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八年级英语期末复习练习翻译句子翻译下列句子 1一场可怕的台风袭击那个小镇。 2我担心他们不会来帮助我们。 3他将和我分担费用。 7.我父亲既不喜欢做饭也不喜欢搞卫生。 My father doesnt like . 8.农民们还需要二十个学生帮他们摘苹果。 The farmers need . 9.我弟弟七岁时开始学骑自行车。 My brother . when he was seven years old. 11. 因秋天到了树叶变黄了,白天变短了,夜晚变长了。 As autumn has come, the trees the days and the nights. . 12.医生告诉这位老人多做运动,保持身体健康。 The doctor told the old man . 13. 除了玩游戏他昨天没干别的。 He did yesterday.14那条粉色的长裙非常适合她。16我们都很愿意参加这次运动会。(be willing to)17.整天做练习很枯燥。(boring)18.当我想起我的小狗的死,它使我很伤心。19你是如此慷慨,我可以弄点喝的吗?22他很有幽默感。23他感觉更加(even)糟糕了。24当她长大了,她想成为一名教师。 25汤姆太小了,不能独自一个人出去。 26我们学英语也学汉语。(as well) 27. 请在课堂内外练习讲英语。(practise doing something) 28.现在到了孩子们该睡觉的时候了。 29那位穿黄裙子的小姑娘一定是凯特。31学好英语很重要。(important)32.这个孩子很快就会讲话了。(be able to)33.今天完成这项工作是不可能的。34他花了两小时完成作业。 35该起床了。快点,否则要迟到了。 37长江比中国任何其它河流都要长。 38这套房子属于他。 39我和他同岁。 43我们对伦敦的名胜感到无比惊奇。 44开始的时候,他发现英语很难。 45我们应该鼓励孩子们保护动物(encourage.to do) 46. 大熊猫处于危险之中 47大熊猫在野外生存很困难。 48在开始的时候熊猫妈妈照顾小宝宝。 49大熊猫每天花大量的时间进食 51它们的数量变得越来越小了。 52 如果农民继续占用田地,动物们将无处可住 53老虎非常擅长猎获其它小动物。54上海是世界上最大的城市之一。55一些鸟在寒冷的天气来临前飞往南方过冬。56有些人捕捉老虎为了取它们的骨头和毛皮。57 越来越多的濒危动物受到政府的保护。58 我希望我的报告将帮助人们理解英语学习的重要性。59 我们应当保持教室干净。We should 61我将一直等到你回来。 I am going to you back. 62、你吃的越多,你的身体就会越不健康。The you eat , you will be。 62、由于污染,我们的城市变得越来越不美丽了。 参考答案1A terrible typhoon hit that little town.2. I am worried that they will not come to help us. 3. he will share the cost with me. 4. she could do nothing but cry.5.she searched many shops for a present for her father.6You must go back and turn right at the fourth crossing.7 my father doesnt like cooking or cleaning.8the farmers need twenty more students to pick apples for them.9my brother learned to ride a bike when he was seven.10his temperatuare is the same as a usual mans.11 As autamn has come, the trees are turning yellow, the days are getting shorter and the nights longer.12the doctor told the old man to exercise more and to keep healthy.13he did nothing but play computer games yesterday. 14That pink dress suits her very well. 15Jims grandpa has alreadly been dead for three years.16we are willing to attend the sports meet(meeting).17doing exercise all the day is very boring.18when I thinks of the death of my little dog. I feel sad at it. 19You are so kind. Could I have some drink?20I have been good friends for ages. 21 she is always getting ready for helping others. 22he has a good sense of humour. 23he feels even worse.24she wants to become a teacher when she grows up.25Tom is too young to go out by himself.26. we learn English as well as Chinese.27please practice speaking English in and out of class.28 its time for the children to go to bed 29the girl in a yellow skirt must be kate.30I never ask for a leave this year. 31its very important to learn English well.32the child is able to speak soon. 33its impossible to finish the work today.34he spent two hours in finishing his homework.35its time to get up . be quick, or you will be late.36Im doing my homework, there is no time to talk to you.37Chang jiang River is longer than any other one in china.38the house belongs to him .39I am the same age as he.40The park is interesting, everyone is excited.41 my deskmate invited me to his birthday party.42Everyone felt very sick.43we felt very amazed at places of interest in London.44At first, he found English difficult to learn.45We should encourage children to protect animals 46pandas are in danger 47its quite difficult for pandas to live in the wild .48mother pandas look after their babies in the beginning. 49Pandas spend a lot of time eating 50 when a baby panda was born , it looked like a little mouse 51 their number is getting less and less.52 if farmers keep taking the land , animals will have nowhere to live in.53tigers are good at hunting other small animals.54Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world 55some birds fly to the south for winter before the cold weather comes. 56some people hunt tigers for their bones and fur. 57more and more endangered animals are under state protection. 58I hope my report will help people understand the importance of English study. 59keep the classroom clean 60ten kilometers away from 61wait until / till, come 62 all the seasons. Best. 63welcome back to


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