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2015年徐汇区中考英语一模卷Part 1 ListeningI.Listening ComprehensionA.Listen and choose the right picture1. Tim didnt do well in the exam and he was so afraid to take the school report back home.2. Giving the seats to the old on buses is what the young should learn to do.3. Trained dogs can do a lot to help the blind people and make their life much easier.4. How relaxing and enjoyable it is to take a hot bath after a long tiring day.5. The magic show was amazing. It was surprising to see a bird coming out of an empty hat.6. Jack felt so proud to be asked to read his story in front of the whole class.B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. M: Hello! Can I speak to Mr. Anderson now?W: Sorry. He is having a meeting at the moment. It wont be over until 1:30. Can you call again at 2:00?M: 2 oclock? Sure.Q: When will the man call Mr. Anderson again?8. M: Hey, Amy! You know, Sally has a very clever sister.W: Yeah, I know! Tina can speak 3 different languages. She is only 6 years old. Can you believe that?Q: Who is very clever?9. W: Would you like to try some iced coffee? Its our customers best choice.M: No, thanks. Just a cup of tea, please. Q: What would the man like to drink?10. M: I cant find the key to the car. I am afraid we have to take the bus to work today.W: Id rather take the underground. Its much faster.Q: How will the woman probably go to work today?11. W: Look at Johns timetable. He has got so many things to do after work every night. M: Teach computer every Monday and Thursday, do volunteer work every Tuesday and Friday and study French every weekend. No wonder he seems so busy. Q: How often does John do volunteer work?12. W: I am going to London this winter holiday. I cant wait to go to the British Museum and take a city tour on the famous red double-decker bus.M: Why not watch a football match? Its more exciting. And probably you should know that the weather in England sometimes can be changeable.Q: What are the two speakers talking about?13. W: I want to report a theft, sir. Someone has stolen my handbag. My passport is in it. M: Madam, take it easy! Please sit down and tell me what has happened.Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place?14. W: Everybody says that Professor Taylors class is wonderful. Does he have some magic power?M: Dont you know that he never does a lot of talking or asks his students to do a lot of exercises? Students work on i-Pads by themselves. We all like the way he teaches. Q: Why do students like Professor Taylors class? C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseI have a love-hate feeling with 8 oclock classes. I like to get started that early, but most students dont. They usually came in late and looked sleepy at that hour.One day I was really angry at it. I was excited about the history lesson, but no one else seemed to be. I wrote things on the blackboard. I moved around the classroom. I told stories. I tried my best to make the class interesting. It was useless. Their looks didnt seem to change. I became so disappointed and even forgot to keep time. I was going to talk more when I looked down at my watch. It was already two minutes past the end of class. So I just ended suddenly and soon the students began to pick