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新目标七年级(下)同步训练与检测Unit2 Wheres the post office? 词汇一学就会【例1】根据句意和首字母完成单词1. If you want to send a letter, you must go to the p_ o_.2. There is a s_ near here, and we often go there to buy everything.3. We often get money from the b_.4. I am very h_. I would like something to eat.5. The hospital is b_ our school and the bookshop.6. Is there a garden in your n_?点拨:1. 邮信要到“邮局”,这是生活常识。2. “商店”是可以买东西的地方。以s开头的词,可以用shop或supermarket.3. getfrom“从得到”,根据题意可知是从“银行”里取钱。4. 饿了就想吃东西。5 . betweenand“在之间”6. In your neighborhood“在你家附近”。答案:1. post office 2. shop/supermarket 3. bank 4. hungry 5. between 6. neighborhood【例2】Wall Street is a busy _. A. airport B. street C. district D. video arcade 点拨:(纽约的)华尔街是一条繁华的街道。依题干语境提示。答案是B。【例3】 People wait for a train at a _. A. avenue B. police station C. station D. post office点拨:人们通常在车站等火车。根据常识。答案是C。【例4】 You must be careful when you are walking _ the street.A. overB. across C. through D. at点拨:over指在(某物的上部)通过;through指在某一空间(纵向)穿过,across指(横向)穿过。答案是B。【例5】 John _ in London at six today. A. comes B. reaches C. arrives D. gets点拨:通常arrive后面的介词in用于大城市,at用于小城镇、飞机场、车站。reach为及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语。get to有“到达”之意。答案是C。【例6】 用所给单词的反义词填空。1. The supermarket is on the _ of the street. (right)2. They are doing their homework in the _classroom. (noisy)3. Next to the hotel is a _ house with an interesting garden. (big)4. Go _ this street and you can find the shop. ( up)5. My English book is very _. (old)点拨:1. right为名词,意思为“右边”,其反义词为left。2. noisy为形容词,意思为“喧闹的,嘈杂的”,其反义词为quiet。3. big为形容词,意思为“大的”,反义词为small。4. up为副词,其反义词为down。5. old为形容词,其反义词为new或young。根据句子的意思,应用new。答案:1. left 2. quiet 3. small 4. down 5. new词汇同步练习 班级_ 姓名_. 单词拼写1. The store is on Fifth A_.2. -Is there a park in the n_? Yes. Its over there.3. Take t_ to ask and answer questions.4. Is the boy on your left or on your r_?5. The water in the river is very d_. We cant drink it.6. Look at the new b_ over the river. A taxi is running fast on it.7. There are many flowers in the g_. 8. He is sitting on a b_. 选词填空。 1. road/ street/ way There are many shops in the _. I ask the old man the _ to the station. The car is running along the _.2. between/ amongThere is a river _ the two villages.The teacher is sitting _ the students.3. say/ tell/ speakI can _ it in English._ him to give me some chalk.Dont _ in class.4. must/ have to-_ I finish the work now? - No, you neednt.You dont _ worry about his study. 5. across/over/throughIts fun to walk _ the avenue of the park.Please be careful when you go _ the busy street. There is a new bridge _ the river.用所给的形容词填空。 busy, small, big, interesting, clean, quite Our school is in a _1_ town. You cant find it on the map. In our school there is an _2_ garden. In the middle of the garden there is a _3_ apple tree. After class the _4_ students often have a rest under it. Near the garden there is a library. You can read the books in the reading room. But you must be _5_ in it and keep the room _6_. . 英汉互译1. 在中心路 _ 2. 在图片里_ 3. 在邮局和图书馆之间_ 4. 向右转_ 5 不用谢_ 6. 轮流 _ 7. in the neighborhood_ 8. on ones left_ 9. go straight _ 10. take a walk _ 11. a busy street _ 12. across from the library_句型在我心中 【例1】 -Could you tell me how I can get to the office? -_. A. No, I couldnt tell you B. Im afraid I dont C. Sorry, you dont ask me D. Yes, of course点拨:Could you?表示问话的语气很委婉,回答时也要用客气,委婉的语气。A、B、C三项显得很生硬。答案为D。