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浙 江 广 播 电 视 大 学英语专业(开放本科)翻译理论与实践期末复习题型:一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)二、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共30分)三、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分)四、案例分析题(每小题10分,共10分)一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.美国语言学家罗曼.雅各布森把翻译分成_。A. 语内翻译 B. 语际翻译C. 符际翻译 D. 以上选项都正确2. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_。A. dry goods:纺织品 Bwhite goods:白色的货物Cwhite wine:白葡萄酒 Dtoilet water:花露水3. “This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts” 请问下面哪个译文最合适?_。A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。4下面哪句话的描述是错误的?_。A美国著名翻译理论家奈达提出了“动态对等”原则。B“动态对等”原则是指,运用交际理论和信息论的原理,将焦点从传统的译文与原文两个文本的比较转移到两个过程的比较,使人们注意到影响信息接收的各种语言和文化因素。C奈达曾将“动态对等”的提法改成了“功能对等”原则。D翻译求的是“形式对等”,而非”动态对等”。5 _提出了“美化之艺术,创优似竞赛”的翻译理念。A尤金.奈达 B 泰特勒C许渊冲 D鲁迅6. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_。A赤脚医生:barefoot doctor B纸老虎:paper tigerCto show ones cards:摊牌 D大海捞针:look for a needle in seaD B C D C D7.哪句话的描述是正确的?_。A. 严复提出的翻译是:重神似不重形似 B. 傅雷的翻译标准是:信、达、雅C. 许渊冲的翻译标准是:美化之艺术,创优似竞赛 D. 泰特勒的翻译标准是:通顺8. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_。A. dry State:实行禁酒的州 Bwhite goods:白色的货物Cdry white wine:涩白酒 Dtoilet water:花露水9. 泰特勒(Tytler)提出的著名翻译原则是:_。A. 译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容。B. 译文的风格、笔调应与原文的性质相同。C. 译文应像原文一样流畅自然。D. 以上选项都正确。10下面哪个选项是正确的?_。Abring down the house 翻译为:“推倒房子”Bpull up ones socks 翻译为:鼓起勇气Cthink a great deal of oneself 翻译为:“为自己想得很多”Dan apple of love 翻译为:“爱情之果”11A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.下面哪个译文是最合适的?_。A一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。 B 一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠纸。C一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠废纸。D闲置之书只是一叠废纸。12. 下面哪个译文是错误的?_。AThis is the last place where I expected to meet you. 译文:我最后在这里见到你。 BWe are sorry about the delay in sending you the revised specifications. 译文:迟迟未告你方修正规格,甚歉。CWe regret to learn that you have failed in obtaining the licence. 译文:得知你方未能获得许可证,深表遗憾。DOwing to the absence of any news from you, we have sold the goods elsewhere. 译文:由于没有得到你方任何休息,我们已将该货另售别处。C B D B D A13. 关于英汉语篇差异,下面哪个选项是错误的?_。A. 英汉语分别呈现螺旋式与直线形的特征,这从根本上讲是中西方各自重综合与重分析的思维习惯的体现。B. 在语言构思方式和语言组织方式上,英语呈现形合特征。C. 英汉语篇的差异还体现在两种语言在思维还存在客体意识和主体意识的差别。 D. 英汉语篇的基本差异有内在的思维和外在的衔接与连贯两个方面,内外相合影响,又相互独立。14. 傅雷的翻译标准是:_。A. 重形似而不重神似 B美化之艺术,创优似竞赛C. 重神似不重形似 D动态对等15. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_。A. 这衣服将很快晒干。译文:The clothes will soon dry out in the sun.B. 夏收以后,有些农民在公路上晒粮食。译文:After the summer harvest, some farmers spread their grains on the highway and have them dried out in the sun.C. 你把客人晒在一边是不礼貌的。译文:It is impolite for you to ignore your guests.D. 我的皮肤晒得比你黑。译文:My skin has become blacker than yours.16 “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. 译文:“来啦!”她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。请问这个译文是用了什么翻译技巧?A反面着笔 B增词法C减词法 D词类转换17 “Joan can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.”可以翻译成:_。A. 约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。 B. 约翰为人可靠,他一向不吃鱼,而且经常玩游戏。 C. 约翰被人依靠,他不吃鱼,玩游戏。 D. 约翰依靠别人,他很忠诚,不喜欢玩游戏。18. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_。AHe got all the credit for the discovery. 译文:他由于这项发现而获得各种荣誉。 BThe availability of cheap long-term credit would help small businesses. 译文:低息长期贷款可以扶持小型企业。CHow much do I have to my credit? 译文:我们的荣誉有多少呢? DThey have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China, London. 译文:他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关的信用证。A C D D A C19. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_。A. 上车后请刷卡。译文:Please brush your card when you get on the bus.B. 她刷掉她上衣的灰尘。