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八年级英语下册基础知识I.按要求写出下列单词1. 他们自己_ 2.使人不愉快的_ 2. 科学家_ 4.大概,或许(3)_5.think(过去式)_ 6.面谈,面试_ 7.buy(过去式)_ 8.自由(名词)_9.ring(过去式)_ 10.fly (过去式)_11.意思,含义_ 12.经历,体验_13.英雄(复数)_ 14.thin(比较级)_15.bring(过去式)_ 16.sing(过去式)_17.child (复数)_ 18.落下,使掉下(过去式)_19.give(过去分词)_ 20.miss(单数第三人称)_21.胜利者_ 22.印度的_23.幸运的_ 24.幸运地(2)_25.影响_ 26.令人惊异的_27.send(过去式)_ 28.ride (过去式)_29.无理的,粗鲁的_ 30.老鼠(复数)_31.私人的,个人的_ 32.人口 _33.特别,尤其_ 34.环境_35.卓越的,极好的_ 35.交通_37.无论何时_ 38.see(过去分词)_39.印度的_ 40.提及,说起_41.特别的,特殊的_ 42.亚洲的,亚洲人的_43.澳大利亚的_ 44.今晚,今夜_45.家乡,故乡_ 46.信息,消息_47.决定,决心(名词)_ 47.eat(过去式)_49.明亮的,发亮的_ 50.电的,导电的_51.工厂(复数)_ 52.我自己_53.各地,到处_ 54.write(过去式)_55.think(过去式)_ 56.落下,跌落(过去式)_57.建筑物,楼房_ 58.使意外,使惊奇_59.厨房_ 60.解释,说明_61.客气的,有礼貌的_ 62.黄昏,黑暗_63.使人失望的_ 64.飞翔,航班_65.米,公尺_ 66.筹集,募捐_67.省会,首都_ 68.污染(名词)_69.伙伴(复数)_ 70.小心的,谨慎的_71.谦虚的,谦逊的_ 72.礼物_ 73.解答,解决办法_ 74.岛,岛屿_75.努力工作的_ 76.今晚,今夜_77.包括_ 78.票,入场券_79.奇怪的,陌生的_ 80.呼喊,呼叫_81.跳跃_ 82.爬,攀登_83.关闭_ 84.杀,杀死_.85.着落_ 86.简单的,简易的_87.穿衣_ 88.巨大的,庞大的_89.现代的,现代化的_ 90.meet (过去式)_91.浴室_ 92.卧室,寝室_93.任何地方_ 94.心烦的,沮丧的_95.蛇_ 96.可能的_97. 钱币,硬币_ 98.作者,作家_99.储存_ 100.律师_101.复制,抄袭(过去式)_ 102.俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人_103.俄罗斯_ 104.澳大利亚人,澳大利亚的_105.澳大利亚_ 106.欧洲的,欧洲人_107.欧洲_ 108.肥胖的(最高级)_109.代替,而不是_ 110.几乎_111.提及,说起_ 112.清楚地,明显地_113.谦虚的,谦逊的_ 114.cost(过去式)_115.收到,接受_ 116.行为,举止(名词)_117.行为,举止(动词)_ 118.兔,野兔_119.批评,批判_ 120.不舒服的_121.复习,回顾_ 122.婴儿(复数)_123.慢的,缓慢的_ 124.little (最高级)_125.交通_ 126.东南部_127.狐狸(复数)_ 128.自然的,自然界的_129.假日,假期_ 130.勇敢的_131.季节_ 132. see(过去分词)_133. 正规的,正常的_ 134. 评论,意见_135.令人失望的_ 136.确信的,无疑的_137.稍后,随后_ 138.女服务生_139.解答,解决办法_ 140. 发现_141.早已,已经_ 142.咳嗽_143.钟,铃_ 144.甚至_145.丈夫_ 146.谋杀,凶杀_147.预言(动词)_ 148.预言(名词)_149.真实的_ 150.外形,形状_II.将下列词组译成英语1. 在将来,在未来_ 2.和一样_3.考试不及格_ 4.感到有压力_5.给打电话_ 6.听说_(2)_7.默默地_ 8.起飞_9.一个一年的节目_ 9.感到紧张_11.被期待做某事_ 12在做得好_(2)_13不再 _ 14.拿走,带走_15.谋生_16.做某事感到困难(3)_17.遍及全世界(3)_ 18.一百年以后_19.收集邮票_ 20.对 感兴趣(2)_21.顺便_ 22.学习英语的一种好方法(2)_23.数千名学生_ 24.几名外国人_25.熄灭,扑灭_ 26.在公共场所(2)_27.取得进步_ 28.入睡,睡着_29.与交朋友_ 30.代替,而不是(2)_31.我自己的机器人_ 32.捡起_33.赠送,分发_ 34.立刻,马上(2)_ _35.在远处_ 36.首先_37.一年到头_ 38,至少_39.四分之三(2)_ 40.浏览_41.睡醒,醒来_ 42.向.告别_43.以结束_ 44.在秋天_45.在白天_ 46.当心,小心(2)_47.排队等候_ 48.插队_49.排队_ 50.控制,抑制_51.用完,用尽_ 52.一直_53.怎么了?(3)_ 54.传递_55.打开_ 56.返回家(2)_57.玩得愉快(3)_ 58.克服,原谅_59.付的帐_ 60.各种各样的_61.不让进入_ 62.相处,进展_63.出去,离开_ 64.(希望等)实现,达到_65.考试及格_ 66.与争吵_67.受到伤害_ 68.帮助做家务_69.独立生活_ 70.反反复复地_71.爱上_ 72.为付款_73.不让进入_ 74.尽可能的_75.报警_ 76.发生_77.对有意义_ 78.跑开,逃跑_79.在危险中_ 80.一个8岁的女孩 _ 81.海拔2000米_ 82. 度假(2)_83.以著名_ 84.到处跟着某人_85.一双溜冰鞋_ 86的首都_87.整整5个小时_ 88.关低,关小_89.即使(2)_ 90.用不同的方法_91.在舞台上_ 92.做某事感到愉快(2)_93. 挣钱_ 94.太多礼物_95.太多垃圾_ 96.与靠近_97.出现_ 98.与相处_99.想要做某事(2)_ 100.过.马路(2)_101.照料,照顾(3)_ 102.去滑冰_103.做笔记_ 104.时髦的,流行的_105.过时的,不时髦的_ 106.在火车站_107. 感到不舒服_ 108.允许某人做某事_109.鼓励某人做某事_ 110.派遣某人做某事_111.告诉某人(不)做某事_ 112邀请某人做某事_113. 选择做某事_ 114.想象做某事 _115. 建议做某事_116.像一样_ 117. 以低的声音说话_118.在船上_ 119. 为某人制作某物(2)_ _ _120.害怕做某事_ 121. 复习,回顾_122.交换生_ 123.以结束_124. 在月球上_ 125. 在厨房_126.发现,查出_ 127.把和比较_128.抱怨做某事_ 129. 受到教育_130.做某事谋生_ 131.到某地去了_132.在一些亚洲国家_ 133.违反规则_ 134. 找到时间做某事_ 135.给某人买某物(2)_ 136. 对友好_ 137.醒着_ 138.过去某地_ 139.坐火箭到月球上去_140.在纸上_ 141.感到厌倦_142.活到120岁_ 143.使某人做某事_144.对感到惊奇_ 145.