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Unit 1短语及句型小结一)by + 交通工具 (放在句子末尾) take + a / the + 交通工具(放在句中)by bus = take a bus by train = take a train by subway = take a subwayon foot = walk by ship = take a ship by taxi = take a taxiby plane = by air = take a plane = fly to by bike = ride a bike = on ones bike by car = drive a car = in ones car上学: go to school 上班: go to work 回家:go home 到家:get home到那/这里: get there / here (不接to) 到达学校: get to school 让我们: Lets 在迈克家:at Mikes home 在公共汽车站:at the bus stop 在附近: near.不远:not far 乘15路公车:by / take the No.15 bus 在五楼: on the fifth floor再见:see you 在两点钟: at two oclock 你呢?What/How about you? /And you? 今天早上/下午/晚上: this morning /afternoon / evening Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules.Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.every(每一个) + 单数名词 :every country the same (相同的) + 单数名词 :the same country different (不同的) + 复数名词: different countries 让我想想。Let me see.on the left side of (在左边) on the right side of (在.右边) 问路的三种方法: Excuse me, where is .? = Excuse me, how can I get to Excuse me, can you tell me the way to.?Unit 1短语及句型小结一)by + 交通工具 (放在句子末尾) take + a / the + 交通工具(放在句中)by bus = take a bus by train = take a train by subway = take a subwayon foot = walk by ship = take a ship by taxi = take a taxiby plane = by air = take a plane = fly to by bike = ride a bike = on ones bike by car = drive a car = in ones car上学: go to school 上班: go to work 回家:go home 到家:get home到那/这里: get there / here (不接to) 到达学校: get to school 让我们: Lets 在迈克家:at Mikes home 在公共汽车站:at the bus stop 在附近: near.不远:not far 乘15路公车:by / take the No.15 bus 在五楼: on the fifth floor再见:see you 在两点钟: at two oclock 你呢?What/How about you? /And you? 今天早上/下午/晚上: this morning /afternoon / evening Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules.Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.every(每一个) + 单数名词 :every country the same (相同的) + 单数名词 :the same country different (不同的) + 复数名词: different countries 让我想想。Let me see.on the left side of (在左边) on the right side of (在.右边) 问路的三种方法: Excuse me, where is .? = Excuse me, how can I get to Excuse me, can you tell me the way to.?Unit 2短语及句型小结( A )在邮局附近:near the post office 在书店后面:behind the bookstore 在医院前面:in front of the hospital 在学校中间:in the middle of the school 在博物馆旁边:next to the museum 打扰一下:excuse me 离远:far from 转左/右:turn left / right 在电影院转左/右:turn left / right at the cinema 鞋店:shoe store 在动物园上车:get on at the zoo 在公园下车:get off at the park 一双/一对:a pair of 首先,第一:first 然后: then 直走三分钟:go / walk straight for three minutes 在左/右边:on the left / right1. Where is the bookstore, please? Its next to the school. (提问地方)2. Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. (某地有某物)3. Is it far from here? No, its not far.4. Thank you. You are welcome.5. I want to buy a new dress. (want to +动原)6. You can take the No.505 bus to the science museum. (can + 动原)7. The nature park is on the left. 