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教学课题 Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.Lesson 1教学目标知识与 技能本部分通过Gao Wei 和 Kate 开学后第一天见面相互谈论假期生活的场景,引出要学习的目标语言 What did you do during your holidays? I went to Sanya with my parents. 通过师生之间、生生之间的对话,自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,学生能够运用How did you get there? Did you have a good time? What did you do during your holiday?等表示询问、描述等的功能语句在真实的语境中进行交际。主要目标语言:What did you do during your holidays ? I went to Sanya.How did you get there? We got there by planeDid you have a good time? Sure.过程与 方法1 Apply the sentences to the real situation.2 Can make sentences with words.3 Can speak out the text in right tone.情感态度与价值观能够通过本课的学习对有关旅游方面内容的讨论学习,了解祖国的大好河山,培养热爱祖国的情怀。教学重点Apply the sentences to the real situation.What did you do during your holidays ? I went to Sanya.How did you get there? We got there by planeDid you have a good time? Sure.教学难点Can make sentences with words.Can speak out the text in right tone.教学媒体Recorder and tape, picture card, object.教学设计: Step 1 Warming-up Revision (5)(1)Greeting: How was your holiday?(2)Review some words: summer, tree, beautiful,Sanya,enjoy, see -.(3)Make sentences with the words.Step 2 Presentations (15)一、情境导入,以旧引新利用节日图片聚焦本期电视访谈节目的主题“我们的假日”。电视节目主持人利用嘉宾先前学过的一般现在时句式介绍每年度假经历,并在黑板上呈现一般现在时的基本句式:Every summer I go to Dalian. I go there by plane. I stay with my friends in Dalian Hotel. I have a good time.T: Every summer I go to Dalian. I go there by ship .I often stay with my friends . I always have a good time. What about you , my honored guests?2, 作为电视节目主持人的教师利用一般过去式介绍自己去年的度假经历,引发学生对一般过去式及课文涉及的相关动词过去式(go- went. Stay- stayed , have had) 的感知、理解、识记。T: Every summer I go to Qingdao. But last year, I went to Sanya. I went there by plane. I stayed with my parents in Sanya Hotel. I had a good time.3 教师适时用醒目的彩色粉笔将原先的时间状语替换为last summer. 然后将板书中原有的动词(go, stay ,have) 改为一般过去式(went ,stayed had),随后教师做简要说明T: When we talk about the past ,can we use “I go to ”? No , we should use “I went to”“ I stayed “I had” These are the past forms of the verbs.4.教师带领学生认读动词的过去式,朗读黑板上的句式。:Last summer I went to Dalian I went there by plane. I stayed with my friends in Dalian Hotel . I had a good time. 二、呈现会话,整体感知教师通过光盘,ppt ,方式呈现本课对话,让学生在真实情境中整体感知并初步理解对话,为了使学生快速有效的理解会话,教师在呈现对话前提出1-2个问题,如Who are in the dialogue? What are they talking about ? 从而激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,以达到短时高效教学的目的。三、趣味操练会话操练分三个步骤步骤一,视听并举,跟读模仿步骤二,角色朗读展示会话步骤三,角色会话,真实表演。四、语言的运用。回归生活,利用图片,相互交流,分享度假经历S 1 : Look at my photoS2: Wow , its beautiful. Whos this?S1: This is my brother John. We went to Yunnan this summer together.S2:, How did you get there?S1: We went there by plane.S2: Did you have a good time?S1: Sure. We stayed in a town. Its quiet and nice. We enjoyed the different kinds of fruits there.板书设计:What did you do during your holidays?I went to SanyaHow did you get there?We got there by planDid you have a good time?Homework .retell the main sentences and make a new dialogue.教学反思:Lesson 2一、教学内容与分析1. Just practice.呈现出本课书的主要目标语言What did you do during your holidays ?I went to Sanya.Spring Festival。可以通过师生之间生生之问相互询问引导学生能够运用What did you do during your holidays ?I went to Sanya.示询问和介绍的语句在真实语境中进行交际。 主要目标语言: did you do during your holidays ?2. Just writeWhat did you do during your holidays ? 本部分重点教学词汇和句型在四线格中规范地书写单词或短语sunWhat did you do during your holidays?