译文:She brushed the dust off her coat.C. 他往蛋糕上刷黄油。译文:He brushed the cakes with butter.D. 我把桌子刷成白色。译文:I washed the table with white.20. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_。A. 价美物廉。 译文:fine and cheapB. 我们已按很低的价格向你们报盘。译文:We have made you an offer at a very competitive price.C. 请报体温表最低价。译文:Please make us your lowest quotation for Clinical Thermometer.D. 对我们的业务建议如有兴趣,请寄样品,并告最惠条款。 译文:If you feel interest in our business proposal, please send us the samples together with your best terms and conditions.21. All the multilateral arrangements need to be examined for clauses that restrict the free trade. 译文:对于所有各种多边安排都必须加以审查,以便研讨其中有无限制自由贸易的条款。请问译文用了什么翻译技巧?_。A. 省略法 B. 增词法C. 词类转换 D. 反面着笔22翻译较长的句子,_。A英语主要考虑如何突出重点 B. 汉语主要考虑如何避免重复C. 英语主要考虑时间顺序 D. 汉语主要考虑多用主从结构23 “The firm was closed owing to large losses.” 请问下面哪个译文最合适?_。A. 这个公司由于损失很大而倒闭。B. 这家公司由于巨大亏损而倒闭。C. 该公司因巨额亏损而倒闭。D. 这家公司因为损失太大所以倒闭了。 24. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_。A. This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 译文:这是我想碰到你的最后的地方。B. 供不应求。译文:Demand exceeds supply.C. We regret to learn that you have failed in obtaining the license. 译文:得知你方未能获得许可证,深表遗憾。D. If you find our terms and conditions agreeable, please cable us your order for our confirmation. 译文:对我方条款如无异议,请即来电订货,以便我方确认。A A B A C A二、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共30分)1The application of plastics in automobile industry has brought about great increase of the consumption. (请用增词法翻译)塑料在汽车工业上的使用大大增加了塑料的消费量。2We have an interest for your athletic goods. (请注意词义引申)我们有一个买主愿购你们的体育用品。3. This contract is binding subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions。(请注意be subject to 翻译特点)本合同须满足下列条件方始生效。4. 新的价格表将自(在)6月1日始生效。(请注意契约语言的特点)The new pricelist will become effective from (on) June 1.5. 她负责安排生产,以确保如期完成订单。(请注意涉外文书词语特点)She is responsible for making sure orders are processed on time.6. 我们希望产品的图案和色彩能照顾到欧洲人的心理。(请注意中西方思维和文化的差异)We hope that the design and color of the products would suit the European taste.16Prof. Zhang gave an impressive speech to a receptive audience. (请注意划线部分的翻译)张教授做了一次生动的讲演,听众听了以后深受感动。17. How could a great paper like the Washington Post, full of brilliant editors, get so involved in its own conceit and arrogance as to pursue a story which its own staff was saying was fabricated from the beginning? (注意英语长句的翻译)“像华盛顿邮报这样一家拥有许多出色编辑的大报,为何自以为是和高傲自大到如此地步,竟然追求一篇连自己编辑部的人员从一开始也认为是虚构的报道?”18. 当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济,提高人们生活水平。Our primary task at present is to develop national economy and improve the standards of living.19. 方案一公布,大家就七嘴八舌地议论开了。(请注意用意译法来翻译)Publication of the draft plan touched off a lively discussion with everybody eager to put in a word.20The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterdays election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House. (请注意英语长句的翻译)在一次记者招待会上,问题集中于头一天的选举结果,总统就此发了言。他说他不能够解释为什么共和党遭到了这样大的失败。这种情况最终会使共和党失去在众议院中长期享有的优势。21Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrongdoings. (请用词类转换法翻译)在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了儿子过去做的错事。22They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match. (请注意颜色词在中英文中的差异)球赛踢输了,他们感到有些沮丧。23The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanation. (请用反面着笔法翻译)虽经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。24In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them. (请注意中西方文化的差异)在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。25Parents or guardians may avoid liability for their childrens crimes if they can satisfy the court that they have done everything they can to prevent it. (请注意契约语言的特点)孩子的父母或监护人,只要能向法庭证明,他们已采取一切必要措施防止其孩子或被监护人犯罪,可免除承担其孩子或被监护人犯罪的法律责任。