up their schoolbags and rushed out of the door on their way to another class.While I was watching them leaving, I put away my own books and notes. I was tired and a bit sad. I had tried hard to put everything I knew into that class but it had not seemed to work. Then, as I started across the hall back to my office, a student named Randy came out of the back door of the classroom and caught up with me.With his eyes shining, Randy said, “This is the first time Ive not wanted a college class to end.” After hearing his words, all my tiredness lifted. I had done better than I thought. I dont know if Randy will ever understand how much he did for me that day.D.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentencesIn this weeks Students Around The World, Young Min Kim interviews an American university student, Lisa Conroy. M: Thanks for talking with me today, Lisa. Tell us a little about yourself. W: Well, I am twenty-one, and I am a junior at a university in Chicago. M: How are you paying for your college education?W: The cost for every term are almost $15,000. At the start of each term my parents pay the $10,000. I also get $2,000 from my college. I have to earn the rest by myself.M: How do you do that?W: I have a part-time job at a hotel. I work about twenty hours a week, and then earn $400.M: How do you spend that money?W: It helps to pay for my meals at college and also things like my mobile phone, books, transportation, and clothes. M: You dont have much money for fun, do you?W: Thats true! My mother told me to have a good plan, so I dont have to borrow. I hardly ever go to the movies. M: How else do you save money?W: I dont go to restaurants. I cook with my roommates so its cheaper to eat. I try to walk or ride my bike to college. Oh, and you can find some very cheap and nice clothes in second-hand shops. I buy a lot of my clothes there. M: Thank you for sharing with us the way you manage your money. A.Listen and choose the right picture(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)1. E 2. F 3. A 4. C 5. G 6. HB.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. C(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)8. B(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)9. D(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)10. B(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)11. C(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.2/听力能理解话语中隐含的意思)12. A(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.3/听力能归纳话语的主旨大意)13. C(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.2/听力能理解话语中隐含的意思)14. D(1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)(2.2/听力能理解话语中隐含的意思)C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. AD.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(2.1/听力能获取重要的事实信息)21. a university 22. twenty hours23. pay for 24. hardly ever25. cheap; nicePart 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and GrammarII.Choose the best answer26. B 【解析】 (1.1/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别和理解不同语音所表示的意义)本题考查音标。选项中四个单词的音标分别为:store / st:/ ; story / st: rI/ ; study / 5sddI/ ;slowly/5slulI/ 。故选B项。27. B 【解析】 (1.1/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别和理解不同语音所表示的意义)本题考查音标。四个选项中u的发音分别为:refused/ ju:/ ; conclusion/ u:/ ; excuse/ ju:/ ; amusement/ ju:/ 。