此外,通过师生创设的真实语境,能够听、说、读以及在四moon, star, by plane, at night, at home以及句子What did you do during your holidays?本部分的设计重在对目标词汇、目标语句的交际运用二 本部分通过提供中国地图以及六座城市的场景图、让学生在了解、欣赏我们美丽祖国风光的同时,运用相关功能语句What did you do during your holidays? I went to,.进行会话交际,从而引导学生在交流活动中正确运用动词过去式叙述过去的旅行经历、4. Lets chant本部分设计了一首有节奏的chant.学生在学习并说唱歌谣的过程中。并总结出ng在单词中的读音规律 二、课前准备 1.备有关各地风光的明信片_ 2.将学生提供的录像和照片资料以.及教师在网卜下载的全国各地风景照片进行剪辑整理,以备卜课学生游戏活动时使用。 3.准备地球仪 三、教学步骤与建议 s.热身/复习Warns-up/Revision) 1)歌曲热身,唤起旧知 继续播放英语歌曲This Little Pig,引导学生适时跟唱。进一步强化歌曲中的关键词:did, went, stayed, had同时、加深学生对一般过去时的理解。 2)歌词理解,对话交流 在学生将歌曲This Little Pig演唱完毕后,教师可以根据歌词提出厂列问题: Ql: Where did the little pig go during the holidays? Q2: What did the little pig do? Q3: Did the little pig enjoy his holidays? Q4: What about your holidays? 在师生的对话交流,一方而加深学生对歌词大意的理解,另一方面复习上节课所学习的动词过去式。 2.新课呈现(Presentation) 1节日植入,交代任务,示范说明 教师出示爸爸去哪了的片头剧照,介绍该剧组即将拍摄一期的内容,请学生根据语言描述,猜出明星爸爸们到哪去了 介绍城市的语言范式: Its one of the biggest cities in China. Its in the north of China. Its near Tianjin. The Summer Palace is in the city. Its the capital city of China.教师充分利用信息差,引起学生对所要猜的城市的关注教师每描述一句话,均可以由学生来参与猜测。特别强调的是,此刻学生的注意力可能会聚焦在城市名称,对完整语句的输出会忽视,教师可以在介绍游戏规则的时候,加以强调,学生猜城市时必须回答完整的语句“I went to.” 2)依据图片,猜测城市,会话交流 每组选出一名学生代表小组参与猜字游戏教师分别出,观察明星爸爸们在不同城市的照片,请班里其他司学进行描述,每人每次只能描述一个句子,参赛选手需根据同学们提供的信息猜明星爸爸们所在的城市,如:I went to Shanghai.当学生猜对城市后,再请学生根据图片描述爸爸们是如何度假的,如:I had a party. 3.趣味操练(Practice) 1)记忆游戏,巩固所学新知 儿宫格游戏:课件中出示一个横一竖二的表格。每个格里有一座城市的名称和人物活动,让学生记住其位置,几秒钟后,城市和活动场景消失,教师可随意指向一个格子。提问:What did you do on your holidays?学生以抢答的形式进行回答I went to.I enjoyed.sunbathing. 2)假期之旅,评选最美线路 设置“快乐旅行”的活功以小组为单位开展“快乐旅行”.利用搜集到的图片,让学生通过描述假期旅游经历,正确运用一般过去时,对准备充分的小组,由学生选出“精彩假日”组 4语言运用Language use) 创设情境.节日访淡 场景设置:创设节目访谈的场景,请学生课前提供照片或录像片断,由教师进行剪辑课上,教师通过大屏幕呈现照片,采访照)_.中的学生在这个环节中,教师可以适量卷人吏多的语六,使会话丰满起来,同时为后续歌谣的学习打卜伏笔 语o;范例: T: Look, who is this pretty girl? S1:Its me. T: What did you do during your holiday? S1:I went to Xian. 1 stayed in a big hotel there. I went to see Bingmayong there. T: I think your holiday was exciting. Did you enjoy it?Sl:Yes, I enjoyed my holiday and my traveling. Lesson 3一、教学内容与分析Just read and talk本部分以Gao Wei在英语俱乐部中的演讲OurEnglish learning为主题清境,引出要学J的目标语言We are very interested in English. We havelearned .回顾在小学阶段我们的英语学习收毅 , 主要目标语 We are very interested in English. We have learned2、 课前准备准备学生课上阅读的答题纸准备小组活动的任务袋。将学生从二年级至六年级的-所搜集的照片尽量包含学生做听力、一些英语学习场景的照片整理成一本影集,课前播放。给三个小组准备一张A3空自纸让他们在写学习经历时使用。三、教学步骤与建议1.热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1)流金岁月,美好记忆通过让学生观看学校生活的电子相册,辅以教师深情的介绍和Yesterday Once Mare的优美韵律,唤起他们对英语学习的美好回忆语言支持:T: Hello, everyone. Yesterday Isaw these photos in my photo album. I would like to sharewith you today. They are all about our English learning.Would you like to see them? You beganto learn English three years ago.use them in and out of class. Yousports, holidays and animals. IYou have learned a lotof words and sentences, and you canare very interested in topicsoften asked you to practicelike school life, daily life, family,listening, speaking, reading andwriting. Now you can play gamesgood students. 2)游戏活动,突破难点 教师带领学生玩闪卡游戏,and do tasks in English. Today l want to tell you, You are all帮助学生复习大Gl_单词或句子,如:begin, word, sentence,topic, in and out of class, do tasks在学生抢读板的一角,然后总结:We have learned a lot of这些单词或句子后 教师将他们贴在黑板上并通过对比体会have learned的用法。 2.新课呈现(Presentation) 1)聚焦问题,初读文本,了解大意 播放录音,请学生带着如下两个主题Whats the topic of this passage? When did they begin to learn English?”