11It was another one of those Catch-22 situations: you are damned if you do, youre damned if you dont.这真是又一个左右为难的尴尬局面,做也倒霉,不做也倒霉。12For a trademark that has not been determined as famous, the applicant shall not file another application for the same trademark on the basis of the same facts and reasons within one year as of the decision is made. (注意:这是法律英语,注意措词的严谨性。)未被认定为驰名商标的,自认定结果作出之日起一年内,当事人不得以同一商标就相同事实和理由再次提出认定请求。13This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder. (注意契约语言的庄重性)本合同自买方和建造方签约之日生效。14We are not completely satisfied with your manner of doing business. (请运用反面着笔技巧翻译) 贵方做生意的态度有待改进。15Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity. No household can get on without it, for it is used in cooking. Perfumes may be made from the oils of certain flowers. Soaps are made from vegetable and animal oils. (请注意英语与汉语的句式差异)植物油自古以来就为人们所熟悉。任何家庭都离不开它,因为做饭的时候就要用它。有些花儿产生的油可以用来制造香水。植物油和动物油还可以用来制作肥皂。三、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分)President Barack Obamas statement on the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs:Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was among the greatest of American innovators brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world and talented enough to do it.By building one of the planets most successful companies from his garage, he exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity.惊闻史蒂夫乔布斯去世的消息,米歇尔(奥巴马夫人)和我都倍感悲痛。史蒂夫是美国历史上最伟大的创新者之一,他勇于与众不同地思考问题,敢于相信他可以改变世界,他的天赋和才华也使他做到这点。他在车库里建立了这个星球上最成功的公司之一,充分体现了美国人的创造力。Fish do drink water, but how they consume it depends on where they live. Water gets into a fishs body throughosmosis, the process in which water diffuses from a higher to a lower concentration.For example, if there is more water outside of a cell than inside, water will try to flow into the cell until there is the same concentration of water on either side of the cellsmembrane. The body of a fish acts the same way, either absorbing or losing water depending on its surroundings.Whether a fish absorbs or loses water is based on the fact that all fish must maintain a certain amount of salt in their bodies to stay healthy. Fish that live in fresh water have a higher concentration of salt in their bodies than the surrounding water.鱼儿确实喝水,但它们怎样喝水却取决于其生存的环境。水通过渗透作用进入鱼儿的身体,在这一过程中,水从高浓度的地方扩散至低浓度的地方。比方说,如果细胞外的水多于细胞内,水就会流入细胞内,直到细胞膜内外的浓度相同。鱼儿的身体与细胞一样,吸水还是失水取决于它生存的环境。不管鱼儿吸水还是失水,事实上,所有的鱼要想保持健康其体内就必须维持一定量的盐分。淡水鱼体内盐的浓度要高于周围的水。Cover applies to the person(s) named on this certificate of insurance and for whom a premium has been paid. Important -please refer particularly to the Conditions (on page 30), Warranty (page 11) and the reference to the material facts at Condition 11(page 30), as failure to comply with them could affect a claim.本保险适用于本保险凭证所指定付讫保费的被保险人。重要事项:请仔细阅读“条款”(第30页),“保证声明”(第11页)和“条款”第11项(第30页)有关“重要事实”的约定,若未能遵守以上规定,将影响索赔。If leadership, at its most basic, consists of getting things done through others, then persuasion is one of the leaders essential tools. Many executives have assumed that this tool is beyond their grasp, available only to the charismatic and the eloquent. Over the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to concede, comply, or change. Their research shows that persuasion is governed by several principles that can be taught and applied. The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar to them than someone who is not. Wise managers, then, enlist peers to help make their cases.如果当领导说到底就是让别人做事,那么说服便是领导者极为重要的方法之一。很多经理人都曾认为自己学不会这种方法,只有那些具有魅力和口才的人才能够驾驭它。然而,通过过去几十年的研究,试验心理学家掌握了能够使他人让步、服从或改变的可靠方法。他们的研究表明,说服是有原理可循的,而这些原理人们是可以学会应用的。首先,人们更愿意服从和自己有相同之处的人。因此,明智的经理会选择同龄人与自己共事。四、案例分析题(每小题10分,共10分)

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