【例2】 -_? -Turn left and youll see it. A. Where can I go B. When can I get to the station C. Where is the shop D. Which bus can I take点拨:答语是在为对方指路,因此可知对方是在“打听去的路”。答案为C。【例3】-Excuse me, _? -Go straight and turn left. Its next to the library.A. how I can get to the shop B. could you tell me how can I get to the shopC. would you please show me the way to the shop D. do you know where is the shop点拨:答语是在为对方指路,对方问路要用问句的语序,A项为陈述语序;B、D两项中的宾语从句要用陈述语序。答案为C。【例4】_! I s there a bus-stop near here? A. Hello B. Sorry C. OK D. Excuse me点拨:Hello! 常用来向别人打招呼;Sorry是表示“歉意”或“遗憾”的用语;OK表示“同意”或“赞成”某意见或看法;Excuse me常用来表示因“打扰”别人而表示歉意。答案为D。【例5】 补全对话A: _1_ me. Is there a hospital _2_ here?B: _3_, walk _4_ this street and _5_ right. Then go along Seven Street _6_ you see a bank. You can see the hospital across _7_ the bank.A: How can I _8_ to the hospital?B: You can _9_ a taxi.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre _10_.点拨:本题是向别人问路(指路)的对话。第1空是打扰别人,应用Excuse;第2空,根据生活常识应是询问附近的医院,应填 near;第3空是对一般疑问句的肯定回答,用Yes;第47空是指路时常用的单词,“沿着街道走”应用介词along,“向右转”应用turn right,“直到才”用 until,“在对过”应用across from;第89空是固定词组,“到达”用 get to, “乘出租”是take a taxi;第10空是对别人道谢的回答,应用 Youre welcome。答案:1. Excuse 2. near 3. Yes 4. along 5. turn 6. until 7. from 8. get 9. take 10. welcome【例6】组成句子。1. hotel, neighborhood, the, a, in, there, is, ? _2.can, your, on, bench, enjoy, you, meal, in, a, the, park. _点拨:1. 定结构:in the neighborhood“在附近”;there is“有”; a hotel“一家宾馆”。定句型:由问号可知,这是一个疑问句。组装:Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?2. 定结构:enjoy your meal“有一次美餐”;on a bench“在长凳上”;in the park“在公园里”。定句型:由句号可知,这是一个陈述句。组装:You can enjoy your meal on a bench in the park.答案:1. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? 2. You can enjoy your meal on a bench in the park.句型同步练习 班级_ 姓名_. 选择填空( )1. Excuse me. Could you _ the station? A. tell me the way to B. tell me how to get toC. show me the way to D. A, B and C( )2. _. Wheres Lucy King?A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Excuse me D. Hello( )3. -Are you free next Saturday? -_. A. Yes, I do B. Id love to C. OK D. Yes, I think so.( )4. -Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?-Sorry, I dont know.-_.A. Thanks B. Thank you all the same C. Youre welcome D. Oh, Im sorry, too( )5. _ a No. 8 bus _ the right and get off _ the fourth stop.A. Take; on; at B. Take; in; in C. Take; on; in D. Taking; on; at. 补全对话。A: Excuse me, _1_ is the way to the Childrens Palace?B: _2_, I dont know. Youd _3_ ask that policeman.A: Excuse me, _4_ can I get to the Childrens Palace?C: Oh, go along Huanghe Street, and _5_ the second turning on your left. Then _6_ No. 3 bus and _7_ _8_ at the third stop. Youll see a white building _9_ the post office and the police station. You cant _10_ it.A: Thank you very much.C: You are welcome. 组成句子。(注意所给的标点符号)1. is, library, to, the, the, pay, next, phone,(.) _2. it, is, the, the, video, supermarket, between, arcade, and, (?)_3. your, where, library, is, school, (?)_4. tell, how, to, to, get, me, you, let, Hotel, Hemingway, (.) _5. questions, answer, ask, and, take, turns, to,(.) _. 句型转化1. The supermarket is across from the bank. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the supermarket.2. Is there a post office in the neighborhood? (作否定回答) _, _ _ _.3. Excuse me. Is there a hotel around here? (写出一个同义句) _能力提升 语法一点通 【例1】The students often _ their teachers _ help. A. asks; to B. ask; to C. ask; for D. asks; for点拨: askfor“向要”。