先听整个文本,然后回答问题。 2)聚焦关键,再读文本,获取信息 教师请学生带着如下这个问题What have they learned?”再次朗读文本,然后回答该间题。 3)读文本,突破词汇 学生带着问题What topics are they interested in?寻找细节信息。突破本课书的新单词和新短语,如topic, practise doing, do task 4)聚焦主题,深度解读,引发思考 学生带着问题“How to be good students in an English class?”再读文本,结合已有的学习经验进行思考,归纳一些英语学习的好方法。 3.趣味操练(Practice) 1)时间隧道,突破难点 教师带领学生玩时间隧道游戏,复习本课书中出现的二个动词过去式,学生在游戏的 过程中体验并归纳begin, learn, ask个动词过去式的变化方一式及其读音)Begin-began learn- learned ask-asked listen-listened2)配音表演,旨在朗读请学生在小组内为正在英语俱乐部中进行英文演讲的Gao Wei配音。然后进行小组配音展示,小组间相互进行评价,选出最佳的配音小组。 4语言运用(language use)1)基于访谈提纲,开展访谈活动设置小记者采访活动,学生聚焦Our English learning进行会话交流,教师可以预先为学生发访谈提纲。 语言支持:S1: When did you begin to learn English? S2: I began to learn English three years ago. We have (earned a lot of words andsentences. And I can use there in and out of class. S1:What are you interested in? S2: We are very interested in topics like school life, daily life, family, sports, holidays andanimals. S1:Which is your favourite topic? S2: My favourite topic is holidays. S1:What did you often do in your English classes? S2: 4ur teacher often asked us to practise listening, speaking, reading and writing. S1:What can you do in English now? S2: We can play games and do tasks. 2)基于各自学情,开展小组讨论 (1)教师先启发学生独自反思自己在六年的学习过程中是如何进行语言学习的。go to English classes讣go to the English cornerlisten to English songswatch English cartoons (2、小组讨论,形成报告 根据个体的独立思考,学生甸人在小组活动中限时30秒,介绍自己的英语学习历程,小组记录员择要进行记录大家根据记录整理出日头汇报提纲,将其写在每组的A3自纸上。每个小组选派一名代表进行头报告,小组其他成员可以适时补充 ,最后教师进行总结。 Lesson 4Just practiseWe are interested in English.We have learned a lot of English wordslisten to Englishread Englishtalk in Englishspeak Englishwrite Englishplay in EnglishLanguage points? 1.be interested in +Ving 对 感兴趣? eg.I am interested in playing computer games.? 2.ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事? eg.My grandpa often asked me to practise drawing.Language points? 3.write.for sb. 写给某人? eg. He wrote many books for children.? 4.how many 与how much的区别? ? ? ? 它们都是“多少”的意思, 但是how many后+可数名词复数, how much+不可数名词 eg. How many English sentences in the first English lesson? ? How much water does she have?Language points? 5.listen to English 听英语? eg. listen to music 听音乐. listen to the radio 听收音机? 6.talk in English 用英语交谈? eg. talk in Chinese 用汉语交谈Just writelearn 学习 学到 word 单词,词 a lot of 许多,很多 blackboard 黑板We are very interested in English. 我们对英语非常感兴趣。Language points? 1.blackboard 黑板? clean the blackboard 擦黑板 ? look at the blackboard 看黑板? 2.say 说? 单三形式says 过去式:said ? say hello to 向 问好Language points? 1.blackboard 黑板? clean the blackboard 擦黑板 ? look at the blackboard 看黑板? 2.say 说? 单三形式says 过去式:said ? say hello to 向 问好Lets talk? What did we learn in the first year? 我们第一年学习什么了?? We learned many new words and used them.? 我们学了很多新单词并且使用它们了。Lets talk? Time: the first year ? topics:school things, animals,colours, toys, ? Words: pen, pencil, book ? Sentences: This is ./ That is. ? Tasks: group work,.Lets chantIn our English lessons, We listened and learned. In our English club, We played and enjoyed.Language points? 1.lesson 课? have lessons 上课 ? the first lesson 第一课 Lesson 5Just read and talkLi Yan is telling about how they learned English on the school TV. They were very interested in English lessons. They all did a good job in English.李燕正在校园电视中讲述他们怎样学 习英语的。他们对英语课非常感兴趣。 