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五年级英语学科(上)第一单元形成性测试参赛试卷 (一)听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(此题读两遍)(10分) 1、( )Amother B.mouth 2、( )A.farm B.from 3、( )A.Mrs. B.Miss 4、( )A.cousin B.uncle 5、( )A.glass B.glasses二、听录音,补全单词。(此题读两遍)(10分) 1、_ther 2、grand_ 3、_ter 4、_ther 5、_ter 三、听录音,根据你所听到的问题选出相应的答语。(此题读两遍)(10分) ( )1、A.She is fifteen years old. B.He is fifty years old. ( )2、A.Her hair is blond. B.His hair is blond. ( )3、A.He is a bus driver. B.He is driving a bus. ( )4、A.Only one. B.Two. ( )5、A.They like to play cards. B.They are farmers.四、听录音,将短文补充完整。(此题读两遍)(10分) There are_1_people in my family.My father is a_2_,he works in a bus.My mother is a teacher,she works in a_3_.I have a_4_and a _5_,we are students.(二)笔试部分(60分)五、按要求写出相应的单词。(10分)black(对应词)_ short(比较级)_my(人称代词)_ sun(同音词)_little(近义词)_六、单选题。(20分) ( )1. _is Bob?A.How old B.How much C. How many D.How long ( )2.Peter is older_Lucy. A.and B.then C.than D.or( )3.I have a sister_Sherly. A.name B.is C.named D.names ( )4.He works in a store.He is a_. A. cashier B.waitress C.teacher D.driver ( )5.My father is my grandfathers_. A. uncle B.brother C.father D.son( )6.My uncle is_than his son. A.older B. younger C.smaller D.shorter ( )7.What do you like _? A.to do B.do C.does D.did ( )8.My hair is black,my eyes are black,_. A.to B.two C.too D.either ( )9.My father goes to work_his bike.A.by B.on C.to D.with( )10.His mother and father like to go_a walk.A.to B.of C.at D.for七、连线。(10分)1. by bike A.乘公共汽车2. go for a walk B.骑自行车3. play checkers C.下围棋4. watch a movie D.去散步5.take a bus E.看电影八、用所给单词连成完整的一句话。(10分) 1、What, do, like, to, you, do_? 2、has, grandfather, gray, My, hair_. 3、they, do, go, to, How, work _? 4、does, do, What, she _? 5、am, younger, I, my, than, brother. _. 九、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分) I am Jucy.I am ten years old. My father has straight and black Hair.He is a doctor.My mother wears glasses.She is younger than my Father.Her hair is curly and blond,we are the same.She is a nurse. 1、Jucys family has four people. ( ) 2、Jucys mother is taller than her father. ( ) 3、Jucy has curly and blond hair. ( ) 4、Jucy is a nurse. ( ) 5、Her father and mother wears glasses. ( )


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