主语为复数,谓语动词不能加s。答案为C。【例2】There is a big table _ my left hand side. A. in B. on C. at D. for点拨: 在左边、右边用介词on。答案为B。【例3】Who is sitting _ you? A. next to B. next C. near to D. in the front of点拨: next to“在附近”,“在隔壁”。答案为A。 【例4】There are many trees _ the river. A. on B. along C. in D. at the front of点拨: 树是沿着河岸的,应用along。答案为B。【例5】根据汉语完成英语句子。1. Seventh Street is a good place _. (玩得高兴)2. Let me _(帮助你) with your English.3. Do you know the restaurant _(被叫作)Heping?4. I dont tell him how _(到达) the hotel.5. He _ a farmer _ help. (正在请求)点拨:1.“玩得高兴”是动词词组,根据句意在此作定语修饰place,应用不定式。2. let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,let后面的不定式作宾补时,要省略to。3. called/ named“被叫作的”, 作定语。4. how to get to“怎样到达”5. ask for“向请求”。通过句意可知句子要用现在进行时,其结构为be + 现在分词。答案:1. to have fun 2. help you 3. called/named 4. to get to 5. is asking for【例6】按要求改写句子。1. Is there a video arcade?(同义句)_ the video arcade?2. The pay phone is across from the library.(改为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答)_ the pay phone across from the library?_, _ _.3. The post office is between a library and a school.(就划线部分提问)_ _ the post office?4. Close the door, please.(改为否定句)_ close the door, please.点拨1. 问路的表达法有:Where is ? Which is the way to ? How can I get to ? Could you tell me how I can get to ? Could you tell me how to get to? 等。2. 有系动词 be的句子在变为一般疑问句时要把be提到句首。3. 对作表语的地点提问时用where。4. 对祈使句的否定是在句首加dont。答案:1. Wheres 2. Is; Yes, it is 3. Where is 4. Dont语法专项练习 班级_ 姓名_. 选择填空。1. Is there a video arcade across _ the shop?A. at B. from C. to D. on2. The bank is next _ the supermarket. A. at B. from C. to D. on3. Do you often take _ walk with your parents after supper?A. the B. a C. / D. an4. Can you see a pay phone _ the right of Seven Street?A. to B. on C. between D. near5. We often have _ in the park.A. funs B. fun C. a fun D. the fun6. - _ is the pay phone? - Its on Center Street.A. When B. How C. What D. Where7. -Is there a pay phone in your neighborhood? -_. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. No, it isnt. D. No, there is. 根据汉语完成英语1. 一直往前走,直到第一个单行街。_ _ until you get to the first _ street.2. 他经常坐公共汽车去上学。He often _ a bus to go to school.3. 你居住的附近有超市吗?Is there a supermarket near _ _ _?4. 他们拥有一座带花园的大房子。They own a big house _ a garden.5. 附近有学校吗?Is there a school _ _ _? 6. 祝你旅途愉快!I hope you _ _ _ _. 7. 这是此次旅行的开始。 _ is the _ of this trip. 同义句转化 1. Excuse me! Where is the post office?Excuse me! Could you tell me _ _ get to the post office? 2. Is there a supermarket near here?Is there a supermarket _ here?Is there a supermarket _ _ _? 3. He often goes to school by taxi.He often _ _ _ to go to school. 4. You must pass three one- way streets. You _ _ pass three one- way streets. 5. You must arrive at the station at six oclock.You must _ _ the station at six oclock.创新冲刺单元目标检测题. 根据句意和所给首字母完成单词。(10分) 1. Take a walk t_ the park on Center Avenue. Its very fun.2. -Where is the library?-Go s_ until you see a market. Its across from the market.3. At the b_ of the class, we often sing a song.4. -Whats your e_ address? -Oh! Its shandong123126.com5. Its fun to make a t_ of China by bike in the holiday. You can see many places of interest.(名胜). 根据单词的释意,找出单词。(10分)( ) 1. bench A. a piece of land near a house, and there are many trees, flowers and vegetables in it.( ) 2. supermarket B. a road over a river for people to cross.( ) 3. bank C. a long seat.( ) 4. garden D. a place for keeping money.