他们在英语方面都做得很好。? Good morning, everyone! Im Li Yan. Let me tell you how we learned English. ? Three years ago we began to learn English. Our English teacher taught us in many ways, so we were very interested in English lessons.? 大家早上好!我是李燕。让我告诉你们我们 怎样学习英语的 ? 三年前我们开始学习英语。我们的英语老师 用很多种方法教我们,因此我们对英语课非 常感兴趣。? We often sang, danced, chanted and played games. Our teacher usually let us do things by ourselves. We did interesting tasks. ? 我们经常唱歌,跳舞,说唱和玩游戏。 我们的老师通常让我们自己做事情。我 们做有趣的任务。? Sometimes we did role play. We used words and sentences to tell stories. We often worked in pairs and in groups. In groups we always helped each other and learned from each other. We all did a good job! ? 有时我们进行角色扮演。我们用单词和 句子讲故事。我们经常两人合作和小组 合作。在小组里,我们总是互相帮助, 互相学习。我们做得都很好!Language points? 1.in many ways 用许多方法? eg.Teachers taught us in many ways, and we did a good job.? 2.learn.from.从 学到 ? eg.We learned a lot from helping others.Language points? 3.go to see a film 看电影? eg. I went to see a film about animals yesterday evening.? 4.by oneself 独自,亲自? My dad usually lets me do things by myself.Language points? 4.do a good job:做得好!? eg. We did a good job. 我们做得很好!? 5.in pairs:两人一组 ? in group :一组人Language points? 6.help each other 彼此,相互 帮助? eg. We can help each other.? 7.tell stories 讲故事? eg. We used words and sentences to tell stories. Lesson 6How did you learn English?We learned English by doing thingsWe learned form each other.do taskshave an English partyact in dramalearn from each otherWelcome to the English evening!Language points? 1.疑问代词和副词:who谁 主格 whom谁 宾格 when什么时候 where哪里 what 什么 why 为什么? eg.When did you go to school? ? Where did you go yesterday? ? Who are you? ? What did you do last night? ? Why did you look at me all the time? ? Whom did the white whale like?Language points? 2.go to bed 去睡觉? eg. He went to bed at 10:30 last night.? 3.how 怎样,对方式进行提问? eg.How did you learn English, Mary? ? I learned English by doing tasks.Language points? 4.have an English party. 举办英语聚 会? eg. We will have an English party this Friday.? 5.act in drama 表演戏剧? eg.He is good at acting in drama.Language points? 6.How did you learn English? 如何询问某人是怎样学习某种语言的 ? How did.learn.? ? We learned English by doing things.我们通 过做事情学习英语的。 ? 问句:How did +主语+learn+语言? ? 答语:主语+learned+语言+by+动词ing形式+ 其他Language points? 7.We learned from each other。我们 互相学习? 主语+learn的适当形式+from+某人:向某人 学习。 ? I should learn from you. 我应该向你学习。Just writeHow did you learn English? 你们怎样学习英语的?We learned English by doing things.我们通过做事情学习英语的。Language points? 1.subject 学科? Whats your favorite subject?你最喜爱的学 科是什么?? 2.yesterday 昨天 用于过去时? eg.He didnt go to school yesterday.Lets talkHow did your classmates learn English? How did you learn English? I listened, spoke, read and wrote. I also worked in pairs and in groups.Names listen write chant speak read名字 听 写 说唱 说 读work in pairs 两人合作 do role play 进行角色扮演 work in groups 小组合作Animals School is open again. The animals come back after their holidays.Hi, Rabbit. What did you do during the holidays?The rabbit got a new dress as a present from her mum for Spring Festival.A new dress! Thank you,Mum.The teacher asks the students about their holidays.Did you enjoy your holidays?The teacher asks the students about their English lessons.What did you learn in your English lessons last year?We played computer games.Mimi says,We acted, sang, and played games in English.No,we dont play games. We practised speaking and reading.Micky jumps up. Do you know why?


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