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高考情景对话题型必备100句1.Go ahead 做吧,可以,用吧,拿去,说啊,继续(表赞成或借东西)2.Relax 放松点,振镇静点,别生气(表安慰)3.Take it easy; Take things easy; easy 放轻松,别生气(表安慰)4.No way 不可能(表惊讶)5.No wonder 难怪这样,难怪如此(表理解,醒悟)6.No problem 没问题(表对请求的肯定回答)7.(Thats) all right; 没关系(回答道歉)【alright可以】8.(Thats) OK没关系(回答道歉)9.Its my pleasure; My pleasure 不用谢,别客气(回答感谢)【pleasure愉快的事】10.With pleasure; Itll be a pleasure 愿意效劳(回答请求)11.Thatright;Right;Correct 没错,正确(表肯定对方陈述)12.You cant be serious 不可能,开玩笑(表惊讶)13.Not really=Not very much 不太(表部分否定)14.Never mind 没关系,没事(表安慰,回答道歉)15.I dont mind 我不介意(表提示对方决定)16.Dont mention it;Not at all;You are welcome;It doesnt meter 不用谢,别客气(表回答感谢)17.Im afraid not 恐怕不行(表委婉拒绝)18.So long 再见(表道别)19.See you 再见(表道别)20.Take care 保重(表道别)21.Go Dutch; Go AA AA制22.Go share 平均付费23.Let me(us) get it (this) straight 直说了吧(表理解,坦白)【straight笔直的】24.No,thanks 不用了,谢谢(表委婉拒绝)25.Thanks a lot 谢谢(表感谢)26.Im sorry to hear that 真遗憾(表同情,惋惜)27.Im sorry for your loss 节哀顺变(表礼貌性安慰)【loss损失】28.Forget it 没关系(回答道歉),不可能(否定),算了吧(不重复刚才的话)别说了29.Thats very kind(nice) of you 你人真好(对方主动帮忙)30.It(Thats) depends 时情况而定(前提是赞成)31.Sounds great(good) 听起来不错32.Good luck 祝你好运33.Cheers 干杯/谢谢34.Cheer up 振作起来(表鼓励)35.What a pity(shame) 真可惜【Shame on you真卑鄙】36.Nice having you here 你能来真好(分离时说)37.Just my luck 真倒霉38.Well done 做得好(表赞许)39.Never do it again 下不为例(表原谅040.Its up to youi 由你决定41.Fair enough=Fine=OK 好的42.Come on 快点(催促),加油(鼓励),来啊(挑衅)43.Congratulations 祝贺你44.Absolutely; Definitely; Certainly; Exactly;Sure;Of course 是的45.Probably 大概(表委婉肯定)46.Thats a deal;Its a deal;Deal 一言为定(表回答提议)47.Good idea 好主意(表赞扬)48.Why not? 为什么不呢?49.So what?=I dont care 那又怎样?50.How come? 怎么会呢?51.Whate else? 还有什么?52.Whats up? Whats going on? 怎么了?53.Guess what、你猜怎么着?54.Whats wrong with you?Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了(询问)/你有毛病啊(愤怒)55.(Its) none of your business 不管你的事56.I think(belive,suppose,hope,guess) so 我也也这么想(表肯定对方)57.What if? 要是怎么办?(表假设)58.Have no idea;I dont know 不知道59.Dont worry 别担心(表安慰)60.A piece of cake 小事一桩(表肯定)61.Have a good(great) journey 旅途愉快(表祝福)62.Have a nice day;Have a good(great) time 祝你好心情(表祝福)63.Have a try 试一下(表鼓励064.No,please dont 千万别(表反对)65.What a day 真是的一天啊(表感叹)66.Bingo;You said it;You guessed it 你说对了(表肯定对方)67.Nice try 正确,不错(表肯定对方)68.Youll make it 你会成功的(表鼓励)69.Yud better not 最好别那么做(表委婉劝告)70.Thank goodness 谢天谢地(表感叹)71.For gods(goodness) sake; 看在上帝/老天份上(表生气,厌烦,惊讶)72.You really have me there 你把我难倒了(表坦白,不知道)73.Not a chance;No chance;Fat chance 别想了(表拒绝)74.Hard to say 很难说(表不确定)75.Its a loing story 说来话长(表无奈)76.(I) couldnt agree more 绝对赞成【否定词+比较级=最高级】77.(It,That) couldnt be better 真是太好了78. (It,That) couldnt be worse 真是太糟糕了79.Id love to,but 我很愿意,但是(表委婉拒绝080.I dont care 我不在乎81.(Have) patience 耐心点(表劝说)【patience耐心】82.Watch out;Look out;Be careful当心83.Yes,sir?什么吩咐/84.You got it明白85.Im on it马上去做86.Are you crazy(nuts)?你疯了吗(表惊讶)87.Copy(Roger) that;Positive;Affirmative;I know(see,understand) 收到,明白88.Hurry (up) 快点(表催促)89I didnt mean to.我不是故意的(表惋惜)90.Id rather you dont 你不这样做该多好(表惋惜)91.(May I have your) attention,please? 大家请注意(表提示)92.Mind your own business 管好你自己(表劝说)93.Lets call it a day 今天到此为止94.I know the feeling;I was once there;I can imagine;I feel so 我有同感(表同感)95.How do you find?=What do you think of?你认为怎么样96.How about?怎么样(表提议)97.Not exactly 不完全对(表部分否定或委婉否定)98Dont try my patience 老实点(表愤怒时警告)99.Help yourself(at home) 请自便(表招待客人)100.Take your time 慢慢来,不着急(表安慰)

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