( ) 5. bridge E. a large shop where you can buy things. 英汉互译。(10分) 1. 单向街道 _ 2. take a taxi _ 3. 在对面 _ 4. betweenand _ 5. 散步 _ 6. in the neighborhood _ 7. 电子游戏中心 _ 8. on Jims right _ 9. 向右转 _ 10. have fun _. 单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. The green shirt _ the left looks very nice.A. to B. on C. in D. at( ) 2. The school is _ the post office.A. with B. next C. next to D. next at( ) 3. I want to live _ the neighborhood of Beijing.A. in B. of C. near D. on( ) 4. -Do you like _? -Yes, very much.A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. banana D. bananas( ) 5. Can you draw a map _ Michaels neighborhood in the box?A. from B. of C. at D. on( ) 6. -What time do you arrive _ Shanghai? -At ten oclock.A. at B. in C. from D. to( ) 7. -_ is the hotel? - Just go straight and turn right.A. How B. where C. Where D. What( ) 8. - Is there a park around here? - _. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt C. Yes, theres. D. No, there isnt.( ) 9. -Where is the supermarket? - _. A. Turn left and go along Center Street. B. Its on Center Street. C. Its between the video arcade and the library. D. A、B and C.( ) 10. -Excuse me! Is there a pay phone near here? - Yes. Just across from the library.- Thank you very much.- _.A. Youre welcome B. Not at all. C. Thats all right. D. A、B and C. 按要求变换句型。(10分)1. There is a pay phone near here. (变为一般疑问句) _ _ a pay phone near here?2. The reading room is next to the library. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the reading room.3. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. (变为否定句) The supermarket _ _ on Fifth Avenue.4. Do you like your work? (改为同义句) Do you _ your work?5. He wants to go to Beijing this week. (变为一般疑问句) _ he _ _ go to Beijing?. 下列各题均有一处错误,请指出并更正在题后的横线上。(10分)( ) 1. Where can I get to the hospital? _ A B C D( ) 2. Our Chinese teacher is standing to my left. _A B C D( ) 3. Does Steve wants to go to the movies? _ A B C D( ) 4. Nancy is writeing a letter at school. _ A B C D( ) 5. Let me tell you how to get in Hemingway Hotel. _ A B C D. 用所给的单词组成句子。(8分)1. e-mail, read, from, the, Mike, Please_2. until, wait for, have to, you, the, bus, five oclock_3. Seventh Street, busy, off, the, and, turn, enjoy, the, park, left_4. garden, interesting, an, bank, is, near, there, the, ? _. 完形填空。(10分) Two Englishmen are in Boston for a _1_. They want _2_ for a famous church, but they dont know how _3_ there. So they ask a man. “_4_. Is there_5_ church near here?” “ Yes. Go three main streets and _6_ left. _7_ your right you can find an interesting garden. Take a walk _8_ the garden and turn right. There is a bank on the left. _9_ from the bank you will see _10_ church.” ( )1. A. visitor B. visitors C. visit D. visits( )2. A. to find B. to look C. looking D. finding( )3. A. get B. to get C. getting D. getting( )4. A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Hello D. Hi( )5. A. an B. a C. the D. /( )6. A. to turn B. turn C. turns D. turning( )7. A. On B. To C. At D. From( )8. A. through B. in C. on D. across( )9. A. Through B. In C. On D. Across( )10. A. a B. an C. the D. /. 阅读理解。(12分) (A)阅读短文,填出图中各位同学的座次。(7分) 讲台 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mr. Hu usually stands near the teachers desk at the front of the classroom. The blackboard is behind him. Jim and Li Lei sit in the front row. Li Lei sits on Jims right. Han Mei sits in the second row. She sits behind Jim. Wei Hua is across from Han Mei. Lucy and Lily sit side by side in the middle of the classroom. They are in the third row. Lucy is on the left. Bill Smith sits in the back row. He says his eyes are very good, and he can see the blackboard easily.