故选B项。28. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构) 本题考查冠词。one at a time表示“一次一个”,是固定搭配,故选C项。29. A 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构) 本题考查介词。题目中的时间是“寒冷冬天的早晨”,已经具体到了特定的日子,故介词用on。in表示较长的时间;at表示某个时间点;from表示“从开始”,故选A项。30. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查反身代词。本句的句意为:相当多的人喜欢照的相片,然后把它分享在微信上。句中指代的是“他们自己的相片”,所以用反身代词themselves,故选C项。31. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查代词。some.others.为固定搭配,表示“一些,另一些”。所以应填others,故选C项。32. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查形容词最高级。有in history“在历史上”可知Malala Yousafzai是历史上最年轻的诺贝尔奖获得者,所以用形容词最高级,且最高级应与the连用,故选D项。33. B 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查疑问代词。根据答语“这一定是Jeff的,这是他爸爸送他的生日礼物。”可知前面的问题是“这双新的耐克鞋是属于谁的?”故选B项。34. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查介词。pay.for.是固定搭配,表示“为而付钱”,故选C项。35. B 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查过去将来时。由promised可知句意用过去时态。根据题意,这位著名作家在许下承诺的时候还没有把卖书的钱捐献,而是将会捐献,所以应该用过去将来时态,故选B项。36. A 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查情态动词。根据句意“事实证明,我们通过不同的记忆方式提高我们的记忆力。”可知,can“可以”符合句意,故选A项。37. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查现在完成时。由since引导的时间状语可知,自从被创造到现在,Hello Kitty一直很受欢迎,并且这种状态很有可能继续下去,所以用现在完成时,故选D项。38. A 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查感叹句。how引导感叹句时后面接形容词或副词,what引导感叹句时后面接名词。本句中心词是helpless,所以感叹词用how,故选A项。39. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查一般现在时。由时间状语every year可知本句应使用一般现在时来表示美术家经常性、习惯性的动作,故选C项。40. D 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查连词。根据句意“主办方决定取消演唱会,门票不是卖的很好。”可知门票卖的不好是取消演唱会的原因,故选D项。41. C 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查非谓语动词。had better do sth.表示“最好做某事”,是固定搭配,故选C项。42. B 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查形容词比较级。由than before可知这两个女孩现在的关系是比以前更亲密了,所以用形容词的比较级,故选B项。43. A 【解析】 (1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)本题考查宾语从句。分析句子可知空格是一个宾语从句,宾语从句应使用陈述句语序,故选A项。44. C 【解析】 (1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)本题考查情景交际。第一句句意为“对不起,我迟到了,但是这是因为公交车抛锚了。”所以C项“没关系”符合语境,故选C项。45. C 【解析】 (1.4/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能)本题考查情景交际。第一句句意为“你想加入我们的野餐吗?”A项“不客气”;B项“我不这么认为”;D项“你真好”均不符合语境,只有C项“我想去,但是我去不了”符合语境,故选C项。III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(1.3/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用词汇)(3.2/阅读能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子)46. D 【解析】 本题考查形容词。由some _ housework可知空格处应填入一个定语修饰housework,而五个选项中只有D项basic是形容词,能作定语修饰名词,故选D项。句意:威拉德博士认为猴子也许能帮助人们做一些基本的家务活。47. E 【解析】 本题考查连词。由下一句“他们还能成为人类优秀的伙伴”可知本句句意是“猴子不仅能帮助人们”,not only“不仅”符合句意,故选E项。48. B 【解析】 本题考查名词。由下面的“of a small cat and can live to be nearly 40 years old”可知此处是描写僧帽猴的体型大小,故选B项。49. A 【解析】 本题考查副词的同级比较。由上文中的“他们非常聪明。”可知此处是说“他们能和人类一样灵活地使用他们的双手。”as well as表示“和一样”,符合句意,故选A项。50. C 【解析】 本题考查名词。由上文中的“僧帽猴能轻松地完成这些任务。”可知,这会使它们的主人拥有更多的自由,故选C项freedom。51. D 【解析】 本题考查副词。由上文中的“They can do things on their own”可知此处是强调僧帽猴的独立性很强,能独立地生活。independently“独立地”符合句意,故选D项。52. E 【解析】 本题考查名词。由下一句“The monkeys and their owners become friends and learn to depend on each other.”可知本句句意为“但是猴子和它们主人之间亲密关系的产生完全靠他们自己。”故选E项。53. A 【解析】 本题考查动词。由下一句“它们喜欢它们完成任务时得到的糖果,并且它们喜欢被表扬。”可知本句是说猴子喜欢讨它们主人的欢心。故选A项。IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(1.3/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用词汇)54.teeth55.twenties56.invite57.extremely58.harmful59.Germany60.use61.varietyV. Complete the following sentences as required(1.2/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法结构)62.arent there63.was designed64.to ask65.Which; was66.if; dont67.great care68.He turned off the lights and left the office in a hurry.Part 3 Reading and WritingVI.Reading comprehensionA.Choose the best answer【短文分析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要向读者介绍了迪士尼乐园的一些鲜为人知的秘密。全文采用“总分”的结构,第一段引出主题,吸引读者兴趣;接下来的四段分别介绍了迪士尼乐园的四个秘密。对于很多人来说,迪士尼乐园是一个具有童话色彩和极强的趣味性的主题公园。然而,它却有一些不为人知的秘密。迪士尼乐园中的主干道便是一大秘密。它通过独特的建筑方式呈现出了一种神奇的视觉效果甚至到你离开公园时,你都不会发现。如果你记住到达“合伙人”这尊雕像的路程,然后从这尊雕像望向出口,你会发现这个距离看上去比到达出口的距离要短。这种视觉效果会让游客不想花那么长时间走出公园。如果你在生日那天去迪士尼乐园,那你一定要告诉门口的工作人员今天是你的生日。他们会把你带到城市大厅,送给你一份特殊的礼物,并让所有人知道今天是你的生日。你还可能在公园的其他地方收到工作人员的礼物哦!很多游客都很喜欢公园中动听的音乐,但是你知道它从未停止过吗?就算公园关闭了,音乐还是没有间断。有些人认为这是因为迪士尼乐园每天需要花费很大的代价不停地关闭、打开音乐。但是事实是音乐对凌晨两点后工人的清扫工作很有帮助!33号俱乐部是迪士尼乐园中唯一一个向顾客提供酒精饮料的地方。只要成员们和他们的顾客去俱乐部吃饭,他们当天就可以免费进入迪士尼乐园。这篇文章旨在让人们更了解迪士尼乐园,享受它带来的乐趣。 69. C 【解析】 (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)事实细节题。由文章第一段可知迪士尼乐园中有很多未知的秘密,接下来四段便是对这些秘密的具体介绍,文章一共介绍了四个迪士尼的秘密,故选C项。70. C 【解析】 (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)事实细节题。由文章第二段“By using a special method of construction”可知迪士尼乐园是通过一种独特的建筑方式让游客感觉走出乐园的路很长,故选C项。71. B 【解析】 (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)事实细节题。由“Birthday fun”中的第二句“Youll be sent to City Hall where youll be given a special gift by cast members”可知,如果你告知工作人员今天是你的生日,他们会把你带到城市大厅,给你一份特殊的礼物,故选B项。72. D 【解析】 (3.4/阅读能推测文章中的隐含意思)推理判断题。由“The music never stops”中的最后一句“But the truth is that it helps some workers clean up after 2 a.m.!”可知迪士尼乐园中的音乐对凌晨两点后工人的清扫工作很有帮助,由此可推知它能让深夜工作的工人保持清醒,精力旺盛,故选D项。73. C 【解析】 (3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)事实细节题。由“The music never stops”中的第三句“Even when the park is closed, the music and sounds are kept on going.”可知迪士尼乐园并不是每日每夜地开放,故选C项。其他三项均与原文相符。74. B 【解析】 (3.3/阅读能归纳文章的主旨大意)主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了四个迪士尼乐园的秘密,旨在让游客更了解它,享受它带来的乐趣,故选B项。B.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage【短文分析】本文是一篇说明文,旨在倡导人们尝试“慢速”阅读,享受阅读带来的乐趣。文章第一段点出很多人都会使用阅读技巧迅速地阅读一篇文章。第二段为过渡段,指出了快速阅读的不足,引出下文对于“慢速”阅读的介绍。接下来的几段便是具体地介绍了“慢读”的益处。最后一段对全文进行归纳,点出文章的主旨。如果你正在阅读这篇文章,你可能会尝试着很快读完它。大家都学过略读和跳读,使用这两种技巧可以迅速地在文中找到关键词,以便理解文章主旨。当你没有足够的时间(比如说在考试)时,略读和跳读是很好的阅读方法。然而,现在有很多人对任何阅读材料都采用这两种阅读技巧,以致于无法享受阅读。因此,“慢读运动”越来越受到欢迎。它倡导人们每天关掉电脑和手机半个小时或四十五分钟,然后享受慢慢地、静静地阅读一本好书的乐趣。研究者们发现慢读尤其是读一些科幻书籍能帮助人们放松,并思考他们所读的内容。慢读还可以帮助人们理解书中人物的情感,并透过他们的眼睛看世界。当然,慢读绝不是一件简单的事情。你需要一直坐着不动,专注于书本。与玩电脑游戏时的兴奋相比,读书是一件很乏味的事情。然而,对于我来说,阅读是我生活中的一大乐趣。从我十岁拿到第一张图书馆的卡时,我就一直享受着英雄、邪恶的罪犯和聪明的侦探,以及成千上万个有趣的人物的陪伴这些都是现实生活中所没有的。阅读让我了解了周围的世界,它是在一个没有墙的教室中进行的教育。在课堂上,你学会了快速阅读;然而,在课堂外,你应该学会放慢阅读的速度。享受“慢读”带来的乐趣吧!(3.2/阅读能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子)75. B 【解析】 本题考查名词。采用略读和跳读的方法可以节省很多时间,再由后一句“such as when you are taking an exam”可知这里表示当你没有充足的时间时,time符合文意。故选B项。76. C 【解析】 本题考查动词词组。由该段第二句中的“enjoy the pleasure of reading a good book”可知这里表示关掉电脑或手机,享受读书的乐趣,C项turn off“关闭”符合文意。care for“关注;喜欢”;deal with“处理”;take out“取出”均不符合文意,故选C项。77. A 【解析】 本题考查介词。through ones eyes意为“通过的眼睛”,为固定用法,故选A项。78. C 【解析】 本题考查形容词。根据空格后的意思“与玩电脑游戏时的兴奋相比”可推知一直坐着读书是很乏味的,故选C项。79. D 【解析】 本题考查介词词组。上文提到的heroes,evil criminals和clever detectives都是生活中很难遇见的,故选D项。80. C 【解析】 本题考查连词。