B Many Secrets C World wide Fame D Great Escapes 五 词汇部分 共 1题 共 5分 16 5 分 根据汉语或首字母提示填空 1 This 丝 blouse is nicer than the cotton one 2 The s around the girl s neck makes her more lovely and beautiful 3 The girl opened her h and took out a postcard with a British stamp on it 4 The young man in a leather jacket looks h Many girls like him 5 Grandpa Wang lives a 简易的 life He never wastes anything 六 根据句意 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空 共 5题 共 14分 17 1 分 At last Lingling think of a good idea and solved the problem 18 1 分 We have little rain this year than usual 第 14 页 共 17 页 19 1 分 2016八下 淮安期中 The bags are these men s wife 20 1 分 The seasons of a year appear in a fix order 21 10 分 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 1 Dogs are help and they are our friends 2 Welcome live here 3 You d better finish your homework first 4 They play football on the playground just now 5 The baby fall asleep half an hour ago 6 He is a famous act 7 Red mean good luck 8 Please help you to some fruit 9 In the darkness room I couldn t see anything 10 第 15 页 共 17 页 The girl started cry when she couldn t find her mother 七 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 5分 22 5 分 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1 I want to d something strange about Millie with you 2 Tom likes to o some help to anyone in need 3 English is one of the most important l in the world 4 句意是 h 5 This is a d newspaper I buy one every day 八 书面表达 共 1题 共 5分 23 5 分 根据汉语提示完成一篇短文 词数在 60 80之间 上周 比尔和妈妈一起去购物 他们买了围巾 棉风衣和皮鞋 后来又一起吃了日本寿司 比尔和妈妈度过 了愉快的一天 第 16 页 共 17 页 参考答案 一 单项选择 共 10题 共 20分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 二 情景交际 共 1题 共 5分 11 答案 略 三 完形填空 共 1题 共 10分 12 答案 略 四 阅读理解 共 3题 共 30分 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 五 词汇部分 共 1题 共 5分 16 答案 略 第 17 页 共 17 页 六 根据句意 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空 共 5题 共 14分 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 七 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 共 1题 共 5分 22 答案 略 八 书面表达 共 1题 共 5分 23 答案 略

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