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Tips for Different Types of SpeechesMatch Your Style to the Occasion Different occasions will call for different types of speeches.Keep these tips in mind when you think about the type of speech you are going to deliver: Speaking to Inform: When speaking to inform, the best course of action is to be as simple as possible. You should use presentation aids to help clarify processes. Walking the audience through a series of steps is highly effective in informative speaking. Break everything down, dont make assumptions, and reiterate key points. Speaking to Persuade: Using logic and facts to lay out your argument is the most effective way to persuade people. Anticipate questions, keep returning to the key reason for supporting your cause, and be confident. When appropriate, emotional appeals are also effective. Special Occasion Speaking: Toasts, award presentations, acceptance speeches, keynote addresses, commencement addresses, and eulogies are all very common special occasion speeches. These are done best when brief, sincere, and witty (when appropriate). Professional Speaking: Be prepared for questions, use presentation aids to simplify complex ideas and structure your thoughts so you can lead toward a logical conclusion. Preparing Your SpeechHow To Organize Your Speech So you know what you want to talk about. Now its time to consider how to organize your speech. Organizing your speech will do wonders for your effectiveness. In general, make sure that your speech has a clear purpose. For every part of your speech, you should be able to answer the question: Why is this important? Making an outline of your speech is a great tool because you can layout the main sections, fit in supporting evidence, and build in transitions from section to section. As for laying out the structure of your speech, here are a few types of organization you may like to try:Type of Organization DescriptionProblem and Solution This is a good approach if you are making a recommendation in your speech. Start with a description of the problem. Then propose the solution.Story Telling - Past, Present, Future If you want to expain something, try telling its story. Start with the past, then the present, and finally, the future. Using this structure makes it easy for the audience to follow along. Cause and Effect The Cause and Effect approach is another useful way to describe an event. You can start with either the cause or the effect, but be clear about which one you are discussing. Doing the Research Good research can go a long way in making a good speech. There are two main reasons to do research. First, do research to develop the meat of your speech. The audience will appreciate it if you speak as if you are an expert on your topic. You can do this if you do a little research. Second, do research to make your speech interesting. You can spice up your speech with statistics, jokes, and interesting facts. You dont have to be Mark Twain to write something interesting. If youre not a creative genius, do some research, find something interesting, and add it to your speech. Here are a few websites to get you started:http:/ - A great site for famous quoteshttp:/ - A site loaded with interesting factshttp:/ - Good site for jokeshttp:/ - Authoritative site for population and economic statistics Introductions and ConclusionsThe Most Important Parts of the Speech While the introductions and conclusions may only last for a minute or two, these elements are by far the most important parts of your speech. Your introduction is your first impression, and it sets the audiences view about whether the speech will be interesting, relevant, smart, and so on. The conclusion shapes the audiences memory of the speech. If you get a laugh, they will probably think it was funny. If you make a great insight, they will remember it as insightful. Nail the introduction and conclusion and your speech will be on its way to greatness. Great Introductions are Interesting There is no one way to create a great introduction, but if there is one common trait among effective introductions, its that they are interesting. You may have a joke, quote, fact, story-there are a lot of options-but make sure your introduction starts off interesting. In business settings, its important to include the agenda of the speech in the introduction. Be succinct and simple so that everyone can easily know what you are going to cover. Make sure everyone has similar expectations and set the vibe you want to create in the first 30 seconds. Its also effective to use the old fashioned approach of: Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them; and then tell them what you told them. To do this, you need to start with a brief summary. Conclusions - Famous Last Words Conclusions are a great opportunity to summarize key points of your speech. Let your audience know, out of all the things you talked about, what you want them to remember, and if relevant, what actions they should take with the information. Some of the most effective conclusions end with a story that ties together the whole speech and leaves people thinking about what you said. A good way to get some ideas for conclusions (and introductions) is to look at examples. Here are some websites with a good library of speeches and weve included a few examples below. You will be able to organize your thoughts more easily and more effectively if you bear in mind this simple structure for speeches:1. tell them what you are going to tell them;2. tell them;3. tell them what you have told them.这是美国著名的脱口秀主持人Larry King (拉里.金)的提法。

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