根据空格前一句句意“在课堂上,你学会了快速阅读”以及后一句句意“在课堂外,你应该学会放慢阅读的速度”可知这两句存在转折关系,故选C项however“然而”。C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(1.3/语言基础知识能在具体语境中正确理解和运用词汇)(3.2/阅读能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子)81. weight 【解析】 本题考查名词。根据后面的“Sarah and Edie would be carrying during the trip”可知学生们是有机会背一个包,感受Sarah和Edie在旅行中将要背负的重量,故填weight。82. progress 【解析】 本题考查名词。由句子意思“Sarah和Edie计划在旅行过程中,在网上发布照片和日记,以便让学生们能够了解他们的”可知应填progress,表示“进度”。83. along 【解析】 本题考查介词。根据下文意思“Sarah和Edie可以在他们到达的任何地方拿到东西”可知他们的父母是往沿着路线的村镇邮寄物品,故填along。84. themselves 【解析】 本题考查代词。根据后面的“and their friends”可知登山者是给他们自己和他们的朋友们取外号,故填themselves。85. notes 【解析】 本题考查名词。由后面的“giving them some information or just saying Hi”可知是给他们写一些便条,故填notes。86. Sometimes 【解析】 本题考查副词。结合语境可知这里是举例说明他们会遇到各种各样的天气,故这里填sometimes。87. completely 【解析】 本题考查副词。结合语境可知这里表示他们需要等到完全安全了,才能继续前进,故这里填completely。D.Answer the questions【短文分析】本文是一篇议论文,作者通过自己去非洲的经历和自己成功的经历讲述了教育对于人的成功是一件多么重要的事情。作者自他小时候看了人猿泰山的漫画之后,就一直想要去非洲旅游。终于在2004年,为了庆祝自己60岁的生日,作者去了非洲的坦桑尼亚体验了一次游猎,并且攀爬了非洲的最高峰乞力马扎罗山。飞机上坐在作者身边的是坦桑尼亚水与野生动物发展部部长,他们在飞机上高谈阔论。部长安排作者去了一次去当地一所学校参观,在那里,作者受到了极大的震惊学校的地板在雨季会变成泥浆,并且学校的墙壁根本不能遮风挡雨,抑或是小虫子。整个学校都急需各种材料。看到这些孩子如此努力地活下去,作者的心都碎了。当作者问起学生们的伙食费用时,校长回答说是一个人每天20美分。于是作者马上回国,成立了Kids of Kilimanjaro基金会。从那时起,他们每天为13000名坦桑尼亚学校里的孩子提供温热的午餐,这极大地解决了这些孩子们面临的一个必要的问题。作者认为良好的教育会使这些孩子的命运发生巨大的改变。接着作者谈到自己的教育经历。作者的父母一直重视作者的教育。当作者在东京上大学时,他通过给学生和商务人士教英语的方式支付了自己的大学学费。当作者25岁毕业时,他去了旧金山。1978年,作者通过成立自己的公司实现了自己的美国梦,并且证明了教育可以给一个人带来多大的成功。最后一段,作者认为一顿温热的午餐就可以改变如此多孩子的命运,人们应该给年轻人提供更好的更健康的生活环境,这样才能使他们好好学习然后上大学,这样他们就可以在自己的国家引领一场改革。88. He was sixty years old./He was 60 years old./60 years old.(3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)89. The poor condition of the school.(3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)90. 20 cents./It would cost 20 cents.(3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)91. By providing them hot lunches./By founding Kids of Kilimanjaro and providing them hot lunches.(3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)92. Because he believes that a good education could really make a difference in these childrens lives./Because he wanted to raise money to help the children in Tanzania.(3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)93. He may probably want more people to know that something as simple as a nutritious lunch can change so many lives and he would like more people to do something to help children in need.(3.1/阅读能理解文章的基本内容)VII. Writing94.(4.2/写作能根据题意正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达)Hello, everyone! I am Danny from China. Its a great pleasure for me to be on this educational visit and have the chance to come to your country. I am now a junior 3 student of ABC School, which is one of the key schools in Shanghai. Our school always encourages us to take part in all kinds of activities rather than to keep us in the classroom, doing lots of exercises. We all love our school because it helps us be what we can be and what we are. This is the very first time I have set foot on your country and got to know more about your school. I am a little nervous at the moment, however, to be more exact, I am very excited. I am here to learn, to share and to make friends. I am sure it will be a rewarding and unforgettable experience. How eager I am to join you all!

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