固定搭配(on the left/right)8. What are you going to do after school?9. Lets go to the nature park. (Lets +动原)Unit 2短语及句型小结( B )转左:turn left 转右:turn right 直走:go / walk straight 寻找:look for 乘17路公车:by / take the No.17 bus 在东 / 西 / 南 /北方:east / west / south / north of. 向东走五分钟:Walk east for five minutes. 在上午十点:at 10:00 a.m 在下午三点:at 3:00 p.m 在星期六:on Saturday 在星期天早上:on Sunday morning 在2012年:in 2012 在10月1日:on October 1st in+季节:in spring/summer/fall/winter在早上/下午/晚上:in the morning/ afternoon/ evening1.谢谢你们的到来。 Thank you for coming. (Thank you for + 动词ing)2.祝他生日快乐。 Happy birthday to him. (to+宾格)3.请来我的十二岁生日派对。 Please come to my twelfth birthday party. 4.让我告诉你怎样来。 Let me tell you how to come.5.从公共汽车站出发。 Start from the bus stop.6.请在交通灯处转右。 Turn right at the traffic lights.Unit 3 短语及句型小结(A)下周 : next week 下周末: next weekend 这个周末: this weekend 下周六: next Saturday 在国庆节: on the National Day今天上午/下午/晚上: this morning / afternoon / evening 周末计划: weekend plan 明天上午/下午/晚上: tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening去旅行: take a trip = have a trip = go on a trip 主题公园: theme park阅读杂志: read a magazine 去看电影: go to the cinema=see a film /movie长城: the Great Wall 做运动: do / play sports 看书: read books=read a book打扫房间: clean the room 看望外祖父母: visit grandparents 早/午/晚餐后: after breakfast/lunch/dinner 课后: after class 让我们一起去购物。 Lets go shopping. (go+动词ing)他将会有一个忙碌的周末。 He will/ is going to have a busy weekend.那将会很有趣! That will be fun.特殊疑问句:不能用Yes或No来回答的疑问句,即用特殊疑问词提问的疑问句。 特殊疑问词有:7个Wh 1个H What (提问事物/事情) Where (提问地方) When =What time (提问时间) Which (提问哪一个/位) Who (提问是谁) Whose (提问谁的) Why (提问为什么) How (提问方式)Unit 3 短语及句型小结(B)看报纸: read newspapers 看一些故事书: read some story books看电视: watch TV 明信片: post card 漫画书: comic book 鞋店: shoe store 水果摊: fruit stand 宠物商店: pet shop 植物商店: plant shop种树: plant trees 买一本关于植物的杂志: buy a magazine about plants买一本关于宠物的书: buy a book about pets 在将来: in the future有一天: one day 10年后: in ten years time 这个寒假:this winter holiday一位美术老师: an art teacher 想成为.: want to be 让我想想。Let me see.学习游泳: learn swimming/ learn to swim 学习怎样唱歌: learn how to sing 游泳池: swimming pool 太好了: Thats great!1. 我能帮你吗?是的,我想买双鞋给我儿子。Can I help you? Yes, I want to buy a pair of shoes for my son.Unit 4 短语及句型小结(A)骑自行车: ride a bike 拉小提琴: play the violin 制作风筝: make kites集邮: collect stamps 听音乐: listen to music 唱歌和跳舞: sing and dance 下棋: play chess 踢足球:play football 打篮球:play basketball画画: draw pictures 写信: write a letter 写电子邮件: write an e-mail电视台记者: TV reporter 风筝/画/自行车展: kite / picture / bike show看起来相像: look the same 笔友: pen pal 1. 你妈妈的爱好是什么?(两种译法) (hobby + 动词ing)What is your mothers hobby? = What does your mother like?她的爱好是弹钢琴。(三种译法)Her hobby is playing the piano. = She likes playing the piano.= Playing the piano is her hobby.2. 他很高兴有一位新朋友。 He is happy to have a new friend.3. 香港肯定很有趣。Hong Kong must be fun.4. 我没有叔叔或阿姨。I dont have any uncles or aunts. = I dont have an uncle or aunt.5. 请告诉我一些关于你的家人。Please tell me something about your family.Unit 4 短语及句型小结(B)教英语/数学: teach English/ math 每天/年/月: every day /year /month住在英国: live in England 回家: go home 上床睡觉: go to bed在晚上: in the evening 在公园玩: play at the park走路上学: go to school on foot 骑车上班: go to work by bike与不同: be different from 在电视上: on TV 看卡通片: watch cartoons给他写电子邮件: write an e-mail to him 1. 