给某人一些建议_146.的意义_ 147.到家(3)_148.对有一个好的影响(2)_ _149.把某物归还给某人(2)_ _150.返回那个地区(2)_ _ 151.一点也不_ 152. 通往俱乐部的路_153.在门口_ 154.上大学_155.与靠近_ 156.度假的一个极好的地方_157. 成绩单_ 158.在中午之前_159.到一个说英语的国家旅游_160.小心做某事_ _ 161. 导游_162.在六点一刻(2)_ _163.在东南亚_ 164. 考虑做某事_165.向某人索要某物_ 166.向借_167.在岛上_ 168.做某事感到愉快_169.在一个比较自然的环境中_170.在聚会期间_ 171.找到时间做某事_172. 不够有趣 _ 173. 穿校服去上学_174. 得到一份兼职工作_ 175. 能够做某事_176. 对有好影响(2)_ 177. 一百年前_178. 穿着随意_ 180. 爱上_181. 在宇宙空间站_ 182. 环绕地球飞行_183. 在他们家里_ 184. 介意做某事_185. 筹集资金_ 186. 从现在起20年_187. 与一起工作_ 188. 世界杯_189. 制作海报_ 190. 三年半_191. 奥林匹克运动会_ 192. 一套衣服_193. 在一方面,在另一方面_ _ 194. 那听起来不错 _ 195. . 空中服务员_ III根据所给英语及汉语提示完成句子(词数不限)1. What _(发生)over there now?2. They are against_(建造) a paper fcotory in their town?3. Would you mind _(踢足球) in he street ?4. This is one of the most famous _(电影公司) in America.5. Many things _(似乎不可能) hundreds of years ago.6. I really dont know _(做什么 ) next .7. Now most parents seem _ (推) hteir chilren a lot more.8. Could you please give us a little time_(放松)?9. He chose _(成为)an English teacher when he finished his studies.10. Next Wednesday is her _(十二岁) birthday.11. He wont go to the park if it _(下雨) next Saturday.12. The _(人口) in china is much larger than that in America.13. I _(收到)several letters from my friends for two weeks.14. I dont know who_(打碎) the window?15. Now we are busy _(复习)lessons.16. His brother _(尤其)likes snow globes with animals.17. Besides _(游泳),she has five hobbies.18. The _(温度) in Singapore as almost the same all year round.19. He _(醒来) since half hour ago.20. The singer sang very _(清晰) on stage last Saturday.21. The flim _ just _ (开始).22. The film _ (开始) a moment ago.23. They have _(捐赠)five dallars to charity.24. Have you _(见过) the foreigner before?25. We have never _(听说) it .IV.按要求改写句子。1. They have lived in the countryside since they were born.(划线提问) _ _ have they lived in the countryside?2. The murder took place about 30 years ago.(划线提问)_ _ the murder _ _?3. He will finish his studies in five years .(划线提问)_ _ _ he finish his studies?4. Please give these books back to the library in two weeks .(同义句)Please _ these books _ the library in two weeks.5. It took them a long time to finish those tasks .(同义句)They _ a long time _ those tasks.6. Both of them gave away some money to charity.(同义句)_ _ _ gave away some money to charity.7. They were having fun in the playground when the accident happened.(划线提问)_ _ _ when the accident happened?8. Lily paid about 200yuan for the new skirt.(同义句)The new skirt _ _ about 200yuan.9. He has made his decision to be an astronaut .(同义句)He _ _ _ be an astronaut.10. Man first walked on the moon on July 20,1969.(同义句)Man walked on the moon _ _ _ _ on July 20,1969.11. What about riding bikes to school ?(同义句)_ _ ride bikes to school?12. We bagan to learn English about two years ago.(同义句)We _ _ English _ two years.13. My sister bought the dictionary two weeks ago.(同义句)My sister _ the dictionary for two weeks. 14. I paid more than 200 yuan for the sweater last Saturday.(同义句)I _ more than 200 yuan _ the sweater last Saturday.15.Thousands of people died in the earthquake in May,2008.(同义句) The earthquake _ thousands of people in May ,2008. 