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _(B)阅读短文,回答问题。(5分)Mr. Smith likes walking very much. One day, he walks to a park. He walks 2 miles(英里) East; then 2 miles South. He then turns East again and walks 2 miles further(远). He now turns North and reaches the park after walking another 2 miles. How far is the park from his home? It is _.参考答案及解析词汇同步练习参考答案. 1. Avenue 2. neighborhood 3. turns 4. right 5. dirty 6. bridge 7. garden 8. bench. 1. street way road 2. between among 3. say tell speak 4. Must have to 5. through across over/across. small, interesting, big, busy, quiet, clean. 1. on Center Street 2. in the picture 3. between the post office and the library 4. turn right 5. Youre welcome/Thats all right/Its a pleasure 6. take turns 7. 在附近 8. 在某人的左边 9. 直走 10. 散步 11. 一条繁华的街道 12. 图书馆的对过句型同步练习参考答案. 1. D Could you 后面跟A、B、C项的句子都表示问路。 2. C 当打扰别人时往往用Excuse me。 3.D 4. B当问别人问题,而别人不知道时,还应该表示感谢。 5. A祈使句是以动词原形开头的;在左、右边用介词 on;stop“停车点”,前面用介词at。. 1. which问路的句型有Which is the way to?How can I get to?等。 2. Sorry别人问路时,不知道要说“对不起”。3. better had better do sth.“最好做某事” 4. how How can I get to?是一问路句型。 5. take take the second turning on your left即 turn left at the second crossing“在第二个路口向左拐” 6. take take a bus“坐公共汽车” 7-8 get off“下车” 9. between betweenand“在和中间” 10. miss “错过”. 1. The pay phone is next to the library.2. Is it between the video arcade and the supermarket?3. Where is the school library?4. Let me tell you how to get to Hemingway Hotel.5. Take turns to ask and answer questions. 1. Where is 2. No, there is not./Sorry. I dont know. 3. Excuse me. Wheres the nearest hotel?/Excuse me. Which is the way to the hotel?/Could you tell me how to get to the hotel?语法专项练习参考答案. 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B fun 是不可数名词,没有复数形式,have fun 是固定词组。 6. D 7. B . 1. Go straight; one-way 2. takes 3. where you live 4. with 5. in the neighborhood 6. have a good trip. 7. This; beginning . 1. how to 2. around; in the neighborhood 3. takes a taxi go by taxi意为take a taxi 。 4. have to 5. get to“到达” 可以说get to/ arrive in (at)。单元目标检测题参考答案. 1. through 2. straight 3. beginning 4. mail 5. tour. 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B. 1. one-way street 2. 乘出租 3. across from 4.在中间 5. take a walk 6. 附近7.video arcade 8. 在Jim的右边 9. turn right 10. 玩得高兴,过得愉快. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. D. 1. Is there 2. Where is 3. is not 4. enjoy 5. Does want to . 1. A wherehow 这是一句问路的句子。 2. C toon on ones left“在的左边”,是固定搭配。 3. B wantswant 这是一般现在时。句首用了助动词does,后面的谓语动词要用原形。 4. B writeingwriting write的现在分词要去掉e,再加ing。5. C into get to“到达”。. 1. Blue sky Hotel 2. right 3. left 4. right 5. between 6. and 7. across 8. from 9. Youre 10. welcome. 1. Please read the e-mail from Mike. 2. You have to wait for the bus until five oclock. 3. Turn left off the busy Seventh Street and enjoy the park. 4. Is there an interesting garden near the bank?. 1. C for a visit“参观、访问” 2. B want 后面用不定式作宾语,排除C、D,look for“寻找”,是固定词组,强调动作;find“找到”强调结果。3. B “疑问副词+不定式”可以作宾语。4. A 打扰别人时,要用Excuse me. 5. B church是可数名词的单数,又是在问路句型there be中出现,用不定冠词,church以辅音开头,用a。 6. B 这是祈使句,用动词原形。7. A在左(右)边用介词on。8. A穿过花园


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