去购物怎样? What about going shopping? (What about + 动词ing)2. 你的爷爷住在乡下吗? 不,他住在城市。Does your grandpa live in the village? No, he lives in the city.3. 他在一所医院工作,他开车上班。He works in a hospital, he goes to work by car.4. 妈妈是个护士, 她坐地铁上班。Mom is a nurse, she goes to work by subway.5. 艾米说她的家人很快要来中国了。Amy says her family is coming to China soon.Unit 5 短语及句型小结(A)教课/老师: teach lessons / teacher 打扫街道/清洁工:clean streets / cleaner画画/画家: draw pictures / artist 唱歌/歌手: sing songs / singer 跳舞/舞蹈员: dance/ dancer 开车/司机: drive cars / driver 写故事/作家: write stories / writer 帮助病人/医生: help sick people / doctor努力工作: work hard 努力学习: study hard 一间空调公司: an air - conditioner company 在北京工作: work in Beijing一位男演员/女演员/画家: an actor / actress / artist 在电视上: on TV1.Amy 的爸爸是干什么的?(三种译法)What is Amys father? = What does Amy s father do? = What is Amys fathers job?他是一名电视台记者。He is a TV reporter.2.她是谁?她是我的表姐。Whos she? She is my cousin.3.你妈妈在哪里上班?她在一家鞋厂上班。Where does your mother work? She works in a shoe factory.4.你的叔叔是怎样去香港的?他坐船去。How does your uncle go to Hong Kong? He goes by ship.5.他为我的阿姨写电视节目。He writes the TV show for my aunt.Unit 5 短语及句型小结(B)卖东西/销售员: sell things / salesperson 一位邮递员: a mailman设计汽车: design cars 一位工程师/会计: an engineer/accountant一位阿姨/叔叔: an aunt / uncle 在一间公司上班: work in a company在一家银行工作: work in a bank 步行回家: walk home 步行到这里/那里: walk here / there 开摩托车上班: go to work by motor cycle 为警方工作: work for the police或者或者: eitheror 教我跳舞: teach me to dance1. 你的哥哥在哪工作?他在超市工作。Where does your brother work? He works in a supermarket.2. 他经常帮银行更好地理财。He often helps the bank use their money well.3. 迈克喜欢与数字打交道。Mike likes working with numbers.4. 她经常给游客带路。She often helps tourists find their way.Unit 6 短语及句型小结(A)风/有风的: wind / windy 雨/下雨的: rain / rainy 云/多云的: cloud / cloudy 雪/下雪的: snow / snowy 太阳/晴朗的: sun / sunny月亮: moon 星星: star 湖泊: lake 树: tree 花: flower 草: grass小水珠: Little Water Drop 在小河里: in the river 醒来: wake up来自: come from 可能: may be 感到热/暖: feel hot / warm 在天空里: in the sky 落下: fall down 落到河里: fall down into a river越来越高: higher and higher 变成一片云:become a cloud 露出;出现: come out 再见: see you= goodbye=bye 一个阳光灿烂的日子: a sunny day 上升:go up 下降: fall down 一些他的朋友: some of his friends 1.很高兴再次见到你。Nice to meet you again.2.我们如何节约用水。How do we save water.3.然后我们该怎么做。What should we do then?4.你在图片上看见什么What can you see in the picture?5.不能浪费水。Dont waste water.Unit 6 短语及句型小结(B)首先: first 然后: then 挖土: dig the soil 经常浇水: Add water often.几天后: in several days 确保: make sure 加油: come on 一瓶水: a bottle of water 两片绿叶: two green leaves 三个月大: three months old 许多: many(可数名词) much (不可数名词) a lot of = lots of (可数、不可数名词)1. 把种子放进花盆里。 Put the seeds in the pot.2. 把花盆放在太阳下。 Put the pot in the sun.3. 等待发芽。 Wait for a sprout.4. 等待它生长。 Wait for it to grow.5. 你怎样种树/花? How do you plant trees/ flowers?6. 我等不及了。 I can hardly wait. = I cant wait.7. 你多久会去看一次电影? How often do you go to the cinema? 每周一次/ 两次。Once a week. / Twice a week.


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