15. When the alien arrived ,they were taking a walk in the street .(同义句)_they _ _ a walk ,the alien arrived .16. He has never been to HonhKong .(反义疑问句) He has never been to HonhKong,_?17. Lets climb the mountain.( 反义疑问句) Lets climb the mountain,_?18. Dont sleep in class . (反义疑问句) Dont sleep in class,_?19.There is going to be a football match tomorrow evening. (反义疑问句) There is going to be a football match tomorrow evening,_?20. His father gets up very early every morning .( 反义疑问句) His father gets up very early every morning,_?21.She has to stay at home and look after her moither. ( 反义疑问句) She has to stay at home and look after her moither,_?22. He feels like eating something now .(改为否定句)He _ _ like eating _ now.23.”Dont run in the hallways ,” said the teacher.(改为间接引语) The teacher told us _ _ _ in the hallways.24.My mother is a teacher .My father is a teacher,too. (合成一句) _ my mother _ my father are teachers.25.Those suits are very cheap.(改为同义句) The _ of those are very _.V.连词成句1. please smoke not could the you in bus _2. encourage study to teachers usually our us hard _3. tries mother to me my always make happy _4. find difficult it I learn English to not well _5. take not should we care break to the rules in public_6. trees the more less pollution the be will we plant there _7. sleep didnt I until fall oclock 11 night last _8. miss far her family if works away she will very mnch she_9. said she she enjoyed swimming young when she was _10. health hopes good in to everyone be _ 11. too take are dogs to difficult of care _12. to she difficult get is along with _13. happened what his brother to yesterday afternoon _14.been has father long awake his how _15. something say would like to you _19. first was the to he this morning one arrive at school _20. place take to excellent an Hainan Island holiday is _21. sugggests ways the to book several learn English well _22. hopes chance to travel she a have to Europe to _ 23. need a little to they time relax _21. would we stay and rather at home watch go walk a for TV _22.it very these to think difficult find themselves for children _23. teacher makes the it easier to learn English lot a _24.careful please to cross be the street more _25.mind you not going would the party to _26.had he the dictionary has ago three since weeks _27. will more buildings there next be year there wont _28.beautiful voice sisters my sounds how _29.job interesting what has an he _30. spend how on that much did you computer _31.not a party why choose have to surprise your mother for _32.special received she on birthday a present twelfth her _33.tell me so progress could you in have please how made English learning _34. after suggests father taking walk supper my a _35.and less trees there more be will pollution future in the _36. a buy present supposed special you are for to your mother _37. yet arrived they have at HongKong _38.left I at home my keys yesterday morning _39.certain he passs is that able will he to the chenistry exam _40.enough careful is he not to well work do _

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